Is there a difference between "Path planning" and "Pathfinding"? - algorithm

Doing some reseach about ("pathfinding"|"path planning") I've found many algorithm all basicly doing the same thing (finding a way from point A to point B with more or less constraints), and I couln't found any difference between pathfinding and path planning algorithms.
Is there a real difference between those two type of algorithm?

There's no real difference. Perhaps some researchers use the terms with different meanings in mind, but to most people I think they are interchangeable.

There are graph traversal algorithm to find a water, phone or sewer grids. This is different from finding a shortest path from a to b but this algorithm can be tweaked to find the grid. A simple example is a minimal spanning tree.

Pathfinding is finding the shortest path, path planning is mapping out the possible paths.
you need the letter to do the former


Shortest root using machine learning/AI

Assume that I have set of points scattered on the XY plane, and i have two points say start and end point any where in XY plane. I want to find the shortest path between start and end point without touching scattered points. The path has to maintain certain offset ( i.e assume path has some width ).
How to approach this kind of problems in programming, Are there any algorithms in machine learning.
So you need a greedy algorithm for the shortest path?
Try Dijsktra's Algorithm.
The shortest solution for the lowest price.
You can also consider the A* algorithm.
This finds the same solution as Dijkstra's algorithm, but often at a lower computational cost (which might be important in your case, since after the space discretization you might end up with a large grid).
This is because A* uses a heuristic to bias the search, so that it looks into more promising directions first (e.g. moving towards the target is in principle a good idea, so this is attempted first).
You can see some visualizations of A* running here and (side by side with Dijkstra's algorithm - thanks #Thrawn for the link), here.
This is not a machine learning problem but an optimization problem.
So you need a greedy algorithm for the shortest path
Indeed it could be solved this way but the challenge is to represent your grid as a graph...
For example, decomposing the grid in a n x n matrix. In your shortest path algorithm, a node is an element of your matrix (so you exclude the elements of the matrice that contains the scattered points) and the weight of the arcs are the distance.
However n must be small since shortest path algotithms are np-hard problems...
Maybe other algorithms exist for this specific problem but I'm not aware of.
Like others already stated: this is not a typical "Artificial Intelligence" problem. It is kind of a path planning problem.
There are different algorithms available. If your path doesn't neet to satisfy any constraints like .g. smoothness, you can use an A*-Algorithm with distance as heuristic.
You have to represent your XYZ-space as a Graph where each node has a coordinate. Further you need to take into account, that no nodes lie near the points you want to avoid.
If your path needs to satisfy constraints, this turns into a more complicated path planning problem where you could apply optimization or RRTs.

Suurballe's algorithm for k-best

I'm interesting in adapting Suurballe's algorithm to find the best K paths from a source to destination instead of just the two best. I think people do it all the time but I've been searching for hours and can't find a paper that explains it clearly. There's a reference to a paper on the Suurballe's wikipedia page that talks about it, but it gives no detail on the extension past the first two (how the graph is modified and results merged, etc.). Incidentally, I'm actually working on the vertex-disjoint problem, not the edge disjoint problem spelled out on wikipedia.
My concise question: How do you extend Suurballe's algorithm beyond two paths?
In the literature this is called the successive shortest paths problem, and it works in essentially the same way, just repeated. You modify each discovered path's weights in the same way as you modified the first.
The Suurballe algorithm is for finding the two edge-disjoint paths with minimum total length. The Suurballe algorithm can't be extended to more then two edges.
The k-shortest path problem is a different problem. Here the shortest paths are

Fastest path to walk over all given nodes

I'm coding a simple game and currently doing the AI part. NPC gets a list of his 'interest points' which he needs to visit. Each point has a coordinate on the map. I need to find a fastest path for the character to visit all of the given points.
As far as I understand it, the task could be described as 'finding fastest traverse path in a strongly connected weighted undirected graph'.
I'd like to get either the name of some algorithm to calculate that or if there is no name - some keypoints on programming it myself.
Thanks in advance.
This is very similar to the Travelling Salesman problem, although I'm not going to try to prove equivalency offhand. The TSP is NP-complete, which means that solving the problem exactly may be impractical, depending on the number of interest points. There are approximation algorithms that you may find more useful.
See previous post regarding tree traversals:
Tree traversal algorithm for directory structures with a lot of files
I would use algorithm like: ant algorithm.
Not directly on point but what I did in an MMO emulator was to store waypoint indices along with the rest of the pathing data. If your requirement is to demonstrate solutions to TSP then ignore this. If not, it's worth consideration IMO.
In my case it was the best solution as otherwise the server could have potentially hundreds of mobs (re)spawning and along with all the other AI logic, would have to burn cycles computing route logic.

search of the K-first short paths algorithm

I have found many algorithms and approaches that talk about finding the shortest path or the best/optimal solution to a problem. However, what I want to do is an algorithm that finds the first K-shortest paths from one point to another. The problem I'm facing is more like searching through a tree, when in each step you take there are multiple options each one with its weight. What kinds of algorithms are used to face this kind of problems?
There is the 2006 paper by Jose Santos
comparing three different K-shortest path finding algorithms.
Yen's algorithm implementation:
Easier algorithm & discussion:
Suggestions for KSPA on undirected graph
EDIT: apparently I clicked on a link, because I thought I was answering to a new question; ignore this if - as is very likely - this question isn't important to you anymore.
Given the restricted version of the problem you're dealing with, this becomes a lot simpler to implement. The most important thing to notice is that in trees, shortest paths are the only paths between two nodes. So what you do is solve all pairs shortest paths, which is O(n²) in trees by doing n BFS traversals, and then you get the k minimal values. This probably can be optimized in some way, but the naive approach to do that is sort the O(n²) distances in O(n² log n) time and take the k smallest values; with some book keeping, you can keep track of which distance corresponds to which path without time complexity overhead. This will give you better complexity than using a KSPA algorithm for O(n²) possible s-t-pairs.
If what you actually meant is fixing a source and get the k nodes with the smallest distance from that source, one BFS will do. In case you meant fixing both source and target, one BFS is enough as well.
I don't see how you can use the fact that all edges going from a node to the nodes in the level below have the same weight without knowing more about the structure of the tree.

Algorithm: shortest path between all points

Suppose I have 10 points. I know the distance between each point.
I need to find the shortest possible route passing through all points.
I have tried a couple of algorithms (Dijkstra, Floyd Warshall,...) and they all give me the shortest path between start and end, but they don't make a route with all points on it.
Permutations work fine, but they are too resource-expensive.
What algorithms can you advise me to look into for this problem? Or is there a documented way to do this with the above-mentioned algorithms?
Have a look at travelling salesman problem.
You may want to look into some of the heuristic solutions. They may not be able to give you 100% exact results, but often they can come up with good enough solutions (2 to 3 % away from optimal solutions) in a reasonable amount of time.
This is obviously Travelling Salesman problem. Specifically for N=10, you can either try the O(N!) naive algorithm, or using Dynamic Programming, you can reduce this to O(n^2 2^n), by trading space.
Beyond that, since this is an NP-hard problem, you can only hope for an approximation or heuristic, given the usual caveats.
As others have mentioned, this is an instance of the TSP. I think Concord, developed at Georgia Tech is the current state-of-the-art solver. It can handle upwards of 10,000 points within a few seconds. It also has an API that's easy to work with.
I think this is what you're looking for, actually:
Floyd Warshall
In computer science, the Floyd–Warshall algorithm (sometimes known as
the WFI Algorithm[clarification needed], Roy–Floyd algorithm or just
Floyd's algorithm) is a graph analysis algorithm for finding shortest
paths in a weighted graph (with positive or negative edge weights). A
single execution of the algorithm will find the lengths (summed
weights) of the shortest paths between all pairs of vertices though it
does not return details of the paths themselves
In the "Path reconstruction" subsection it explains the data structure you'll need to store the "paths" (actually you just store the next node to go to and then trivially reconstruct whichever path is required as needed).
