Cluetip popup windows getting cutoff by browser - cluetip

sticky: true,
positionBy: 'auto',
closePosition: 'top',
closeText: '',
activation: 'click'
Straight to the point: when i click to activate popup windows, it's always at the right handside of where i click, even when there is not enough space. So for those it only shows some part to the cluetip as the rest is getting cutt off by browser window??
I am totally new to php and cluetip...

About the only thing that can be done, by the looks of things, is use the positionBy parameter. But it doesn't work really in determining if the tip is cutoff, I have tried many cases myself.
The options are auto, mouse, bottomTop, fixed, but none of them work really, they all get cut off.
The only solution I found myself was to use fixed and set top and left manually and always have it in the same place.
positionBy: 'fixed',
topOffset: 200,
leftOffset: 100
Unfortunately though you are stuck at that place holder. I guess you could take the action and to each thing that calls a cluetip call a wait segment of 1 second then re-position the cluetip window using jQuery.
This would be in an onHover event set off by the thing that calls the cluetip separately. But that's about it. I have tested this myself on FF and Chrome and in both it cuts off.
In the onHover event you can always use another jQuery plugin that waits for an element to exist then re-position, what you can do is in each element have your own attr that has the new position, or just call the elements left and top position using jQuery and move the Cluetip window to that +20 in each direction.


What would prevent capybara/selenium from hovering over a visible element?

I am writing automation tests for a webpage. I can't share any specific details, so all I'm looking for is some general brain-storming to help me figure out what is causing the problem. A long-shot, I know, but I've become obsessed with this problem.
There is an element with id="troublesome" on the webpage. On manual testing, hovering over #troublesome will cause it to disappear and something else pops up in its place (as it should). I'm trying to verify that the pop-up occurs on hover using automation testing (Capybara, selenium driver, ruby). However, no matter what technique I use, hovering doesn't work.
troublesome is visible upon visiting the page. It is not cut off by screen size. Capybara has no trouble finding it and reading its text and attributes. i.e. A regular ol' find("#troublesome").text will return the correct text.
However, I cannot use Capybara to click on #troublesome without executing javascript.
i.e. find("#troublesome").click won't do anything (it won't throw any errors either). I must use find("#troublesome").execute_script("") to click on it.
But I don't need to click it. I just need to hover over it.
Using Capybara:
find("#troublesome").hover --> will not work. No errors thrown either. Test just continues until it fails because it fails to find the expected result. Telling ruby to sleep(however_many_seconds) doesn't help.
Using Selenium:
page.driver.browser.action.move_to(find("#troublesome").native).perform --> this doesn't work either. Again, no errors thrown.
Using trigger:
find("#troublesome").trigger(:mouseover) --> doesn't work because selenium driver doesn't support trigger (and I don't want to use another driver).
Using jquery:
Won't work. Website doesn't use jquery
Attempting to use javascript to force :hover to be true on element doesn't work:
mouseHover = 'var x = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");
x.initMouseEvent("mouseover", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
(I can change mouseOver to click, and it'll click though!)
Apparently, mouseover is not 'trusted' by browser (but click is), so kinda useless to have that as an option, isn't it?
I've tried all of the above by working within a within("#id") do... end block. Doesn't make a difference.
I've even tried unconventional means to get the mouse over #troublesome:
find("#troublesome").right_click --> the mouse will be DIRECTLY over #troublesome, right-click, and a menu will pop up RIGHT OVER the element!!!!!!
So CLEARLY, the mouse IS hovering over #troublesome during my automation test, yet it's not registering on the browser. The website is not bugged. Hovering works when I do it manually.
I can find other elements on the webpage and hover over them just fine. In fact, I've even tried putting the mouse over another element, then moving it from there to #troublesome like so:
page.driver.browser.action.move_to(find("#somethingElse").native, 1200, -50).perform
That doesn't work, but if I adjust the coordinates to a third element just below #somethingElse, this will trigger the third element's hover state, so clearly this strategy can work in principle and practice, yet not for #troublesome!
Note that #somethingElse and the 'third element' exist on a div that is at the same 'heirarchy' as the ancestor div of #troublesome.
There are iframes on the webpage, but #troublesome is not on the iframe.
There are random script tags inserted all over the body of the webpage. I don't know what those script tags are doing as I can't see the code.
#troublesome has become my Moby Dick.
This whale is driving me nuts. I've invested too much time into it already. I can't give up now or all those hours of toil would be for nothing.
Please help.
Thank you.
mouseHover = 'var x = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");
x.initMouseEvent("mouseover", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
page.driver.browser.action.move_to(find("#somethingElse").native, 1200, -50).perform
No error messages other than standard capybara/rspec failure log because it failed to find the element that was supposed to pop up upon hovering over #troublesome
The problem you're running into is because the '.hoverme' element in your example at has a size of 0x0 px (this is also why you couldn't click it). The size is 0x0 because it only contains absolute positioned elements which don't technically count when calculating the auto size of the parent. If instead of attempting to hover over the .hoverme element you hover over the visible absolute positioned child (which actually has size) of the element the hover will work correctly (which is what you are actually doing when you do it manually in your example).
I now know the problem, and I have a solution (albeit a hacky one).
The problem is due to an iframe which covers the full screen. This blocks selenium from being able to hover over #troublesome even though #troublesome is not within the iframe and #troublesome's z-index is set to a high number (thereby forcing it to be at the top layer).
Manual hovering works, but hovering with selenium fails. I believe this is a bug, so I have reported it on selenium's github.
One solution that works is to use javascript to force the iframe to shrink, then hover (which should work now), then use javascript to return the iframe to full screen (so as to not affect other aspects of the test).
shrink_frame = 'document.getElementById("#frame").setAttribute("style", "width: 100px; height 100px");'
This is not an ideal solution because it is obviously not how a real user would interact with the webpage, but it's acceptable given that this is due to a selenium bug and that manual testing works.

Separating single clicks from click and hold

I need to implement a behavior:
when element clicked - one thing happens
but when it's clicked and held for more than one second, something else happens (e.g element becomes draggable) and then the first event never fires
I think I know how to catch click&hold type of events, but how to distinguish between first and second?
Can you show me how to do that using this jsbin. I already made the "click, hold & drag" part, except that it is still firing the 'click' event after dragging the element and it shouldn't.
again: element clicked - one event, click and hold - element is draggable (even after mouse up) and when clicked again it's back to normal (undraggable) state.
I am not looking for a trivial solution, it has to be built using Rx.Observable or at least Bacon's streamEvent object
Thank you
I think you were pretty close with your solution, but probably it is not possible to elegantly achieve what you want while using the browser's built-in click event.
HERE is my attempt to tackle your problem.
The main idea is to define your own click streams like so:
var clicks = downs.flatMapLatest(function(){
return ups.takeUntil(Rx.Observable.timer(250));
var longDownsStart = downs.flatMapLatest(function(){
return Rx.Observable.timer(1000).takeUntil(ups);
In case of clicks we wait max 250 ms after a mouse down for a mouse-up; in case of the latter we generate the event only if there was no mouse-up within 1000 ms.
There might be some corner cases in which the code does not work as intended.
Here is my proposed solution (with Bacon.js).

Is it possible to find an element like a button and click it, when it is continuously moving on? e.g Carousel

I am using Selenium Webdriver(Ruby) to automate my web app and my web app has this carousel wherein my element continuously keeps moving in a loop.
By the time I locate that element and try to click it, element moves ahead.Hence I am not able to locate that element.
I tried finding and clicking that moving element by following code:
ele_button = driver.find_element(:xpath,"xpath")
sleep 10
I thought that by 'sleep 10' I could make that element wait for 10 seconds and then click it.But this does not work and I am getting ElementNotVisibleError whenever I run my script.
Is it even possible to automate a moving element? If yes please provide me a solution.
Yes it is absolutely possible. I handled same scenario for carousel on my site. There are three ways:
Most carousel stop on mouse hover. So you may use it to stop the
carousel. Use Actions class to move over to the carousel. Once it
stops you may click on it.
If you want a specific slide, you can click on dots or any other navigator, like prev/nxt, to reach your slide and then click it.
The sure shot way to click your specific slide, without worrying about whether it is displayed or not is to use Javascript to click it (Which I had done in my case although I had also implemented 2nd way but I found javascript the simplest solution).
Why are the actions divided?
I would recommend the following:
so it will find the object and click on it.
Another thing you can do, as we doing in selenium with java that put the implicitlyWait according to the time on which your button came back after one rotation; now perform click just after implicitlyWait
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Suppose a rotation of button takes 30 sec
// action performs on the element
In ruby you have to use this type of syntax
#driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 30

Show hide symbol in Adobe Edge

Just trying to get my head around Adobe Edge. What I want to achieve sounds simple but having real trouble. I have a button element, that when mouseover, displays an animated symbol I have.
Currently my code,on the button is Mouseout:
and mouseover:
This doesn't seem to be working. I can achieve the result if, I turn off the movie symbol, and use this code on the button
The trouble is of course it doesn't replay the animation every time you mouse over, and all the while it's hidden it's playing the animation.
I see its been a month since you posted this. Hopefully you solved your issue. Your code for hiding and showing looks right. One thing I have had happen in some of my projects is that I inadvertently placed an object or symbol with 0% opacity on top of a button or something I had a mouse over event. Make sure that the button you have does not have anything layered on top of it. Another thing would be to turn off autoplay of your symbol, and add sym.$("pgicatext2").play(); into your mouse over. I know those are pretty obvious answers, but sometimes it is easy to forget the obvious.
Please get through following steps:
Check if the button is over all other visible layers ('Elements'
tab). Maybe setting cursor to 'pointer' will help to check it.
Use 'Mouseenter' and 'Mouseleave' instead of 'Mouseover' and
'Mouseout'. The difference is explained here.
Make sure that your animated symbols 'autoplay' option is off. If
you did not tick it off while creating the symbol, just set Playback
to 'Stop' on Stage at the very beginning of the timeline
Lets do some coding. Lets assume that your animated symbols name is
"film". You need to set following actions to your button element:
this basically shows up your 'film' element and plays 'film' symbol
this one hides your 'film' element and stops 'film' symbol at the beginning of animation (0ms)

Firefox scrollbar resets incorrectly

I've come across a problem in Firefox browser. It's likely a bug, but maybe someone knows a workaround. The problem is demonstrated in the following JSFiddle: This has been tested on Firefox 12.0, 15.0.1, 16.0.1.
To explain it in words... You have to follow this sequence of events:
Get an element with overflow:auto and some overflowing contents, then scroll it a bit;
Hide the element (display: none);
Remove contents
Show the element (it's empty now)
Re-add the same contents (it's scrolled now, just as it was before)
Reset scrollTop/scrollLeft to 0 via Javascript.
As a result, the contents do get scrolled to the proper position, but the scrollbar stays as it was, which is clearly wrong.
Is there any workaround to this short of removing/re-adding the element instead of just hiding it?
In testing I discovered that if you set scrollTop to any value other than 0 (or its current value) then it updates the scrollbar correctly. You can then immediately set scrollTop to 0.
Particularly as you have a test case you should of course file a bug in Bugzilla.
Solution is add the animate method, so use:
function resetScroll(){
$(document).scrollTop(1); // removes the impression of animation
