Determining a DVD drive's region code in OS X in C WITHOUT requiring that a DVD be in the drive - macos

Basically I run a network of computers and need to know what region code the drives of the various computers are set to. I don't need to change the region, but I have no idea how to determine the region without going to each computer individually and sticking in a disc. I tried using Apple's cocoa DVD playback framework, but that requires that a disk be inserted into the drive, which sort of defeats the purpose.
So are there any APIs that I can use to determine the region code on a Mac Pro's DVD drive without requiring that a disc be inserted? I am willing to code in pretty much any language.

I found some utilities that are capable of dealing with DVD region settings on OS X: DVD Info X, and Region X. DVD Info X will display the region code of your drive without requiring to have a DVD inserted.
Region X is more interesting because although it doesn't directly serve your purpose, its source is available. Looking at it I found that the ScanAll method in Region X.m is what you need. More specifically, the interesting case is the one where the disk name isn't found (because there's no disk mounted) and a SCSI command is used to find out the DVD drive's properties (the printf calls are my addition):
task = (*scsitaskinterface)->CreateSCSITask(scsitaskinterface);
if (task)
cdb[0] = 0xa4;
cdb[1] = 0x00;
cdb[2] = 0x00;
cdb[3] = 0x00;
cdb[4] = 0x00;
cdb[5] = 0x00;
cdb[6] = 0x00;
cdb[7] = 0x00;
cdb[8] = (sizeof(DVDInfo) >> 8) & 0xff;
cdb[9] = sizeof(DVDInfo) & 0xff;
cdb[10] = 0x08;
cdb[11] = 0x00;
memset(&DVDInfo, 0, sizeof(DVDInfo));
ProcessCDB(task, cdb, 12, DirIn, &DVDInfo, sizeof(DVDInfo), 30000);
printf("drive region %#hhx\n", DVDInfo.driveRegion);
printf("number of region changes left: %hhu\n", DVDInfo.numberUserResets);
if (DVDInfo.rpcScheme == 0) RPC1++;
if (DVDInfo.rpcScheme != 0) RPC2++;
I ran this on my Macbook Pro and the result was as expected.
Obviously you'll need to massage it in order to isolate that part into something you can use, but I think that this code will be a useful starting point.

I don't have an answer as such, but I have 2 links for you:
Code (for windows, not for Mac) that explains how to read the region:
Since these are pure SCSI commands - it is probably possible to adapt it for Mac.
There is Mac support there - and they read DVD region there too.


How to pick the right Metal Device for GPU processing on a Mac Pro

When creating a new CIContext with Metal device one has to provide which device (a GPU) to use:
let context = CIContext(
mtlDevice: device
On my MacBook Pro for the development purposes I always pick the device associated with the screen with MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice() method:
let device:MTLDevice = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()
else {
However on a Mac Pro which will be used in production in a headless mode there are two GPU cards that I can target. In order to get all available devices one can use MTLCopyAllDevices() method which gives the following output on my Mac Pro:
<MTLDebugDevice: 0x103305450> -> <BronzeMtlDevice: 0x10480a200>
name = AMD Radeon HD - FirePro D700
<MTLDebugDevice: 0x103307730> -> <BronzeMtlDevice: 0x104814800>
name = AMD Radeon HD - FirePro D700
This Mac Pro will be utilised heavily with hundreds of small tasks per second and every time the new task comes in I need to select a GPU device on which the task will be processed.
Now the question is - is picking a random device from the above array a good idea:
let devices = MTLCopyAllDevices() // get all available devices
let rand = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(devices.count))) // random index
let device = devices[rand] // randomly selected GPU to use
let context = CIContext(
mtlDevice: device
Since there are two equal GPU devices on a Mac Pro, targeting always one will be a waste of resources. Logic tells me that with the above code both GPUs will be utilised equally but maybe I'm wrong and MacOS offer some kind of abstraction layer that will intelligently pick the GPU which is less utilised at the time of execution?
Thank you in advance.
Why not just alternate between them? Even if you're committing command buffers from multiple threads, the work should be spread roughly evenly:
device = devices[taskIndex % devices.count]
Also, make sure to avoid creating CIContexts for every operation; those are expensive, so you should keep a list of contexts (one per device) instead.
Note that if you're doing any of your own Metal work (as opposed to just Core Image filtering), you'll need to have a command queue for each device, and any resources you want to use will need to be allocated by their respective device (resources can't be shared by MTLDevices).

CreateFileA fails to open HID device in Windows

EDIT: Issue reported here:
Inkling is a pen-device from Wacom. (InklingReader) is an open source project that gets real-time data from it.
I'm trying to tidy up InklingReader to use HIDAPI rather than libusb (as it works at higher level: HID rather than raw USB, so is much more compact & suitable. Also libusb fails on recent OSX).
HID API a small lib: one .h, one (per-platform) .c.
My code looks like this:
unsigned short inklingVendorId = 0x056a, inklingProductId = 0x0221;
if (hid_init() == FAIL) return;
handle = hid_open(inklingVendorId, inklingProductId, nullptr);
On Windows hid_open fails. Single stepping reveals the fail-point here:
// path = "\\\\?\\hid#vid_056a&pid_0221&mi_00&col01#8&1ea90857&0&0000#"
// "{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"
static HANDLE open_device(const char *path, BOOL enumerate)
HANDLE handle;
DWORD desired_access = (enumerate)? 0: (GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ);
// enumerate = 0
handle = CreateFileA(path,
int err = GetLastError(); // 5 i.e. ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
return handle; // returns 0xffffffff i.e. INVALID_HANDLE
Now the HIDAPI author says "HIDAPI won't work with keyboards and mice on Windows. Windows as a security measure doesn't allow the opening of Mouse and Keyboard HIDs." (here)
And if I enumerate HID devices:
struct hid_device_info *devs, *cur_dev;
devs = hid_enumerate(inklingVendorId, inklingProductId);
cur_dev = devs;
while (cur_dev) {
DBG2("Device Found\n type: %04hx %04hx\n path: %s\n serial_number: %ls", cur_dev->vendor_id, cur_dev->product_id, cur_dev->path, cur_dev->serial_number);
DBG2(" Manufacturer: %ls", cur_dev->manufacturer_string);
DBG2(" Product: %ls", cur_dev->product_string);
DBG2(" Release: %hx", cur_dev->release_number);
DBG2(" Interface: %d", cur_dev->interface_number);
DBG2(" Usage Page: %d", cur_dev->usage_page);
DBG2(" Usage: %d", cur_dev->usage);
cur_dev = cur_dev->next;
... I get not one but TWO entries:
Device Found
type: 056a 0221
path: \\?\hid#vid_056a&pid_0221&mi_00&col01#8&1ea90857&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
serial_number: 2B0400001C90C22A0002DD07FE8B022A
Manufacturer: Wacom, Inc.
Product: MSC Device
Release: 1256
Interface: 0
Usage Page: 1
Usage: 2
Device Found
type: 056a 0221
path: \\?\hid#vid_056a&pid_0221&mi_00&col02#8&1ea90857&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
serial_number: 2B0400001C90C22A0002DD07FE8B022A
Manufacturer: Wacom, Inc.
Product: MSC Device
Release: 1256
Interface: 0
Usage Page: 13
Usage: 2
(Note: OSX only reports the SECOND entry! On OSX there is no problem!)
Comparing path:
path: \?\hid#vid_056a&pid_0221&mi_00&col01#8&1ea90857&0&0000#...
path: \?\hid#vid_056a&pid_0221&mi_00&col02#8&1ea90857&0&0001#...
As per,
UsagePage/Usage = 1/2 = {Generic Desktop Controls}/{Mouse}.
UsagePage/Usage = 13/2 = {Digitizers}/{Pen}.
(EDIT: Sometimes the first path is the 1/2 and the second is the 13/2, other times it's swapped).
And HIDAPI is only taking the first one it finds.
So it looks like this should be the solution. The Inkling was exposing 2 'devices' and hidapi was taking the wrong (mouse) one, and Windows doesn't allow access to Mouse or Keyboard Devices.
So I tweak the code...
while (cur_dev) {
if (cur_dev->vendor_id == vendor_id &&
cur_dev->product_id == product_id &&
cur_dev->usage_page == 13)
... to get the correct entry, it should work right?
Nope, CreateFileA just raises a different error:
usage_page== 1 => Error code 5 (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
usage_page==13 => Error code 32 (ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION)
Meh. This is rather upsetting. I seem to be at a dead-end!
I've tried fiddling with CreateFileA's params, e.g. replacing GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE with STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ | STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE -- now it happily creates a handle. But subsequent hid_read-s fail to collect any data.
Googling, seems to contain a couple of suggested workarounds:
both toaster and firefly can work in the HID stack. toaster shows how
to address the filter through a raw PDO, firefly shows how to access
it with WMI. From a C perspective, I think the raw PDO is much simpler
to code to, WMI is a bit nasty and complicated.
The author is recommending something in toaster, but it is a big CodeBase and I don't have experience with Windows Driver programming.
It looks as though I'm going to have to dig through a lot of very unfamiliar territory to get anything working, so before a start out I am asking here. If nobody answers and I figure it out, I will answer my own question.
The only other thing I can think of it is that maybe another process is already engaging this path. Maybe if I can terminate this process, the CreateFileA might succeed? Roel's libusb approach involves detaching kernel driver:
PS Somewhere I read that if another process has already opened this device, our open has to match the permissions of this previous open. And I also read that Windows automatically opens all HID Devices upon detection.
Find out which process has an exclusive lock on a USB device handle
PPS maybe one idea is to try an alternative HID lib What is the best usb library to communicate with usb HID devices on Windows?
PPPS maybe I need to run my code as admin. But that's not a good solution.
I have seen similar behavior. The ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION problem started to occur after upgrading to Windows 10 Anniversary Edition. The problem is only seen for USB HID devices connected when Windows is started. If you unplug and plug the USB device after Windows has started then CreateFile is successful. I haven't yet found a root cause or a solution.
You're right: ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION will occur if some other app already opened this device. You need to call CreateFileW API like this:
::CreateFileW(deviceInterfacePath, desired_access, share_mode, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
If you don't provide dwShareMode then it means that you're trying to open device exclusively. Which can fail if other app (new Windows version that maybe supports these kind of devices natively) already opened this device for its use.
Note about Keyboard and Mouse devices: you can also call ::CreateFileW without even setting desired_access (use zero value): in this case you can use HidD_GetManufacturerString/HidD_GetProductString/HidD_GetSerialNumberString/HidD_GetAttributes (and maybe some others) HID methods with returned handle. But you cannot read/write data to such device. This should be useful if you need to acquire name or VID/PID for HID keyboard/mouse.
Here is list of HID device types and their access modes on Windows.

audioqueue kAudioQueueParam_Pitch

The documentation for Audio Queue Services under OS 10.6 now includes a pitch parameter:
The number of cents to pitch-shift the audio queue’s playback, in the range -2400through 2400 cents (where 1200 cents corresponds to one musical octave.)
This parameter is usable only if the time/pitch processor is enabled.
Other sections of the same document still say that volume is the only available parameter, and I can't find any reference to the time/pitch processor mentioned above.
Does anyone know what this refers to? Directly writing a value to the parameter has no effect on playback (although no error is thrown). Similarly writing the volume setting does work.
Frustrating as usual with no support from Apple.
This is only available on OSX until iOS 7. If you look at AudioQueue.h you'll find it is conditionally available only on iOS 7. [note: on re-reading I see you were referring to OS X, not iOS, but hopefully the following is cross-platform]
Also, you need to enable the queue for time_pitch before setting the time_pitch algorithm, and only the Spectral algorithm supports pitch (all of them support rate)
result = AudioQueueNewOutput(&(pAqData->mDataFormat), aqHandleOutputBuffer, pAqData,
0, kCFRunLoopCommonModes , 0, &(pAqData->mQueue));
// enable time_pitch
UInt32 trueValue = 1;
AudioQueueSetProperty(pAqData->mQueue, kAudioQueueProperty_EnableTimePitch, &trueValue, sizeof(trueValue));
UInt32 timePitchAlgorithm = kAudioQueueTimePitchAlgorithm_Spectral; // supports rate and pitch
AudioQueueSetProperty(pAqData->mQueue, kAudioQueueProperty_TimePitchAlgorithm, &timePitchAlgorithm, sizeof(timePitchAlgorithm));

Is there any way of detecting if a drive is a SSD?

I'm getting ready to release a tool that is only effective with regular hard drives, not SSD (solid state drive). In fact, it shouldn't be used with SSD's because it will result in a lot of read/writes with no real effectiveness.
Anyone knows of a way of detecting if a given drive is solid-state?
Finally a reliable solution! Two of them, actually!
Check /sys/block/sdX/queue/rotational, where sdX is the drive name. If it's 0, you're dealing with an SSD, and 1 means plain old HDD.
I can't put my finger on the Linux version where it was introduced, but it's present in Ubuntu's Linux 3.2 and in vanilla Linux 3.6 and not present in vanilla 2.6.38. Oracle also backported it to their Unbreakable Enterprise kernel 5.5, which is based on 2.6.32.
There's also an ioctl to check if the drive is rotational since Linux 3.3, introduced by this commit. Using sysfs is usually more convenient, though.
You can actually fairly easily determine the rotational latency -- I did this once as part of a university project. It is described in this report. You'll want to skip to page 7 where you see some nice graphs of the latency. It goes from about 9.3 ms to 1.1 ms -- a drop of 8.2 ms. That corresponds directly to 60 s / 8.2 ms = 7317 RPM.
It was done with simple C code -- here's the part that measures the between positions aand b in a scratch file. We did this with larger and larger b values until we have been wandered all the way around a cylinder:
/* Measure the difference in access time between a and b. The result
* is measured in nanoseconds. */
int measure_latency(off_t a, off_t b) {
cycles_t ta, tb;
lseek(work_file, a, SEEK_SET);
read(work_file, buf, KiB/2);
ta = get_cycles();
lseek(work_file, b, SEEK_SET);
read(work_file, buf, KiB/2);
tb = get_cycles();
int diff = (tb - ta)/cycles_per_ns;
fprintf(stderr, "%i KiB to %i KiB: %i nsec\n", a / KiB, b / KiB, diff);
return diff;
This command lsblk -d -o name,rota lists your drives and has a 1 at ROTA if it's a rotational disk and a 0 if it's an SSD.
Example output :
sda 1
sdb 0
Detecting SSDs is not as impossible as dseifert makes out. There is already some progress in linux's libata (, though it doesn't seem user-ready yet.
And I definitely understand why this needs to be done. It's basically the difference between a linked list and an array. Defragmentation and such is usually counter-productive on a SSD.
You could get lucky by running
smartctl -i sda
from Smartmontools. Almost all SSDs has SSD in the Model field. No guarantee though.
My two cents to answering this old but very important question... If a disk is accessed via SCSI, then you will (potentially) be able to use SCSI INQUIRY command to request its rotational rate. VPD (Vital Product Data) page for that is called Block Device Characteristics and has a number 0xB1. Bytes 4 and 5 of this page contain a number with meaning:
0000h "Medium rotation rate is not reported"
0001h "Non-rotating medium (e.g., solid state)"
0002h - 0400h "Reserved"
0401h - FFFEh "Nominal medium rotation rate in rotations per minute (i.e.,
rpm) (e.g., 7 200 rpm = 1C20h, 10 000 rpm = 2710h, and 15 000 rpm = 3A98h)"
FFFFh "Reserved"
So, SSD must have 0001h in this field. The document about this page can be found here.
However, the implementation status of this standard is not clear to me.
I wrote the following javascript code. I needed to determine if machine was ussing SSD drive and if it was boot drive. The solution uses MSFT_PhysicalDisk WMI interface.
function main()
var retval= false;
// MediaType - 0 Unknown, 3 HDD, 4 SSD
// SpindleSpeed - -1 has rotational speed, 0 has no rotational speed (SSD)
// DeviceID - 0 boot device
var objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\\\.\\root\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Storage");
var colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("select * from MSFT_PhysicalDisk");
var enumItems = new Enumerator(colItems);
for (; !enumItems.atEnd(); enumItems.moveNext())
var objItem = enumItems.item();
if (objItem.MediaType == 4 && objItem.SpindleSpeed == 0)
if (objItem.DeviceID ==0)
if (retval)
WScript.Echo("You have SSD Drive and it is your boot drive.");
WScript.Echo("You do not have SSD Drive");
return retval;
SSD devices emulate a hard disk device interface, so they can just be used like hard disks. This also means that there is no general way to detect what they are.
You probably could use some characteristics of the drive (latency, speed, size), though this won't be accurate for all drives. Another possibility may be to look at the S.M.A.R.T. data and see whether you can determine the type of disk through this (by model name, certain values), however unless you keep a database of all drives out there, this is not gonna be 100% accurate either.
write text file
read text file
repeat 10000 times...
for an ssd will be much higher, python3:
def ssd_test():
doc = 'ssd_test.txt'
start = time.time()
for i in range(10000):
with open(doc, 'w+') as f:
f.write('ssd test')
with open(doc, 'r') as f:
ret =
stop = time.time()
elapsed = stop - start
ios = int(10000/elapsed)
hd = 'HDD'
if ios > 6000: # ssd>8000; hdd <4000
hd = 'SSD'
print('detecting hard drive type by read/write speed')
print('ios', ios, 'hard drive type', hd)
return hd

How do you retrieve stylus pressure information on windows?

Is anyone aware of a sane way to get tablet/stylus pressure information on Windows?
It's possible to distinguish stylus from mouse with ::GetMessageExtraInfo, but you can't get any more information beyond that. I also found the WinTab API in a out of the way corner of the Wacom site, but that's not part of windows as far as i can tell, and has a completely distinct event/messaging system from the message queue.
Given all I want is the most basic pressure information surely there is a standard Win32/COM API, is anyone aware of what it might be?
The current way to do this is to handle WM_POINTERnnn msgs.
Note this is for Win 8 and later.
Note you will get these msgs for touch AND pen, so you'll need to know the pointerType in order to test for pen. The WPARAM received by a WNDPROC for WM_POINTERnnnn msgs such a WM_POINTERUPDATE and other msgs contains the pointer id which you will need in order to request more info. Empirically I found that WM_POINTERUPDATE results in info that contains pressure data whereas if the pointer flags indicate down/up there is no pressure info.
const WORD wid = GET_POINTERID_WPARAM(wParam);
GetPointerInfo(wid, &piTemp);
if (piTemp.pointerType == PT_PEN
UINT32 entries = 0;
UINT32 pointers = 0;
GetPointerFramePenInfoHistory(wid, &entries, &pointers, NULL); // how many
// TODO, allocate space needed for the info, process the data in a loop to retrieve it, test pointerInfo.pointerFlags for down/up/update.
Once you know you are dealing with pen, you can get the pressure info from the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct.
This is similar to handling touch although for touch you'd want gesture recognition and inertia. There is a Microsoft sample illustrating using these functions.
It's part of a Build talk:
You need to use the Tablet PC Pen/Ink API. The COM version of the API lives in InkObj.dll. Here is a starting point for documentation:
If I remember correctly, InkObj.dll is available on Windows XP SP2 and all later Windows client OSes, regardless of whether the machine is a Tablet PC.
It's been a number of years since I initially provided this answer, but wintab has become the de facto standard, and Ntrig more or less folded, eventually building a wrapper to allow for the wintab API to be accessed via this digitizer.
This is a pretty late response, but recently my wife and I purchased a Dell XT tablet PC, which as it turns out actually uses NTrig, a suite of interfaces that utilize Ink, the accepted new windows API that shipped with Windows XP Tablet edition, then SP 2 and all versions thereafter.
A lot of Wacom tablets and others use the Wintab API, which is not currently open nor really permitted to use. From what I hear the folks who maintain it are pretty sue-happy.
So it depends on what type of tablet you're using, and the drivers you have installed for it. In my biased opinion, you should work with Ink, as it provides (or at least through NTrig and Windows 7 WILL provide) multi-touch capability and will likely be the new standard for tablet interfaces. But as of now, NTrig devices do not translate their pressure and angle information to common Wintab-based applications, such as Photoshop or Corel Painter. The applications tend to require at least some support for Microsoft's Tablet API in order to function properly.
If using UWP Windows Runtime then it's quite straightforward. The PointerEventArgs event seems to have all necessary data.
Modified Core App (C++/WinRT) template project snippet from Visual Studio 2019:
void OnPointerMoved(IInspectable const &, PointerEventArgs const &args)
if (m_selected)
float2 const point = args.CurrentPoint().Position();
point.x + m_offset.x,
point.y + m_offset.y,
// (new!) Change sprite color based on pen pressure and tilt
auto sprite =<SpriteVisual>();
auto const props = args.CurrentPoint().Properties();
auto const pressure = props.Pressure();
auto const orientation = props.Orientation() / 360.0f;
auto const tiltx = (props.XTilt() + 90) / 180.0f;
auto const tilty = (props.YTilt() + 90) / 180.0f;
Compositor compositor = m_visuals.Compositor();
(uint8_t)(pressure * 0xFF),
(uint8_t)(tiltx * 0xFF),
(uint8_t)(tilty * 0xFF),
(uint8_t)(orientation * 0xFF)
Similar code will likely work in C#, JavaScript, etc.
