How to build a dynamic Dojo webapp with dynamic application parts? - model-view-controller

I'm starting the design of the front-end part of a complex application. If possible, I would like to build it as a Desktop style application, which actually acts as a group of sub-applciations.
For instance, by using Dijit I've prepared a structure layout that will be valid for the whole application, with a left column with a Tree based menu, and a right column where the content is displayed.
By clicking a menu node, the associated Dojo application is loaded and displayed in the right panel. The applciation is made by 2 basic parts: the HTML structure and the JS code.
What would it be the best way to achieve this? Do you suggest just to use iFrames for the right part (I wouldn't like that much...)? Other suggestions?

Put a dijit.layout.ContentPane in the right part of the layout. It can handle a mix of widgets and HTML contents... no need for iFrames !


MFC:CDHtmlDialog Purpose/Usages to open other views?

I was thinking of writing a new app where a users selects an option of what procedure they want to perform and the view changes to that until done then goes back to the main menu. I came across CDHtmlDialog and looked like a nice easy way to add a nice looking menu using html. But I wonder if that is the purpose of that class? Can I set it up so when a button or graphic link is clicked it changes out the view to another one (I would need to use traditional things like CTreeView with CListView with a splitter) or is it more for staying within the HTML world?
From the MSDN MSDN documentation
CDHtmlDialog Class is used to create dialog boxes that use HTML rather than dialog resources to implement their user interface.
From what I can gather from your post, I think you should consider SDI application using view classes that you want. To switch views on the command you do not need a splitter window. A static splitter is used to display a number of views in a different part of the splitter simultaneously.

How to check if web page built matches with Figma Design?

Figma design is given and asked to build the page as per that design.
How will I be ensured that the page design is as per Figma?
Or in other words, How to see the differences in page and Figma design with a highlighting or error( example design not matching etc.) being shown on the page, if anything doesn't matches with Figma design?
You are trying to automate comparing your Figma design VS the fully implemented webpage or web app screen.
As of the moment, there is no one-click automated way to do this.
A fallback is to simply do manual ocular QA inspection of pages. This works, because it's most likely that your Figma layer structure doesn't directly correlate to the HTML tags of the webpages, most especially if your webpages are generated by frameworks like React or Angular.
[Plz check the image you can see inspect section on the right side of the figma. it shows the properties of the selected item.]

joomla 3.1 ajax module

ok so I have a main horizontal menu that appears on all pages, (company, products, about us) and I want another menu, (vertical accordion on the left side of the page) inside products:
--samsung galaxy s4
--iphone 4
--hp pavilion
and when I clic on any of the sections of the accordion menu the information about each product appears on the right using ajax. I have made the accordion menu as a custom html module and the same with the content that its supposed to appear on the right side (I used modules instead of articles).
Now I'm thinking that its probably better to create another menu for the accordion and that the content should be articles, but I dont know how to make it look like an accordion, and I still need help using ajax to show the content of each product.
the main thing is, I want to use ajax to replace one module for another when I clic on any section of the accordion menu. is there any way to do it, all I could find in google its how to change the main article of the page, for that i have to replace
jdoc:include type="component" and add an event with the url but that replaces everything and I just want to change the right module/article
something like this
I dont know if I explained myself well.
I used shaper helix 2 template
Any help would be appreciated.
Check for some extensions here:
An advice... you better forget ajax to load the catalog because as it used on the example the product pages are missed by search engines, as spiders and crawlers doesn't execute javascript. Try to search for that domain... results don't have any product.
Good luck!

passing values between parent and child windows

I am really new to MVC 3 and need a help on this.
I have a parent window with a listbox and a child window that is a pop up. The child window has a checkbox list and i need to populate the parent window's listbox when items are selcted in the child window's checkboxlist. How to acheive this in mvc 3 razor ?
I think you're actually looking for something more than just a Razor answer here, you're looking for JavaScript.
Razor is just a generator - you use it to build HTML, JavaScript (or email or XML or JSON or whatever text you want). Now, it's a really good generator, but it can't do the notification things you're looking to do.
JavaScript, however, will let you pass a message to the server from the popup window, and the parent window can use JavaScript to poll the server for messages.
One way to do this without writing the plumbing yourself is to use a library such as SignalR (located at, or you can install it in your project through NuGet) which can handle the client->server->client communication for you.
On a separate note, if the "window" is just an in-page pop-up, you don't have to do anything nearly as complicated. You can just use script on the same page to control any of the DOM elements.
Hope this helps some, cheers.

DropDownMenu using MVCSiteMapProvider

I am using mvc3 razor engine and trying to use the MVCSiteMap provider for rendering the menu, but when i am using the multi-level Site-map, menu control render all the node over the page without and Hover functionality.
Please tell, there is any way to this.
This isn't worded very well, but basically he's asking for navigation menu functionality. I'm looking for the same thing myself. Basically, the MVC sitmap provider default template just seems to show all the nodes all at once, regardless if it's a child node or not. What he's looking for (and myself as well) is for only the TOP level nodes to be shown (which you can do easily enough), but for the CHILD level nodes to be visible when you hover over the parent links. Basically, the way the old asp:Menu used to work in ASP.Net with the original sitemapprovider.
I'm sure this is just a templating issue, but I'd be shocked if no one else has already done this. Not having much luck finding it though.
