Easier way to click button in nested divs with Watir? - ruby

I'm new to Watir and I'm trying to click the following login button:
<div class="container login" style="display: table;">
<div class="left">
<div class="right">
<div class="joinbox">
<form id="form_login" class="hidden-submit" method="post">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<div class="header">
<div class="left">
<div class="mid">
<div class="right">
<a class="button button-red submit" href="#">Log In</a>
So far I'm able to access this button by going through every nested div:
b.div(:class, "container login").div(:class, "right").div(:class, "joinbox")......
and so on. Is this really the best way to access this button? I assume I'm missing something. Any help is appreciated!

If there is only one link (that looks like a button) with text Log In on the page, try this:
browser.a(:text => "Log In").click
You could also use class attribute:
browser.a(:class => "button button-red submit").click

May this work?
BTW: I have seen some tips said safari only support GET mode for submit.

I would try:
browser.a(:href => "#").click
Assumption - "#" is unique. may need a slash so it doesn't misinterpret the #. I used something similar when I was trying to reference a button with only a href value of "/login" e.g., browser.a(:href => "/login").click.


Telegram instant view

I need a help to solve a problem that I am facing in Instant viewr. The problem is removing a <div> from my instant view.
Tried to delete through id and class, but it does not work:
#remove: //div[#class="navbar-complex"]
The Html of div that I want to remove (link to the page):
<div id="navbar-complex" class="scrollmenu tab-content nav nav-tabs">
<i class="bi bi-building"></i> О комплексе
The same problem with following div:
<div class="csection-item-wrap">
<div class="csection-item rco1 stat3">

Thymeleaf setting object attribute based on click

What I am trying to do set object user variable attribute based on click.
<form class="container" th:action="#{/processSignup}" method="post"
<div class="switch">
<div class="MenteeSignUp" onclick="tab1();" th:onclick="*{}" >Mentee</div>
<div class="MentorSignUp" onclick="tab2();" th:value="MENTOR" th:field="*{userRole}">Mentor</div>
Trying to add different role-based what user click which either mentor or mentee which you can see from the screenshot.
I am kind of new to thyme leaf, so I tried to have th:onClick and then tried to assign it but it didn't work
The code you have there doesn't really make sense. <div />s do not have a value attribute, and the expression in a th:onclick must be valid javascript (instead you have a blank selection variable expressions: th:onclick="*{}"). Maybe you're looking for something like this?
<form class="container" th:action="#{/processSignup}" method="post" th:object="${user}">
<input type="hidden" th:field="*{userRole}" id="userRole" />
<div class="switch">
<div class="MenteeSignUp" onclick="document.getElementById('userRole').value = 'MENTEE';">Mentee</div>
<div class="MentorSignUp" onclick="document.getElementById('userRole').value = 'MENTOR';">Mentor</div>

Python/Plone: Getting all keywords and showing for EDIT content is very slow

Python/Plone: Getting all keywords and showing for EDIT content is very slow (keywords.pt)
No of keywords is 20000 so traversing these huge no of keywords is taking one minute.
Keywords which no has grown large is taking time....any solution is welcomed
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<!-- Keyword Widgets -->
<metal:view_macro define-macro="view"
tal:define="kssClassesView context/##kss_field_decorator_view;
getKssClasses nocall:kssClassesView/getKssClassesInlineEditable;">
<div metal:define-macro="keyword-field-view"
tal:define="kss_class python:getKssClasses(fieldName,
templateId='widgets/keyword', macro='keyword-field-view');
uid context/UID|nothing"
tal:attributes="class kss_class;
id string:parent-fieldname-$fieldName-$uid">
<ul metal:define-slot="inside">
<li tal:repeat="item accessor"
<metal:define define-macro="edit">
<metal:use use-macro="field_macro | context/widgets/field/macros/edit">
<tal:define metal:fill-slot="widget_body" define="contentKeywords accessor;
allowedKeywords python: context.collectKeywords(fieldName, field.accessor, widget.vocab_source);
site_props context/portal_properties/site_properties|nothing;
format widget/format | string:select;
allowRolesToAddKeywords site_props/allowRolesToAddKeywords|nothing;">
<div tal:condition="allowedKeywords" id="existingTagsSection">
<tal:comment tal:replace="nothing">
dl semantically associates selector name with values
<dl id="existingTags">
<label for="subject">
<dt id="existingTagsTitle">uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
<span i18n:translate="label_select_existing_tags">
Select from existing tags.
<span id="existingTagsHelp" class="formHelp" i18n:translate="label_existingTagsHelp">
Use Control/Command/Shift keys to select multiple tags.
<tal:comment tal:replace="nothing">
Type-to-skip functionality with javascript enabled
could be described as
"Hover and type the first letter to skip through tags."
However, on touch-driven devices, vertical hover typically
scrolls the page, so horizontal hover is necessary to enable this.
Alternatively, clicking any of the tags also enables type-to-skip.
So the help could technically be extended to handle this special case
as "Hover or click and type the first letter to skip through tags.",
but I think this would be confusing to the majority of users.
The decision at this point is to not try to explain any of this on the page.
<div class="visualClear"><!-- --></div>
<select id="predefined_subjects"
tal:attributes="id string:${fieldName};
name string:${fieldName}_existing_keywords:list;">
<option value="#" tal:repeat="keyword allowedKeywords"
tal:content="keyword" tal:attributes="value keyword;
selected python:test(context.unicodeTestIn(keyword, value), 'selected', None)">
An existing tag
<tal:comment tal:replace="nothing">
These spans are hidden by css, and used by the JavaScript called below.
<span id="noTagsSelected" i18n:translate="label_noTagsSelected">No tags currently selected.</span>
<span id="oneOrMoreTagsSelected" i18n:translate="label_oneOrMoreTagsSelected">% tags currently selected.</span>
<tal:comment tal:replace="nothing">
Call js to modify this widget with both a scrollbar and checkboxes.
There may be a better place to put this js call;
examples exist in others' widget.py and js files,
but having it here covers cases where some but not all select elements
call js to be modified.
Todo: The #subject should eventually refer to the template variable.
<script type="text/javascript">
jq(document).ready( function() {
<input type="hidden"
tal:condition="not:field/required | nothing"
tal:attributes="name string:${fieldName}_existing_keywords:default:list" />
<tal:loop tal:repeat="keyword allowedKeywords"
<div class="ArchetypesKeywordValue" id=""
tal:attributes="id string:archetypes-value-${fieldName}_${repeat/keyword/number}">
<input class="blurrable"
type string:checkbox;
name string:${fieldName}_existing_keywords:list;
id string:${fieldName}_${repeat/keyword/number};
checked python:test(context.unicodeTestIn(keyword, value), 'checked', None);
value keyword" />
tal:attributes="for string:${fieldName}_${repeat/keyword/number}">
An existing tag
<dl id="selectedTagsSection">
<dt id="selectedTagsHeading" class="formHelp"></dt>
<dd id="selectedTags"></dd>
<div class="visualClear"><!-- --></div>
<!-- <tal:condition condition="python:not widget.roleBasedAdd or (allowRolesToAddKeywords and [role for role in user.getRolesInContext(context) if role in allowRolesToAddKeywords])">-->
<dl id="newTagsSection">
<label for="subject_keywords">
<dt id="newTagsTitle">
<span i18n:translate="label_create_new_tags">
Create and apply new tags.
<span id="newTagsHelp" i18n:translate="label_newTagsHelp" class="formHelp">
Enter one tag per line, multiple words allowed.
<br />
<dd id="newTags">
tal:attributes="id string:${fieldName}_keywords;
name string:${fieldName}_keywords:lines;"
tal:define="subject python:[item for item in value if not context.unicodeTestIn(item,allowedKeywords)]"
A new tag
<!-- </tal:condition>-->
<div metal:define-macro="search">
<div metal:use-macro="context/widgets/keyword/macros/edit">
I fear is a know issue of the old Plone 4 keyword widget.
You should probably change the widget.
An add-on like eea.tags should help.
You can also try to use Plone 5 widget from plone.app.widgets, but this probably it's a more complex task (and not without side effects).

Issue with clicking on a button

I have a save button on my window whose html is
<div class="popup supportsLink editor">
<a class="close icon small" href="#"></a>
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/AirWatch/Blob/upload-blobs" data-name="blobform">
<div class="editor"></div>
<div class="footer">
<div class="actions" align="center">
<input type="submit" value="Save"></input>
<input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="closeClosestTray($(this));"></input>
I am not able to click on the save button. when i do an exists? in irb i get a true value. Can someone help me with this.
I am still new to Watir and still am getting my bearings but maybe
If that doesn't work, is the button in a pop up? if so did you account for this?
so maybe something like this:
browser.window(:title => "annoying popup").use do
browser.button(:id => "close").click
What error do you get when you try clicking?
I made a page with your provided html and made script for clicking that and that normal code works for me, and it clicked that button and no error, I used:
browser.button(value: 'Save').click

Xpath not just getting parent of html

I am trying to find the xpath for only the parent of a navigation bar. The path which I am trying at the moment is `//a[#class='unselectable'] from this peace of HTML.
`<div class="PrimaryNavigationContainer">
<div class="PrimaryNavigation">
<div class="Menu">
<a href="http://www.blah.co.uk/brands.aspx" class="unselectable"><span>
<div class="navCol">
<a class="NoLink unselectable"><span>Shop by Brand</span></a>
<div class="navCol subMenus">
<a href="http://www.blah.co.uk/blah/catlist_bd4.htm" class="unselectable"><span>
The xpath seem to be bringing up both the top level cats and sub categories and I am because it is in both but not sure how to single of the parent from the chld. Thanks for any help which you can provide
How about //div[#class="Menu"]/div/a[#class='unselectable']? This way you avoid selecting the a in the subMenus div.
