WebLogic and Top Link confusion - oracle

I'm trying to install Oracle WebLogic Server, then when I look for the generic version,
TopLink comes up!
What is the deal ? I dont need to integrate my server with TopLink, but I have to if I want the generic version!

Oracle TopLink is an implementation of the Java EE standard for persistence, called "JPA". In fact, the open source version of TopLink is called EcplipseLink, and that is the Reference Implementation for the JPA standard.
Oracle WebLogic uses Oracle TopLink internally to provide its JPA support. For example, Entity EJBs in WebLogic use Toplink for their Object-Relational Mapping (basically, moving the data back and forth from a database to WebLogic). Parts of TopLink are also used for Object-to-XML mapping.
Hope that helps :)
For the sake of full disclosure, I work at Oracle. The opinions and views expressed in this post are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of my employer.

Are you trying the "Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1 (10.3.5) + Coherence + OEPE - Package Installer"
Try the "Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1 (10.3.5) ZIP Distribution" from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/ias/downloads/wls-main-097127.html


Oracle19c with AIX server, JDK7

Our application is using JDK7, websphere and is hosted on AIX box.
Recently we upgraded to oracle 19c from 12c. After this, application server does not start.
We do not see any error in startup logs. All application modules do not load, hence server does not come up.
We tried commenting all unnecessary modules in ILSStartupDef.xml, but same issue.
JDBC jar that we are using is ojdbc7-
Can someone please help ? Any config changes that we may be missing ? We dont want to upgrade to java8 unless its absolutely necessary.
Can you confirm that the database connexion test on the console is working properly ?
Note : Upgrading to Java 8 can be challenging, but Java 7 is no more supported.
Based on this document from IBM :
That being said, yes we do support Oracle 18C and 19C in WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5.X and V9.0.x but you must aware of this following.
We dont test WebSphere Application Server with each and every release of Oracle database. Please make sure you do the test before moving to production.
I believe the oracle 18C or later driver supports java 8 or later release only, if so please make sure WAS java level is also java 8. Java 8 is supported in or later release.
If you ever see this issue, please consider upgrading WAS and do the test again. This issue is fixed in or later release.
Good Luck
From Oracle perspective, please check this post :
Oracle 19c compatibility with jdk7
According to the Oracle JDBC FAQ (Question "What are the Oracle JDBC releases Vs JDK versions?"), only the Java versions you listed (Java 8 to 11) are supported for Oracle 19c.
I would advise to do the assessment for migrating to Java 8, using Transformation Advisor.
Good Luck
If you have upgraded the database server version to 19c then, it is recommended to upgrade the JDBC driver to the same version. So, you should use 19c JDBC driver.
19c JDBC driver requires JDK8 or JDK11. So, it is time to upgrade the JDK version as well as the JDBC driver as well.

Is Spring Data Jdbc recommended for Oracle 18c?

Is Spring Data JDBC v1.1.5 recommended for Oracle Database and Enterprise Applications? Lot of samples around the net based on Open Source RDBMS (H2 or PostgreSQL). We are using Spring Data JDBC in a Spring Boot Microservice Application, facing following problems.
Force to write custom converters for oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP, oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ and oracle.sql.DATE and oracle.sql.ROWID etc..
Can't type cast oracle.sql.ROWID to java.lang.Number
Identity must not be null after save.
Spring Data JDBC is absolutely recommended for Enterprise Applications.
Not so much for use with Oracle.
Since the necessary resources (database & JDBC driver) weren't available in a form that could be easily used in integration tests on public platforms, Oracle isn't included in regular builds.
Therefore it is likely that one encounters issues when working with Oracle.
Some are already known, for others issues in Jira or even PRs are highly appreciated.

Does Javers support DB2 and DB2/400?

In release 3.7.8, it was stated that the support was added for DB2 and DB2/400. However, in 3.14.0, it was stated that the experimental support was discontinued.
Going through the API, it was noted that there's no dialect for DB2. As such, I guess the support for DB2 was removed.
I would like to find out whether DB2 support is still in the plan for Javers or abandoned?
We have abandoned support for DB2 database, as we can't find a way how to run integration tests for it.

Migrating from Apache Cassandra 2.2 to Oracle Coherence Oracle 12

I am looking for a migration path for a Java-based project which uses Apache Cassandra 2.2 to Oracle Coherence 12 – and Oracle 12 backend.
The existing application uses CQL to interact with a 3 node Cassandra cluster.
Elswhere we specifically do not use any ORM (e.g. Hibernate/JPA) but use JDBC to interact with the database directly.
Yes, Cassandra is free while the Oracle solution is quite expensive but this is outside the scope of this question.
Any technical suggestions are welcomed.
You have a couple of options depending on your use case.
If you are using the SQL to interact with Cassandra for standard request/response interactions and need to migrate it to use Oracle DB which would require the least code changes and still use a standard approach would be to use an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) tool like Hibernate/JPA and use Coherence as the L2 cache (personally I like MyBatis since you have complete control over the SQL code. You may be able to use this Coherence integration with MyBatis ).
If you have other applications/ops users updating the database directly and need those changes to be available to your application then you will need to implement a CacheStore (use your favorite ORM here if you like) to save updates to the database and use Oracle Golden Gate Hotcache feature to push updates made to the database outside your application to Coherence. Your application will need to be changed to interact with Coherence directly using either their Map interface or using the Coherence Query Language (CQL) which is "SQL like". This approach will have an additional advantage of being able to support any asynchronous use cases you may have as Coherence API supports listening to cache changes (using MapListeners) similar to Cassandra's executeAsync.
I hope this helps.

Embed database in spring project with hibernate

In my previous spring projects, I always use hibernate+postgresql to store the data. I rencently start to use spring-boot, and I am looking for a database system which allow me embed it in my project, without be required the installation of a external DBMS.
I try use SQLite, but in my searches I found some afirmations Hibernate isn't compatible with SQLite.
Anyone knows if this is possible and could point me a solution?
We've successfuly used HSQLDB with Hibernate for ages.
This is actually super cool for sales, you can demonstrate a working application on (potential) customers machine with the embedded HSQLDB database. And still be able to switch to "the real thing" later on.
See also this:
Does Hibernate Fully Support SQLite
and this:
