IF... OR IF... in a windows batch file - windows

Is there a way to write an IF OR IF conditional statement in a windows batch-file?
For example:
IF [%var%] == [1] OR IF [%var%] == [2] ECHO TRUE

The zmbq solution is good, but cannot be used in all situations, such as inside a block of code like a FOR DO(...) loop.
An alternative is to use an indicator variable. Initialize it to be undefined, and then define it only if any one of the OR conditions is true. Then use IF DEFINED as a final test - no need to use delayed expansion.
FOR ..... DO (
set "TRUE="
IF cond1 set TRUE=1
IF cond2 set TRUE=1
IF defined TRUE (
) else (
You could add the ELSE IF logic that arasmussen uses on the grounds that it might perform a wee bit faster if the 1st condition is true, but I never bother.
Addendum - This is a duplicate question with nearly identical answers to Using an OR in an IF statement WinXP Batch Script
Final addendum - I almost forgot my favorite technique to test if a variable is any one of a list of case insensitive values. Initialize a test variable containing a delimitted list of acceptable values, and then use search and replace to test if your variable is within the list. This is very fast and uses minimal code for an arbitrarily long list. It does require delayed expansion (or else the CALL %%VAR%% trick). Also the test is CASE INSENSITIVE.
set "TEST=;val1;val2;val3;val4;val5;"
if "!TEST:;%VAR%;=!" neq "!TEST!" (echo true) else (echo false)
The above can fail if VAR contains =, so the test is not fool-proof.
If doing the test within a block where delayed expansion is needed to access current value of VAR then
for ... do (
set "TEST=;val1;val2;val3;val4;val5;"
for /f %%A in (";!VAR!;") do if "!TEST:%%A=!" neq "!TEST!" (echo true) else (echo false)
FOR options like "delims=" might be needed depending on expected values within VAR
The above strategy can be made reliable even with = in VAR by adding a bit more code.
set "TEST=;val1;val2;val3;val4;val5;"
if "!TEST:;%VAR%;=!" neq "!TEST!" if "!TEST:;%VAR%;=;%VAR%;"=="!TEST!" echo true
But now we have lost the ability of providing an ELSE clause unless we add an indicator variable. The code has begun to look a bit "ugly", but I think it is the best performing reliable method for testing if VAR is any one of an arbitrary number of case-insensitive options.
Finally there is a simpler version that I think is slightly slower because it must perform one IF for each value. Aacini provided this solution in a comment to the accepted answer in the before mentioned link
for %%A in ("val1" "val2" "val3" "val4" "val5") do if "%VAR%"==%%A echo true
The list of values cannot include the * or ? characters, and the values and %VAR% should not contain quotes. Quotes lead to problems if the %VAR% also contains spaces or special characters like ^, & etc. One other limitation with this solution is it does not provide the option for an ELSE clause unless you add an indicator variable. Advantages are it can be case sensitive or insensitive depending on presence or absence of IF /I option.

I don't think so. Just use two IFs and GOTO the same label:
IF cond1 GOTO foundit
IF cond2 GOTO foundit
ECHO Didn't find it
GOTO end
ECHO Found it!

A simple "FOR" can be used in a single line to use an "or" condition:
FOR %%a in (item1 item2 ...) DO IF {condition_involving_%%a} {execute_command}
Applied to your case:
FOR %%a in (1 2) DO IF %var%==%%a ECHO TRUE
Suppress executing twice
A comment pointed out that {execute_command} may be encountered twice. To avoid this, you can use a goto after the first encounter.
FOR %%a in (1 2) DO IF %var%==%%a (
goto :continue
If you think there's a possibility that {execute_command} might be executed twice and you don't want that, you can just add && goto :eof:
FOR %%a in (1 2) DO IF %var%==%%a ECHO TRUE && goto :eof
Much simpler, and still on a single line.

Thanks for this post, it helped me a lot.
Dunno if it can help but I had the issue and thanks to you I found what I think is another way to solve it based on this boolean equivalence:
"A or B" is the same as "not(not A and not B)"
IF [%var%] == [1] OR IF [%var%] == [2] ECHO TRUE
IF not [%var%] == [1] IF not [%var%] == [2] ECHO FALSE

Even if this question is a little older:
If you want to use if cond1 or cond 2 - you should not use complicated loops or stuff like that.
Simple provide both ifs after each other combined with goto - that's an implicit or.
//thats an implicit IF cond1 OR cond2 OR cond3
if cond1 GOTO doit
if cond2 GOTO doit
if cond3 GOTO doit
//thats our else.
GOTO end
echo "doing it"
Without goto but an "inplace" action, you might execute the action 3 times, if ALL conditions are matching.

There is no IF <arg> OR or ELIF or ELSE IF in Batch, however...
Try nesting the other IF's inside the ELSE of the previous IF.
IF <arg> (
) ELSE (
IF <arg> (
) ELSE (
IF <arg> (
) ELSE (

The goal can be achieved by using IFs indirectly.
Below is an example of a complex expression that can be written quite concisely and logically in a CMD batch, without incoherent labels and GOTOs.
Code blocks between () brackets are handled by CMD as a (pathetic) kind of subshell. Whatever exit code comes out of a block will be used to determine the true/false value the block plays in a larger boolean expression. Arbitrarily large boolean expressions can be built with these code blocks.
Simple example
Each block is resolved to true (i.e. ERRORLEVEL = 0 after the last statement in the block has executed) / false, until the value of the whole expression has been determined or control jumps out (e.g. via GOTO):
((DIR c:\xsgdde /w) || (DIR c:\ /w)) && (ECHO -=BINGO=-)
Complex example
This solves the problem raised initially. Multiple statements are possible in each block but in the || || || expression it's preferable to be concise so that it's as readable as possible. ^ is an escape char in CMD batches and when placed at the end of a line it will escape the EOL and instruct CMD to continue reading the current batch of statements on the next line.
(CALL :ProcedureType1 a b) ^
|| (CALL :ProcedureType2 sgd) ^
|| (CALL :ProcedureType1 c c)
) ^
&& (
ECHO -=no bingo for you=-
IF "%~1" == "%~2" (EXIT /B 0) ELSE (EXIT /B 1)
GOTO :EOF (this line is decorative as it's never reached)
ECHO :ax:xa:xx:aa:|FINDSTR /I /L /C:":%~1:">nul

It's possible to use a function, which evaluates the OR logic and returns a single value.
#echo off
set var1=3
set var2=5
call :logic_or orResult "'%var1%'=='4'" "'%var2%'=='5'"
if %orResult%==1 (
echo At least one expression is true
) ELSE echo All expressions are false
exit /b
:logic_or <resultVar> expression1 [[expr2] ... expr-n]
set "logic_or.result=0"
set "logic_or.resultVar=%~1"
if "%~2"=="" goto :logic_or_end
if %~2 set "logic_or.result=1"
goto :logic_or_loop
set "%logic_or.resultVar%=%logic_or.result%"
exit /b

If %x%==1 (
If %y%==1 (
:: both are equal to 1.
That's for checking if multiple variables equal value. Here's for either variable.
If %x%==1 (
:: true
If %x%==0 (
If %y%==1 (
:: true
If %x%==0 (
If %y%==0 (
:: False
I just thought of that off the top if my head. I could compact it more.

I realize this question is old, but I wanted to post an alternate solution in case anyone else (like myself) found this thread while having the same question. I was able to work around the lack of an OR operator by echoing the variable and using findstr to validate.
for /f %%v in ('echo %var% ^| findstr /x /c:"1" /c:"2"') do (
if %errorlevel% equ 0 echo true

While dbenham's answer is pretty good, relying on IF DEFINED can get you in loads of trouble if the variable you're checking isn't an environment variable. Script variables don't get this special treatment.
While this might seem like some ludicrous undocumented BS, doing a simple shell query of IF with IF /? reveals that,
The DEFINED conditional works just like EXIST except it takes an
environment variable name and returns true if the environment variable
is defined.
In regards to answering this question, is there a reason to not just use a simple flag after a series of evaluations? That seems the most flexible OR check to me, both in regards to underlying logic and readability. For example:
Set Evaluated_True=false
IF %condition_1%==true (Set Evaluated_True=true)
IF %some_string%=="desired result" (Set Evaluated_True=true)
IF %set_numerical_variable% EQ %desired_numerical_value% (Set Evaluated_True=true)
IF %Evaluated_True%==true (echo This is where you do your passing logic) ELSE (echo This is where you do your failing logic)
Obviously, they can be any sort of conditional evaluation, but I'm just sharing a few examples.
If you wanted to have it all on one line, written-wise, you could just chain them together with && like:
Set Evaluated_True=false
IF %condition_1%==true (Set Evaluated_True=true) && IF %some_string%=="desired result" (Set Evaluated_True=true) && IF %set_numerical_variable% EQ %desired_numerical_value% (Set Evaluated_True=true)
IF %Evaluated_True%==true (echo This is where you do your passing logic) ELSE (echo This is where you do your failing logic)

Never got exist to work.
I use
if not exist g:xyz/what goto h:
Else xcopy c:current/files g:bu/current
There are modifiers /a etc. Not sure which ones. Laptop in shop. And computer in office. I am not there.
Never got batch files to work above Windows XP

A much faster alternative I usually use is as follows, as I can "or" an arbitrary number of conditions that can fit in variable space
Echo off
Set "_Match= 1 2 3 "
Set /a "var=3"
Echo:%_Match%|Find " %var% ">nul || (
REM Code for a false condition goes here
) && (
REM code for a true condition goes here.

it's quite simple, just use below
IF %var% == 1 (
IF %var% == 2 (

Another option is to display the current environment variables and exploit the default behaviour of FINDSTR:
FINDSTR "hello there" x.y searches for "hello" or "there" in file x.y.
SET | FINDSTR /I /X "var=1 var=2" >NUL
) ELSE (
/I Specifies that the search is not to be case-sensitive.
/X Prints lines that match exactly.
If regular expressions are preferred, use FINDSTR /R /I "^var=1$ ^var=2$" >NUL instead.
Edit: FINDSTR /R should be used if the variable string includes a space, e.g., FINDSTR /R /I "^var=1 a$ ^var=2 b$" >NUL.
Edit: If the variable string includes spaces, a literal search string should be used. E.g., FINDSTR /I /X /C:"var=1 a" /C:"var=2 b" >NUL.

There is no OR operator but you can write (the pseudocode)
IF [%var%] == [1] OR IF [%var%] == [2] ECHO TRUE
IF "%var%" == "1" SET "match=y"
IF "%var%" == "2" SET "match=y"
Note that the double quotes prevents a syntax error from being triggered if var is undefined.

I took bogdan's solution to the next level by building an extern function that is a callable and clean abstraction of IF, so it can be used in inline blocks. Don't look further, if you build a batch library anyways.
: Common batch extension library.
: Performs conditional processing in batch programs. Is callable for inline use.
: Arguments:
: %1 - /I for case-insensitive comparison on strings, can be skipped for case-sensitive comparison.
: %2 - NOT to negate the result, can be skipped.
: %3 - EXIST for file checks or first string to compare with, also supports "string1"=="string2" (full condition).
: %4 - If EXIST is specified, path to the directory or file.
: Otherwise if %3 is not a full condition, this argument has to be one of:
: - == Compares both strings to be equal using lstrcmpW or lstrcmpiW (case-insensitive).
: - EQU Converts both strings to numbers and checks if they are equal.
: - NEQ Converts both strings to numbers and checks if they are not equal.
: - LSS Converts both strings to numbers and checks if the first is lesser than the second.
: - LEQ Converts both strings to numbers and checks if the first is lesser or equal than the second.
: - GTR Converts both strings to numbers and checks if the first is greater than the second.
: - GEQ Converts both strings to numbers and checks if the first is greater or equal than the second.
: If a string cannot be parsed to a number, its numeric representation will be used.
: This argument can be skipped, so == will be used.
: %5 - If %3 is not a full condition, this argument has to be the second string to compare.
: Outputs:
: Nothing
: Returns:
: 0, if the condition is met, 1 otherwise
IF "%~1"=="/I" SET "I=/I " & SHIFT
IF "%~1"=="/i" SET "I=/I " & SHIFT
IF "%~1"=="NOT" SET "NOT=NOT " & SHIFT
IF "%~1"=="not" SET "NOT=NOT " & SHIFT
IF "%~1"=="exist" SET "EXIST=EXIST " & SHIFT
SET "string1=%~1%"
IF "%~3"=="" (
SET "comp=^=^="
SET "string2=%~2"
) ELSE (
SET "comp=%~2"
SET "string2=%~3"
IF %I%%NOT%%EXIST% "%string1%" %comp% "%string2%" (
( ( CALL lib test-if "%1" == "foo" ) || ( CALL lib test-if "%1" == "bar" ) ) && (
ECHO "Argument is foo or bar"
lib is the path to the lib.cmd, the suffix .cmd is not mandatory for cmd-files
Any IF syntax is compatible with this abstraction, so you can also do things like test-if EXIST "path" or test-if not 300 LSS 200
The == in test-if "%1" == "foo" will be stripped away by batch and I address this fact in my case, but this causes test-if "%1" "foo" to be valid as well, it's not the standard though.

Realizing this is a bit of an old question, the responses helped me come up with a solution to testing command line arguments to a batch file; so I wanted to post my solution as well in case anyone else was looking for a similar solution.
First thing that I should point out is that I was having trouble getting IF ... ELSE statements to work inside of a FOR ... DO clause. Turns out (thanks to dbenham for inadvertently pointing this out in his examples) the ELSE statement cannot be on a separate line from the closing parens.
So instead of this:
FOR ... DO (
IF ... (
Which is my preference for readability and aesthetic reasons, you have to do this:
FOR ... DO (
IF ... (
) ELSE (
Now the ELSE statement doesn't return as an unrecognized command.
Finally, here's what I was attempting to do - I wanted to be able to pass several arguments to a batch file in any order, ignoring case, and reporting/failing on undefined arguments passed in. So here's my solution...
SET ARGS=(arg1 Arg1 ARG1 arg2 Arg2 ARG2 arg3 Arg3 ARG3)
FOR %%A IN (%*) DO (
FOR %%B in %ARGS% DO (
IF [%%A] == [%%B] SET TRUE=1
) ELSE (
ECHO "%ARG%" is not an acceptable argument.
Note, this will only report on the first failed argument. So if the user passes in more than one unacceptable argument, they will only be told about the first until it's corrected, then the second, etc.


I found a bug in Batch. How can I circumvent this bug?

CMD is misinterpreting code on the false side of an if statement, resulting in a crash.
Here is some test code, which fails should the end user enter y or Y:
#Echo Off
Set "var="
Set "input="
Set /P "input=Leave var empty? [Y(crash)|N]"
(Set input) 2>NUL | %SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /I /L /X "input=Y input=N" 1>NUL
If ErrorLevel 1 GoTo YorN
If /I "%input%" == "n" Set "var=content1;content2;"
If Not "%var%" == "" (
For /F "Tokens=1,2 Delims=;" %%G In ("%var:~0,-1%") Do If Not "%%G" == "" Echo "%%G" "%%H"
) Else (
Echo As per your choosing, var is empty. Because of the if statement the "for" command didn't get interpreted and CMD didn't crash. You will not see this message.
Exit /B
This version however, with only one minor line break change works as intended.
#Echo Off
Set "var="
Set "input="
Set /P "input=Leave var empty? [Y(crash)|N]"
(Set input) 2>NUL | %SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /I /L /X "input=Y input=N" 1>NUL
If ErrorLevel 1 GoTo YorN
If /I "%input%" == "n" Set "var=content1;content2;"
If Not "%var%" == "" (
For /F "Tokens=1,2 Delims=;" %%G In ("%var:~0,-1%"
) Do If Not "%%G" == "" Echo "%%G" "%%H"
) Else (
Echo As per your choosing, var is empty. Because of the if statement the "for" command didn't get interpreted and CMD didn't crash. You will see this message.
Exit /B
Could somebody please explain to me what is causing this issue, or confirm that this is a bug in cmd.exe?
There is no bug, but the behavior is not obvious.
A minimal example shows the problem.
#echo off
set "var="
set "other=content"
echo First char of var is "%var:~0,1%" my other var=%other%
You get:
First char of var is "~0,1other
If you add any text to var it works as expected.
The variable var is undefined, not empty!
The problem is the expansion rule of undefined variables, the parser stops the variable expansion part, if it finds a double colon in an expression, but the variable is undefined.
In this case the parser ignores (and removes) the variable expansion after reading %var:.
But the the parser looks at the remaining line of ~0,1%" my other var=%other%.
It splits the line to
~0,1 -- Normal text
%" my other var=% -- This is a percent expansion of the variable with the name " my other var=, this variable is undefined, cmd.exe removes the complete part
other -- Normal text
% -- The trailing opening percent is removed, because there is no other percent sign
In your complicated example the line feed seems to solve the situation, because the part If Not "%%G" ... is on a separate line and the first percent of %%G is not used as the closing percent of the expression %") Do If Not "%.
In the failure case, it gets worse, because the closing parenthesis of the FOR block is removed and then the FOR command scans the rest of the file for a closing parenthesis and that ends in total rubbish.
For better understanding you could read:
SO: Percent Expansion Rules from #dbenham
What you have found (referring to revision 13 of your question) is something that I consider a bug (or at least a terrible design flaw) – but the problem is neither the if nor the for statement, it is the sub-string syntax:
If you follow the percent expansion rules very carefully, you may notice, that sub-string expansion (%VAR:~[integer][,[integer]]%) or sub-string substitution (%VAR:[*]search=[replace]%) behaves odd in case variable VAR is not defined. Here is an excerpt of that post with the most relevant sections highlighted:
Phase 1) Percent Expansion Starting from left, scan each character for % or <LF>. If found then
1.05 (truncate line at <LF>)
If the character is <LF> then
Drop (ignore) the remainder of the line from the <LF> onward
Goto Phase 2.0
Else the character must be %, so proceed to 1.1
1.1 (escape %) skipped if command line mode
1.2 (expand argument) skipped if command line mode
1.3 (expand variable)
Else if command extensions are enabled then[…]
If next character is % then[…]
Else if next character is : then
If VAR is undefined then
If batch mode thenRemove %VAR: and continue scan.
1.4 (strip %)
Applying this to your code portions, we can conclude the following:
First code portion:
If var is not defined, %var:~0,-1% becomes parsed to ~0,-1%, because of Remove %VAR: and continue scan in the above excerpt of Phase 1, leaving behind the remaining command line ~0,-1%") Do If Not "%%G" == "" Echo "%%G" "%%H", which is interpreted as:
the literal string ~0,1,
the (undefined) variable %") Do If Not "% (which becomes stripped),
the (undefined) variable %G" == "" Echo "% (which becomes stripped),
the (undefined) variable %G" "% (which becomes stripped),
and the remainder %H" (which the single %-sign becomes removed from),
constituting the command line For /F "Tokens=1,2 Delims=;" %G In ("~0,-1H" after Phase 1. The next line ) Else ( provides an expected closing parenthesis, but there is Do expected rather than Else. That is why the specific error message Else was unexpected at this time. arises.
Hence the %-sign in the fragment ~0,-1% is considered as an opening one for another (yet undefined) variable, impairing the whole remainder of the command line.
Second code portion:
If var is not defined, %var:~0,-1% also becomes parsed to ~0,-1%, because of Remove %VAR: and continue scan in the above excerpt of Phase 1, but leaving behind the remaining command line ~0,-1%", resulting in just the literal string ~0,-1" (with the %-sign stripped).
In this situation however, there is a line-break (<LF>) following, so Phase 1 is ended because of Goto Phase 2.0 and so, parsing newly begins with Phase 1 in the next line.
The key to all this is the statement and continue scan, meaning that from that point on, the next detected %-sign is recognised as an opening one.
How can I circumvent this bug?
To circumvent the described issue, you have got the following options:
To avoid command blocks in the problematic code section If Not "%var%" == "" ( … ) Else ( … ) by using the goto command and labels:
If Not Defined var GoTo UnDef
For /F "Tokens=1,2 Delims=;" %%G In ("%var:~0,-1%") Do If Not "%%G" == "" Echo "%%G" "%%H"
GoTo :Next
Echo As per your choosing, var is empty. Because of the "if" statement the "for" command didn't get interpreted and CMD didn't crash. You will see this message.
To utilise delayed variable expansion, which is applied to individual tokens rather than whole command lines, rendering them independent from each other; the section behind in in a for-loop constitutes such a token, according to the delayed expansion rules:
If Not "%var%" == "" (
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F "Tokens=1,2 Delims=;" %%G In ("!var:~0,-1!") Do EndLocal & If Not "%%G" == "" Echo "%%G" "%%H"
) Else (
Echo As per your choosing, var is empty. Because of the "if" statement the "for" command didn't get interpreted and CMD didn't crash. You will see this message.
Therein, delayed expansion is only active until parsing of the in clause because of the endlocal behind do (which is only executed once because there is only one loop iteration).

Verify that user input is one of several allowed words

So I am having trouble with this line of code, which is meant to check if user input matches the given options.
set /p "myVar=---> "
echo %myVar%|findstr /ix "red:Red:blue:Blue">nul && (
echo %myVar% matched
) || (
echo %myVar% not matched
Is there a way I can go it like the above or any other way?
You could make use of the fact that for /F returns an exit code of 1 in case of zero iterations:
set /P VAR="Enter something: " || ((echo Empty input!) & exit /B)
(for /F "delims=AaEeIiOoUuYy eol=y" %%K in ("%VAR%") do rem/) && (
echo No match found!
) || (
echo Match encountered.
If the input consists only of characters listed after delims=, the for /F loop does not iterate and returns an exit code of 1; the command behind && only executes in case the exit code is 0, the command behind || only executes in case the exit code is not 0.
If no input is provided, set /P sets the exit code to 1.
Here is a basic example of what you want to do. I have not tested in DOS since I do not have any VM (or very old computer) right here, but IIRC this should work in plain DOS as well.
#echo off
if %var% == A GOTO :anything
if %var% == E GOTO :anything
if %var% == I GOTO :anything
if %var% == O GOTO :anything
if %var% == U GOTO :anything
if %var% == Y GOTO :anything
goto end
echo anything
I think, choice is your best friend here. But if you want to do it without choice (it isn't available in all Windows versions):
set /p "myVar=---> "
echo %myVar%|findstr /ix "a e i o u y">nul && (
echo %myVar% matched
) || (
echo %myVar% not matched
It asks for input and checks if it is exactly one of the characters from the list, ignoring capitalization.

goto was not expected at this time batch

#echo off
set string=
set lo=1
set a=0
set b=0
set cl=1
set cloop=
set google=0
set k=0
set r=0
set id=
set t=0
set f=0
set /p string=?
if defined string (
echo %string%
goto loop
) else (
echo please enter a string
goto start
set a=
for /f "tokens=%lo%" %%G IN ("%string%") DO echo %%G
if defined a (
echo %a%
set google=0
set /p cloop=<greetings.txt
set b=
for /f "tokens=%cl%" %%g IN ("%cloop%") DO set b=%%g
if defined string (
if %a%==%b% goto greetings
set /a cl=%cl%+1
goto cloop
) else (
set cl=0
set /a lo=%lo%+1
goto loop
) else (
goto google
set f=0
set k=0
set r=0
set /p id=<greetingtone.dat
for /f "tokens=%cl%" %%g IN ("%id%") DO set t=%%g
start greeting.bat
call greeting.bat
goto talk
echo not done yet
goto start
i have narrowed it down to this line
if %a%==%b% goto greetings
when i remove it it runs
i have looked but i have no idea why it does not work
please help the greetings.txt has "hi hello grunt"
i think it might be the variables
If %a% or %b% are empty values, it is likely the compare is incomplete, and it is saying that the goto is not expected yet. For instance, if you type the following at a C:\ prompt:
c:\>if a== echo ok
c:\>if ==a echo ok
echo was unexpected at this time.
c:\>if == echo ok
ok was unexpected at this time.
If you enclose each value in quotes, then the comparison will still work even if one or both of the values are empty. For instance:
if "%a%"=="%b%" goto greetings
The normal reason for that an unexpected word in an IF statement is that IF has a very specific syntax, IF item1 operator item2 actionstatement(s).
What is likely to be happening is that item1 AND item2 appear to be missing, so IF resolves that as IF == goto greetings. Since goto is not one of its known operators (==, equ, neq, leq, lss, geq, gtr`) then it complains.
The question from here is - why do %a% and %b% appear to be empty?
Within a block statement (a parenthesised series of statements), the entire block is parsed and then executed. Any %var% within the block will be replaced by that variable's value at the time the block is parsed - before the block is executed.
Hence, IF (something) else (somethingelse) will be executed using the values of %variables% at the time the IF is encountered. In your case, that means the outermost IF - in if defined string.
Two common ways to overcome this are 1) to use setlocal enabledelayedexpansion and use !var! in place of %var% to access the changed value of var or 2) to call a subroutine to perform further processing using the changed values.
Next problem is using a label within a block. Not a good idea. On some versions, a label will terminate the block. Call a subroutine instead.
call :cloop
goto start
(whatever needs to be done)
goto :eof
(note that :cloop and :EOF have a required colon. on cloop it means "this is an internal subroutine - it's in the cuurrent batchfile." :EOF is a predefined label understood by CMD to mean end of file.)

Batch file: Find if substring is in string (not in a file)

In a batch file, I have a string abcdefg. I want to check if bcd is in the string.
Unfortunately it seems all of the solutions I'm finding search a file for a substring, not a string for a substring.
Is there an easy solution for this?
Yes, you can use substitutions and check against the original string:
if not x%str1:bcd=%==x%str1% echo It contains bcd
The %str1:bcd=% bit will replace a bcd in str1 with an empty string, making it different from the original.
If the original didn't contain a bcd string in it, the modified version will be identical.
Testing with the following script will show it in action:
#setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
#echo off
set str1=%1
if not x%str1:bcd=%==x%str1% echo It contains bcd
And the results of various runs:
c:\testarea> testprog hello
c:\testarea> testprog abcdef
It contains bcd
c:\testarea> testprog bcd
It contains bcd
A couple of notes:
The if statement is the meat of this solution, everything else is support stuff.
The x before the two sides of the equality is to ensure that the string bcd works okay. It also protects against certain "improper" starting characters.
You can pipe the source string to findstr and check the value of ERRORLEVEL to see if the pattern string was found. A value of zero indicates success and the pattern was found. Here is an example:
: Y.CMD - Test if pattern in string
: P1 - the pattern
: P2 - the string to check
#echo off
echo.%2 | findstr /C:"%1" 1>nul
if errorlevel 1 (
echo. got one - pattern not found
) ELSE (
echo. got zero - found pattern
When this is run in CMD.EXE, we get:
C:\DemoDev>y pqrs "abc def pqr 123"
got one - pattern not found
C:\DemoDev>y pqr "abc def pqr 123"
got zero - found pattern
I usually do something like this:
Echo.%1 | findstr /C:"%2">nul && (
) || (
Echo.Hello world | findstr /C:"world">nul && (
) || (
Echo.Hello world | findstr /C:"World">nul && (Echo.TRUE) || (Echo.FALSE)
I don't know if this is the best way.
For compatibility and ease of use it's often better to use FIND to do this.
You must also consider if you would like to match case sensitively or case insensitively.
The method with 78 points (I believe I was referring to paxdiablo's post) will only match Case Sensitively, so you must put a separate check for every case variation for every possible iteration you may want to match.
( What a pain! At only 3 letters that means 9 different tests in order to accomplish the check! )
In addition, many times it is preferable to match command output, a variable in a loop, or the value of a pointer variable in your batch/CMD which is not as straight forward.
For these reasons this is a preferable alternative methodology:
Use: Find [/I] [/V] "Characters to Match"
[/I] (case Insensitive)
[/V] (Must NOT contain the characters)
As Single Line:
ECHO.%Variable% | FIND /I "ABC">Nul && ( Echo.Found "ABC" ) || ( Echo.Did not find "ABC" )
ECHO.%Variable%| FIND /I "ABC">Nul && (
Echo.Found "ABC"
) || (
Echo.Did not find "ABC"
As mentioned this is great for things which are not in variables which allow string substitution as well:
"Some long string with Spaces does not contain the expected string"
oihu AljB
"Going to evaluate this entire string for ABC as well!"
) DO (
ECHO.%~A| FIND /I "ABC">Nul && (
Echo.Found "ABC" in "%A"
) || ( Echo.Did not find "ABC" )
Output From a command:
NLTest | FIND /I "ABC">Nul && ( Echo.Found "ABC" ) || ( Echo.Did not find "ABC" )
As you can see this is the superior way to handle the check for multiple reasons.
If you are detecting for presence, here's the easiest solution:
This works great for dropping the output of windows commands into a boolean variable. Just replace the echo with the command you want to run. You can also string Findstr's together to further qualify a statement using pipes. E.G. for Service Control (SC.exe)
That one evaluates the output of SC Query for windows update services which comes out as a multiline text, finds the line containing "state" then finds if the word "running" occurs on that line, and sets the errorlevel accordingly.
I'm probably coming a bit too late with this answer, but the accepted answer only works for checking whether a "hard-coded string" is a part of the search string.
For dynamic search, you would have to do this:
SET searchString=abcd1234
SET key=cd123
CALL SET keyRemoved=%%searchString:%key%=%%
IF NOT "x%keyRemoved%"=="x%searchString%" (
ECHO Contains.
Note: You can take the two variables as arguments.
To find a text in the Var, Example:
var_text="demo string test"
Echo.%var_text% | findstr /C:"test">nul && (
echo "found test"
) || Echo.%var_text% | findstr /C:"String">nul && (
echo "found String with S uppercase letter"
) || (
echo "Not Found "
& Execute_that AND execute_this
|| Ex: Execute_that IF_FAIL execute this
&& Ex: Execute_that IF_SUCCESSFUL execute this
>nul no echo result of command
/C: Use string as a literal search string
Best approach for me would be this:
call :findInString "HelloWorld" "World"
ECHO.%1 | FIND /I %2>Nul && (
) || (
Echo.Not found
ECHO %String%| FINDSTR /C:"%Substring%" && (Instructions)
Better answer was here:
set "i=hello " world"
set i|find """" >nul && echo contains || echo not_contains
The solutions that search a file for a substring can also search a string, eg. find or findstr.
In your case, the easy solution would be to pipe a string into the command instead of supplying a filename eg.
case-sensitive string:
echo "abcdefg" | find "bcd"
ignore case of string:
echo "abcdefg" | find /I "bcd"
IF no match found, you will get a blank line response on CMD and %ERRORLEVEL% set to 1
Built on #user839791's answer, but I've added a few more things.
#echo off
rem --Set variable below--
set var=condition
rem --Uncomment below line to display contents of variable--
::echo The variable is %var%
rem --Change condition to desired string below--
ECHO.%var%| FIND /I "condition">Nul && (
rem --Occurs if the string is found--
Echo.Variable is "condition"
color C
) || (
rem --Occurs if the string isn't found--
Echo.Variable is not "condition"
color A
Yes, We can find the subString in the String:
echo.%data% | FINDSTR /I "POS">Nul && (SET var=POS) || (SET noVar="variable not found")
echo.%data% | FINDSTR /I "TD1">Nul && (SET var=TD1) || (SET noVar="variable not found")
GOTO %var%
echo processes inside POS
echo processes inside TD1

Batch files - number of command line arguments

Just converting some shell scripts into batch files and there is one thing I can't seem to find...and that is a simple count of the number of command line arguments.
eg. if you have:
myapp foo bar
In Shell:
$# -> 2
$* -> foo bar
$0 -> myapp
$1 -> foo
$2 -> bar
In batch
?? -> 2 <---- what command?!
%* -> foo bar
%0 -> myapp
%1 -> foo
%2 -> bar
So I've looked around, and either I'm looking in the wrong spot or I'm blind, but I can't seem to find a way to get a count of number of command line arguments passed in.
Is there a command similar to shell's "$#" for batch files?
ps. the closest i've found is to iterate through the %1s and use 'shift', but I need to refernece %1,%2 etc later in the script so that's no good.
Googling a bit gives you the following result from wikibooks:
set argC=0
for %%x in (%*) do Set /A argC+=1
echo %argC%
Seems like cmd.exe has evolved a bit from the old DOS days :)
You tend to handle number of arguments with this sort of logic:
IF "%1"=="" GOTO HAVE_0
IF "%2"=="" GOTO HAVE_1
IF "%3"=="" GOTO HAVE_2
If you have more than 9 arguments then you are screwed with this approach though. There are various hacks for creating counters which you can find here, but be warned these are not for the faint hearted.
The function :getargc below may be what you're looking for.
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
call :getargc argc %*
echo Count is %argc%
echo Args are %*
goto :eof
set getargc_v0=%1
set /a "%getargc_v0% = 0"
if not x%2x==xx (
set /a "%getargc_v0% = %getargc_v0% + 1"
goto :getargc_l0
set getargc_v0=
goto :eof
It basically iterates once over the list (which is local to the function so the shifts won't affect the list back in the main program), counting them until it runs out.
It also uses a nifty trick, passing the name of the return variable to be set by the function.
The main program just illustrates how to call it and echos the arguments afterwards to ensure that they're untouched:
C:\Here> xx.cmd 1 2 3 4 5
Count is 5
Args are 1 2 3 4 5
C:\Here> xx.cmd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Count is 11
Args are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
C:\Here> xx.cmd 1
Count is 1
Args are 1
C:\Here> xx.cmd
Count is 0
Args are
C:\Here> xx.cmd 1 2 "3 4 5"
Count is 3
Args are 1 2 "3 4 5"
Try this:
FOR %%A in (%*) DO SET /A ARGS_COUNT+=1
If the number of arguments should be an exact number (less or equal to 9), then this is a simple way to check it:
if "%2" == "" goto args_count_wrong
if "%3" == "" goto args_count_ok
echo I need exactly two command line arguments
exit /b 1
Avoids using either shift or a for cycle at the cost of size and readability.
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
set /a arg_idx=1
set "curr_arg_value="
if !arg_idx! GTR 9 goto :done
set curr_arg_label=%%!arg_idx!
call :get_value curr_arg_value !curr_arg_label!
if defined curr_arg_value (
echo/!curr_arg_label!: !curr_arg_value!
set /a arg_idx+=1
goto :loop1
set /a cnt=!arg_idx!-1
echo/argument count: !cnt!
goto :eof
set %1=%2
count_cmdline_args.bat testing more_testing arg3 another_arg
%1: testing
%2: more_testing
%3: arg3
%4: another_arg
argument count: 4
EDIT: The "trick" used here involves:
Constructing a string that represents a currently evaluated command-line argument variable (i.e. "%1", "%2" etc.) using a string that contains a percent character (%%) and a counter variable arg_idx on each loop iteration.
Storing that string into a variable curr_arg_label.
Passing both that string (!curr_arg_label!) and a return variable's name (curr_arg_value) to a primitive subprogram get_value.
In the subprogram its first argument's (%1) value is used on the left side of assignment (set) and its second argument's (%2) value on the right. However, when the second subprogram's argument is passed it is resolved into value of the main program's command-line argument by the command interpreter. That is, what is passed is not, for example, "%4" but whatever value the fourth command-line argument variable holds ("another_arg" in the sample usage).
Then the variable given to the subprogram as return variable (curr_arg_value) is tested for being undefined, which would happen if currently evaluated command-line argument is absent. Initially this was a comparison of the return variable's value wrapped in square brackets to empty square brackets (which is the only way I know of testing program or subprogram arguments which may contain quotes and was an overlooked leftover from trial-and-error phase) but was since fixed to how it is now.
A reasonably robust solution is to delegate counting to a subroutine invoked with call; the subroutine uses goto statements to emulate a loop in which shift is used to consume the (subroutine-only) arguments iteratively:
#echo off
:: Call the argument-counting subroutine with all arguments received,
:: without interfering with the ability to reference the arguments
:: with %1, ... later.
:: NOTE: See comments re /? below.
call :count_args %* >NUL || (echo Usage: ... & exit /b 0)
:: Print the result.
echo %ReturnValue% argument(s) received.
:: Exit the batch file.
exit /b
:: Subroutine that counts the arguments given.
:: Returns the count in %ReturnValue%
set /a ReturnValue = 0
if %1.==. goto :eof
set /a ReturnValue += 1
goto count_args_for
/? among the arguments - except if passed as "/?" - is not supported, because call invariably interprets it as a request to show its command-line help.
The code above detects this case (curiously, call signals failure via its exit code after showing its help) and interprets this case as wanting to show the current batch file's help instead of counting arguments.
Arguments with metacharacters (special characters) are supported, if enclosed in "..." (as is typical), but character-individual ^-escaping in an unquoted argument does not work (because the ^ is already stripped by the time the batch file sees the arguments, and expanding %* then causes the metacharacters to act as such):
:: OK - arguments with special chars. are "..."-enclosed.
:: -> "3 argument(s) received."
test.cmd hi "you & me" "a<b"
:: !! FAILS
:: The last argument uses character-individual ^-escaping.
:: -> error "The system cannot find the file specified."
test.cmd hi "you & me" a^<b
A syntactically invalid argument list is not supported (which is arguably not a problem):
:: !! FAILS
:: Syntactically invalid argument list
:: -> error "The syntax of the command is incorrect."
test.cmd a"
The last answer was two years ago now, but I needed a version for more than nine command line arguments. May be another one also does...
#echo off
set argc_=1
set arg0_=%0
set argv_=
set arg_=%1
if defined arg_ (
set arg%argc_%_=%1
set argv_=%argv_% %1
set /a argc_+=1
goto _LOOP
::dont count arg0
set /a argc_-=1
echo %argc_% arg(s)
for /L %%i in (0,1,%argc_%) do (
call :_SHOW_ARG arg%%i_ %%arg%%i_%%
echo converted to local args
call :_LIST_ARGS %argv_%
exit /b
set argc_=0
echo arg0=%0
set arg_=%1
if not defined arg_ exit /b
set /a argc_+=1
call :_SHOW_ARG arg%argc_% %1
echo %1=%2
exit /b
The solution is the first 19 lines and converts all arguments to variables in a c-like style. All other stuff just probes the result and shows conversion to local args. You can reference arguments by index in any function.
