What is required to generate code coverage data using XCode 4 - xcode

I have been trying to generate code coverage data for my application on XCode 4.2.1 (build 4D502) using the steps outlined at http://code.google.com/p/coverstory/wiki/UsingCoverstory
I am obviously missing something as there are no .gcno or .gcda files being generated along side my object files. I've tried adding the settings to both my test target and my application target but to no avail. I've had a second set of eyes go over things and all appears to be in order. Any ideas as to what is missing. Thanks in advance.

It doesn't work with llvm-gcc; you'll need to use the "LLVM Compiler 3.0" (aka clang). (I assume by the 'llvm-gcc' tag that you're not currently using it.)
I did this just last week, so it's definitely working.


Compiling Autotalent v2 Issues with Xcode 5.0.1 and Mavericks

I've been struggling to get Auto Talent from Oli Larkin to compile for some time now. I'm pretty new to Xcode and that may be the issue, but either way I figured I'd see if anyone could help me. I'm trying to compile this in order to make a 64 bit version.
Starting from the top:
I've traced down a few things that I thought were the issues.
Noticed that wdl sdk was missing. Downloaded it from https://github.com/olilarkin/wdl-ol. Added the wdl folder outside of the src folder.
Got some warnings when starting up Xcode 5.0.2. Let Xcode fix them.
Realized that the /Developer/Examples folder doesn't exist in Mavericks. Found https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/samplecode/CoreAudioUtilityClasses/Introduction/Intro.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40012328-Intro-DontLinkElementID_2, downloaded the sample code, linked to AUBase as I realized this path needed updating in the AU Build Settings (see screenshot).
iPlug.xcodeproj is in red. Not sure what to do about this. Any ideas? I'm assuming it's important.
Update: Based on the recent comments, I'm now getting somewhere. But, at the moment I'm getting the following errors. This has to do with not having a Lice SDK or something. Is this absolutely needed? If so, do you have the time to elaborate on this and where to get it? Thanks again for all of the help.
It looks like I'm getting another issue as well related to clang. Maybe related to Xcode - Command /Developer/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1, not sure.
Note: Before finally getting to the errors above, I had to...
Link CoreMIDI.framework "Frameworks and Libraries" -> "Linked Frameworks" -> App to /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMIDI.framework.
Set compiler in the build settings to default compiler. Otherwise it said unsupported compiler and threw some warnings. Hopefully this didn't mess anything up.
Rename aeffect.h and aeffectx.h to aeffect.h and aeffectx.h from the VST3 SDK. You can find these files in public.sdk -> source -> vst2.x. Apparently 2.x isn't really supported anymore. After renaming them, I moved them to the VST_SDK folder in WDL as the readme instructed.
the source you have will not compile straight off with recent versions of WDL-OL, since lots has changed. The way to upgrade it is to strip out the pertinent source code (i.e. autotalent.h/cpp and the mayer fft stuff) and re-duplicate one of the template projects in WDL-OL and bring it in to the new folder.
I've done it for you:
you can clone this repository into the IPlugExamples folder of WDL-OL, and provided you've put all the SDK files in place it should compile straight off.

Xcode 4.5 hangs when compiling large file

I have an Xcode project I want to archive.
However, the archive takes a very long time and trows an error: Xcode can not compile a file with about 19.000 lines.
Is there a limit on the number of lines Xcode can compile?
Is there a way to actually get Xcode to compile this file?
I have to note that this file only contains some parsed content, i.e. is a data model which can not be split.
I know it could be extracted into a database of some sort, but the question is really about Xcode and its compiling behaviour.
I changed my project to have <19,000 lines however a similar error still persisted!
what worked for me in Xcode5 after all was to change the Build Settings: Set "optimisation level" for RELEASE (or all) to NONE. worked wonders.
Divide & Conquer
What kind of code is that in a single class/file?
You could have broken that code into modules by creating other classes/objects. That would be simpler to understand and manage.

How can I get Xcode to Compile my code instead of doing Build AST?

I just converted a Framework project from Xcode 3 to Xcode 4. I've been building this project for years under every version of Xcode and Project Builder.
For some reason, Xcode 4 runs Build AST on all of my classes rather than Compile, which doesn't actually build the framework executable. On digging into it I found that this passes the -fsyntax-only flag to clang which tells it to stop after producing an Abstract Syntax Tree for each class. I have another Framework that builds fine in Xcode 4, and I've compared the build settings without uncovering anything that looks like it would cause this.
Does anyone have an idea what would make Xcode want to perform the Build AST action rather than Compile? And more to the point, how to turn that behavior off?
Thanks for any ideas...
Okay, I found that in my case I had a custom Build Rule for '*.i' files in my project. The clang build process apparently produces .i files (along with several others) as an intermediate product, so this rule was interfering and stopping it from completing all stages of the build. Removing the custom Build Rule allowed everything to build normally.

Is it possible to prevent/stop xcodebuild from rebuilding everything

I am trying to compile my project twice in a row, just with one preprocessor defined for the second build. (this #define is only used in one source file)
However when i call xcodebuild for the second time it rebuild everything! Using LLVM Compiler 3.0. XCode 4.2
Do you mean pre-processor flag? Whats the difference between the two builds? Just asking because sometimes there are other ways to achieve the same result.
You need to give us some more details and examples of you command lines etc.
Ijust did a quick google and checked the Xcode doco, GCC_PREPROCESSORDEFINITIONS should be GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS. Xcodebuild is simply ignoring your setting because it doesn't recognise it.

Why doesn't gcov report any lines being covered by my unit tests?

I am using Xcode 3.2 on 10.6, with the shipped version of gcov and default GCC compiler (both version 4.2.1). I have created a dependent Cocoa unit test bundle which is injected into my app, and followed Apple's documentation on setting up a gcov-instrumented build configuration - based on the Debug configuration which doesn't have any compiler optimisations enabled.
When I build the test bundle with this 'Gcov-instrumented' configuration, the app launches and the tests are injected and run. Also the coverage statistics files are generated at:
So far so good. I know the tests are really being run because if I insert failures then the test suite fails as expected. Unfortunately, gcov reports that no lines of the objects have been covered by the tests! Every line is reported as 0 coverage. I've searched here and at the Apple mailing list archives, and can't find anyone with a similar problem. I expect I'm missing something - but what is it?
I have been running into this problem intermittently. I stumbled into a good length of lucky time where it was "mostly working" in my main project. By mostly working I mean I was able to get coverage to show up, but with a little more pain than on 10.5. I had to aggressively delete the coverage files and rebuild in order to get any updates, for instance. Even in my "barely working" state, the compiler/runtime doesn't seem willing to overwrite an existing coverage data file.
I think I've stumbled back on to a working scenario. Voodoo for sure, and less than ideal:
Make sure the SDK is 10.6.
Make sure the deployment is set to gcc 4.0 (!).
Do a full clean of the project.
Does this get you the expected coverage data?
Granted, I would expect to be able to generate coverage files that work using gcc 4.2 or one of the LLVM compilers, but for the moment this seems to have me slightly less crippled than before.
Another clue: when I observe the coverage data (using Google's Cover Story), I get warnings like:
/BUILDRESULTS/MarsEdit.build/Code Coverage/MarsEditDataModelTests.build/Objects-normal/i386/MEDataItem.gcno:version '400A', prefer '402*'
But the coverage information is still presented. So it seems it's balking at an older coverage format version, but if I use the newer compiler (4.2) which would presumably generate the newer format .gcno files, the 0% coverage problem plagues me as it does Graham.
In Xcode 4.6, coverage reports just seem to work. Turn on "Generate Test Coverage Files" and "Instrument Program Flow" for the app target, run the tests, then point the coverage tool at the output. That's in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Derived Data/<Project>-<hash>/Build/Intermediates/<Target>.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/<Target>.build; opening that folder in CoverStory shows me the results I expected.
This GitHub repository contains scripts that can automatically discover the output and get lcov to visualise it; I'm happy with CoverStory for now.
You can get code coverage working with gcc 4.2.1. Details here:
I have been trying to get the Code coverage working for iPhone simulator and always get a 0% coverage. Below are the configuration details and the steps that I have tried.
Xcode 3.2.5/iOS 4.1 and iOS 4.2/Mac 10.6/GCC 4.2
Enable “Generate Test Coverage Files”
Enable “Instrument Program Flow”
Add “-lgcov” to “Other Linker Flags”
UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend flag in Info.plist is set to true
I have the .gcda files generated but the coverage always show 0%.
Settings tried
Changing GCC to 4.0 and 4.2. When I try to change the GCC to 4.0 I get 26 build errors.
Set environment variables:
const char *prefix = "GCOV_PREFIX";
const char *prefixValue = [[NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:#"Documents"] cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; // This gets the filepath to the app's Documents directory
const char *prefixStrip = "GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP";
const char *prefixStripValue = "1";
setenv(prefix, prefixValue, 1); // This sets an environment variable which tells gcov where to put the .gcda files.
setenv(prefixStrip, prefixStripValue, 1); // This tells gcov to strip the default prefix, and use the filepath that we just declared.)
GCC Optimization set to None (-O0) and unchecked the precompiled prefix header file flag.
I was getting 0 coverage when *.gcno files for static library was overwritten by those for shared library.
