When using Contains with Dynamic Linq on Linq-to-objects, the search is case sensitive. I would like to be able to search case insensitive (like Linq-to-sql, cause SQL server does this by default).
Something like:
this.someQuery = this.someQuery.Where(field + ".Contains(#0, true)", strValue);
where true means: caseinsensitive = true, like one of the extensions of System.String.Contains provides. Though i cannot use extensions to System.String with dynamic Linq by default.
Can you just .ToLower() both sides of the comparison? Something like this:
this.someQuery = this.someQuery.Where(field.ToLower().Contains(strValue.ToLower()));
Or did I misunderstand what you're looking for?
When using "toLower", make sure you include the () "ToLower()"
If you want to use placeholders then your code should look like
this.someQuery = this.someQuery.Where("field" + ".ToLower().Contains(#0.ToLower())", strValue);
In my problem I search for elements that have an example structure like:
<ngc-product-card ng-reflect-signup-type="comprehensive">
Since the elements may have the comprehensive value stored in another attribute, say:
<new-ngc-product-card data-label="comprehensive signup">
hence I would like to use a wildcard-attribute-name search and also apply the contains() function like:
which doesn't work
What does work is
Is there any way to use both '#*' and 'contains()' ?
This should do.
//*[#*[contains(., "comprehensive")]]
I have a dropdown of vehicle makes that I want my users to start selecting as they type. First character typed should find the first character in the makes. The problem is that it searches anywhere in the make for a character and does not start at the first character like my users would like. For example... if you type an "r" you get: Alfa Romeo, Aston Martin, Chevrolet, Chrysler, etc... well before you get a Renault.
I create my list from the database. My haml looks like this:
= render partial:'/makes/make_select', locals:{id:'make_id'}
That calls this _make_select.html.haml
= collection_select :vehicle, id, Make.all.order(:name), :id, :name, {prompt:true}, {title:'Select Make', class:'make-select', 'data-allow-empty' => 'no'}
I cant seem to find any docs on Ruby that shows me the valid options for collection_select. Maybe there is an option that allows this?
I have read that I might need to use jQuery to accomplish this. Was just trying to figure out if there might be an easier way with just a simple option in the haml.
Let me know if there is anything else you would like to see.
You could add logic to your controller and to check using a SQL query, something like this, depends on the database you're using.
#makes = Make.where('name LIKE ?', "#{params[character]}%")
Check out the MySql docs on pattern matching
You should not add your Model query inside a view, should add it.
In your above case, I suggest you use https://github.com/argerim/select2-rails it very powerful and already have what you need.
How to make case-insensitive search query using Flask-Restless?
I would like the previous code to return "davidson", "Davidson", "DAVIDSON"...
But it only returns "davidson".
You can use the ilike operator like so:
This is not really documented in the Flask-Restless docs, but the operator is documented in SQLAlchemy which is the OR mapper Flask-Restless uses under the hood. See the relevant docs here or this answer.
Is there an easy way to transform an XPath query (as string), like:
my/x/path[contains(sub/path, 'text')]
to an XPath query which uses equals instead of contains? Such that I can easily use the same query, one time with contains and another time with equals? Unfortunately there is no "equals" function in XPath...
You might differentiate between the two options via a flag:
my/x/path[ ($wantContains and contains(sub/path, 'text'))
(not($wantContains) and sub/path = 'text')
I need to OR two SqlMethods.Like statements in LINQ, and I'm not sure how to accomplish it (or if it's the right way to go about it).
I've got vendor ID and vendor name fields, but I've only got a generic vendor search that allows a user to search for a vendor based on their name or ID. I also allow wildcards in the search, so I need to find vendors whose ID or name is like the user's input.
I want to do something like below, but obviously it's not correct. (EDIT: It does work as written.)
results = results.Where(p => SqlMethods.Like(p.VendorId, inputVendor.Replace("*", "%") ||
SqlMethods.Like(p.VendorName, inputVendor.Replace("*", "%"));
Background: I add where statements depending on the search parameters entered by the user, hence the results = results.Where part.
Any help would be appreciated!
It's not clear to me why this is "obviously" not correct. Presumably it's not working, otherwise you wouldn't have posted, but it's not obvious how it's not working.
I would suggest performing the replacement before the query, like this:
string vendorPattern = inputVendor.Replace("*", "%");
But then I'd expect this to work:
results = results.Where(p => SqlMethods.Like(p.VendorId, vendorPattern) ||
SqlMethods.Like(p.VendorName, vendorPattern));
Of course you're limited to where wildcards can appear in a SQL LIKE query, but that's a separate problem. (I'm not sure of the behaviour offhand if it's not at the start or end.)
If that doesn't help, please update the question with what happens when you try this.