GCC -M dependency generation issue - gcc

According to GNU's documentation
If there are many included files then the rule is split into several lines using \-newline.
After running the following command, why is the output from gcc -M not as expected?
How do I ensure that each dependency appears on a separate line? Thanks for your help in advance.
gcc -Iinc/ -Isrc/ -M -MM src/BitSet.c
BitSet.o: src/BitSet.c \
inc/BitSet.h inc/StdDefs.h
I am using GCC 4.5.2 (MinGW) on Windows.

You came to expect the wrong thing.
If there are many included files then the rule is split into
several lines using \ -newline.
The rule is split if it is longer than a certain length. Nowhere does the documentation say that the rule will be split after each token.
I.e., fault in the expected output, not in the observed output.
Regarding your comment (building a build tool of your own that uses gcc -M output for its dependency tracking)... the output of gcc -M is meant to be parsed by make, using make's parsing rules. If you want to use the output yourself, you will have to follow the same parsing rules - which aren't that difficult to begin with.


Split gcc output by thread/job

I want to do statistics on compiler warnings per compilation unit based on the compiler output of gcc/g++. This is no problem with -j1 but with multiple threads, e.g. -j4, the output is completely mixed. Can I either
get the compiler to write the output per compiler thread to different files/outputs or
"atomically" print all output/warnings for a single compilation unit together?
I'm using gcc/g++ 8.1 and (if this helps) buildbot.
Recent enough versions of GNU make have an option, -O, which controls the behavior of parallel output:
Output During Parallel Execution
It is a good idea to specify -O each time you request a parallel build with a -j option.

How do I work around gnu linker command line pickiness?

This question and its answer explains the importance of linking command line order.
However, I deal with a lot of makefiles containing lines like
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $#
Aparently, commands like these just work on some systems, but not on mine. Is there a way to work around this behaviour other than finding and patching all Makefiles like these?
I am using gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) 4.6.3
EDIT for clarification:
I do a lot of patching and integration as part of my job(Usually buildroot or LTIB) , and I come across multiple makefiles written like this. Also some example compiling commands on the web follow the same pattern.
So, the problem is that some idiot has created a makefile that puts all the library options before the .o file. Presumably there is some broken toolchain out there that doesn't care, but that doesn't help you.
There's only two options here:
Fix the makefile.
Create a compiler wrapper that reorders the options. Such a wrapper would be broken in general, but could make it work for the exact pattern used by your makefiles.
I did wonder if --start-group would help you here, but a quick experiment suggests not.

How to make gcc uses march=native as default?

Is there a way to change the specs file so that it will pass -march=native if nothing is specified in command line?
Related things in the default specs file is:
%{march=native:%>march=native %:local_cpu_detect(arch) %{!mtune=*:%>mtune=native %:local_cpu_detect(tune)}} %{mtune=native:%>mtune=native %:local_cpu_detect(tune)}
I am not sure how specs works. Simply specifying -march=native before or after %(cc1_cpu) doesn't work. However, this line does take effect because GCC will report error if I put -something_wierd instead of -march=native.
Another thing I noticed is if I put %{march=i386:-something_wierd} before %(cc1_cpu), gcc reports error so looks like -march=i386 is always passed in if nothing is specified, so is there a way to distinguish between nothing specified and -march=i386 in specs file?
BTW, what does %> do? Seems like it is not specified in the documentation.
I am using MinGW's gcc-4.6.2.
Referring to your last question: The gcc 4.6.1 sources (gcc/gcc.c) contain the following comment on %>:
%>S Similar to "%<S", but keep it in the GCC command line.
For the sake of completeness following the comment for %< form the same file:
%<S remove all occurrences of -S from the command line.
Note - this command is position dependent. % commands in the
spec string before this one will see -S, % commands in the
spec string after this one will not.
To answer the first question in short: yes, but ....
... the only generic solution I found has the significant drawback that the -march option will be ignored, so every build is done as if -march=native had been specified. Anyhow there is a workaround to that.
1 The solution (without workaround)
Create a specs-file called let's say specs.nativealways containing:
%<march=* -march=native %>march=native %:local_cpu_detect(arch) %{!mtune=*:%>mtune=native %:local_cpu_detect(tune)} %{mtune=native:%>mtune=native %:local_cpu_detect(tune)}
When using the specs-file (for example by invoking gcc with the option -specs=specs.nativealways) the build will be done as if -march=native was specified (with the mentioned drawback that any occurrence of option -march=<arch> would have simply been ignored).
2 The workaround
To still by able to override the newly configured default behavior one can use a modified version of the specs-file described above, introducing a new option called -myarch using the same syntax as -march (except for -myarch=native, which won't work, which does not metter as native now is the default).
The modfied specs-file looks like this:
%<march=* %{myarch=*:%<myarch* -march=%* ; :-march=native %>march=native %:local_cpu_detect(arch) %{!mtune=*:%>mtune=native %:local_cpu_detect(tune)}} %{mtune=native:%>mtune=native %:local_cpu_detect(tune)}
PS: This has been tested with with gcc 4.6.2 on Linux, but should work on MinGW.
While not a direct answer to your question, you can reach a very similar effect by defining CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS in your shell's initialization file. 99% of the Makefiles are sufficiently standard to pick up the environment values and pass the flags to gcc.
+ %{!march*:-march=native}

What's the "correct" way to determine target and architecture for GNU binutils?

In my build chain, I need to do this:
objcopy -I binary -O $BFDNAME -B $BFDARCH <this> <that>
in order to get a binary file into library form. Because I want other people to be able to use this, I need to know how to get $BFDNAME and $BFDARCH from their toolchain when they run the build. I can get the values locally by running objdump -f against a file I've already built, but is there a better way which won't leave me compiling throw-away files just to get configuration values?
Thank you for pointing this out, regularfry! Your answer helped me to find another solution which works without specifying the architecture at all:
ld -r -b binary -o data.o data.txt
On my system (Ubuntu Linux, binutils 2.22) both objcopy and ld approaches produce identical object files.
All credit goes to:
For future reference, the answer seems to be this: the first entry in the output of objdump -i is the default, native format of the system.

Separating objects and source with a makefile

I have been having troubles getting my makefiles to work the way I want. First off, I would like to say this is POSIX make, as in http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/make.html I am needing my build system to work with both BSDs and GNUs(Linux).
What I am wanting is a zero maintenance makefile. I want it to just compile all .c and .asm files in src/ and place the object files in objs/ and then to link everything in objs/ to a binary file.
I can do a lot, but I can't get it to separate the source and obj files.
I am ok if this requires a little built-in shell scripting (using POSIX defined /bin/sh), but I can just not get the dependencies to work right. I want it to only build the object file if the source file is newer.
My closest is this:
${C_OBJS}: ${HDRS} ${*:objs/%=src/%}.c
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c ${*:objs/%=src/%}.c -o $*.o
This has the problem that I must still specify C_OBJS=objs/foo.o and such and also it is just barely not POSIX and therefore, compiles with BSD make but not GNU make.
The POSIX version of make does not explicitly support file names with slashes in them, nor does it make provision for separating source files in a different directory from the object files. And, as noted by #caskey, it does not support any notation using '%' characters, though it notes that such rules exist and recommends that they be reserved for use as metacharacters.
Consequently, you probably cannot do what you want with standard POSIX make.
In practice, you can often do what you seek with specific implementations of make, but the resulting makefile has limited portability.
Consider using a makefile generation systems of some sort - cmake or the auto-tools (autoconf, libtool, automake, etc). Or one of the many reworkings of the basic concepts of make:
...and a dozen I've forgotten or not heard of...
POSIX make doesn't support constructs like?
objs/%.o : src/%.c
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c $< -o $#
Forgot the question mark at the end, hope that makes my comment more clear.
