Cannot create connection in Oracle SQL Developer - oracle

I am a new user in Oracle. In Oracle SQL Developer, whenever I want to create a new connection and fill the "New Database Connection" form, it gives me this error: -
ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
Please Help.

To add more to my comment on the question...
Ensure your database is open (has been started up).
Start all oracle services for your database
Start the databases listener (lsnrctl start)
Startup your database instance (startup open <database_name>)
Also, ensure the database you are trying to connect to has an entry in the tnsnames.ora file your SQL Developer is using (depending upon your setup you may have a tnsnames.ora for both your oracle client and database software if they are on the same physical hardware like your PC or laptop).

I've faced that kinda problem also and I've tried stop all of oracle services and start it again. But unsuccessful. Eventually, I've needed to install Oracle again which can solve this problem.


Able to connect to Oracle 12c database using SQL*Plus, but not Oracle SQL Developer

I installed Oracle Database 12c on my Windows 10. I was able to connect to database using SQL*Plus. I created a user named USER1 in SQL*Plus and granted full access. I tried to connect to the database using SQL Developer but got an error that says, "Status : Failure -Test failed: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection". How can I fix it?
None of similar old posts were helpful, so posting this question here.
More info:-
I named my database as kitab. I made sure that all oracle services are running:-
This is what it shows when I check the status of listener:-
This is the information from listener.ora:-
I changed SID to CLRExtProc and it gives me same error:-
What else can I do to troubleshoot it?
Did you try to:
run "Services"
I don't have Windows 10, but - on Windows 7, you can find it by
typing "services.msc" into "Start - Search Programs and Files", or
in "Administrative tools" within the "Control Panel"
check status of Oracle services
I presume not all of them are started up. If so,
start them up now, manually, and then try to establish connection with SQL Developer
change their startup mode to "automatic" so that they are started every time you power on the computer

ERROR: First connection sqldeveloper username and password

I have already installed sqldeveloper and i can launch SQLdeveloper client on my Linux Ubuntu 16.04 system.
The problem occurs during the first attempt of the new oracle connection from the client.
Error returned:
"I/O: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection"
I have already tryed several times to connect at the database but i still missing the username and password.
Is it possible to configure username and password for SYS/SYSTEM(or who else) user after installation?
Full stop.
You don't have a database.
Installing SQL Developer is just giving you a client you can use to work with an existing Oracle Database, which we often refer to as the 'server.'
SQL Developer is not a database.
So you need to get one.
Then you can use SQL Developer.
You have a few options. I talk about them in detail here.
SQL developer is just like the Key for Safe lock. And Database is the Safe.
So right now you have the key for Safe but doesn't have Safe.
Please get the safe first.
SQL Developer is not the Database. So Installing SQL developer will not give access to DB
Instead SQL Developer is the client side tool to retrieve the data or to do the modification on Database.
To get the database you need to download oracle DB from below link

I am able to connect to the Oracle Database thru sql plus but not thru sql developer

I installed Oracle11g XE for windows32.
First time when I try to connect via SQL developer it gets connected effortlessly. But once I close the SQL Developer and restart it, then again I am unable to connect to the DB.
Then I tried to connect with SQL plus and guess what it gets connected!
But through SQL devloper I receive an error message as follows:
ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor.
I have checked all the credentials thoroughly. Still am unable to find the error. Please Help.
When you are using sql plus you use the tnsnames.ora file to find your connection. You can do the same in sql developer.
Just click the listbox connection type and choose TNS instead of basic
then for network alias you should be able to choose a connection from your tnsnames.ora

couldn't connect to oracle database connection via Oracle SQL Developer

Although I can open my connection using SQL Plus, I am unable to open that connection using Oracle SQL Developer.
Earlier there was no problem. But, a friend of mine wanted to reach my database through another computer. So, he maybe edited some configuration files like:
listener.ora, sqlnet.ora or tnsnames.ora.
But I'm really not sure if this caused the problem.
If the problem is from the previous configuration files then please provide me a link to the files in the default state.

ora 12560 tns protocol adapter error- while connecting to oracle

I have oracle 9i already installed in my machine. I am trying to connect to the oracle but while connection i am getting "ora 12560 tns protocol adapter error" type of error. i have tried it with the default pass scott/tiger , system/manager..
When i tried to connect to the oracle using default credentials i am getting the above error.
is it the problem with the username and password ? if so how can i get the username and password which is already set ?
IME, ORA-12560 means the Oracle Universal Installer messed up your listener configuration.
Assuming you have an Oracle 9i Server installed on your computer, here's a list of things to check.
does "lsnrctl status" show your database instance?
does "tnsping my_service_name" work?
do tnsnames.ora and listener.ora contain entries for your database? Are the hostname / port etc. correct?
If the configuration is wrong, your best bet is to start netca, remove your existing listener configuration and re-configure it.
One question, though: Why do you want to run Oracle 9i? Do you have to support some kind of legacy application / database? (Oracle 11gR2 is so much nicer than 9i)
Start -> Run -> services.msc
Select the oracle service name and right click on it then select start.
