Fatal error: "Class JController" not found in Joomla - joomla

I'm trying to update the Joomla version on one of the website I managed.
I downloaded the package to upgrade to Joomla 1.5.25 (if my memory's good). I did a test on a dev website and everything worked well.
Now, when I apply the update to the current website, i receive the error : Fatal error: "Class JController" not found in */components/com_content/controller.php "
The line
is there.
Anyone has any idea?
Thanks a lot

try to upload the files again via FTP client. Sometimes files don't transfer properly or at all. Also make sure you downloaded the correct upgrade package related to your previous version.


Error "ionCube PHP Loader" after using composer. Magento 2 showing error. Please advise

I'm encountering this message:
"Site error: the ionCube PHP Loader needs to be installed. This is a widely used PHP extension for running ionCube protected PHP code, website security, and malware blocking.
Please visit get-loader.ioncube.com for install assistance"
I'm getting this message after using Composer/Magento commands (update, upgrade, compile, and deploy). I'm running a localhost install of Magento 2, which is now showing the following message.
"There has been an error processing your request
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.
Error log record number: 629950493790"
I have looked for other solutions online but these solutions didn't fit. One solution seemed too risky, which was to change the name of my php.ini file to .php.ini (note the dot before). One solution advises to install a version of ionCube with the right PHP version, but since I'm working with PHP 7.0.* I'm not able to find that version of ionCube. I have also looked for the error that matches the error number I was given, but no luck.
I encountered these errors while trying to install a theme. I am new to Magento so I followed a guide that gave me a list of composed commands to go through. I selected the new theme through my admin's Configuration > Design, but noticed the design didn't really push through (cache or compile issue I think? I'm learning, if slowly.) I tried the command "composer update" but got my login credentials wrong.
My environment: Windows, XAMPP, PHP 7.0, Magento 2.2.8
If there are any resources that can help me, please let me know about them, incl. books. I really don't know how to proceed.
C:\xampp\htdocs\magento2> composer update
I want to be able to push the theme's visual changes, and safely and correctly clear the cache and update the files as needed.

Fatal error: Class 'plgContentWidgetkit_Content' not found in

My website http://gutenberginstitute.com was developped using joomla and yootheme "venice". However, I have download and installed Widgetkit (free version so far) to test it on my site, and I can't make it work. It seems there are some plugins that are not installed, and if I put
[widgetkit id=1]
in some article, for example...
It's not converted into the widget, but it shows just "[widgetkit id=1]"
On the other hand, if I use the module that gets created after the installation of widgetkit, in the "Modules" tab, I get an error when trying to show the article:
Fatal error: Class 'plgContentWidgetkit_Content' not found in
on line 312
Anyone know what could be here happening?
This is already fixed. It was related to different uikit.js version (2.18) and templates (2.20) and yoo_theme out of date. Update your yoo_theme version and all the rest will be fixed automatically!

Site down after failed Gantry upgrade (Joomla)

I have a Joomla site that i would like to update to version 2.5, but before I did that I upgrade the Gantry framework. Big mistake. The template is from Rocket Theme, Camber.
I updated Gantry via extension manager. The installation was canceled and now I get an error message. I can not access my page or backend.
What can I do?!
My current Joomla is 1.7
My URL: www.casabar.com
Error code:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getWord() on a non-object in /libraries/gantry/gantry.php on line 189
You mention the installation was cancelled - try uninstall the extension from the extension manager and then re-install it successfully?
It sounds as if one of the dependent files was not copied as the installation was interrupted?
Oh I see you cant access the backend. In this case, I would suggest a FTP upload of the gantry files.

Joomla 'component not found' install error

I made a component that was working find on my local machine but when I tried to put it on live site it gives me '404 - An error has occurred. Component not found' error that doesn't seem to go away. I have tried everything from installing from different admins to putting the files directly to server but nothing works. I even tried installing it on another joomla site but that doesn't help either. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
I was stuck on this since morning and finally got the solution. This might be of help...
The component name was com_ABCdef and it worked on local like that however when I installed in to site it became all small letters and was calling for option=com_abcdef and my installation files file ABCdef.xml and ABCdef.php and changing those to lower case solved my problem.
how are you doing it ?
Do you have the xml install file ?
name convention? i think name should always be com_componentName
have you placed it in the component directory ?
read more about joomla component here http://docs.joomla.org/Developing_a_Model-View-Controller_Component_-_Part_1

Error while adding Attribute in Magento 1.4.2

I have started working on a fresh Magento 1.4.2 installation. When I try to add a new attribute I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function setIsPopup() on a non-object in /var/www/projects/magento/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/controllers/Catalog/Product/AttributeController.php on line 117
I tried searching in google and found a solution here:
But that resolves add issue but it causes problem in Modifying a attribute.
I like to know if any better solution is available to this issue.
Please try reinstalling the package "Mage_All_Latest" with the Magento Connect Manager and make sure, you have set the folder-permissions right.
Ensure that the file magento/var/.htaccess, the directories magento/app/etc, magento/var, and all the directories under magento/media are writable by the web server.
It sounds like there was a problem while your install, so a reinstall of the latest packages maybe solves your problem.
