How to loop and extract data from various url's using the iMacros Addon for Firefox - firefox

I would like to extract data form a spacific url such as
Where xx is a number between 1 and 1000 (ie. the script should loop through) and extract the data so far I have the following script:
URL GOTO=http://www.example/data.php?id={{!LOOP}}
Now how can I achieve this to loop properly also if a url eg
does not exist no data is extracted but the script continues and finally how can I get the data to be outputted to a file?

With the macro you wrote, if you use the Loop function (that is, hit the play loop button) the macro is going to load one url after the other and extract the desired data.
However, the data is not going to be saved, but presented to you in a popup at each step. To avoid that, include the command
at the beginning. For the saving, use SAVEAS TYPE=EXTRACT

you need to set error ignore to make the script continue if data not found, use this:


How to check if excel sheets exists in Kettle ETL?

I'm looping a directory and load all excel files where sheet name is like "Data".
If no sheet is named like "Data", I'm expecting the transformation to abort or throw an error. I have tried to use "switch-case", set default step to "Abort" if the sheet name does not equal to "Data", but this does not work. The work flow would go to both "Abort" and "Data" direction.
So how I achieve this? Just like doing an if else in Kettle? In SSIS, I can manage to use the variable to determine the work direction, but it seems that I could not use variable in Kettle.
I've figured out a solution.
USING Simple Evaluation to check for a variable value.
SET this variable value within the job:
Get sheet name from Microsoft Excel Input
Output this variable at the end of the job using [Set Variable], give it a dummy variable value
Check this variable at the parent transformation, if it equals to specific value, then continue the work flow, else abort
You can't set and read Variables in the same transformation.
In your case, get count of "Data sheets" by "group by" step and next simply call Abort in case of count=0.

Get Automator app result in external Applescript?

Is there a way to retrieve result of an Automator app script in an external Applescript app (not the Applescript lines in Automator)?
Something like:
tell application "My_Automator_App"
-- suppose My_Automator_App checks the Calendar to see if there some events today
-- "Show Result" in Automator will display a list
get the_Result -- list returned by Automator
end tell
I looked into this a little bit and didn't find a natural means by which AppleScript and Automator applets can communicate, although this doesn't mean one definitely doesn't exist.
In the meantime, you could implement one of a couple of workarounds/hacks that, although a little unseemly in their methods, do achieve the desired result without creating any side issues that would affect the functionality of an applet itself.
1. Use The Clipboard
Append a Copy to Clipboard action at the end of the applet's workflow, or following the action whose result you would wish to be reported.
Retrieving the clipboard from AppleScript is simple:
get the clipboard
This will probably suit return values that are simple text strings or a number. Passing an array of items from an Automator action to the clipboard isn't very reliable, sometimes only allowing access to the first item. However, this can be resolved with a small AppleScript within the workflow to process results arrays properly and convert them into an accessible format, e.g. a comma-delimited string.
However, the clipboard is also capable of storing image data, file references, and other data types, so it will be possible (if not always straightforward) to send those to be retrieved in an AppleScript.
Where possible, strings and numbers are the safest storage types.
2. Write Out To A Temporary File
To avoid using the clipboard as an intermediary, or if you wish the applet to report multiple variables without too much work, then writing the data to a temporary file is a fairly common practice, such as is done in shell scripts when persistant values are needed between multiple executions of the same script.
There's actually a special directory that gets periodically purged so that temporary data files don't accumulate: /tmp. It's hidden in Finder, but you can still create files and delete them as you would any other directory. Files that aren't access for 3 days get purged by the system.
There is a New Text File action that can write text to a file:
Specifying the /tmp directory is most easily done by creating a variable whose value is "/tmp" (without the quotes), and dragging that variable onto the appropriate field.
But my inclination would be to insert an AppleScript, or more suitably, a shell script into the workflow, with which file manipulation becomes easy and more capable.
Calendar Events Example
Using a similar example to the scenario you described, a simple applet that retrieves calendar events might have a workflow that looks like this:
where you can calibrate the first action to isolate the events you want, such as today's events. That action returns a type of object that isn't easily processed by AppleScript, but the second action extracts the relevant data in text format, summarising the list of events that the first action returned.
This is where a temporary file is useful to write out the data to a text file, which can then be retrieved in an AppleScript.
Given this Automator applet saved under the named "CalEvents", this AppleScript makes use of that applet and its result:
property tidEvents : [linefeed, linefeed, "EVENT", space] as text
property tidDetails : {tab, " to "}
property tid : a reference to my text item delimiters
run application id ""
set tid's contents to tidEvents
set EventsSummary to read POSIX file "/tmp/EventsSummary.txt"
set EventsList to the EventsSummary's text items
set [[n], EventsList] to [it, rest] of EventsList
set n to n's last word as number
EventsList -- The final list of events from first to last
Upon its first run, the applet requires consent to access your calendar information, which only needs to be done once and will make the above script appear to fail. Once authorised, you can run the script as often as you like to get the most up-to-date content of the /tmp/EventsSummary.txt file.
Each item in the list variable EventsList is a block of text that looks like this (asterisks are my redactions for privacy, as are the address items in curly braces):
4 OF 8
Summary: GP Appointment
Status: none
Date: 07/12/2017 to 07/12/2017
Time: 14:45:00 to 15:45:00
Location: ******** Medical Centre
{Address Line 1}
{Address Line 2}
{Post Code}
United Kingdom
Notes: 01*** *****9
Each value is separated from the preceding colon by a tab character, which won't be obvious here. Also, as you can tell from the date format and address, these are British-formatted values, but yours will, of course, be whatever they are set as in Calendar.
But since each list item is much the same, extracting details for a particular event will be simple in AppleScript, first by splitting a particular event item into paragraphs, and then splitting a particular paragraph by either a tab or space character (or both) or some preposition that naturally delimits useful bits of text:
set |Event| to some item in the EventsList
set tid's contents to tidDetails
set EventDetails to {title:text item 2 of paragraph 2 ¬
, startTime:text item 2 of paragraph 5 ¬
, EndTime:text item 3 of paragraph 5} of the |Event|
which places the important event details, such as its name and start/end times, in an AppleScript record:
{title:"GP Appointment", startTime:"15:45:00", EndTime:"16:00:00"}

How can I use OpenArgs to print multiple reports in a loop situation?

I am slimming down my databases, eliminating duplicate reports where I can and creating better code. I have one database that involves our welders and foremen. In this code, I can print a report for an individual foreman, which sends the string "strActive" through openargs The report looks at strActive and on the OpenForm action, sets the filter for active, inactive, or all welders, based on the string value passed through.
It works perfectly for the single page at a time code. There, the user chooses a foreman from a list or enters the foreman's clock number. The query the report is based on uses the global string "ForemanCLK" to only get results for that welder.
Formerly, I had three reports; one for all welders, one for active welders, and one for inactive welders.
Previously, I would set a variable based on strActive and open the appropriate report using another variable in the code in place of the report name. The loop worked fine and opened the report 39 times, each time with a new foreman name and data.
I'm baffled as to why opening the report now, with an openarg, doesn't work. I only get the first foreman name, 39 times. I've verified that I get the foremanCLK variable of the different foremen by commenting out the docmd line and debug.print(ing) the various values needed by the form. The report simply doesn't load it correctly.
Set rec = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)
For ctr = 0 To rec.RecordCount - 1
ForemanCLK = rec(0).Value
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptForeman", acViewNormal, , , , strActive
'DoCmd.OpenReport "rptForeman", acViewNormal
The above code gets me many copies of the same foreman's report filtered by strActive
For ctr = 0 To rec.RecordCount - 1
ForemanCLK = rec(0).Value
'DoCmd.OpenReport "rptForeman", acViewNormal, , , , strActive
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptForeman", acViewNormal
But this gets me all the different foremen, except it is not filtered.
I've tried passing in a Where clause.
acViewNormal, ,"[active]=" & True
acViewNormal, ,"[active]=" & False
acViewNormal, ,"[active]=" & True & " OR [active]=" & False
I did the same verification with the single report, and it filters correctly, but in the loop, it does not filter at all. It does, however give me the different foremen.
The big question here is...
WHY? Does access not have enough time between reports to close it and therefore it doesn't perform the operations on the open event?
Any other ideas?
You must close the report explicitly inside your loop: DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptForeman". If OpenReport is called a second time on an already-open report, the object gets the focus in access, but it doesn't re-run the Open event.
Okay, I must hang my head in shame.
I error checked the hell out of that code above using every variable except strActive.
When I added that to my debug.print line, it came up with nothing. How can that be!?!!??
I simply forgot to set that at the beginning of the sub, like I did with the other action that opens a single report. strActive is a global variable, but was not set at any other point in the code up until this piece.
Once this was added to the beginning of the sub, all worked fine.

OpenTBS Replace Text

Is it possible to replace text without having to create a TAG?
I'm using a template to fill some data in a word document. One of the things I need to fill is the revision number, something like: "1º Revision" ([onshow.rev])
But the generated file can be re-submited several times, and I need to increment the revision for each time, but since the tag [onshow.rev] is gone from the first time, I can't do it anymore.
Is it possible the replace just the text "1º Revision" with something line "2º Revision"?
With TinyButStrong, You can directly modify the contents using $TBS->Source.
But, with OpenTBS over TBS, you have to take care that only the current sub-file is actually accessible by $TBS->Source.
For example, if you are working on an Ms Excel sheet, then you have to do a $TBS->PlugIn(OPENTBS_SELECT_SHEET, $Sheet) in order to select the sheet to modify.
Here is how to replace your item in the template :
$TBS->Source = str_replace("1º Revision", "2º Revision", $TBS->Source);

how to select few words from text area in selenium rc

1. i uploaded file using browse option.
2. uploaded file content displayed in non-editable format
3. now i have to select few words.
for this i used mouseMoveAt (100,200) mouseDown() mouseMoveAt (150,250) mouseMoveUp().
This is not working..
Can anyone can give sample code?
I'm not sure I understand your question completely, but here's my take -
You can use selenium.getText(); for retrieving the text on a page and storing it in a variable. You can use this variable, which you can verify for correctness.
Here's an example syntax:
String var = selenium.getText(your_identifier_for_text);
Further, if you need to extract and verify just a portion of the text contained in var, you can use Java string functions.
