How to get rid of scrollbars in firefox 8.01 - firefox

I have a webpage that calls up a fancybox contact form. it works perfectly in Internet Expolorer .... perfect padding .. perfectly centered .. no problem.
In Firefox, however, the same form when called up has scrollbars both horizontally and vertically. Any size adjustment to the window produces the same result. Even if you remove ALL content ... its the same result.
Being relatively new I have search and found no solution to the problem and have tried EVERY available answer listed on the internet. what am I missing? You can view a test page to see what I mean at


Output Style Float working oddly with webkit engine

I'm working on a grid where I'm using output_style = false for elements containing content. Those elements are made into squares using a simple javascript function. While the grid works as intended, I find that in Safari and Chrome, the width of some of the elements is off by a pixel until I resize the browser. If I resize back to the original size, it still works. This is not the case in Firefox, where it works perfectly when the page is loaded. Is this a known bug, and is there anyway around it?
Solved using $(window).resize(), which is called 1 second after the page has completed loading. Does the trick.

IE7, IE8 sliding doors buttons active state is not working

I have buttons in different sizes and different colours in one sprite, using sliding doors technique, everything is fine in all major browsers but, when I am trying to run this in IE7, IE8 , everything seems fine, except :active state, it only works in the right corner of the button. Any suggestions ? url:
Inside anchor class"button" you have span. you have applied height as well as line height properties on this span. I guess If you remove height and only keep line height will resolve your issue.
but Please check in other browsers too. as removing height for IE may or may not affect other browsers.
additional resource:
hope this helps

z-index not working with images

I am trying to make it so these images will line up the way so that the blank.gif will appear in front of the image. i cannot use it as a background image, and i have tried using a negative z-index like -1 but then the image disappears all together on the site i have tried to use it on. my goal is to make the gray and black image appears behind the blank.gif.
things that i have to avoid or will not work are these:
z-index:-1 (just the negative numbers)
use of background image inside of a <div>
and both the images must remain inside a parent element, and my issue is that i cant use any script that needs to be inside of the head of the html. i have tried but cant find a solution. if you have any method of keeping an image from being right clicked and saved so easily then that would be great. any help is appreciated thank you.
image html are here: index.html
code sample:
<html><div style="position:absolute;width:150px;height:150px;display:inline;">
<img src="" style="position:static:width:150px;height:150px;left:0px;top:0px;z-index:2;"><img src="" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;;z-index:1;">
Yeah.. You're pretty much wasting time that is better spent elsewhere. A person who wants the image is going to get it, either with the web developer tools in firefox or chrome, viewing the page source, etc.
On a real note though, z-index only works with absolute, relative, or fixed positioned elements. It will not work with your statically positioned element that you set to a z-index of 2. I have done what you are trying to acheive with relatively positioned elements, z-index, and either top and left or negative top and left margins.

Div width clipped - only in Firefox for Windows

I am having a problem occurring only in Firefox for Windows (although I admit I am using Browserlab to test, and crossing my fingers it is accurate!)
The test page is here:
Currently in FF3-4 the grey background to the footer is not the full width of the page. Sometimes it is the width of the main left hand column above it, but sometimes wider...
I have tried giving it a width of 100%, using clear fixes, removing floats from its child divs and even the columns above it, removing scripts from the page, all with no luck.
Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks in advance.
You should give the footer element a min-width of 930px (which is your main contents width) so that it does not inherit from the body.
The problem you describe only happens (in my windows and FF) when the page is re-sized and the horizontal scrollbar appears.

IE8 Standards mode: onclick handler on div does not fire

In my application I have a row of buttons (for BBcode) that is included in various places. Each button is an empty div with fixed dimensions, a background image and an onclick handler. This has worked very well in all browsers - so far.
Now I have added one more instance of this row, but this time it is inside an absolutely positioned pop-up div. (At least that's the one notable difference that I can think of, because otherwise it's the exact same code.) This also works in all browsers except for IE8, where clicking the buttons does not do anything. Unless I switch on compatibility mode, in which case it works pretty much fine.
Isn't there any other way to make Internet Explorer behave like it should?
I had the same problem in IE8. The transparent areas in the DIVs were not clickable. An easy solution is to set the background-image to a transparent .gif.
My solution in CSS:
background-image: url("images/pixel.gif");
...where pixel.gif is a 1x1 transparent image.
I've found the solution. It was the "float:left" attribute on the buttons that made it fail.
Which is rather strange because in all the other places where this code was included, it also had the float - and it worked. Even in IE8.
Anyway, removing it and using "display:inline-block" for the placement did the trick.
