magento saving admin details - magento

I'm wondering if its possible to programmatically save admin user details? email, password, first name, last name and password.
This is what I have so far:
$details = Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->getUser();
if($postData['password']) {
if($postData['password'] === $postData['password_confirm']) {
However, it's not saving (it is saving other details). It is also not generating any errors.

Got it working:
$details = Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->getUser();
$model = Mage::getModel('admin/user')->load($details2->getUserId());
if($postData['password']) {
if($postData['password'] === $postData['password_confirm']) {


Can update a users password in localhost but not on shared hosting server

This is the function to update user password
function update_systemusers_password($input) {
$systemusers = users::find($input['userid']);
$systemusers->password = bcrypt($input['password']);
however it doesn't update in shared hosting server
First of all you need to confirm that your function is execute or not. Try something like this to make sure.
function update_systemusers_password($input) {
dd($input); // it will show the all of input
$systemusers = users::find($input['userid']);
$systemusers->password = bcrypt($input['password']);
if dd(); print all the value of request then remove the dd(); inside the function and write some condition for confirmation.
function update_systemusers_password($input) {
$systemusers = users::find($input['userid']);
$systemusers->password = bcrypt($input['password']);
dd("save successfully");
dd("found error");

phpass not working

I'm hashing the passwords upon account creation, and that it working (with the password set to VARCHAR(60)) but when I try to do this:
$query = $this->CI->db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ?", $email);
if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
$user_pass = $query->row()->password;
if ($hasher->CheckPassword($user_pass, $pass)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
it always returns false. Any ideas as to why this might be? (the password I'm providing is correct)
I think you have inverted the check password field. It has to be like this:
$hasher->CheckPassword(password which has to be checked, password from database).
This makes a difference because Check Password is going to hash the password which is to be checked.

cakephp lost session variable when redirect

I have problems with a session variable, users log into the app and then it sets a session variable but when it redirects to the next controller it isn't there.
At the moment I am not using the auth component, I think it is not correct, but I don't know how to apply it to my logic. This is because I dont log in users with username and password, they come authenticated from other website that gives me a ticket and a key to know who they are.
Here is my code of the UsersController where the app starts:
class UsuariosController extends AppController {
public $components = array('Session');
function beforeFilter() {
function login() {
$isLogged = false;
if(!empty($_POST['Ffirma']) ) {
else if(!empty($this->data)) { //When users log by email it works perfectly
private function loginByEmail() {
//Se busca el usuario en la base de datos
$u = new Usuario();
$dbuser = $u->findByEmail($this->data['Usuario']['email']);
//if doesn't exist user in db
if(empty($dbuser) ) {
$this->Session->setFlash('El usuario no existe en el sistema, consulte con el administrador.');
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'usuarios', 'action' => 'login'));
function loginByTicket() {
$Fip = $_POST['Fip'];
$Frol = $_POST['Frol'];
$FidPersona = $_POST['Fidpersona'];
$Fticket = $_POST['Fticket'];
$Ffirma = $_POST['Ffirma'];
//Check sing
$f = $this->gen_firma($Frol, $FidPersona, $Fticket);
if( strcmp($f, $Ffirma) != 0 ) {
$this->Session->setFlash('Firma no válida.');
//Check if ticket is valid
//1º Check if it exists on the db
$t = split('-',$Fticket);
$ticket = new Ticket();
$dbticket = $ticket->findById($t[0]);
if( strcmp($dbticket['Ticket']['valor'], $t[1]) != 0) {
$this->Session->setFlash('Ticket no válido.');
//2º if Ip ok
if($Fip != $dbticket['Ticket']['ip']) {
$this->Session->setFlash('IP no válida.'.' '.$dbticket['Ticket']['ip'].' '.$Fip);
$u = new Usuario();
$dbuser = $u->findById($dbticket['Ticket']['idPersona']);
private function userIsCorrectlyLogged($dbuser) {
$user = array('Usuario' => array(
'last_login' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
'rol_app' => 1,
'nombre' => $dbuser['Usuario']['nombre'],
'email' => $dbuser['Usuario']['email'],
'apellidos' => $dbuser['Usuario']['apellidos'],
'id' => $dbuser['Usuario']['id']
) );
//Some stuff to determine rol privileges
$this->Session->write('Usuario', $user);
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'mains', 'action' => 'index'),null, true);
As you can see I make some controls before know that the user is correctly logged, and in user correctly logged I just save the session.
In my AppController I check if the user has logged in, but the session variable has already gone:
class AppController extends Controller {
public $components = array('Session');
function beforeFilter() {
//Configure::write('Security.level', 'medium'); //I've tried this that i saw somewhere
pr($this->Session->read()) // Session is empty
if($this->checkAdminSession()) {
$user = $this->Session->read('Usuario');
$email = $user['Usuario']['email'];
$usuario = new Usuario();
$dbuser = $usuario->findByEmail($email);
$respons = $usuario->getAccionesResponsable($dbuser['Usuario']['id']);
$this->set("hayacciones", true);
if( empty($respons) ) $this->set("hayacciones", false);
else {
$this->Session->setFlash('Necesitas identificarte para acceder al sistema.');
function checkAdminSession() {
return $this->Session->check('Usuario');
I'm desperate, I've read a lot of documentation but I don't know how to solve this problem, could you give me any clue?
Thanks you very much, and sorry for my English!.
Note: I have discovered that if the security level is low it works:
Configure::write('Security.level', 'low');
But I dont like this solution...
You are overriding the beforeFilter() method. So, instead of using this:
class UsuariosController extends AppController {
function beforeFilter() {
you should do this:
class UsuariosController extends AppController {
function beforeFilter() {
I was losing session information after a login call too and after searching for a while I found many different ways to fix my issue. I only regret that I don't fully understand what is causing the issue, but I imagine it has to do with php's session configuration.
As you mentioned, changing Security.level to low fixed the issue for me
Configure::write('Security.level', 'low');
Changing the session save configuration to php fixed the issue for me too:
Configure::write('Session', array(
And finally adding a timeout worked too (which I ended up using):
Configure::write('Session', array(
'cookieTimeout'=> 10000
All these found in /app/Config/core.php
I post this hoping someone is able to make sense of what is going on underneath. I feel understanding the root of the issue would make a better job of answering your question.
I have the same problem. I tried all the suggestion. My Cache engine is Apc.
debug($this->Session->read());// >>>>>> GOOD
function logout() {
function forgot() {
$this->layout = 'login';
private function __saveData($t)
$g = $this->Myauth->getPerm('User_Group'); // This is the array of permission w.r.t to the menu (key)
function main()
// Check permissions
$username = $this->Session->read('User');
debug($this->Session->read( ));die(); <<<<< NOTHING
The funny thing is that yesterday it worked.
My php.ini has a simple
My core.php
Configure::write('Session.defaults', 'php');
Nothing change if I change the Security level. I will appreciate any direction.
First solution: in my php.ini I had a bad value for session.referer_check (It was = 0 while it should be '').
But now, on the same server, one site is ok. Another one fires the error
Error: Call to undefined function apc_cache_info()
The two sites are separated and do not share any cakelib.
For Cake > 2.2 and Chrome 24 I found this solution (I tried all the others found on the web). In your core.php:
Configure::write('Security.cookie', 'cakephpfdebackend');
Configure::write('Session.cookieTimeout', 0);
Configure::write('Session.checkAgent', false);
Configure::write('Session.referer_check' ,false);
Configure::write('Session.defaults', 'php');
Actually, only the Session.cookieTimeout is required. The other settings are optional to solve the problem.
I had some issue with session on some pages . Can you check whether any space comes at the bottom of page after the php ending tag. When i faced this problem, i found session is missing due to a white space character in controller after the php ending tag . Please check this and let me know .
A possible reason for this problem is that the server clock is not synced with the client's clock and thus the cookie timeouts.

Bringing in value of Coupon Code into "tax" calculation.php in magento

Im trying to pull in the name of the discount code currently applied to the cart into the calculation.php file. The name of the discount code is optionalTax but Im having trouble passing it through or retrieving it directly. Its appears to be referenced as $quote->getCouponCode() in mage/sales/model/quote.php and I want to use it in
Anyone have any idea on how to call it in as I've tried using the model as per (which I think is correct)
public function calcTaxAmount($price, $taxRate, $priceIncludeTax=false, $round=true)
$taxRate = $taxRate/100;
if ($priceIncludeTax) {
$amount = $price*(1-1/(1+$taxRate));
} else {
$cModel = Mage::getModel('catalog/sales');
$thisDiscountCode = $cModel->$quote->getCouponCode();
$amount = $price*$taxRate;
if ($round) {
return $this->round($amount);
} else {
return $amount;
you need to get the quote from right model i guess:

codeigniter admin login hacked although I have used all security matters

how come have the code before hacked with SQL Injection :(
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ? AND password = ?", array(mysql_real_escape_string($this->input->post('username')), mysql_real_escape_string(MD5($this->input->post('password')))));
appreciate helps!!
You don't need to use mysql_real_escape_string() as CodeIgniter Database driver does that for you. Double escaping your string could well cause some problems.
Use like this for more safer queries:
$query_username = $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(username) AS count_username FROM users WHERE username=?", $this->input->post('username'));
$row_username = $query_username->row_array();
if ($row_username['count_username'] > 0) {
$query_password = $this->db->query("SELECT password FROM users WHERE username=?", $this->input->post('username'));
$row_password = $query_password->row_array();
if ($row_password['password'] == MD5($this->input->post('password')) {
} else {
} else {
