How does MVC3 picks which ViewEngine to use if I have multiple engines in ViewEngines collection? -

I have a custom view engine developed internally. In the same project, I would like to use Razor for some pages and my custom engine for some pages. How does MVC framework choose which engine to use? BTW, my custom engine does not require any templates, it renders pages based on meta-data from database. For my custom engine I don't want to setup any template files.
What I am expecting is there should be a way to drive framework to use certain engine based on the controller name and action name.
Is this flexibility exists in MVC3?

Your view engine should implement the IViewEngine interface. After you registered your view engine with the ViewEngines.Engines.Add() method, the MVC framework will call FindView and FindPartialView whenever it needs a view engine to render a view.
It's absolutely possible for multiple view engines to operate side by side. If you don't want your view engine to be used in a specific situation you return new ViewEngineResult(new string[0]); from FindView or FindPartialView and MVC will choose another view engine. If you do want your view engine to be used you return a valid ViewEngineResult pointing to the view class (that is implementing IView) that you want to Render the result.
There are some specifics with the useCache parameter. If you want to know more, there was an excellent presentation on building your own view engine at TechEd 2011 by Louis DeJardin. You can find the video of Writing an ASP.NET MVC View Engine at Channel9.

I think the easiest way would be to implement a IViewPageActivator, and
I think that returning null from the Create method will make it later default to the default IViewPageActivator. You inject it in the DependencyResolver,
It might be easier to use if you are using a dependency injection framework as NInject or Unity.


Implementing ecommerce analytics with MVC Razor

I am implementing various analytic tracking services in an MVC3 site (Google, Coremetrics) and researching if a custom HTML helper or partial view would work better given the following details:
-Code runs multiple sites and business logic is needed to change analytic service account Ids.
-The class must accept an object with order details to render the appropriate tags.
-The code must know which view is being rendered.
The solution I am working on includes am HTML helper base class that accepts the needed objects and is inherited by each provider's individual HTML helper. These helpers will live on the common layout. Is there a better way of implementing analytics on MVC and are partial views better suited since business logic is needed?
The GA analytics tracking code is pretty simple, we also use ASP.NET MVC3 but have just dropped the necessary code directly into our 'Order Complete' view.
There's no reason why you couldn't use an HTML helper instead though. I suggest not overly complicating your object model. Just use a single helper that has parameters matching the parameters used in the JavaScript.
You should be able to find examples of eCommerce tracking code, add parameters as appropriate, done. You might want to create another overload that pulls GA ID and domain name from the web.config as in the example as well, but still accepts the order details as parameters.

Is it possible to modify the output of the razor viewengine just before sending it to the client?

Im building an ASP.NET MVC 3 app using Razor as template language.
Here is what I would like to do:
When all template content from cshtml-files for a certain request have been parsed in razor viewengine and ready to output to the visitor - then I would like to insert some extra information into the parsed html content.
So my question is:
Is there an event of any kind to hook on to inside the Razor viewengine or inside the MVC framework that allows me to do this kind of changes to the output?
Don't ask why I'd want to do something like this in a MVC application, it's a long and boring story.
Given the vagueness of your question, perhaps this article might help, or maybe you can specify in what way the article isn't helpful...
Dependency Injection in ASP.Net MVC Views
How about an ActionFilter? I seem to recall that you can get the viewresult and tinker with it in an ActionFilter, although I have only ever done this for a json transformation. Here's another article: Use ASP.Net action filters to render
Here's a SO answer--this might be a duplicate question!

MVC3 and KnockoutJS DRYly

So the way I've always worked with MVC in .Net is to create ViewModels for each View.
Now, with using Knockout, would I create my ViewModels in javascript instead of a C# class? And then have my main Model(in this case, EF generated Models) as my only C# Model classes? Or would I still go about create a C# ViewModel class along with my Knockout ViewModel?
I'm trying to set this project up DRYly, but I'm not sure of best practices in this situation.
You can create viewmodels (VMs) for the C# server side and still have them intended for the ASP.NET MVC Views. Then create VMs for the client side javascript views too. But the way I;ve liked it best is to use the MVC Views as the basis for the page, and have the Models be the basis for the JavaScript models. The only VM would then be the JavaScript VM since most of the presentation is really done client side. In other words, do the more static plumbing in MVC, then do the dynamic interaction client side.
If you are building primarily using client side JS libraries like KO I would not start with a VM for the MVC side unless you have a strong reason for it.
If you have specific questions, I'd be happy to try to help.
Create view models as you always do.
Create a HTML helper which generates a KO view model from it.
You should base your Knockout viewmodel on the view data from the server in order to at least have it initialized with data from the server without having to make a separate request to get that data.
You can optionally use the mapping plugin to map the view data to your viewmodel.

how to develope Independent User control in mvc3 with controller

I am building the User control in mvc. I want to write the controller for the user control where actions should access the WCF web service and its methods. What i need to do. is MVC3 supports bussiness logic classess for User control like normal supports .cs file as code behind to user control. I don't want to write any server side code in .ascx file. what should i need to do ?
some how usercontrol should be generic with isolated business logic.
This question has been asked an answered here. MVC 3 does not preclude you from using web forms approach that you are used to. But anyone one would benefit from using Razor, which is large paradigm shift from the use of webforms and takes a very different approach to the concept of reusable controls.

best way to multi-language mvc 3

I'm trying to create a mvc3 project for a academic project, and one of the requirements is it has to be able to change between different languages. Currently what i have is the following:
I have a external project that works as a repository for languages and for each view i have an interface for each view that defines all the "placeholders" do define all the changeable text.
At the beginning of any action i obtain the language that is in the uri (something like /{lng}/{command}/{action}) and pass it to the view using the ViewBag, once inside the view i user the repository to obtain the current implementation of the interface for that view in the chosen language.
I can't find any good topic on this mater. I'm just curios if there is a better way to do this and more efficient. And how is it normally done in a professional level.
I'm not very experienced with just started learning it about a month ago.
Also if it's important i am using the razor engine for the views, and we can't use any JavaScript in this phase of the project.
You may go through the following guide.
I'm working with a project called Griffin.MvcContrib which has some localization features.
First of all, I use the query string and a cookie to switch language. (Just create a link with a flag in your layout English)
and tag your controller with my attribute:
public class YourController : Controller
The next thing is to get localization of views, models and validation messages.
The localization of models and validations are described here. As for views, you only need to use #T() to get translated texts:
<div>#T("This text will get translated")</div>
(you need to change pageBaseType in Views\Web.config to Griffin.MvcContrib.GriffinWebViewPage)
I'm almost done with an adminstration area that any non-technical user can use to manage all translations. Check the Griffin.MvcContrib.Admin project here:
