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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Undo VS 'Exclude from project'?
I mistakenly chose the Exclude From Project menu item thinking I could choose what to exclude but it excluded the currently opened file.
I did not notice what file that was and there is no undo enabled.
How can I undo this operation? How can I detect what file was excluded? Is there some kind of log file?
Choose "Add > Existing Item..." then add the files you have excluded
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What keyboard shortcut is there to organize C# usings in Visual Studio?
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
When types are removed and their using statements linger how can I quickly reorganize my using statements and remove dead ones?
Use the Hotkey combination:
Ctrl+R, Ctrl+G
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Remove TFS Connection From Solution
(7 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am working in VS TFS. I've a project connected to TFS which I want to copy to a local non tfs project. How do I do that? If I just copy the solution folder and rename it, it will also copy the TFS information which I don't want.
Thanks in advance!
In Visual Studio, select the solution in the solution explorer.
Go to the File menu.
Under the file menu, go to Source Control menu.
Select Change Source Control.
In the dialog box that comes up, choose "unbind".
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Visual Studio or Resharper functionality for placement of using directives
(7 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
When I use the "Add missing reference" feature of ReSharper Ultimate 2017.3 on VS2017, it adds the using statements at the top of the file, above the namespace. In my company we have these under the namespace, so I have to manually move them every time.
Use ReSharper → Options → Code Editing → C# → Code Style → Add 'using' directives to deepest scope
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Compare files on double click in Pending Changes view
(9 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm using Visual Studio 2013 with TFS for source control. When I open Team Explorer > Pending Changes and double-click on a changed file, the file opens in the editor. The only way to see my pending changes is to right-click and choose Compare with Workspace Version. This gets time-consuming for a long list of files.
Can I change the default double-click action to Compare with Workspace Version? (That seems to be the default when using Git, but not for TFS.)
Checked and that works:
The simple way is highlighting the file thenshift + double-click instead.
To make the compare behavior as default, just copy/past below string in a .reg file and double click it to add the registry key. (Change the version accordingly based on your TFS version)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
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Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Is there a shortcut to move between header and source file in VC++?
Quick and easy question I haven't been able to discover myself:
Which is the keyboard shortcut for switching to the corresponding header file of a .cpp file in MS VS2010.
I don't think this functionality is available short of right-clicking in the CPP file and selecting "Go To Header" and from the header file selecting "Go To Definition" to switch back and forth.
Check out these similar questions for macros and addins to achieve a keyboard shortcut:
Visual Studio 2008 macro to switch between header and source files?
Is there a shortcut to move between header and source file in VC++?
You can also check out the Visual Studio 2010 Keybinding Posters.