Many objects with different textures in OpenGL ES 2.0 - opengl-es

I'm new to OpenGL ES 2.0 with it's programmable pipeline and I'm porting application that renders many objects all with different textures.
So this will require calling glDrawArrays for each object and changing textures between calls? Or there's another way to draw multiple objects with different textures with single glDrawArrays call?
I'm asking because I noticed that doing many calls to glDrawArrays is MUCH slower when tried to use them instead of glBegin/glEnd with 'desktop' OpenGL.
I'm rendering map tiles so ALL textures are different, they are dynamically loaded (can't spend much time processing them as if they were loaded once) and also quite large (up to 512x512).

Unfortunately, there is not a simple built-in way to apply multiple textures in a single batch glDrawArrays call. There are, however, ways to make it work. One of the most common strategies is known as a Texture Atlas. Basically, the idea is to combine many images together into one larger texture, with each sub-image occupying a known sub-rectangle of the texture. When you map those onto your primitives, you supply the coordinates of the sub-rectangle corresponding to the image you want to display.
A texture atlas will work in a large number of cases, but can be comparatively complex to set up. If you don't have to do a different texture for every single object, the first thing to try would be to simply batch together as many primitives that use the same texturing as possible.
If you were not using OpenGL ES, you might also look into using Texture Arrays, if your textures are all of the same size.


Best practices for generating GL VBO data

I'm new to OpenGL ES and am using a VBO to speed up the rendering of a large number of objects. Currently I query a quadtree to determine which objects should appear in the viewport and use that data to update my VBO, like so:
But is this the most efficient way of handling things? Should I instead avoid querying the quadtree and simply generate a static VBO containing information on all of my objects. If I do this, will GL be intelligent enough to cull objects which are positioned outside of the viewport?
GL won't know what's outside of the view frustum until vertex transformations have been executed. Objects outside of the view frustum will be culled to avoid redundant operations later in the pipeline. This does however mean that the driver and GPU have redundantly processed draws that will have no affect on the final image.
I'd recommend avoiding regular VBO updates, as each will either cause the graphics driver to stall or cause an additional memory allocations under the hood (enabling the GPU to continue rendering previous frames without interruption). I've written a blog post on the subject which may help:
The best approach depends on your use case. Ideally, you would batch a number of objects within a quadtree/octree node into a single draw. Doing so would enable your engine to reduce the amount of rendering work submitted without incurring the cost of VBO modifications

What are the non-trivial use-cases of attributes in WebGL/OpenGL in general?

I'm making a WebGL game and eventually came up with a pretty convenient concept of object templates, when the game objects of the same kind (say, characters of the same race) are using the same template (which means: buffers, attributes and shader program), and are instanced from that template by specifying a set of uniforms (which are, in fact, the most common difference between the same-kind objects: model matrix, textures, bones positions, etc). For making independent objects with their own deep-copy of buffers, I just deep-copy and re-initialize the original template and start instantiating new objects from it.
But after that I started having doubts. Say, if I start using morphing on objects, by explicit editing of the vertices, this approach will require me to make a separate template for every object of such kind (otherwise, they would start morphing in exactly the same phase). Which is probably fine for this very case, 'cause I'll most likely need to recalculate normals and even texture coordinates, which means – most of the buffers.
But what if I'm missing some very common case of using attributes, say, blood decals, which will require me to update only a small piece of the buffer? In that case, it would be much more reasonable to have two buffers for each object: a common one that is shared by them all and the one for blood decals, which is unique for every single of them. And, as blood is usually spilled on everything, this sounds pretty reasonable, so that we would save a lot of space by storing vertices, normals and such without their unnecessary duplication.
I haven't tried implementing decals yet, so honestly not even sure if implementing them using vertex painting (textured or not) is the right choice. But I'm also pretty sure there are some commonly used attributes aside from vertices, normals and texture coordinates.
Here are some that I managed to come up with myself:
decals (probably better to be modelled as separate objects?)
bullet holes and such (same as decals maybe?)
Any thoughts?
UPD: as all this might sound confusing, I want to clarify: I do understand that using as few buffers as possible is a good thing, this is exactly why I'm trying to use this templates concept. My question is: what are the possible cases when using a single buffer and a single element buffer (with both of them shared between similar objects) for a template is going to stab me in the back?
Keeping a giant chunk of data that won't change on the card is incredibly useful for saving bandwidth. Additionally, you probably won't be directly changing the vertices positions once they are on the card. Instead you will probably morph them with passed in uniforms in the Vertex shader through Skeletal animation. Read about it here: Skeletal Animation
Do keep in mind though, that in Key frame animation with meshes, you would keep a bunch of buffers on the card each in a different key frame pose of the animation. However, you would then load whatever two key frames you want to interpolate over in as attributes and then blend between them (You can have more than two). Keyframe Animation
Additionally, with the introduction of Transformation Feedback, (No you don't get to use it in WebGL, it became core in OpenGL 3.0, WebGL is based on OpenGL ES 2.0, which is based on OpenGL 2.0) you can start keeping calculated data GPU side. In other words, you can do a giant particle system simulation in the vertex or geometry shader and then store the calculated data into another buffer, then use that buffer in the next frame without having to have a round trip from the GPU to CPU Read about them here: Transform Feedback and here: Transform Feedback how to
In general, you don't want to touch buffers once they are on the card, especially every frame. Instead load several and use pointers to that data in shaders as attributes.

OpenGL tile rendering: most efficient way?

I am creating a tile-based 2D game as a way of learning basic "modern" OpenGL concepts. I'm using shaders with OpenGL 2.1., and am familiar with the rendering pipeline and how to actually draw geometry on-screen. What I'm wondering is the best way to organize a tilemap to render quickly and efficiently. I have thought of several potential methods:
1.) Store the quad representing a single tile (vertices and texture coordinates) in a VBO and render each tile with a separate draw* call, translating it to the correct position onscreen and using uniform2i to give the location in the texture atlas for that particular tile;
2.) Keep a VBO containing every tile onscreen (already-computed screen coordinates and texture atlas coordinates), using BufferSubData to update the tiles every frame but using a single draw* call;
3.) Keep VBOs containing static NxN "chunks" of tiles, drawing however many chunks of tiles are at least partially visible onscreen and translating them each into position.
*I'd like to stay away from the last option if possible unless rendering chunks of 64x64 is not too inefficient. Tiles are loaded into memory in blocks of that size, and even though only about 20x40 tiles are visible onscreen at a time, I would have to render up to four chunks at once. This method would also complicate my code in several other ways.
So, which of these is the most efficient way to render a screen of tiles? Are there any better methods?
You could do any one of these and they would probably be fine; what you're proposing to render is very, very simple.
#1 will definitely be worse in principle than the other options, because you would be drawing many extremely simple “models” rather than letting the GPU do a whole lot of batch work on one draw call. However, if you have only 20×40 = 800 tiles visible on screen at once, then this is a trivial amount of work for any modern CPU and GPU (unless you're doing some crazy fragment shader).
I recommend you go with whichever is simplest to program for you, so that you can continue work on your game. I imagine this would be #1, or possibly #2. If and when you find yourself with a performance problem, do whichever of #2 or #3 (64×64 sounds like a fine chunk size) lets you spend the least CPU time on your program's part of drawing (i.e. updating the buffer(s)).
I've been recently learning modern OpenGL myself, through OpenGL ES 2.0 on Android. The OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide recommends an "array of structures", that is,
"Store vertex attributes together in a single buffer. The structure represents all attributes of a vertex and we have an array of these attributes per vertex."
While this may seem like it would initially consume a lot of space, it allows for efficient rendering using VBOs and flexibility in texture mapping each tile. I recently did a tiled hex grid using interleaved arrays containing vertex, normals, color, and texture data for a 20x20 tile hex grid on a Droid 2. So far things are running smoothly.

DirectX9 - Efficiently Drawing Sprites

I'm trying to create a platformer game, and I am taking various sprite blocks, and piecing them together in order to draw the level. This requires drawing a large number of sprites on the screen every single frame. A good computer has no problem handling drawing all the sprites, but it starts to impact performance on older computers. Since this is NOT a big game, I want it to be able to run on almost any computer. Right now, I am using the following DirectX function to draw my sprites:
D3DXVECTOR3 center(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
D3DXVECTOR3 position(static_cast<float>(x), static_cast<float>(y), z);
(my LPD3DXSPRITE object)->Draw((sprite texture pointer), NULL, &center, &position, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(a, r, g, b));
Is there a more efficient way to draw these pictures on the screen? Is there a way that I can use less complex picture files (I'm using regular png's right now) to speed things up?
To sum it up: What is the most performance friendly way to draw sprites in DirectX? thanks!
The ID3DXSPRITE interface you are using is already pretty efficient. Make sure all your sprite draw calls happen in one batch if possible between the sprite begin and end calls. This allows the sprite interface to arrange the draws in the most efficient way.
For extra performance you can load multiple smaller textures in to one larger texture and use texture coordinates to get them out. This makes it so textures don't have to be swapped as frequently. See:
The file type you are using for the textures does not matter as long as they are are preloaded into textures. Make sure you load them all in to textures once when the game/level is loading. Once you have loaded them in to textures it does not matter what format they were originally in.
If you still are not getting the performance you want, try using PIX to profile your application and find where the bottlenecks really are.
This is too long to fit in a comment, so I will edit this post.
When I say swapping textures I mean binding them to a texture stage with SetTexture. Each time SetTexture is called there is a small performance hit as it changes the state of the texture stage. Normally this delay is fairly small, but can be bad if DirectX has to pull the texture from system memory to video memory.
ID3DXsprite will reorder the draws that are between begin and end calls for you. This means SetTexture will typically only be called once for each texture regardless of the order you draw them in.
It is often worth loading small textures into a large one. For example if it were possible to fit all small textures in to one large one, then the texture stage could just stay bound to that texture for all draws. Normally this will give a noticeable improvement, but testing is the only way to know for sure how much it will help. It would look terrible, but you could just throw in any large texture and pretend it is the combined one to test what performance difference there would be.
I agree with dschaeffer, but would like to add that if you are using a large number different textures, it may better to smush them together on a single (or few) larger textures and adjust the texture coordinates for different sprites accordingly. Texturing state changes cost a lot and this may speed things up on older systems.

Efficient way of drawing in OpenGL ES

In my application I draw a lot of cubes through OpenGL ES Api. All the cubes are of same dimensions, only they are located at different coordinates in space. I can think of two ways of drawing them, but I am not sure which is the most efficient one. I am no OpenGL expert, so I decided to ask here.
Method 1, which is what I use now: Since all the cubes are of identical dimensions, I calculate vertex buffer, index buffer, normal buffer and color buffer only once. During a refresh of the scene, I go over all cubes, do bufferData() for same set of buffers and then draw the triangle mesh of the cube using drawElements() call. Since each cube is at different position, I translate the mvMatrix before I draw. bufferData() and drawElements() is executed for each cube. In this method, I probably save a lot of memory, by not calculating the buffers every time. But I am making lot of drawElements() calls.
Method 2 would be: Treat all cubes as set of polygons spread all over the scene. Calculate vertex, index, color, normal buffers for each polygon (actually triangles within the polygons) and push them to graphics card memory in single call to bufferData(). Then draw them with single call to drawElements(). The advantage of this approach is, I do only one bindBuffer and drawElements call. The downside is, I use lot of memory to create the buffers.
My experience with OpenGL is limited enough, to not know which one of the above methods is better from performance point of view.
I am using this in a WebGL app, but it's a generic OpenGL ES question.
I implemented method 2 and it wins by a landslide. The supposed downside of high amount of memory seemed to be only my imagination. In fact the garbage collector got invoked in method 2 only once, while it was invoked for 4-5 times in method 1.
Your OpenGL scenario might be different from mine, but if you reached here in search of performance tips, the lesson from this question is: Identify the parts in your scene that don't change frequently. No matter how big they are, put them in single buffer set (VBOs) and upload to graphics memory minimum number of times. That's how VBOs are meant to be used. The memory bandwidth between client (i.e. your app) and graphics card is precious and you don't want to consume it often without reason.
Read the section "Vertex Buffer Objects" in Ch. 6 of "OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide" to understand how they are supposed to be used.
I know that this question is already answered, but I think it's worth pointing out the Google IO presentation about WebGL optimization:
They cover, essentially, this exact same issue (lot's of identical shapes with different colors/positions) and talk about some great ways to optimize such a scene (and theirs is dynamic too!)
I propose following approach:
On load:
Generate coordinates buffer (for one cube) and load it into VBO (gl.glGenBuffers, gl.glBindBuffer)
On draw:
Bind buffer (gl.glBindBuffer)
Draw each cell (loop)
2.1. Move current position to center of current cube (gl.glTranslatef(position.x, position.y, position.z)
2.2. Draw current cube (gl.glDrawArrays)
2.3. Move position back (gl.glTranslatef(-position.x, -position.y, -position.z))
