How do I turn off css + js optimization in joomla? - joomla

I have this problem -> (you don't really have to read)
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in .... file
.. and it was there solved "by turning css + js optimization off". How do I do that in joomla 1.5?

Joomla doesn't have css, js optimization by deafult. If question is about Joomla Art's templates based on T3-framework then it's in template's global settings (extensions -> template manager -> your template -> global -> css & javascript compress)


How to compile css and jss in laravel mix

How to compile css and jss in multi page application in laravel page wise using laravel mix . suppose i have page 1 , page 2 and page1 have test10.js, test11.js, test12.js and test10.css, test11.css,test12.css and page2 have test21.js, test22.js, test23.js and test21.css, test22.css,test23.css and so on. So someone let me know how to compile the css and jss in multipages applications.
For most cases, it is a good practice to optimize a big chunk of your assets to work on almost all pages. It is not a big problem that some pieces are not getting used on every page because caching gives better performance results when you only use one file that stays the same on every page.
There is an option for compiling multiple assets. You can just call the js() or sass() or an other method an other time. This time referencing an other file that needs to be compiled. In your layout you can add them per page.
What I like to do is the following:
I add a #stack('js) to my main layout.
For every piece of Javascript that only needs to be included at a single page I use #push('js) and #endpush.
Sometimes, when the code gets to big to handle, I add a js() method in my webpack.mix.js file. This gives me more freedom in writing my javascript.
A stack has a big advantage: It accepts multiple entries. This comes in handy when you use partials to build up your view and you want to keep the Javascript logic in the same files.

Increase Joomla 3 responsive menu collapse point using only CSS

I built a Joomla 3.4.3 custom template using only standard CSS, no LESS or SASS or custom javascript.
My menu has quite a few items and thus the last items overflow to a second line long before the standard collapse point of around 980px.
Is it possible to use standard CSS to increase the collapse point to 1310px?
Any help would be much appreciated.

Joomla StyleSheet Overrides

I'm creating a template override for k2 (although I guess in some ways this question could apply to any Joomla extension).
Now I've created my override in template/html/com_k2 absolutely fine. Then I went to go and update the stylesheet. Now as far as I'm aware I can do one of two things:
Change the K2 CSS style sheet. BUT this means that every time I update k2 the style sheet gets overridden - far from ideal!
Add a new K2 specific style sheet in my template. BUT this means I'm effectively loading the K2 style sheet twice - once for the component and then once again for the templates k2 style sheet. Now normally this wouldn't be a major issue - but as the K2 style sheet is over 1000 lines long - this is going to start to have a performance impact - especially as k2 isn't the only style sheet I'm going to need to override!
Are there any alternative ways of overriding the style sheets? Because both of these ideas are far from perfect as I've stated!
It really doesn't matter where you put your custom css rules. You might be better off putting them in the Joomla! template's custom.css file.
But if your concern is about one extra css file, look at your page: you might have more than 10, depending on template and extensions: so dealing with the extra one won't make a difference; but the "right way" would require:
a) compacting all css into one (taking care of different relative paths)
b) minifying the result
This of course means editing all components and modules views that add css rules and links, a massive work.

How to change editor of K2 Joomla 'extra fields'?

Is it possible to change the editor used when inputting data in 'extra fields' in the K2 content component for Joomla?
When pasting large swathes of content from MS Word, clicking 'Save', then re-opening the article, the data is gone.
No, it is not possible to change the editor. And why do you want to change the editor? What is that you are trying to input?
It is possible, just not through configuration parameters. I edited the 'extraFields' view (admin -> components -> com_k2 -> views -> extraField -> view.html.php) and added a Javascript include to load a different editor.

PyroCMS page children on parent page and including partials/modules on certain pages

I'm new to CodeIgniter and PyroCMS and I'm stuck on 2 things.
How do I make a submenu (navigation) show only on the parent page instead of always showing?
What is the best way to include partials/modules on pages without displaying {pyro:contact:form} (example) in the editor
Thanks in advance
I think you are looking for this.
1 Ans: goto design -> Navigation -> Add Navigation Link -> now in target choose the parent page that for submenu.
2 Ans: You don't need to include direct code {pyro:contact:form} in pyroCMS you can select Link type (Module/sitelink/url/page) while creating the navigation.
