Debugging Grocery_CRUD Callbacks - codeigniter

I have seen many people referring to the usage of call_user_func() to debug the problems in a Grocery_CRUD callback, but unfortunately no one has come off with a complete example to actually how to use it like where to to place a call to the test function [just_a_test()] in the controller an example of what I am trying to discover is here.
I am unable to understand where do we call this
how are we able to pass on the desired parameters using call_user_func(array($this,'insert_coupon_codes')); when there are no para's being passed to the just_a_test()?
how come the insert_coupon_codes will be able to get the desired para's?

Grocery CRUD add the parameters automatically from the library. You are not able (till now at version 1.1.8) to add more parameters at your callback.
Update: At the latest version of Grocery CRUD now you CAN pass as many parameters as you need. This is a functionality that PHP is offering from version PHP 5.4 or later. More specifically with the use keyword. More specifically if you have the callback callback_after_insert:
usually you would use it like this:
$crud->callback_after_insert(function ($post_array,$primary_key) {
// Your code here
From PHP 5.4 version and later you can add more parameters with the use so for example you could have:
$my_variable = 'test';
$another_variable = 'hello';
$crud->callback_after_insert(function ($post_array,$primary_key) use ($my_variable, $another_variable) {
// Now you can use the variables $my_variable and $another_variable at your callback


Laravel Blade directive adding extra quotes

Im using Laravel 7 so I didnt think this was going to be an issue.
Just a note on my installation, it was an upgrade from 5.3.
My issue is with a custom Blade directive I created.
It is aded additional quotes around the input
I added a dd() to see why my Helper didnt work.
My ServiceProvider
Blade::directive('setting', function ($expression) {
return SettingHelper::value($expression);
View file
Output of dd()
Expected output
I dont know why the extra quotes are being added.
You are right, I get the same behavior with a fresh laravel 7 installation.
I created some little tests, to see what's going on. I think the behavior is best explained like this. Imagine you are calling a view with one variable:
return view('welcome', ['var' => "Hallo"]);
You have a custom blade directive like this:
Blade::directive('dirtest', function ($expression) {
If you use that in your template the output is this:
// output of dd in the browser:
So it seems like the blade directives are just meant to replace some shorthand directive with more verbose php code. The actual code get's executed later in the blade templating engine. That makes sense, since blade templates are also cached for faster execution. In the cached version that custom directive is already embedded and your custom function doesn't get fired anymore. I hope that explanation makes sense to you.
What that means for you
It really depends on your use case. If you have a custom directive, that only gets passed constant strings, you could probably get away with just writing:
But if there's just a slight chance, that you might pass in a variable from time to time, like
You really have to return code, that utilizes that variable and can be evaluated later.

Calling a function from injected pagescript in Mozilla Addon SDK

I'm trying to inject a function into a webpage and call it, however no matter how I try it, whenever I try to call the function I get that it's undefined. I understand the browser reads function definitions on the page load and won't do so afterward, but is there a way for me to insert my functions in time. Here's a junk function I'd like to insert:
function makeAlert(word){
I've tried to inject it as is, append it to the body with <script> tags, and append it using <script src="makeAlert.js"></script> into the head with page-mod. However whatever I do, if I try to call the function on the page (using injected content script), the function is marked as undefined. Here is the basic code of what I thought would work:
in main.js
include: "*",
edit: as what I want to do seems to not be possible, my simple question is--Can I call a function I wrote from injected pagescript?
Content scripts are kept (mostly) separate from the web page for security reasons, see
If you really want to do this, you can by instead doing:
unsafeWindow.makeAlert = function (word){
A couple of important things about doing things this way:
unsafeWindow is, well, UNSAFE. Never trust any data that come from unsafeWindow, ever.
it will go away some time this year ( unsure of the exact timing )
What you should probably do instead is using postMessage from the web page to the content script to pass mesages. For more on how to do this safely, please read these docs:

equivalent function for $this->_ci_cached_vars in CI Helpers

I'm creating a custom helper in codeigniter. There is an instance where I check if certain parameter is passed to view.
In view, i can get all the passed variables by using this function:
but it returns blank when used in the custom helper.
Is there any equivalent function of this that can be used in the helper?
Thanks in advance.
_ci_cached_vars is a property of the Loader class. So something like this should work (untested):
$CI =& get_instance();
$vars = $CI->load->_ci_cached_vars;
You can use $GLOBALS['CI']->load->get_var('your_key_here') tested in CI 2.1.2
I'm not sure if older versions of CodeIgniter support this, but in the v3 release the Loader class has a public method get_vars() that allows you to read the value of _ci_cached_vars.
Although this question is very old it's the first hit on Google that I found while searching for this problem. I hope this post helps someone out who follows the same path on Google as I did! :)

Codeigniter extend helper but want to call old helper

I am developing an Application in Bonfire.
They have extended the form helper.
Is there a way to call the original form helper from Codigniter without removing the extended one from Bonfire?
"Helpers" are just files with PHP functions in them. They aren't actually "extended", Codeigniter loads it's default helpers after loading yours, and checks if you "overwrote" a function like so:
if ( ! function_exists('form_open'))
function form_open() {/* default code */}
So unfortunately, no - there's no way to call the original function if you already declared your own.
HOWEVER: It appears that Bonfire does the exact same thing, checking with function_exists, so if you want to - you should be able to load your own form helper before it, but you still cannot simply load the original one without hacking Bonfire and removing the functions (which could have terrible side effects).
Faced the same prob, user742736's comment is the only answer that solved the prob.
Explained in detail, may be this can help some one
You can create your own helper function with out the divs surrounding the drop down here
make a copy of the function form_dropdown, name it like form_dropdown_plain
modify the last few lines of the function to output with out divs
call form_dropdown_plain instead of form_dropdown

Ajax / Json How to run an INSERT/UPDATE into mysql

Again related with my weekend project, I'm trying to learn a bit more of web-development. So I'm putting in the list of features i want to implement, some stuff i absolutely have no idea how to do.
I've been reading tutorials on how to use ajax, but i can't find a simple one, that i can copy-paste (with one or two changes) to see it work before i go into the how it works.
What I've been searching is just a simple example on an ajax function, that triggers a mysql insert or update. Anyone as a simple example on how to do this? I think it would prove a nice start to learn it. (Ajax or Json are both ok).
Correct me if I'm mystaken: I'm basing myself on this tutorial. So as obviously the client side doesn't have access to database calls, what I should do, would be something like creating a code snippet to add stuff to the database right? For example create an "addcomment.php" that can be called with, "addcomment.php?comment=mycomment", true);
Sounds like you got it right. Use Ajax to call a server side script which then does the database work for you.
A good setup is to use a framework like jQuery on the client side. This framework will encode and decode JSON automatically. On the server side you could create a class that handles all the ajax (or rather, ajaj, since we are using JSON) requests. Here is a short PHP file that shows the general idea. Add more elements to the functionMap array, and add the respective functions to the class.
class Ajaj{
private $callback = "";
private $functionMap = array( "select" => 'getIt');
function Ajaj(){
function parse(){
echo "$this->callback(";
if(array_key_exists('action', $_POST)){
$action = $_POST['action'];
if(array_key_exists($action, $this->functionMap)){
echo $this->functionMap[$action];
echo "{}";
echo ")";
function getIt(){
return json_encode(//get the database stuff here);
$ajaj = new Ajaj();
