Spring Validation - spring

I am trying to use something of this sort in my Command Object for Spring.
private String carrier;
#NotBlank(applyIf = "this.carrier EQUALS 'GlobalCrossing'")
private String port;
Please let me know, if this is possible. The field carrier can have many values, If the value is GlobalCrossing then a not blank check should be applied on port field.
Can I do this with spring validation modules or there is another way of achieving the same?

Since your validation is order dependent (i.e. carrier must be set before port) you might want to perform your validation post initialization.
In Spring, you can do any of these to create an initialization callback method:
Implement the org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean interface.
Declare an initialization method with the init-method attribute (of the bean tag).
Declare a default initialization method for your beans with the default-init-method attribute (of the beans tag).
However you do it, you can then perform the validation in the initialization callback method.
Here is a link to the reference for initialization callbacks.

Since you can annotate also methods you can try this.
import javax.validation.constraints.*;
private boolean isPortNotBlankIfCarrierEqualsGlobalCrossing() {
return carrier.compareTo("GlobalCrossing") == 0 ? port.isBank() : true;


Jackson deserializer priority?

I have a Spring Boot app that is modeling ActityStreams objects and for the most part Jackson's Polymorphic Deserialization works well.
There are 'objects' in the JSON which are references (links) and not JSON objects with type information. For instance
"actor":"https://some.actors.href/ rather than
I've written custom deserializers and and placed them on the fields to deal with this
#JsonDeserialize (using = ActorOrLinkDeserializer.class)
private Actor actor;
However my ActorOrLinkDeserializer is instantiated but never called and Jackson complains with Missing type id when trying to resolve subtype of [simple type, class org.w3.activity.streams.Actor]: missing type id property 'type' (for POJO property 'actor') which is from the polymorphic deserializer.
It appears that the polymorphic deserialization code takes precedence over my local #JsonDeserialize annotation and I need a way to force my code to run first.
I've tried using my own ObjectMapper rather than Boot's and there's no difference.
I'd appreciate pointers and suggestions.
It turns-out there's a fairly simple solution to this problem using a DeserializationProblemHandler.
What I've implemented that works for all test cases so far is
objectMapper.addHandler(new DeserProblemHandler());
or register with Spring Boot.
public class DeserProblemHandler extends DeserializationProblemHandler {
public JavaType handleMissingTypeId(DeserializationContext ctxt, JavaType baseType, TypeIdResolver idResolver, String failureMsg) {
return TypeFactory.defaultInstance().constructType(baseType.getRawClass());
Add a constructor to each of the polymorphic classes that takes a string argument which is the href.

Spring beans. Is it possible to return a default boolean if no bean exists

I have an interface which gets parameter values from a spring bean xml file.
The problem is that I need to have the get-method in classes where there will be no parameter to fetch. The bean exists but this particular parameter does not exist in the xml-file. In those cases I would like the interface method to return false.
I was looking at the annotation #ReturnValue which looked promising but seems to only be able to return a String[], not a boolean.
This works for a String[] but I want to return false instead, is that possible?
#ReturnValue(defaultsTo = "")
String[] getMyvalue();
Best Regards / Jan

Spring-Wicket: optional but named bean still required

Consider following (wicket) code:
private StatusCheckService service;
In my use case there is no bean of type StatusCheckService in my context.
This is not a problem, it is marked as optional so the (wicket) page will initialize just fine.
#SpringBean(name = "statusCheckService", required=false)
private StatusCheckService service;
This fails:
org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'statusCheckService' is defined
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.getBeanDefinition(DefaultListableBeanFactory.java:529)
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.getMergedLocalBeanDefinition(AbstractBeanFactory.java:1095)
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.isSingleton(AbstractBeanFactory.java:400)
at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.isSingleton(AbstractApplicationContext.java:1113)
at org.apache.wicket.spring.SpringBeanLocator.isSingletonBean(SpringBeanLocator.java:100)
at org.apache.wicket.spring.injection.annot.AnnotProxyFieldValueFactory.getFieldValue(AnnotProxyFieldValueFactory.java:140)
I would expect it makes no difference. OK, there is no bean with such a name but I marked it as optional so why the exception? Is there any way around this?
By doing a usage search in eclipse, you can see that the only time the annotation is queried for its required value is on line 215 of AnnotProxyFieldValue:
if (names.isEmpty())
if (annot.required())
throw new IllegalStateException("bean of type [" + clazz.getName() + "] not found");
return null;
Here you can see that the 'required' field of the #SpringBean annotation is only used if the names list (set higher in the function) is empty...
This explains the behaviour you are experiencing, because when you don't specify a name, the names list is empty (because it could not find your class), and null is returned. However when you do specify a name it doesn't bother trying to see if the class exists, and so sends your supplied class-name for spring to look up which proceeds to complain when it cannot find the class.
This could be a bug depending on designers intentions, personally I think if you have specified that the field is not required then the function should return early... If you agree then maybe consider putting in a jira ticket with a quick start.
As for a solution, you haven't mentioned much about your use case, and why you need to set the name even though you do not require the bean to be injected. But assuming you are doing it to dynamically inject the bean based on certain criteria, you could do something like the following: (untested)
In your class where the SpringBean is injected, replace:
#SpringBean(name="statusCheckService", required=false)
private StatusCheckService service;
MyCustomSpringBeanInjector injectedService;
And then MyCustomSpringBeanInjector class is something like:
import org.apache.wicket.injection.Injector;
import org.apache.wicket.spring.injection.annot.SpringBean;
public class MyCustomSpringBeanInjector
#SpringBean public StatusCheckService service;
public MyCustomSpringBeanInjector()
Then back in the class where the SpringBean was being injected, put something like:
injectedService = new MyCustomSpringBeanInjector();
and replace "service." with "injectedService.service" where necessary.
Obviously this is a qwik-e fix off the top of my head, and I'm sure there's a better way of doing it, but you get the idea! :)
Best of luck!

Validating wizard pages with Spring 3

I started researching how to create a controller for a wizard-like form in Spring and came across the AbstractWizardFormController, which I quickly noticed was deprecated.
I then dug a bit further and found how to accomplish something similar with Spring 3. This example does not do any sort of validation though (e.g. via #Valid), so I'm wondering how does one validate each step of a wizard?
Would it be possible for each step have its own backing Form object and then use #SessionAttributes to store their values for when a final submit is called (presumably on the last page of the form)?
Thanks for any help.
(P.S.: Solutions that don't require WebFlow would be ideal.)
I don't know of a way to pull this off with the #Valid annotation, but you should be able to take advantage of the JSR-303 validation to accomplish this. As a somewhat contrived example:
public class User {
#NotNull(message = "First name can't be blank", groups = {Step1.class, FinalStep.class})
private String firstName;
#NotNull(message = "Last name can't be blank", groups = {Step1.class, FinalStep.class})
private String lastName;
#NotNull(message = "Email can't be blank", groups = {Step1.class, FinalStep.class})
private String emailAddress;
#NotNull(message = "Please provide a valid address", groups = {Step2.class, FinalStep.class})
private Address address;
// getters/setters...
public interface Step1 {}
public interface Step2 {}
public interface FinalStep {}
You can take advantage of the fact that JSR-303 supports validation groups by providing marker interfaces to represent your wizard steps.
Then, instead of relying on the #Valid annotation, inject a Validator instance into your controller and call:
validator.validate(user, /*<step interface>.class*/);
in your processPage method (referencing Controller in your linked question), and then
validator.validate(user, FinalStep.class);
in your processFinish call.
Use #Validated.
From Spring's documentation:
Variant of JSR-303's Valid, supporting the specification of validation groups. Designed for convenient use with Spring's JSR-303 support but not JSR-303 specific.
Can be used e.g. with Spring MVC handler methods arguments. Supported through SmartValidator's validation hint concept, with validation group classes acting as hint objects.
Can also be used with method level validation, indicating that a specific class is supposed to be validated at the method level (acting as a pointcut for the corresponding validation interceptor), but also optionally specifying the validation groups for method-level validation in the annotated class. Applying this annotation at the method level allows for overriding the validation groups for a specific method but does not serve as a pointcut; a class-level annotation is nevertheless necessary to trigger method validation for a specific bean to begin with. Can also be used as a meta-annotation on a custom stereotype annotation or a custom group-specific validated annotation.

Spring Framework validate request parameter or path variable

I know I can validate forms in Spring, but can I apply similar validate to URL parameters? For example, I have a method in my controller as follows:
public String edit(#PathVariable("system") String system,
#RequestParam(value="group") String group,
ModelMap model) throws DAOException {
Can I validate the values of system and group before the method is called, to ensure they are of a certain value or match a certain regex?
You may be able to use Spring Asserts for this. The Assert api (http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/2.5.x/api/org/springframework/util/Assert.html) runs a supplied expression against the specified parameters and if the expression equates to false then it throws an exception.
Assert.isTrue(system.equals("ValidSystemName"), "You must supply a valid system");
It also contains functions to check that parameters are not null or are not empty strings, etc.
Create an annotation that marks parameters that should be validated. This annotation needs a #Retention of RUNTIME and a #Target of ElementType.PARAMETER.
Create a validator implemented as an AspectJ Aspect.
Wrap calls to controllers with this validator.
A sample annotation:
public #interface ValidSystemParameter {
A sample validator:
public class ValidSystemParameterValidator {
#Pointcut("TODO: write your pointcut expression")
public void controllerMethodWithValidSystemParameter();
#Before(pointcut = "controllerMethodWithValidSystemParameter()")
public void validateSystemParameter(String systemParameter) {
// validate the parameter (throwing an exception)
To learn about the AspectJ pointcut expression language see: http://www.eclipse.org/aspectj/doc/released/progguide/language-joinPoints.html
To learn about AspectJ integration in Spring see: http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/aop.html#aop-ataspectj
I might be a little late, but with Spring 3.0 you have the option of using JSR-303 validation with the #Valid annotation. There are also some more specific annotations as #DateTimeFormat and #NumberFormat. More details here: http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.0.5.RELEASE/reference/validation.html#validation-mvc
As I see it you have two options:
Define your request parameters as objects and user JSR-303
Use the Assert api as mentioned above.
If you just want to make a simple validation on a single value, I would go with the latter (that's what I did when I had simple int values to check for max value).
