Can't get my Vhosts back running after Mac OS X Lion upgrade - macos

After upgrading my MacBook Pro to Mac OS X Lion I am not able anymore to get my 'Zend Server' running like before. At first the 'Zend Server' gave me servile errors by starting it from the command line. I fix this by doing a complete new installation of Zend Server.
After this new installation Zend Server runs fine and no problems at all. So now I want to put back my zend projects. I made a backup of my vhost file and put it back, it seems to be Lion didn't touch my host file so I didn't touch either (just checked). I did the follow things;
Put one of my vhosts back in conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf (just one to check).
Uncomment the vhost include in conf/httpd.conf
Checked my host file
Restart zend server from command line
After this I still cant reach the project by browsing to http://foo.localhost:10088/
<VirtualHost *:10088>
SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV "development"
DocumentRoot "/Users/nicky/Zend/workspaces/DefaultWorkspace7/foo/public"
ServerName foo.localhost
ErrorLog "/Users/nicky/Zend/workspaces/foo-log"
CustomLog "/Users/nicky/Zend/workspaces/foo-log" common
Hosts localhost foo.localhost
I am not sure if this can have effect on the problem, but by restarting zend from the
command line, i get the follow:
MacBook-Pro-van-Nicky-Klaasse:~ nickyklaasse$ sudo /usr/local/zend/bin/
restarthttpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name,
using MacBook-Pro-van-Nicky-Klaasse.local for ServerName

I've had similar problems as well with that. I've been searching around for an answer, found some solutions but none of them seemed to work.
The only thing that finally made it working (not even sure how it actually helped), is going into system preferences -> sharing and enabling web sharing. That is normally starting your apache2 server but I wasn't using the default one, I am running another apache2 process with a different httpd configuration. Anyway, after starting it and stopping it (from the system preferences window), it seemed like it was working.
One thing that could be useful is checking your error_log as well as the access_log in /var/log/apache2/. Check the access_log to see what is the address trying to be resolved. At first, whenever I was making a request on my website through the Virtual Host, in my access log I only had which is incorrect. After it worked, I can see that the requests are and not the localhost, showing that the virtual host is indeed working.
Not sure if that will help you, give it a try, paste the access_log and error_log latest lines to see where there could be a problem.


MAMP/Apache on OsX El Capitan does not find DocumentRoot when Port=80

I am having "weird" problems with MAMP (3.5.2)/Apache on Mac OS (El Capitan 10.11.5) when running it on Port 80.
Apache gets started and the WebStart page is displayed properly. However, it does not seem to find the DocumentRoot and when connecting to "localhost" it displays the Not Found message ("The requested URL / was not found on this server.").
If I change the port number to any other number X (I tried with 82, 8080, 8123 and of course 8888) then "localhost:X" correctly find the index.html of my DocumentRoot.
I checked with lsof if there is anything else interfering on the port but it does not seem to be the case. I also checked here on stackoverflow but did not find anyone with similar problems.
I am used to web programming but less familiar with web servers quirks.
I would be truly grateful for any clue on what's happening.
(It is not mandatory that I set the port to 80, although I would very much prefer to avoid having the port number in the URL. However, I just hate things I do not understand).
I had the exact same problem and as I couldn't find any solution I created myself a workaround by adding a virtual host named localhost inside MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost

DNSMasq Not Resolving Addresses on Mac Local Web Development Environment

I've setup my local web development environment according to - I have done this before, and I got on a new computer, and am trying to do it again. I'm running Apache 2.4.9 on Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 and directing the DNS with dnsmasq.
When I try to go to, it received this error:
When I run scutil --dns, it seems to resolve it correctly as:
resolver #3
domain : dev
nameserver[0] :
flags : Request A records, Request AAAA records
reach : Reachable,Local Address
However, when I:
ping -c 1
I get
ping: cannot resolve Unknown host
Here is my reference to it in vhosts:
<VirtualHost *:80>
VirtualDocumentRoot "/Volumes/Work/Home/www"
UseCanonicalName Off
I think it was a change from Maverick's to Yosemite. In Yosemite, I had to add "port 35353" to the /etc/resolver files as well as as the config file for DNSmasq. I know for a fact I didn't originally do that, and it originally worked, so there was a change somewhere in there that broke it. Possibly also from a newer version of DNSmasq.
To make this work, I had to add a DNS entry in my Network Preferences.

How To Set Up Apache Virtual Hosts on XAMPP (Windows) [closed]

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How To Set Up Apache Virtual Hosts on XAMPP (Windows)
##Full guideline to make VHOST (Virtual Host) on XAMPP/WAMP
Note: To start with, the only difference for this guideline, between XAMPP and WAMP or other Apache packages for Windows, is question where those packages are installed on your computer.
Introduction: vhost (virtual host) is a great solution if you intend to develop many independent project in php and keep them isolated from each others, like:
Project 1 is based on php and has local url address php.localhost
Project 2 is a Laravel project with url laravel.localhost
Project 3 is a Codeigniter with url codeigniter.localhost
Project 4 is a WordPress with url wordpress.localhost
You are expected to have installed the latest version of XAMPP/WAMP. Btw, in my case, I have only installed Apache and MySQL.
*Note: By default, most web servers will uses port 80 as default port, in some situation if you have another web server installed like (Microsoft IIS), it uses port 80 as well OR in other cases SKYPE does also some times use port 80 like it is the case for some in Windows 8/10 for some users, in that case you can do two thing’s
Change your Apache port to port 8080, 8081 etc. or some other free ports (note: 8080 can some times also give some problems)
OR Change your others software/IIS port and keep Apache to default port 80 in case of Skype, just kill the Skype app and restart it after installing Apache on port 80, Skype will automatically get new port.
I have chosen to change my Apache to port 8080.
For next section, we need to use text editor like notepad or regular IDE. I used sublime text editor.
If you keep Apache to default port 80, skip this part and move on to Virtual hosts
Change XAMPP/WAMP port (only if necessary)
if left default, then jump to Setting virtual host
Step 1. Edit httpd.conf
Click on Config -> Apache (httpd.conf)
Or you find the file here C:\XAMPP\apache\conf\httpd.conf, C:\XAMPP\apache2\conf\httpd.conf, C:\Bitnami\wampstack\apache\conf\httpd.conf or C:\Bitnami\wampstack\apache2\conf\httpd.conf or similar location.
Change the line with
Listen 80
To 8080 or other, free ports.
Listen 8080
While we have httpd.conf file open we need to ensure that httpd-vhosts.conf is included:
Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Virtual hosts
Note: By default server documents are locate on C:\XAMPP\htdocs or C:\Bitnami\wampstack\apache2\htdocs that’s fine if you have only one project or many small test files. However, if you need to develop many projects then it suggested separating them by virtual host, as mentioned earlier.
Step 2. Setting Virtual host
Create a folder for your projects; I have create one in c:\vhost you can call it projects etc.
In c:\vhost folder we create a sub-folder domain1 or project1 or any other, it is up to you (c:\vhost\project1)
Open httpd-vhosts.conf file C:\XAMPP\apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf Add following code in line depending on how many vhost you want to create:
<Directory C:/vhost>
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
#this is the default address of XAMPP
<VirtualHost *:8080>
DocumentRoot "C:/XAMPP/htdocs/"
ServerName localhost
#this is the first vhost address in XAMPP
<VirtualHost *:8080>
DocumentRoot "C:/vhost/project1/"
ServerName php.localhost
SetEnv NS_ENV variable_value
#this is the second vhost address in XAMPP for project like Laravel
<VirtualHost *:8080>
DocumentRoot "C:/vhost/Laravel-Blog/public"
ServerName laravel.localhost
Note: If you work on Laravel projects you can create unlimited Laravel projects as well as other frameworks like codeigniter, Yii, etc., the point is to
have your Laravel project/s on c:\vhost\laravel1,
c:\vhost\laravel2 etc and make c:\vhost\laravel1\public as
DocumentRoot etc as showed before. Each Laravel project will have own
VirtualHost URL.
Save and close the file
Some additional information and notes:
If port is remain default 80 then the URL address will be localhost
If port is remain default 80 then the the VirtualHost tag should be changed to <VirtualHost *:80>
If port is changed to 8080, the URL address will be localhost:8080
And the vhost URL address could look like this project1.localhost:8080 etc
You can add unlimited projects and virtual host like this way.
We are not ready yet, read more.
Step 3. Edit Windows Host file
Stop Apache and MySQL services from XAMPP/WAMP.
Open hosts file in C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc
you need Administrator privilege to edit the file.
I suggest to edit the file directly with Sublime text editor.
Add project1.localhost at the end of the file, Save and close the file. localhost php.localhost laravel.localhost codeigniter.localhost wordpress.localhost laravel2.localhost
etc. those are just examples
save the file
Final Step.
Start/Re-start your Apache and MySQL again.
**Addition (Suggestion)**
Note: Under you development process you might face problem having cache on, because you can risk updating some thing in Laravel and it won't appear in your browser. Therefore you might need to disable php cache under development process in your local environment.
Open file php.ini under php folder in your Apache (XAMPP or WAMP) folder and
change opcache.enable to 0 so it looks like this:
; Determines if Zend OPCache is enabled
Addition (Alternative solution)
Important: The following solution is not suitable to test Restful Api, canvas, heavy solutions, might give you some headaches, I would suggest virtual host solution with port 80 as default.
It is possible to deploy temporary Virtual Server with out necessarily configuring XAMPP/WAMP Virtual Host, start CMD console and run following php command:
php -S localhost:8001 -t c:\vhost\Laravel-Project\public
Port 8001 can be change to any available port number and be sure not conflicting with other software ports.
c:\vhost\Laravel... path should be changed to whatever your project path.
It is possible to start multiple servers but should have different port numbers.
In your browser you need only to write
Note on 403 Access forbidden error
If you get a 403 Access forbidden error when you browse to your site, you may need to add this to your httpd.conf file:
<Directory path_to_dir>
AllowOverride none
Require all granted
You can make your localhost to point to different folders on different port numbers. Follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Make your apache to listen to multiple ports. Go to C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf and search for the key word Listen you can see something like this Listen 80. Now tell your apache to listen to multiple ports, replace that with below content
Listen 80
Listen 8001
Listen 8002
Step 2: Now go to “C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf”, this is the actual player. At the end of the file you can specify something like this below:
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/project1"
ServerName localhost:8001
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/project2"
ServerName localhost:8002
Which tells your apache to take different folders on hitting different port numbers. That is when you hit localhost:8001/ it will take the contents from project1, similarly localhost:8002/ will point to your project2 folder.
By doing this we and run 2 different sites on our local machine.
Note: You need to restart your apache whenever you change something in httpd.conf or httpd-vhosts.conf.
Virtual Host create
Open httpd-vhost file then
DocumentRoot "C:\xampp\htdocs\project\timegrid\public"
ServerName choice)
Open hosts file then add Domain Name)
N.B. you first open your editor(notepad etc....) as Run As Administrator mode otherwise you can not save these files. ok.
First of all, open your Notepad as an Administrator and
then click on file > open. Then go to your window driver now search for system32 folder and then search for drivers folder and then the etc folder.
Now you'll see a folder of empty files, so don't worry to see Text Documents (*.txt) at the bottom. Change the view to all files and then you will see the vhost file.
Open and enjoy!

Joomla installation - access denied 403

I can already tell that I'm probably doing something hideously wrong, but I just can't get anything to work or even acknowledge me.
I have a working Joomla 1.5 site on a localhost setup on a lamp stack with Ubuntu (newest everything). I am working on upgrading the site to a newer version. I've followed the steps on the joomla site, which are simple, just extract the zip file on the server, just like I did for 1.5, and then go to the site. I am doing this in a subdirectory I've called upgrade, physically located at /var/www/upgrade/ and when i try to go to localhost/upgrade, I get a "FORBIDDEN" 403. I tried localhost/upgrade/administrator, localhost/index.php, localhost/administrator/index.php, and even localhost/installation/index.php and nothing works.
I went into the installation/ dir and made and saved the configuration.php and .htaccess in upgrade/ to no avail and as a last resort I even did a chmod -R 777 * (yeah I know), restarted apache but nothing changes.
Just to see if it was the install, I dl'd Joomla 3.2 and got the exact same result. All the while my 1.5 site is still happily working.
What am I doing wrong?
You want to setup a Virtual host for the new site. You can do this with either a port or a host.
So if you have your Apache conf setup correctly you can add another Virtual host with something along the lines of.
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/upgrade
ServerName upgrade.local
You'll also need to add a hosts entry which points to your localhost/IP. Its worth checking out a good guide on setting all this up as theres quite a few steps. The Ubuntu one is pretty good if your on that Distro.
Specifically the bit on Virtual Hosts
ServerName means that the server will listen for hosts with that name. So, if you have a host such as upgrade.local pointing to your server then the VirtualHost entry will pick that up and point it to the directory /var/www/upgrade.
In order to point a local host to your server you need to add it to your machines hosts file. To add a new host like upgrade.local (you can call it whatever you want) you edit /etc/hosts and set the IP it points to. upgrade.local
ServerName is not mandatory but I find it better as its easier to organise your local host sites.
The alternative is to do it by port (which means you can avoid having to change the hosts file). You need to listen for the port in this case.
Listen 3000
<VirtualHost *:3000>
DocumentRoot /var/www/upgrade

apache not running on windows 7

I have an issue on my windows 7, I want to work on php so i tried everything but can not get it done. It always gives
Unable to connect
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at nazar-studio:8080.
These are the things i had tried:
Installed WAMP
Installed XAMPP
Installed Apache
Installed IIS
stoped the http service
blocked anti-virus
un-installed anti-virus
stoped skype
Also tried this link
and there are many other things i had done, but invain.
When i check the port using netstat -an it shows the ports listening, i tried many different ports, but nothing works.
Can any one help me, I am really struck and frustrated due to it.
Have you tried connecting to localhost rather than 'nazar-studio'?
Are you sure its running on port 8080?
Is there possibly another process running on port 8080?
Have you checked the error logs? (in #apache install dir#/logs/)
To get Apache running on Windows 7 I did the following.
Switch to Administrator:
Open a command prompt as Admin, type net user Administrator /active:yes and then log off. At the log on screen you will see two options, log in as Administrator.
Install Apache.
Edit conf file to how you want.
Make sure you have set Listen to 8080 (I have mine left as 80).
Don't forget to LoadModule for PHP. Set the ServerName to localhost:8080 (again I have mine as 80).
Set DocumentRoot to the htdocs folder where you installed Apache - mine is C:\Program Files\Apache\2.0.40\htdocs. By connecting to localhost:80 you should be able to see the Apache welcome screen.
Add type info for PHP (AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php3).
Create a virtual host. I am guessing yours would look like
<VirtualHost *:8080>
ServerName nazar-studio.localhost
DocumentRoot "C:/Develop/nazar/htdocs"
ServerAdmin webmaster#localhost
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm
ErrorLog logs/error.nazar.log
CustomLog logs/access.nazar.log combined
Now Edit your hosts file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and add the subnets you have added: localhost nazar-studio.localhost test.localhost
Open the command prompt and now type net user Administrator /active:no to disable the admin. Log off and reconnect as you.
Start Apache and you should be able to connect.
