Loading Silverlight Texture2D from Resources - xna-4.0

Is there any straightforward way how to laod a Texture2D from assembly resources?


How can I draw and edit shape using Xamarin forms?

I want to build a simple Xamarin app that can draw shapes with editing handles. I can then drag and drop the handles to edit the shapes. This can be done with Syncfusion image editor controls but the shapes I wanted are not available.
Can anybody give me some clue about what should I do? Or point me to an open-source project?
Shape examples
SkiaSharp is a 2D graphics system for .NET and C# powered by the open-source Skia graphics engine that is used extensively in Google products. You can use SkiaSharp in your Xamarin.Forms applications to draw 2D vector graphics, bitmaps, and text.
You can refer to the tutorials in the following link:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/xamarin-forms/user-interface/graphics/skiasharp/basics/

Images in Recycler View

so I am developing an app with a lot of images, I am beginner so, how to resize the images so the recycler view is not slow? Is there a way to keep the quality good?
Thanks a lot

Preview images, contours, etc during opencv debug sessions by rendering them on a web page

Is there any ready-to-use solution to push my image in Mat format to a web service that will display it on a web page instantly?
I'm trying to replace an image preview in a window with some web-based solutions for my debugging sessions.
If you use CLion and C++ you can utilize the OpenCV Image Viewer plugin, which displays matrices while debugging just on click.
Disclaimer: I'm an author of this plugin

Full UI widget toolkit rendering in WebGL

Is there currently any full widget toolkit providing components rendering in WebGL only? Similar to the ZebraUI project, which renders a full UI component set in HTML5 canvas?
The idea is to write pure JavaScript, and still be able to shaders to render the components.
There is a new open source project which supports complete rendering of all widgets using WebGL: The DreemGL toolkit. Here is a screenshot of a DreemGL application. All UI elements are rendered using WebGL (including fonts). It's still alpha or beta quality.

OpenGL ES in SmartEyeGlass

I'm looking at the Sony SmartEyeGlass and it seems like the only way to interact with the "augmented reality layer" (what's drawn on the glasses) is through the proprietary Sony APIs.
I'm wondering whether there is a way to let OpenGL ES manage this layer as a GLSurfaceView ?
Or is there an alternative way to do 3D rendering on the glasses?
At the moment, there isn't a special API to connect with OpenGL. The way how to achieve OpenGL rendering with SmartEyeglass is to render your content directly to a Bitmap and show it using SmartEyeglassControlUtils.showBitmap(Bitmap bitmap)
Here you will find a solution, how to render OpenGL to a Bitmap:
Run Android OpenGL in Background as Rendering Resource for App?
Please let us know in comment, for what kind of application you need this OpenGL feature.
Good luck.
