Heroku web UI log viewer - heroku

I wonder if there is a more friendly way ( using some GUI) to view Heroku application's logs than through a console?

I think papertrail (heroku addon) is the best option, it is similar to console logs, with search, and you can achive the logs daily to amazon S3.

Not at the moment.
You can however use the logs drain add-on to pipe your applications to a running syslog on a separate server, like outlined in the heroku docs.
After that, you could use a tool like Splunk to analyze your logs in a nice Web UI.
Hope this helps.

The Loggly Heroku add-on might be a good option.


Using multiple Heroku logging add-ons simultaneously

Is it ok to simultaneously use both Papertrail and LogEntries logging with the same Heroku application, or could that cause issues?
In short: there shouldn't be any issue. As stated in the logplex documentation, there can be as many log-drains as you want, starting just from the CLI, going over to custom log-drains, and addons as you wish.

Access to heroku logs without access to app itself

Say, i have a team of developers. I want them to have access to production logs, but nothing else. Preferably they shouldn't even know the heroku's internal app name.
How do i do that?
I don't think it's possible (at the moment) with Heroku command line. You have two options:
Use one of the logging addons and give your teammates access to the logging app only
Write yourself a log drain for Heroku logplex route the logs to AWS S3, your own DB or other, then give your teammates some way to view the logs.

Parse is shutting down. Will it be maintained by someone?

Parse.com is shutting down. So developers what we gonna do?
It is doing to be maintained as a open source solution?
I have heard something about back4app by Facebook.
Parse has been open sourced here: https://github.com/ParsePlatform
The parse.com is now open sourced as Parse Server, all environment that support node.js and Python can run your own Parse server.
There are a lot of alternatives or where to store your parse server like
Amazon, Bluemix, Azure, Heroku, Ocean, Cloud Engine and more, but for all of then, you have to spend alot of money with Cloud service and MongoDB for Data base (mLab, MongoLab, Compose.IO or other)
If its very importante to continue your app, i will suggest you to use a hosting provider that support Node.js and mongoDB also phyton. I'm using www.a2hosting.com and my app is running perfectly. You can try to download and see the performance. www.angopapo.com (Android)
Hope that helps.

Heroku logs cluttered

I just started using Heroku for one of my node apps.
When I run the heroku logs command it is so cluttered that i cant pick out the data I want from all the other information I don't need.
Is there a way to clean up that log output so it's more human friendly?
It's like it just dumps a wall of text at me.
I am using Papertrail add-on on Heroku for viewing the logs.
It has a free plan which is enough for small application. It gives you flexibility for searching your logs by text and time. A browser URL is provided by Papertrail to view the logs, which is convenient to access from mobile also. Adding this add-on to your application is quite simple, no app changes are required. Below filters are available out of the box on its dashboard to view the logs-
All events
Dyno state changes
Platform errors
Web app output

ElasticBeanstalk system events and my application logs

AWS has a really nice log management tool. I can make my application log messages there very easy.
Amazon ElasticBeanstalk has a "event management" tool.
The questions are:
Can I log my app messages together in the ElasticBeanstalk events? Is it the syslog of the EC2 instance?
If yes, is this a good practice? Any problem on this? I was thinking about because, if there is no problem, I would not need any other third log management service.
The events shown in Elastic Beanstalk are internal to it. You are not supposed to fudge around with them (Although nobody is really preventing you from playing around with them).
Also, there's a log snapshot feature that picks up logs related to the application. These logs are mainly related to deployment and logging messages from the application itself. So, you can use this feature in case your application code is logging messages. For example, if you are running a Ruby/Rails with passenger you would get log messages under /var/app/support/logs/passenger.log. These are not syslog messages per se and the problem with this approach is that it's not straight forward the get your custom monitoring in place. For example, how do you parse your errors and send them to say PagerDuty?
Like you've probably figured out if you want to have custom monitoring (send logs to a syslog facility) you are better off using a third party tool like Splunk Storm, PaperTrail or Loggly. Of course you can setup your own syslog server(s) but that will require you to set up all the infrastructure.
Hope this helps.
