TWiki install/config problems - installation

Debian Etch/Apache 1.3
I have one server happily running TWiki, and want to replicate it on a 2nd server. Apt-get install twiki runs OK except for an apache2 failure. It does appear to have worked out it need to use apache 1.3 though I could be persuaded otherwise!
However, when I got to
it successfully goes to /twiki/bin/ but returns
The requested URL /twiki/bin/ was not found on this server.
Apache log shows
File does not exist: /var/www/packages/twiki/bin/
On the working system, there is no .pl extension on the 'view' which may be vital. Also, I can't see why the packages get installed to the packages dir, but I have moved twiki dir under this. Not sure if the apache config needs to be changed.
It would make life simpler if I could remove the 'packages' dir from things but can't see how.
Any help on this appreciated!

mmm, I stopped maintaining the twiki packages when we forked the project to foswiki.
however. I don't recal ever putting the twiki files into /var/www/packages.
where are you getting the twiki packages from ? are probably more up to date (than the deb in debian's own repository) - and includes plugins, but i've not used / tested anything since 2008 - but that repo does include all the plugins from
i think your dependancy on apache 1.3 issue is because this is a quite old debian package - depends on apache2
if you're rolling your own, there's an apache cfg generator topic on somewhere - we've made many updates to our version on


Heroku install specific Tex Buildpacks

My latex file uses many packages which are imported with \usepackage.
On my local computer the packages are being correctly interpreted and the tex-file is compiled. When deployed on Heroku it stops running and I get plenty of error messages that some packages are missing.
For example: cmap.sty, etoolbox.sty, pdfx.sty, and many more. I started to add the files to my working directory. There are so many of them and it seems there should be an easier solution.
At the moment I am using a tex-live buildpack. I added the link to my Heroku build-packs, it does the job for simple latex files without any special packages required.
I created the file texlive.packages and added it to my repo. The file contains:
The deployment to Heroku is rejected because the slugfile excites more than 1.2G and only 500Mb are allowed.
These collections are quite big, and I can install max 2 of them.
I know that these collections containing a lot of packages I don't need.
How can I install only the required packages for my use case? Or how can I exclude some of them.

Artifactory bundle install '/versions' file not found

We are running a local Artifactory Pro installation and have configured as a Remote Repository.
When running bundle install in a CI Job, the local Artifactory Instance does return a 404 File not found when querying for the /versions file. When doing a manual lookup in the Remote (&Cache) Repo, the file >is present<.
The path we pass to bundle install is provided by the Set me up Wizard and looks like this:
This was mentioned in an issue here:
and should have been fixed, but it is still not working in our installation.
Can't find any mention of RTFACT-16005 or the related RTFACT-19012 in the Release Notes.
Repo is setup with default values, no additional config done.
Are we missing something?
debian 10 (buster)
nginx 1.14.2
artifactory-pro 7.15.4 / 7.15.3
To enable the gems compact index support you need to add the following system property (under $JFROG_HOME/var/etc/artifactory/
You will need to restart Artifactory afterward.
This can be found in JFrog Wiki, here:

Installing bigdesk in ElasticSearch

I'm trying to install bigdesk in ElasticSearch, I downloaded the plugin and copied it uncompressed in the plugin directory
When I try to access to http://localhost:9200/_plugin/bigdesk I just see a white page.
I installed Marvel as well and I didn't have any problem.
I read the documentation in ES and it doesn't say to do anything else to install a new plugin.
You might need to enable JSONP in your elasticsearch.yml configuration file.
http.jsonp.enable: true
Also make sure to append a slash at the end of the URL
add slash here
I've caught myself wondering, too, a few times because of this.
Since you've installed the plugin manually, make sure to unzip the package in the /plugins/bigdesk/_site folder since this is a site plugin.

Hermes Cofiguration with SoapUI 5.0.0

I am trying to set hermesJMS config file under prefernces --> tools and have given the whole path of hermes-config.xml file like this c:\..\..\hermes-config.xml and saved the preferences. But when I am trying to open HermesJMS under tools from soapUI 5.0.0 it complains about setting the prefernces, which I've already set. I also tried restarting soapUI but doesnt work. Any help is appreciated. HermesJMS was installed when I installed soapui 5.0.0. I didnt install it separately. Thanks.
Got it working, we've to give path upto hermesJMS folder and not to hermes-config.xml file for soapUI 5.0.0 (hermes installed with soapUI). Thanks
I got a similar issue on latest version 5.0 - Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Just that it may be helpful for others I am sharing the work around. Most likely, it was a memory issue.
By default, the location is C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.0.0\hermesJMS what you mentioned above. So, no need to change it.
One can go hermes.bat file at location C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.0.0\hermesJMS\bin and edit last line -XX:NewSize=256m -Xmx512m to -XX:NewSize=256m -Xmx1024m.

How do I set up Mercurial and hgweb on IIS?

I've been looking all over for decent instructions on how to get hgweb working on IIS but I haven't found much of worth.
There's this "step by step" on the Mercurial wiki, but it's not very good.
There's also this and this, but again, I can't find good steps to lead up to where those get started.
I just had to install a fresh Mercurial instance yesterday, here's updated instructions for 1.7:
Install Mercurial (these instructions were tested with 1.7)
Install Python (for Mercurial 1.7, you must use the x86 version of Python 2.6.6)
You will need to download the hgweb.cgi file from the Mercurial source. You can download the source by running: hg clone
Create a folder that will be your web application folder. You will need to copy three things into this folder:
The hgweb.cgi file
The contents of the from your "C:\Program Files\Mercurial" folder
The Templates folder from your "C:\Program Files\Mercurial"
You will need to make sure you have Python set up in IIS.
Enable CGI via the following: Control Panel -> Turn Windows Features On or Off -> Roles -> Web Server (IIS) -> Add Role Services -> Check CGI
Create a new Web Site in IIS and make sure the physical path is the folder you created above
In the Handler Mappings for the new website, select "Add Script Map". Enter *.cgi for the request path, c:\Python26\python.exe -u "%s" for the Executable, and Python for the Name.
You will also need to create a file named "hgweb.config" with contents similar to below. The path within the file needs to be the location on your drive where you want to store the Mercurial repositories:
c:\Mercurial\repos = c:\Mercurial\repos
Edit the hgweb.cgi file and change the line where it sets the path to your hgweb.config to something like the following (wherever the hgweb.config file is):
config = "C:\Mercurial\hgweb.config"
Now, open a browser and navigate to http://localhost/mercurial/hgweb.cgi (or whatever is the appropriate URL path you set up in IIS) and you should see the Mercurial Repositories page.
Also, check out Jeremy Skinners blog post . It's a little outdated, but has some extra nice steps like setting up URL re-writing for cleaner URL's.
It seems since Mercurial 1.5.2 was released, these tutorials don't work exactly right. For one thing, hgwebdir.cgi has been removed, and is now replaced with hgweb.cgi.
The instructions that worked best for me is at
Those instructions are meant for IIS 7 or greater. If you're setting this up on IIS 6, I wrote up similar instructions geared toward Win2k3 and IIS 6.0:
UPDATE: Shortly after getting this working I learned that BitBucket changed their pricing scheme to offer free, unlimited, private hosting: I would've opted for that in a heartbeat when I was originally working on this project.
Below are what I did after doing a fair amount of research for geting hgwebdir.cgi setup on IIS6 . It is based on the following sites:
You'll need to install the following on the server:
Mercurial (I used version 1.5)
Python 2.6. The version of Python depends on the version of Mercurial installed.
Mercurial 1.5 uses Python 2.6. Install x86 even if you are running x64.
The steps for me were:
Create a directory for the website. I used c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hg.
In IIS, right click on the folder for hg, select properties, select the Home Directory tab.
Click on the Create application button. Set the execute permissions to "scripts".
Still in the Home Directory tab, click on the Configuration button. In the "Application Configuration" popup, click the Add button to add an application extension. The Executable is c:\Python26\python.exe -u "%s" "%s". The extension is .cgi. Set the "verbs" to "limit to: GET,HEAD,POST". Check both Script engine and Verify that file exists.
In the Directory Security tab, click on the Edit button in the Authentication and access control section. Uncheck all authentication methods, and check the "Basic authenication" method. Set the Default domain if you like to your Active Directory domain.
In IIS, click on the Web Service Extensions folder on the left panel. Click on "Add a new Web service extension" link. Extension name should be Python, the required file is c:\Python26\python.exe -u "%s" "%s". Make sure the new extension is "Allowed".
Now is a good time to test that Python is working. Create a file in your new Hg folder called test.cgi. Paste the following python code:
print 'Status: 200 OK'
print 'Content-type: text/html'
print '<html><head>'
print ''
print '<h1>It works!</h1>'
print ''
print ''
Open the browser to your site, for instance, http://localhost/hg/test.cgi
You should see "It works!" in the browser.
Next let's get the hgwebdir working.
Delete test.cgi
clone the hg repo to a new directory:
copy hgwebdir.cgi to your web directory: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hg\ from the cloned hg repo
Edit the file and change
application = hgwebdir('hgweb.config')
application = hgwebdir('c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hg\hgweb.config')
Unzip the file in the Mercurial directory, c:\Program Files\Mercurial\, to your web directory, c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hg\
Copy the templates directory from c:\Program Files\Mercurial\templates\ to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hg\templates\
Create a file called hgweb.config in your web directory.
Now is a good time to test it out. Go to the following URL in the browser, http://localhost/hg/hgwebdir.cgi
Edit hgweb.config, and paste the following:
\\server\share$\Hg\ = \\server\share$\Hg\
allow_push = *
push_ssl = false
These are all my preferences, for instance we have our repos in subdirectories at \\server\share$\Hg. The web app will run under the permissions of the logged in user via the browser, so they'll need read/write permissions to the share.
The last step is to allow for long connections which can happen when you first clone a repo. Run the following command to increase the timeout to 50 minutes:
cd \inetpub\AdminScripts\
cscript adsutil.vbs GET /W3SVC/CGITimeout
cscript adsutil.vbs SET /W3SVC/CGITimeout 3000
Use mercurial to clone the mercurial repository:
hg clone
you will find hgwebdir.cgi at the top level. It should install
like any other cgi script.
I've been fighting with this setup for mercurial 1.7.2 for the past week or so, I had to do things slightly differently than the above articles do in order to get it working.
Posting here because google kept bringing me back here....
Full instructions posted here
I followed a combination of these instructions and these (in the source)
The main differences are that I had to do the "pure python" install of mercurial otherwise it would complain about missing dlls, and I found it was important to use the "python installers" for pywin and isapi-wsgi. (maybe this is obvious to experienced python developers, but I'm a python newbie so it was news to me)
Hope this helps somebody and I'm not just making stuff up (I might be, like i said, python newbie)
The hg red book contains some much better general instructions than I've seen in other places. They are not IIS specific, but they are quite good:
I was running into a "...can not load module..." type error and after some reading, the key for me was to ignore the file in the Mercurial folder, and instead use the one from C:\Program Files (x86)\TortoiseHg folder.
That tip I found as #6 in this guide:
Hope this helps someone...
I know this is an old question, but I really struggled getting Hg installed on Server 2019 and IIS 10.
Here is what I did to get it working:
Install Python 2.7 which in my case was python-2.7.18.amd64.msi. I will assume it's installed in C:\Python27. Make sure python is added to your path and that pip is installed.
Install Mercurial as a module using pip at the command line:
pip install mercurial
Under Default Web Site add a new application called hg and point it to the directory you want to use to use.
Configure Python as CGI handler in IIS 10.0 for this new website (or the entire web server if you wish). You can do this manually or create/add the follwing to your web.config file:
<handlers accessPolicy="Read, Script">
<add name="Python 2.7" path="*.cgi" verb="*" modules="CgiModule" scriptProcessor="C:\Python27\python.exe -u "%s"" resourceType="File" />
In the 'hg' application folder create a hgweb.cgi that looks similar to the following:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# An example hgweb CGI script, edit as necessary
# See also
# Path to repo or hgweb config to serve (see 'hg help hgweb')
config = "hgweb.config"
# Uncomment and adjust if Mercurial is not installed system-wide
# (consult "installed modules" path from 'hg debuginstall'):
# import sys; sys.path.insert(0, "/path/to/python/lib")
# Uncomment to send python tracebacks to the browser if an error occurs:
#import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
from mercurial import demandimport
from mercurial.hgweb import hgweb, wsgicgi
application = hgweb(config)
In the 'hg' application folder create the hgweb.config file and point it at your repos like the following:
C:\Web\www\hg\repos\ = C:\Web\www\hg\repos\
Navigate to http://localhost/hg/hgweb.cgi and enjoy!
You can try HgLab. This isn't exactly hgwebdir; rather it is a purely managed Mercurial implementation with push and pull server and repository browser.
