Longest common prefix for n string - algorithm

Given n string of max length m. How can we find the longest common prefix shared by at least two strings among them?
Example: ['flower', 'flow', 'hello', 'fleet']
Answer: fl
I was thinking of building a Trie for all the string and then checking the deepest node (satisfies longest) that branches out to two/more substrings (satisfies commonality). This takes O(n*m) time and space. Is there a better way to do this

Why to use trie(which takes O(mn) time and O(mn) space, just use the basic brute force way. first loop, find the shortest string as minStr, which takes o(n) time, second loop, compare one by one with this minStr, and keep an variable which indicates the rightmost index of minStr, this loop takes O(mn) where m is the shortest length of all strings. The code is like below,
public String longestCommonPrefix(String[] strs) {
if(strs.length==0) return "";
String minStr=strs[0];
for(int i=1;i<strs.length;i++){
int end=minStr.length();
for(int i=0;i<strs.length;i++){
int j;
for( j=0;j<end;j++){
return minStr.substring(0,end);

there is an O(|S|*n) solution to this problem, using a trie. [n is the number of strings, S is the longest string]
(1) put all strings in a trie
(2) do a DFS in the trie, until you find the first vertex with more than 1 "edge".
(3) the path from the root to the node you found at (2) is the longest common prefix.
There is no possible faster solution then it [in terms of big O notation], at the worst case, all your strings are identical - and you need to read all of them to know it.

I would sort them, which you can do in n lg n time. Then any strings with common prefixes will be right next to eachother. In fact you should be able to keep a pointer of which index you're currently looking at and work your way down for a pretty speedy computation.

As a completely different answer from my other answer...
You can, with one pass, bucket every string based on its first letter.
With another pass you can sort each bucket based on its second later. (This is known as radix sort, which is O(n*m), and O(n) with each pass.) This gives you a baseline prefix of 2.
You can safely remove from your dataset any elements that do not have a prefix of 2.
You can continue the radix sort, removing elements without a shared prefix of p, as p approaches m.
This will give you the same O(n*m) time that the trie approach does, but will always be faster than the trie since the trie must look at every character in every string (as it enters the structure), while this approach is only guaranteed to look at 2 characters per string, at which point it culls much of the dataset.
The worst case is still that every string is identical, which is why it shares the same big O notation, but will be faster in all cases as is guaranteed to use less comparisons since on any "non-worst-case" there are characters that never need to be visited.

public String longestCommonPrefix(String[] strs) {
if (strs == null || strs.length == 0)
return "";
char[] c_list = strs[0].toCharArray();
int len = c_list.length;
int j = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < strs.length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < len && j < strs[i].length(); j++)
if (c_list[j] != strs[i].charAt(j))
len = j;
return new String(c_list).substring(0, len);

It happens that the bucket sort (radix sort) described by corsiKa can be extended such that all strings are eventually placed alone in a bucket, and at that point, the LCP for such a lonely string is known. Further, the shustring of each string is also known; it is one longer than is the LCP. The bucket sort is defacto the construction of a suffix array but, only partially so. Those comparisons that are not performed (as described by corsiKa) indeed represent those portions of the suffix strings that are not added to the suffix array. Finally, this method allows for determination of not just the LCP and shustrings, but also one may easily find those subsequences that are not present within the string.

Since the world is obviously begging for an answer in Swift, here's mine ;)
func longestCommonPrefix(strings:[String]) -> String {
var commonPrefix = ""
var indices = strings.map { $0.startIndex}
while true {
var toMatch: Character = "_"
for (whichString, f) in strings.enumerate() {
let cursor = indices[whichString]
if cursor == f.endIndex { break outerLoop }
indices[whichString] = cursor.successor()
if whichString == 0 { toMatch = f[cursor] }
if toMatch != f[cursor] { break outerLoop }
return commonPrefix
Swift 3 Update:
func longestCommonPrefix(strings:[String]) -> String {
var commonPrefix = ""
var indices = strings.map { $0.startIndex}
while true {
var toMatch: Character = "_"
for (whichString, f) in strings.enumerated() {
let cursor = indices[whichString]
if cursor == f.endIndex { break outerLoop }
indices[whichString] = f.characters.index(after: cursor)
if whichString == 0 { toMatch = f[cursor] }
if toMatch != f[cursor] { break outerLoop }
return commonPrefix
What's interesting to note:
this runs in O^2, or O(n x m) where n is the number of strings and m
is the length of the shortest one.
this uses the String.Index data type and thus deals with Grapheme Clusters which the Character type represents.
And given the function I needed to write in the first place:
/// Takes an array of Strings representing file system objects absolute
/// paths and turn it into a new array with the minimum number of common
/// ancestors, possibly pushing the root of the tree as many level downwards
/// as necessary
/// In other words, we compute the longest common prefix and remove it
func reify(fullPaths:[String]) -> [String] {
let lcp = longestCommonPrefix(fullPaths)
return fullPaths.map {
return $0[lcp.endIndex ..< $0.endIndex]
here is a minimal unit test:
func testReifySimple() {
let samplePaths:[String] = [
, "/root/some/other/file"
, "/root/another/file"
, "/root/direct.file"
let expectedPaths:[String] = [
, "some/other/file"
, "another/file"
, "direct.file"
let reified = PathUtilities().reify(samplePaths)
for (index, expected) in expectedPaths.enumerate(){
XCTAssert(expected == reified[index], "failed match, \(expected) != \(reified[index])")

Perhaps a more intuitive solution. Channel the already found prefix out of earlier iteration as input string to the remaining or next string input. [[[w1, w2], w3], w4]... so on], where [] is supposedly the LCP of two strings.
public String findPrefixBetweenTwo(String A, String B){
String ans = "";
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < A.length() && j < B.length(); i++, j++){
if (A.charAt(i) != B.charAt(j)){
return i > 0 ? A.substring(0, i) : "";
// Either of the string is prefix of another one OR they are same.
return (A.length() > B.length()) ? B.substring(0, B.length()) : A.substring(0, A.length());
public String longestCommonPrefix(ArrayList<String> A) {
if (A.size() == 1) return A.get(0);
String prefix = A.get(0);
for (int i = 1; i < A.size(); i++){
prefix = findPrefixBetweenTwo(prefix, A.get(i)); // chain the earlier prefix
return prefix;


Word ladder complexity analysis

I'd like to make sure that I am doing the time complexity analysis correctly. There seems to be many different analysis.
Just in case people don't know the problem this is problem description.
Given two words (beginWord and endWord), and a dictionary's word list, find the length of shortest transformation sequence from beginWord to endWord, such that:
Only one letter can be changed at a time.
Each transformed word must exist in the word list. Note that beginWord is not a transformed word.
For example,
beginWord = "hit"
endWord = "cog"
wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log","cog"]
As one shortest transformation is "hit" -> "hot" -> "dot" -> "dog" -> "cog",
return its length 5.
And this is simple BFS algorithm.
static int ladderLength(String beginWord, String endWord, List<String> wordList) {
int level = 1;
Deque<String> queue = new LinkedList<>();
Set<String> visited = new HashSet<>();
// worst case we can add all dictionary thus N (len(dict)) computation
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
String word = queue.removeFirst();
if (word != null) {
if (word.equals(endWord)) {
return level;
// m * 26 * log N
for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
char[] chars = word.toCharArray();
for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) {
chars[i] = c;
String newStr = new String(chars);
if (!visited.contains(newStr) && wordList.contains(newStr)) {
} else {
if (!queue.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
wordList (dictionary) contains N elements and length of beginWord is m
In worst case, the queue would have all the element in the word list, thus, the outer while loop would run for o(N).
For each word (length m), it tries 26 charaters (a to z) thus inner nested for loop is o(26*m), and inside inner for loop, it does wordList.contains assume it's o(logN).
So overall it's o(N*m*26*logN) => o(N*mlogN)
Is this correct?
The List<T> type does not automatically sort its elements, but instead "faithfully" keeps all elements in the order they were added. So wordList.contains is in fact O(n). However for a HashSet such as visited, this operation is O(1) (amortized), so consider switching to that.

Return the number of elements of an array that is the most "expensive"

I recently stumbled upon an interesting problem, an I am wondering if my solution is optimal.
You are given an array of zeros and ones. The goal is to return the
amount zeros and the amount of ones in the most expensive sub-array.
The cost of an array is the amount of 1s divided by amount of 0s. In
case there are no zeros in the sub-array, the cost is zero.
At first I tried brute-forcing, but for an array of 10,000 elements it was far too slow and I ran out of memory.
My second idea was instead of creating those sub-arrays, to remember the start and the end of the sub-array. That way I saved a lot of memory, but the complexity was still O(n2).
My final solution that I came up is I think O(n). It goes like this:
Start at the beginning of the array, for each element, calculate the cost of the sub-arrays starting from 1, ending at the current index. So we would start with a sub-array consisting of the first element, then first and second etc. Since the only thing that we need to calculate the cost, is the amount of 1s and 0s in the sub-array, I could find the optimal end of the sub-array.
The second step was to start from the end of the sub-array from step one, and repeat the same to find the optimal beginning. That way I am sure that there is no better combination in the whole array.
Is this solution correct? If not, is there a counter-example that will show that this solution is incorrect?
For clarity:
Let's say our input array is 0101.
There are 10 subarrays:
0,1,0,1,01,10,01,010,101 and 0101.
The cost of the most expensive subarray would be 2 since 101 is the most expensive subarray. So the algorithm should return 1,2
Edit 2
There is one more thing that I forgot, if 2 sub-arrays have the same cost, the longer one is "more expensive".
Let me sketch a proof for my assumption:
(a = whole array, *=zero or more, +=one or more, {n}=exactly n)
Cases a=0* and a=1+ : c=0
Cases a=01+ and a=1+0 : conforms to 1*0{1,2}1*, a is optimum
For the normal case, a contains one or more 0s and 1s.
This means there is some optimum sub-array of non-zero cost.
(S) Assume s is an optimum sub-array of a.
It contains one or more zeros. (Otherwise its cost would be zero).
(T) Let t be the longest `1*0{1,2}+1*` sequence within s
(and among the equally long the one with with most 1s).
(Note: There is always one such, e.g. `10` or `01`.)
Let N be the number of 1s in t.
Now, we prove that always t = s.
By showing it is not possible to add adjacent parts of s to t if (S).
(E) Assume t shorter than s.
We cannot add 1s at either side, otherwise not (T).
For each 0 we add from s, we have to add at least N more 1s
later to get at least the same cost as our `1*0+1*`.
This means: We have to add at least one run of N 1s.
If we add some run of N+1, N+2 ... somewhere than not (T).
If we add consecutive zeros, we need to compensate
with longer runs of 1s, thus not (T).
This leaves us with the only option of adding single zeors and runs of N 1s each.
This would give (symmetry) `1{n}*0{1,2}1{m}01{n+m}...`
If m>0 then `1{m}01{n+m}` is longer than `1{n}0{1,2}1{m}`, thus not (T).
If m=0 then we get `1{n}001{n}`, thus not (T).
So assumption (E) must be wrong.
Conclusion: The optimum sub-array must conform to 1*0{1,2}1*.
Here is my O(n) impl in Java according to the assumption in my last comment (1*01* or 1*001*):
public class Q19596345 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
String array = "0101001110111100111111001111110";
System.out.println("array=" + array);
SubArray current = new SubArray();
current.array = array;
SubArray best = (SubArray) current.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
SubArray candidate = (SubArray) current.clone();
if (candidate.cost() > best.cost()) {
best = candidate;
System.out.println("better: " + candidate);
System.out.println("best: " + best);
} catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); }
static class SubArray implements Cloneable {
String array;
int start, leftOnes, zeros, rightOnes;
// optimize 1*0*1* by cutting
void trim() {
if (zeros > 1) {
if (leftOnes < rightOnes) {
start += leftOnes + (zeros - 1);
leftOnes = 0;
zeros = 1;
} else if (leftOnes > rightOnes) {
zeros = 1;
rightOnes = 0;
double cost() {
if (zeros == 0) return 0;
else return (leftOnes + rightOnes) / (double) zeros +
(leftOnes + zeros + rightOnes) * 0.00001;
void accept(char c) {
if (c == '1') {
if (zeros == 0) leftOnes++;
else rightOnes++;
} else {
if (rightOnes > 0) {
start += leftOnes + zeros;
leftOnes = rightOnes;
zeros = 0;
rightOnes = 0;
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return super.clone(); }
public String toString() { return String.format("%s at %d with cost %.3f with zeros,ones=%d,%d",
array.substring(start, start + leftOnes + zeros + rightOnes), start, cost(), zeros, leftOnes + rightOnes);
If we can show the max array is always 1+0+1+, 1+0, or 01+ (Regular expression notation then we can calculate the number of runs
So for the array (010011), we have (always starting with a run of 1s)
so the ratios are (0, 1, 0.3, 1.5, 1), which leads to an array of 10011 as the final result, ignoring the one runs
Cost of the left edge is 0
Cost of the right edge is 2
So in this case, the right edge is the correct answer -- 011
I haven't yet been able to come up with a counterexample, but the proof isn't obvious either. Hopefully we can crowd source one :)
The degenerate cases are simpler
All 1's and 0's are obvious, as they all have the same cost.
A string of just 1+,0+ or vice versa is all the 1's and a single 0.
How about this? As a C# programmer, I am thinking we can use something like Dictionary of <int,int,int>.
The first int would be use as key, second as subarray number and the third would be for the elements of sub-array.
For your example
key|Sub-array number|elements
Then you can run through the dictionary and store the highest in a variable.
var maxcost=0
var arrnumber=1;
var zeros=0;
var ones=0;
var cost=0;
for (var i=1;i++;i<=20+1)
if ( dictionary.arraynumber[i]!=dictionary.arraynumber[i-1])
if (cost>maxcost)
if (dictionary.values[i]==0)
This will be log(n^2), i hope and u just need 3n size of memory of the array?
I think we can modify the maximal subarray problem to fit to this question. Here's my attempt at it:
void FindMaxRatio(int[] array, out maxNumOnes, out maxNumZeros)
maxNumOnes = 0;
maxNumZeros = 0;
int numOnes = 0;
int numZeros = 0;
double maxSoFar = 0;
double maxEndingHere = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < array.Size; i++){
if(array[i] == 0) numZeros++;
if(array[i] == 1) numOnes++;
if(numZeros == 0) maxEndingHere = 0;
else maxEndingHere = numOnes/(double)numZeros;
if(maxEndingHere < 1 && maxEndingHere > 0) {
numZeros = 0;
numOnes = 0;
if(maxSoFar < maxEndingHere){
maxSoFar = maxEndingHere;
maxNumOnes = numOnes;
maxNumZeros = numZeros;
I think the key is if the ratio is less then 1, we can disregard that subsequence because
there will always be a subsequence 01 or 10 whose ratio is 1. This seemed to work for 010011.

Determine how many rotations of a string match the original string in O(n) time?

There are lots of questions discussing the fastest/best way to rotate a string or determine if one string is a rotation of another.
For example, neglecting sanitization of inputs, you'll see something like this for IsRotation:
public static bool IsRotation(string s1, string s2)
return (s1.Length == s2.Length && (s1 + s1).IndexOf(s2) != -1);
And something like this for Rotate:
public static string Rotate(string s, int index)
//Can't rotate. Return input.
if (s.Length < 2)
return s;
// Break input in half at rotation index
var s1 = s.Substring(0, index);
var s2 = s.Substring(index);
// Reverse the halves
var s1Reversed = Reverse(s1);
var s2Reversed = Reverse(s2);
// Join the reversed halves
var joined = s1Reversed + s2Reversed;
//Reverse and return the result.
var rotated = Reverse(joined);
return rotated;
For example, using "foo..."
Rotate("foo",1) == "ofo"
IsRotation("foo", "ofo") == true;
My question is is an extension of these questions.
Given an input string, s, determine how many rotations of that string are identical to the original string.
Considering the input string as a rotation, some sample input/output pairs:
IdenticalRotationCount("") == 1
IdenticalRotationCount("s") == 1
IdenticalRotationCount("sa") == 1
IdenticalRotationCount("ss") == 2
IdenticalRotationCount("ByeBye") == 2
IdenticalRotationCount("StackOverflow") == 0
I was told that there is a solution that will run in O(n) time. The beginner solution looks like this:
public static int IdenticalRotationCount(this string s)
//If length of s is less than two, we cannot rotate. Return 1.
if (s.Length < 2)
return 1;
//Get first char in s
var first = s[0];
//Consider input as first rotation that matches
var count = 1;
//Try each rotate position
for (var i = 1; i < s.Length; ++i)
var c = s[i];
//If current character doesn't start with same character as input
//we can skip the rotation
if (c != first)
//If the rotation at index i equals the input string, add 1 to result
if (StringExtensions.Rotate(s, i) == s)
return count;
However, if you choose an absurd input, like 200,000 consecutive 'a's, it will run for quite some time.
Can anybody provide a solution that runs in O(n) time? I can see N^2 by doing the actual comparison when breaking the input down into the two halves before rotation, instead of doing the actual rotation, but cannot see how to do O(n).
PS - If there is a more appropriate to post this sort of question, please say so in the comments. I'll gladly move it.
This sprung to mind - think about the question "if I concatenate the original string with itself, what's the first index of the original string within the concatenated result". With a little thought, it looks to me as though it'll answer the question O(n).
Original string "ByeBye"
Concatenated string "ByeByeByeBye"
Original string appears at (0-based) index 2 within the concatenated string. This tells you something.
If a string is equal to a rotation of itself at offset k and at no smaller offset, then the string must be the repetition of its length k prefix. It will then also be equal to its rotation at all multiples of k, so there will be precisely n/k such rotations, where n is the length of the string. This is pretty easy to prove.
There is indeed an O(n) algorithm for determining the value of k. One way to do it is to use Duval's algorithm for Lyndon factorization (see Wikipedia). That's just a hint; I'll see if I can produce some actual pseudocode if desired.

Google search results: How to find the minimum window that contains all the search keywords?

What is the complexity of the algorithm is that is used to find the smallest snippet that contains all the search key words?
As stated, the problem is solved by a rather simple algorithm:
Just look through the input text sequentially from the very beginning and check each word: whether it is in the search key or not. If the word is in the key, add it to the end of the structure that we will call The Current Block. The Current Block is just a linear sequence of words, each word accompanied by a position at which it was found in the text. The Current Block must maintain the following Property: the very first word in The Current Block must be present in The Current Block once and only once. If you add the new word to the end of The Current Block, and the above property becomes violated, you have to remove the very first word from the block. This process is called normalization of The Current Block. Normalization is a potentially iterative process, since once you remove the very first word from the block, the new first word might also violate The Property, so you'll have to remove it as well. And so on.
So, basically The Current Block is a FIFO sequence: the new words arrive at the right end, and get removed by normalization process from the left end.
All you have to do to solve the problem is look through the text, maintain The Current Block, normalizing it when necessary so that it satisfies The Property. The shortest block with all the keywords in it you ever build is the answer to the problem.
For example, consider the text
with keywords A, B and C. Looking through the text you'll build the following sequence of blocks
CAB - all words, length 9 (CxxxAxxxB...)
CABA - all words, length 12 (CxxxAxxxBxxA...)
CABAC - violates The Property, remove first C
ABAC - violates The Property, remove first A
BAC - all words, length 7 (...BxxAxxC...)
BACB - violates The Property, remove first B
ACB - all words, length 6 (...AxxCxB...)
ACBA - violates The Property, remove first A
CBA - all words, length 4 (...CxBA...)
CBAC - violates The Property, remove first C
BAC - all words, length 6 (...BAxxxC)
The best block we built has length 4, which is the answer in this case
CxxxAxxxBxxAxx CxBA xxxC
The exact complexity of this algorithm depends on the input, since it dictates how many iterations the normalization process will make, but ignoring the normalization the complexity would trivially be O(N * log M), where N is the number of words in the text and M is the number of keywords, and O(log M) is the complexity of checking whether the current word belongs to the keyword set.
Now, having said that, I have to admit that I suspect that this might not be what you need. Since you mentioned Google in the caption, it might be that the statement of the problem you gave in your post is not complete. Maybe in your case the text is indexed? (With indexing the above algorithm is still applicable, just becomes more efficient). Maybe there's some tricky database that describes the text and allows for a more efficient solution (like without looking through the entire text)? I can only guess and you are not saying...
I think the solution proposed by AndreyT assumes no duplicates exists in the keywords/search terms. Also, the current block can get as big as the text itself if text contains lot of duplicate keywords.
For example:
Keyword text: 'AB'
Current Block: 'ABBBBBBBBBB'
Anyway, I have implemented in C#, did some basic testing, would be nice to get some feedback on whether it works or not :)
static string FindMinWindow(string text, string searchTerms)
Dictionary<char, bool> searchIndex = new Dictionary<char, bool>();
foreach (var item in searchTerms)
searchIndex.Add(item, false);
Queue<Tuple<char, int>> currentBlock = new Queue<Tuple<char, int>>();
int noOfMatches = 0;
int minLength = Int32.MaxValue;
int startIndex = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
char item = text[i];
if (searchIndex.ContainsKey(item))
if (!searchIndex[item])
searchIndex[item] = true;
var newEntry = new Tuple<char, int> ( item, i );
// Normalization step.
while (currentBlock.Count(o => o.Item1.Equals(currentBlock.First().Item1)) > 1)
// Figuring out minimum length.
if (noOfMatches == searchTerms.Length)
var length = currentBlock.Last().Item2 - currentBlock.First().Item2 + 1;
if (length < minLength)
startIndex = currentBlock.First().Item2;
minLength = length;
return noOfMatches == searchTerms.Length ? text.Substring(startIndex, minLength) : String.Empty;
This is an interesting question.
To restate it more formally:
Given a list L (the web page) of length n and a set S (the query) of size k, find the smallest sublist of L that contains all the elements of S.
I'll start with a brute-force solution in hopes of inspiring others to beat it.
Note that set membership can be done in constant time, after one pass through the set. See this question.
Also note that this assumes all the elements of S are in fact in L, otherwise it will just return the sublist from 1 to n.
best = (1,n)
For i from 1 to n-k:
Create/reset a hash found[] mapping each element of S to False.
For j from i to n or until counter == k:
If found[L[j]] then counter++ and let found[L[j]] = True;
If j-i < best[2]-best[1] then let best = (i,j).
Time complexity is O((n+k)(n-k)). Ie, n^2-ish.
Here's a solution using Java 8.
static Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> documentSearch(Collection<String> document, Collection<String> query) {
Queue<KeywordIndexPair> queue = new ArrayDeque<>(query.size());
HashSet<String> words = new HashSet<>();
AtomicInteger idx = new AtomicInteger();
IndexPair interval = new IndexPair(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
AtomicInteger size = new AtomicInteger();
.map(w -> new KeywordIndexPair(w, idx.getAndIncrement()))
.filter(pair -> words.contains(pair.word)) // Queue.contains is O(n) so we trade space for efficiency
.forEach(pair -> {
// only the first and last elements are useful to the algorithm, so we don't bother removing
// an element from any other index. note that removing an element using equality
// from an ArrayDeque is O(n)
KeywordIndexPair first = queue.peek();
if (pair.equals(first)) {
first = queue.peek();
int diff = pair.index - first.index;
if (size.incrementAndGet() == words.size() && diff < interval.interval()) {
interval.begin = first.index;
interval.end = pair.index;
return new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(interval.begin, interval.end);
There are 2 static nested classes KeywordIndexPair and IndexPair, the implementation of which should be apparent from the names. Using a smarter programming language that supports tuples those classes wouldn't be necessary.
Document: apple, banana, apple, apple, dog, cat, apple, dog, banana, apple, cat, dog
Query: banana, cat
Interval: 8, 10
For all the words, maintain min and max index in case there is going to be more than one entry; if not both min and mix index will same.
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.ST;
public class DicMN {
ST<String, Words> st = new ST<>();
public class Words {
int min;
int max;
public Words(int index) {
min = index;
max = index;
public int findMinInterval(String[] sw) {
int begin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int end = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < sw.length; i++) {
if (st.contains(sw[i])) {
Words w = st.get(sw[i]);
begin = Math.min(begin, w.min);
end = Math.max(end, w.max);
if (begin != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return (end - begin) + 1;
return 0;
public void put(String[] dw) {
for (int i = 0; i < dw.length; i++) {
if (!st.contains(dw[i])) {
st.put(dw[i], new Words(i));
else {
Words w = st.get(dw[i]);
w.min = Math.min(w.min, i);
w.max = Math.max(w.max, i);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
DicMN dic = new DicMN();
String[] arr1 = { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight" };
String[] arr2 = { "two", "five" };
System.out.print("Interval:" + dic.findMinInterval(arr2));

How can I compute the number of characters required to turn a string into a palindrome?

I recently found a contest problem that asks you to compute the minimum number of characters that must be inserted (anywhere) in a string to turn it into a palindrome.
For example, given the string: "abcbd" we can turn it into a palindrome by inserting just two characters: one after "a" and another after "d": "adbcbda".
This seems to be a generalization of a similar problem that asks for the same thing, except characters can only be added at the end - this has a pretty simple solution in O(N) using hash tables.
I have been trying to modify the Levenshtein distance algorithm to solve this problem, but haven't been successful. Any help on how to solve this (it doesn't necessarily have to be efficient, I'm just interested in any DP solution) would be appreciated.
Note: This is just a curiosity. Dav proposed an algorithm which can be modified to DP algorithm to run in O(n^2) time and O(n^2) space easily (and perhaps O(n) with better bookkeeping).
Of course, this 'naive' algorithm might actually come in handy if you decide to change the allowed operations.
Here is a 'naive'ish algorithm, which can probably be made faster with clever bookkeeping.
Given a string, we guess the middle of the resulting palindrome and then try to compute the number of inserts required to make the string a palindrome around that middle.
If the string is of length n, there are 2n+1 possible middles (Each character, between two characters, just before and just after the string).
Suppose we consider a middle which gives us two strings L and R (one to left and one to right).
If we are using inserts, I believe the Longest Common Subsequence algorithm (which is a DP algorithm) can now be used the create a 'super' string which contains both L and reverse of R, see Shortest common supersequence.
Pick the middle which gives you the smallest number inserts.
This is O(n^3) I believe. (Note: I haven't tried proving that it is true).
My C# solution looks for repeated characters in a string and uses them to reduce the number of insertions. In a word like program, I use the 'r' characters as a boundary. Inside of the 'r's, I make that a palindrome (recursively). Outside of the 'r's, I mirror the characters on the left and the right.
Some inputs have more than one shortest output: output can be toutptuot or outuputuo. My solution only selects one of the possibilities.
Some example runs:
radar -> radar, 0 insertions
esystem -> metsystem, 2 insertions
message -> megassagem, 3 insertions
stackexchange -> stegnahckexekchangets, 8 insertions
First I need to check if an input is already a palindrome:
public static bool IsPalindrome(string str)
for (int left = 0, right = str.Length - 1; left < right; left++, right--)
if (str[left] != str[right])
return false;
return true;
Then I need to find any repeated characters in the input. There may be more than one. The word message has two most-repeated characters ('e' and 's'):
private static bool TryFindMostRepeatedChar(string str, out List<char> chs)
chs = new List<char>();
int maxCount = 1;
var dict = new Dictionary<char, int>();
foreach (var item in str)
int temp;
if (dict.TryGetValue(item, out temp))
dict[item] = temp + 1;
maxCount = temp + 1;
dict.Add(item, 1);
foreach (var item in dict)
if (item.Value == maxCount)
return maxCount > 1;
My algorithm is here:
public static string MakePalindrome(string str)
List<char> repeatedList;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str) || IsPalindrome(str))
return str;
//If an input has repeated characters,
// use them to reduce the number of insertions
else if (TryFindMostRepeatedChar(str, out repeatedList))
string shortestResult = null;
foreach (var ch in repeatedList) //"program" -> { 'r' }
//find boundaries
int iLeft = str.IndexOf(ch); // "program" -> 1
int iRight = str.LastIndexOf(ch); // "program" -> 4
//make a palindrome of the inside chars
string inside = str.Substring(iLeft + 1, iRight - iLeft - 1); // "program" -> "og"
string insidePal = MakePalindrome(inside); // "og" -> "ogo"
string right = str.Substring(iRight + 1); // "program" -> "am"
string rightRev = Reverse(right); // "program" -> "ma"
string left = str.Substring(0, iLeft); // "program" -> "p"
string leftRev = Reverse(left); // "p" -> "p"
//Shave off extra chars in rightRev and leftRev
// When input = "message", this loop converts "meegassageem" to "megassagem",
// ("ee" to "e"), as long as the extra 'e' is an inserted char
while (left.Length > 0 && rightRev.Length > 0 &&
left[left.Length - 1] == rightRev[0])
rightRev = rightRev.Substring(1);
leftRev = leftRev.Substring(1);
//piece together the result
string result = left + rightRev + ch + insidePal + ch + right + leftRev;
//find the shortest result for inputs that have multiple repeated characters
if (shortestResult == null || result.Length < shortestResult.Length)
shortestResult = result;
return shortestResult;
//For inputs that have no repeated characters,
// just mirror the characters using the last character as the pivot.
for (int i = str.Length - 2; i >= 0; i--)
str += str[i];
return str;
Note that you need a Reverse function:
public static string Reverse(string str)
string result = "";
for (int i = str.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
result += str[i];
return result;
C# Recursive solution adding to the end of the string:
There are 2 base cases. When length is 1 or 2. Recursive case: If the extremes are equal, then
make palindrome the inner string without the extremes and return that with the extremes.
If the extremes are not equal, then add the first character to the end and make palindrome the
inner string including the previous last character. return that.
public static string ConvertToPalindrome(string str) // By only adding characters at the end
if (str.Length == 1) return str; // base case 1
if (str.Length == 2 && str[0] == str[1]) return str; // base case 2
if (str[0] == str[str.Length - 1]) // keep the extremes and call
return str[0] + ConvertToPalindrome(str.Substring(1, str.Length - 2)) + str[str.Length - 1];
else //Add the first character at the end and call
return str[0] + ConvertToPalindrome(str.Substring(1, str.Length - 1)) + str[0];
