Can I do better than binary search here? - algorithm

I want to pick the top "range" of cards based upon a percentage. I have all my possible 2 card hands organized in an array in order of the strength of the hand, like so:
AA, KK, AKsuited, QQ, AKoff-suit ...
I had been picking the top 10% of hands by multiplying the length of the card array by the percentage which would give me the index of the last card in the array. Then I would just make a copy of the sub-array:
Arrays.copyOfRange(cardArray, 0, 16);
However, I realize now that this is incorrect because there are more possible combinations of, say, Ace King off-suit - 12 combinations (i.e. an ace of one suit and a king of another suit) than there are combinations of, say, a pair of aces - 6 combinations.
When I pick the top 10% of hands therefore I want it to be based on the top 10% of hands in proportion to the total number of 2 cards combinations - 52 choose 2 = 1326.
I thought I could have an array of integers where each index held the combined total of all the combinations up to that point (each index would correspond to a hand from the original array). So the first few indices of the array would be:
6, 12, 16, 22
because there are 6 combinations of AA, 6 combinations of KK, 4 combinations of AKsuited, 6 combinations of QQ.
Then I could do a binary search which runs in BigOh(log n) time. In other words I could multiply the total number of combinations (1326) by the percentage, search for the first index lower than or equal to this number, and that would be the index of the original array that I need.
I wonder if there a way that I could do this in constant time instead?

As Groo suggested, if precomputation and memory overhead permits, it would be more efficient to create 6 copies of AA, 6 copies of KK, etc and store them into a sorted array. Then you could run your original algorithm on this properly weighted list.
This is best if the number of queries is large.
Otherwise, I don't think you can achieve constant time for each query. This is because the queries depend on the entire frequency distribution. You can't look only at a constant number of elements to and determine if it's the correct percentile.

had a similar discussion here Algorithm for picking thumbed-up items As a comment to my answer (basically what you want to do with your list of cards), someone suggested a particular data structure,
Also, make sure your data structure will be able to provide efficient access to, say, the range between top 5% and 15% (not a coding-related tip though ;).


Is there an algorithm for generating random pairs of a set of numbers?

I have a discontinuous list of numbers N (e.g. { 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10}) and i need to progressively create random pairs of numbers in N and store them in a list in which there can't be twice the same pair.
For example for a list of 3 different of numbers there is 6 possible pair (not counting same number pair):
example for the list { 4, 8, 9 }, the possible pairs are:
(4,8) (4,9) (8,4) (8,9) (9,4) (9,8)
When we arrive to a number list size of 30 for example, we get 870 possible pairs and with my current method I get less and less efficient the more possible pairs there are.
For now my strategy with a number list of size 30 for example is :
N = { 3, 8, 10, 15, 16, ... } // size = 30
// Lets say I have already a list with 200 different pairs
my_pairs = { (8,16), (23, 32), (16,10), ... }
// Get two random numbers in the list
rn1 = random(N)
rn2 = random(N)
Loop through my_pairs to see if the pair (rn1,rn2) has already been generated
If there is one, we pick two new numbers rn1 & rn2 at random and retry adding them to my_pairs
If not then we add it to the list
The issue is that the more pairs we have in my_pairs, the less likely it is for a pair to not be in that list. So we have to check multiple random pairs multiple times and go through the list every time.
I could try to generate all possible pairs at the start, shuffle the list and pop one element each time I need to add a random pair to my list.
But it will take a lot of space to store all possible pairs when my Numbers list size is increasing (like 9900 possible pairs for 100 different numbers).
And I add numbers in N during my process so I can't afford to recalculate all possible pairs every time.
Is there an algorithm for generating random unique pairs ?
Maybe it would be faster using matrices or storing my pairs in some sort of a tree graph ?
It depends a lot on what you want to optimize for.
If you want to keep things simple and easy to maintain, having a hash set of all generated numbers sounds reasonable. The assumption here is that both checking membership and adding a new element should be O(1) on average.
If you worry about space requirements, because you regularly use up to 70% of the possible pairs, then you could optimize for space. To do that, I'd first establish a mapping between each possible pair and a single integer. I'd do so in a way that allows for easy addition of more numbers to N.
+0 +1
0 (0,1) (1,0)
2 (0,2) (2,0)
4 (1,2) (2,1)
6 (0,3) (3,0)
8 (1,3) (3,1)
10 (2,3) (3,2)
Something like this would map a single integer i to a pair (a,b) of indices into your sequence N, which you could then look up in N to turn them into an actual pair of elements. You can come up with formulas for this mapping, although the conversion from i to (a,b) will entail a square root somewhere.
When you have this, the task of picking a pair from a set of arbitrary numbers becomes the task of picking an integer from a continuous range of integers. Now you could use a bit map to very efficiently store for each index whether you have already picked that one in the past. For low percentages of picked pairs that bitmap may be more memory-consuming than a hash map of only picked values would be, but as you approach 70% of all pairs getting picked, it will be way more efficient. I would expect a typical hash map entry to consume at least 3×64=192 bit of storage, so the bitmap will start saving memory once 1/192=0.52% of all values are getting picked. Growing the bit map might still be expensive, so estimating the maximal size of N might help allocating enough memory up front.
If you have a costly random number generator, or worry about the worst case time complexity of the whole thing, then you might want to avoid multiple attempts that might result in already picked pairs. To achieve that you would probably store the set of all picked pairs in some kind of search tree where each node also keeps track of how many leafs its subtree contains. That way you could generate a random number in a range that corresponds to the size of pairs that haven't been picked yet, and then use the information in that tree to add to the chosen value the number of all already picked indices smaller than that. I haven't worked out all details but I believe with this it should be possible to turn this into O(log n) worst case time complexity, as opposed to the O(1) average case but O(n) or even O(∞) worst case we had before.

Algorithm to calculate all possible subset

This should be a quite simple problem, but I don't have proper algorithmic training and find myself stuck trying to solve this.
I need to calculate the possible combinations to reach a number by adding a limited set of smaller numbers together.
Imagine that we are playing with LEGO and I have a brick that is 12 units long and I need to list the possible substitutions I can make with shorter bricks. For this example we may say that the available bricks are 2, 4, 6 and 12 units long.
What might be a good approach to building an algorithm that can calculate the substitions? There are no bounds on how many bricks I can use at a time, so it could be 6x2 as well as 1x12, the important thing is I need to list all of the options.
So the inputs are the target length (in this case 12) and available bricks (an array of numbers (arbitrary length), in this case [2, 4, 6, 12]).
My approach was to start with the low number and add it up until I reach the target, then take the next lowest and so on. But that way I miss out on the combinations of multiple numbers and when I try to factor that in, it gets really messy.
I suggest a recursive approach: given a function f(target,permissibles) to list all representations of target as a combination of permissibles, you can do this:
def f(target,permissibles):
for x in permissibles:
collect f(target - x, permissibles)
if you do not want to differentiate between 12 = 4+4+2+2 and 12=2+4+2+4, you need to sort permissibles in the descending order and do
def f(target,permissibles):
for x in permissibles:
collect f(target - x, permissibles.remove(larger than x))

Find the nearest elements across several arrays

Say I have two arrays :
a=[10 21 50 70 100 120];
b=[18 91];
I want to match the (single) element across a and b that are closest AND within 10 units away.
Result :
idxa=[1 2 3 4 5 6]
idxb=[2 5]
where the matching elements share the same number.
I am confused because I am unsure how to ensure (for example) that 18 matches with 21 instead of 10 because they both meet the requirements of being within 10 units of each other. Also, I'd like to do this across several (up to 8) lists and the code is becoming overly complicated and I feel like there is an easy solution that I'm missing. I'm not worried about efficiency because the lengths of the lists are small.
Thank you!
For small arrays this can be done by brute force:
(1) Iterate the smaller of the two arrays, then the larger array
(2) Keep track of "The Closest Match So Far" CMSF
(3) If you find a better match, update CMSF
(4) When you reach the end of the list, if the CMSF is <= 10 keep it, otherwise ignore this item (it has no match)
Your arrays seem to be sorted (I am going to proceed on that assumption; if not, you could simply sort them).
Have you tried merging the multiple arrays into one larger array? (Similar to the merge step of a merge sort). This would be a good starting point as it would reduce your problem to 'Find closet element in an array', which is trivial in comparison.
This would also allow you to remove duplicates; ie reduce all '21's to a single '21' in the array.
To ensure that 18 matches 21 instead of 10, you would want to calculate the difference between your key (18) and each value within 10 units ([10,21)), and then choose the one with the lowest difference.
UPDATE: In response to your comment about only find values common to all arrays, this could be done when merging the arrays by finding the intersection of the arrays, which may actually a predefined method depending on your language.

Subset calculation of list of integers

I'm currently implementing an algorithm where one particular step requires me to calculate subsets in the following way.
Imagine I have sets (possibly millions of them) of integers. Where each set could potentially contain around a 1000 elements:
Set1: [1, 3, 7]
Set2: [1, 5, 8, 10]
Set3: [1, 3, 11, 14, 15]
Set1000000: [1, 7, 10, 19]
Imagine a particular input set:
InputSet: [1, 7]
I now want to quickly calculate to which this InputSet is a subset. In this particular case, it should return Set1 and Set1000000.
Now, brute-forcing it takes too much time. I could also parallelise via Map/Reduce, but I'm looking for a more intelligent solution. Also, to a certain extend, it should be memory-efficient. I already optimised the calculation by making use of BloomFilters to quickly eliminate sets to which the input set could never be a subset.
Any smart technique I'm missing out on?
Well - it seems that the bottle neck is the number of sets, so instead of finding a set by iterating all of them, you could enhance performance by mapping from elements to all sets containing them, and return the sets containing all the elements you searched for.
This is very similar to what is done in AND query when searching the inverted index in the field of information retrieval.
In your example, you will have:
1 -> [set1, set2, set3, ..., set1000000]
3 -> [set1, set3]
5 -> [set2]
7 -> [set1, set7]
8 -> [set2]
In inverted index in IR, to save space we sometimes use d-gaps - meaning we store the offset between documents and not the actual number. For example, [2,5,10] will become [2,3,5]. Doing so and using delta encoding to represent the numbers tends to help a lot when it comes to space.
(Of course there is also a downside: you need to read the entire list in order to find if a specific set/document is in it, and cannot use binary search, but it sometimes worths it, especially if it is the difference between fitting the index into RAM or not).
How about storing a list of the sets which contain each number?
1 -- 1, 2, 3, 1000000
3 -- 1, 3
5 -- 2
Extending amit's solution, instead of storing the actual numbers, you could just store intervals and their associated sets.
For example using a interval size of 5:
(1-5): [1,2,3,1000000]
(6-10): [2,1000000]
(11-15): [3]
(16-20): [1000000]
In the case of (1,7) you should consider intervals (1-5) and (5-10) (which can be determined simply by knowing the size of the interval). Intersecting those ranges gives you [2,1000000]. Binary search of the sets shows that indeed, (1,7) exists in both sets.
Though you'll want to check the min and max values for each set to get a better idea of what the interval size should be. For example, 5 is probably a bad choice if the min and max values go from 1 to a million.
You should probably keep it so that a binary search can be used to check for values, so the subset range should be something like (min + max)/N, where 2N is the max number of values that will need to be binary searched in each set. For example, "does set 3 contain any values from 5 to 10?" this is done by finding the closest values to 5 (3) and 10 (11), in this case, no it does not. You would have to go through each set and do binary searches for the interval values that could be within the set. This means ensuring that you don't go searching for 100 when the set only goes up to 10.
You could also just store the range (min and max). However, the issue is that I suspect your numbers are going be be clustered, thus not providing much use. Although as mentioned, it'll probably be useful for determining how to set up the intervals.
It'll still be troublesome to pick what range to use, too large and it'll take a long time to build the data structure (1000 * million * log(N)). Too small, and you'll start to run into space issues. The ideal size of the range is probably such that it ensures that the number of set's related to each range is approximately equal, while also ensuring that the total number of ranges isn't too high.
One benefit is that you don't actually need to store all intervals, just the ones you need. Although, if you have too many unused intervals, it might be wise to increase the interval and split the current intervals to ensure that the search is fast. This is especially true if processioning time isn't a major issue.
Start searching from biggest number (7) of input set and
eliminate other subsets (Set1 and Set1000000 will returned).
Search other input elements (1) in remaining sets.

How can I sort a 10 x 10 grid of 100 car images in two dimensions, by price and speed?

Here's the scenario.
I have one hundred car objects. Each car has a property for speed, and a property for price. I want to arrange images of the cars in a grid so that the fastest and most expensive car is at the top right, and the slowest and cheapest car is at the bottom left, and all other cars are in an appropriate spot in the grid.
What kind of sorting algorithm do I need to use for this, and do you have any tips?
EDIT: the results don't need to be exact - in reality I'm dealing with a much bigger grid, so it would be sufficient if the cars were clustered roughly in the right place.
Just an idea inspired by Mr Cantor:
calculate max(speed) and max(price)
normalize all speed and price data into range 0..1
for each car, calculate the "distance" to the possible maximum
based on a²+b²=c², distance could be something like
sqrt( (speed(car[i])/maxspeed)^2 + (price(car[i])/maxprice)^2 )
apply weighting as (visually) necessary
sort cars by distance
place "best" car in "best" square (upper right in your case)
walk the grid in zigzag and fill with next car in sorted list
Result (mirrored, top left is best):
1 - 2 6 - 7
/ / /
3 5 8
| /
Treat this as two problems:
1: Produce a sorted list
2: Place members of the sorted list into the grid
The sorting is just a matter of you defining your rules more precisely. "Fastest and most expensive first" doesn't work. Which comes first my £100,000 Rolls Royce, top speed 120, or my souped-up Mini, cost £50,000, top speed 180?
Having got your list how will you fill it? First and last is easy, but where does number two go? Along the top or down? Then where next, along rows, along the columns, zig-zag? You've got to decide. After that coding should be easy.
I guess what you want is to have cars that have "similar" characteristics to be clustered nearby, and additionally that the cost in general increases rightwards, and speed in general increases upwards.
I would try to following approach. Suppose you have N cars and you want to put them in an X * Y grid. Assume N == X * Y.
Put all the N cars in the grid at random locations.
Define a metric that calculates the total misordering in the grid; for example, count the number of car pairs C1=(x,y) and C2=(x',y') such that C1.speed > C2.speed but y < y' plus car pairs C1=(x,y) and C2=(x',y') such that C1.price > C2.price but x < x'.
Run the following algorithm:
Calculate current misordering metric M
Enumerate through all pairs of cars in the grid and calculate the misordering metric M' you obtain if you swapt the cars
Swap the pair of cars that reduces the metric most, if any such pair was found
If you swapped two cars, repeat from step 1
This is a standard "local search" approach to an optimization problem. What you have here is basically a simple combinatorial optimization problem. Another approaches to try might be using a self-organizing map (SOM) with preseeded gradient of speed and cost in the matrix.
Basically you have to take one of speed or price as primary and then get the cars with the same value of this primary and sort those values in ascending/descending order and primaries are also taken in the ascending/descending order as needed.
c1(20,1000) c2(30,5000) c3(20, 500) c4(10, 3000) c5(35, 1000)
Lets Assume Car(speed, price) as the measure in the above list and the primary is speed.
1 Get the car with minimum speed
2 Then get all the cars with the same speed value
3 Arrange these values in ascending order of car price
4 Get the next car with the next minimum speed value and repeat the above process
c4(10, 3000)
c3(20, 500)
c1(20, 1000)
c2(30, 5000)
c5(35, 1000)
If you post what language you are using them it would we helpful as some language constructs make this easier to implement. For example LINQ makes your life very easy in this situation.
cars.OrderBy(x => x.Speed).ThenBy(p => p.Price);
Now you got the list, as per placing this cars items into the grid unless you know that there will be this many number of predetermined cars with these values, you can't do anything expect for going with some fixed grid size as you are doing now.
One option would be to go with a nonuniform grid, If you prefer, with each row having car items of a specific speed, but this is only applicable when you know that there will be considerable number of cars which has same speed value.
So each row will have cars of same speed shown in the grid.
Is the 10x10 constraint necessary? If it is, you must have ten speeds and ten prices, or else the diagram won't make very much sense. For instance, what happens if the fastest car isn't the most expensive?
I would rather recommend you make the grid size equal to
(number of distinct speeds) x (number of distinct prices),
then it would be a (rather) simple case of ordering by two axes.
If the data originates in a database, then you should order them as you fetch them from the database. This should only mean adding ORDER BY speed, price near the end of your query, but before the LIMIT part (where 'speed' and 'price' are the names of the appropriate fields).
As others have said, "fastest and most expensive" is a difficult thing to do, you ought to just pick one to sort by first. However, it would be possible to make an approximation using this algorithm:
Find the highest price and fastest speed.
Normalize all prices and speeds to e.g. a fraction out of 1. You do this by dividing the price by the highest price you found in step 1.
Multiply the normalized price and speed together to create one "price & speed" number.
Sort by this number.
This ensures that is car A is faster and more expensive than car B, it gets put ahead on the list. Cars where one value is higher but the other is lower get roughly sorted. I'd recommend storing these values in the database and sorting as you select.
Putting them in a 10x10 grid is easy. Start outputting items, and when you get to a multiple of 10, start a new row.
Another option is to apply a score 0 .. 200% to each car, and sort by that score.
score_i = speed_percent(min_speed, max_speed, speed_i) + price_percent(min_price, max_price, price_i)
Hmmm... kind of bubble sort could be simple algorithm here.
Make a random 10x10 array.
Find two neighbours (horizontal or vertical) that are in "wrong order", and exchange them.
Repeat (2) until no such neighbours can be found.
Two neighbour elements are in "wrong order" when:
a) they're horizontal neighbours and left one is slower than right one,
b) they're vertical neighbours and top one is cheaper than bottom one.
But I'm not actually sure if this algorithm stops for every data. I'm almost sure it is very slow :-). It should be easy to implement and after some finite number of iterations the partial result might be good enough for your purposes though. You can also start by generating the array using one of other methods mentioned here. Also it will maintain your condition on array shape.
Edit: It is too late here to prove anything, but I made some experiments in python. It looks like a random array of 100x100 can be sorted this way in few seconds and I always managed to get full 2d ordering (that is: at the end I got wrongly-ordered neighbours). Assuming that OP can precalculate this array, he can put any reasonable number of cars into the array and get sensible results. Experimental code: (you need matplotlib, and I recommend ipython too). iterchange is the sorting method there.
