Display Doctrine Collection with twig ? (Symfony2) - doctrine

I have a quite simple doctrine entity that represent a news ; this news can be linked with many pictures, so I decided to use a Doctrine Collection. The thing is, I want to retrieve this pictures and display them in my template... But it didn't seem to work. Do you know how I can do that ?
Here is what I tried :
{% for annonce in annonces %}
<div class="annonce_item">
{% for photo in annonce.photo %}
<img src="{{ photo.path }}" alt="" />
{% endfor %}
<!-- End .annonce_item -->
{% endfor %}
annonce is the news class, and photo is the collection :
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Photo", mappedBy="id",cascade={"persist"})
private $photo;
When I try to display this page in my browser, I get this exception:
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Notice: Undefined index: >id in >/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ApacheImmobilier/vendor/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Persisters/Basi>cEntityPersister.php line 1274") in "APPagesBundle:Index:index.html.twig" at line 45.

Read this article of the doc. It says:
The mappedBy attribute designates the field in the entity that is the
owner of the relationship.
which, in your case, must be the news field of your Photo entity.


October CMS and navigation on current page

I am trying to get the basically the active class applied to the current page. As it goes, the builder plugin is setting the URL through:
<a href="{{ detailsPage|page({ (detailsUrlParameter): attribute(record, detailsKeyColumn) }) }}">
However I am new to October so I am not sure how to reference this.page.id in comparison to the url set above.
Basically I want this:
{ set UrlParam = detailsPage|page({ (detailsUrlParameter): attribute(record, detailsKeyColumn) }
{% if this.page.id == UrlParam %} class="active" {% endif %}
Any ideas?
One of the best debugging plugins out there for OctoberCMS is this: https://octobercms.com/plugin/davask-dump
That plugin makes connecting your twig templates to your database / php rendering a breeze.
After installing that plugin you can use {{ d(variable) }} instead of {{ dd(variable) }} and get more information on the array nests etc.
So I would do {{ d(UrlParam) }} and {{ d(this.page.id) }} in your twig template. See what the dump has to say about each of those variables. For clarity I do believe you need the % here {**%** set 'variable' **%**}.
I am also not a fan of the builder component and I use the PHP section on the page / partial pages. And establishing a class with the use function and access the data with $this['variable']. Maybe worth looking into here is a quick example:
function onStart() {
$plugin = Pluggin::all();
$this['plugin'] = $plugin;

OctoberCMS Builder Plugin to Show Data on Front End

This my first time to use OctoberCMS, and they provide the Builder Plugin in order to help the developer builds plugin in minutes.
I try to use this plugin to show the data on the front end especially when using Components > Builder > Record list, but the documentation didn't give enough example to get data from some fields. The example on the internet is just show how to get the data from one field.
My code is shown below:
modelClass = "Budiprasetyo\Employees\Models\Employee"
scope = "-"
displayColumn = "name"
noRecordsMessage = "No records found"
detailsPage = "-"
detailsUrlParameter = "id"
pageNumber = "{{ :page }}"
in my case, I want to get the data not only "name" field, but I also want to add "email", "facebook" fields.
I have tried to make it into:
displayColumn = "name", "email", "facebook"
but it returns no data shown and I have tried to make it into array:
displayColumn = ["name", "email", "facebook"]
and it's the same result, no data is shown.
I appreciate any helps, thank you.
Actually I don't like to use plugins' components. Sometimes it doesn't retrieve any data. I don't know why maybe it's just because of wrong using.
Anyway, The best way to retrieve the data from your plugin is to navigate to the code section and then write onStart() function and start to retrieve to data.
function onStart()
$data = \Authorname\Pluginname\Models\Model::find(1);
$this['data'] = $data;
And this way you'll have a data variable in the markup section.
On the frontend cms page, you need to replace the component call with your custom partial. Your partial file should look something like this:
*podcastList is the component name
{% set records =podcastList.records %}
{% set displayColumn =podcastList.displayColumn %}
{% set noRecordsMessage =podcastList.noRecordsMessage %}
{% set detailsPage =podcastList.detailsPage %}
{% set detailsKeyColumn =podcastList.detailsKeyColumn %}
{% set detailsUrlParameter =podcastList.detailsUrlParameter %}
{% for record in records %}
<span class="date">{{ attribute(record, 'date') }}</span>
<span class="title">{{ attribute(record, 'title') }}</span>
<p>{{ attribute(record, 'description') }}</p>
{% endfor %}
Obviously, this is simplified version, but you get the point. You can easily define more columns without touching the page component settings.

SonataAdminBundle show field as label

I have enum field status which I want to show in label label-info html. Like it shows for boolean value (red or green).
In there demo they have lots of labels, but I can't find on how to add them.
You have to create a custom template for the field you want to customise the rendering.
For your status field, create a template like this :
// src/AcmeBundle/Resources/views/CRUD/status_field.html.twig
{% extends 'SonataAdminBundle:CRUD:base_list_field.html.twig' %}
{% block field %}
{% set status = object.status == 1 ? 'success' : 'danger' %}
<span class="label label-{{ status }}">{{ object.status }}</span><br />
{% endblock %}
Configure it as template in your admin class :
// ...
->add('status', null, array(
'template' => 'AcmeBundle:CRUD:status_field.html.twig'
Explained in the little but helpful part of the documentation.
I actually tested with the sonata admin Bundle version 2.3.3, and it's as easy as this:
* #param ListMapper $listMapper
protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper)
->add('status', 'boolean');
in your admin class.
The custom template works but it is not necessary in this case as it already implemented. The vendor template is located in vendor/sonata-project/admin-bundle/Resources/views/CRUD/list_boolean.html.twig.

How can I get information about different type of pages of a Shopify App?

I need to know on which type of page I am on in a Shopify App. For example
% if template contains 'product' %}
{% assign entity = product %}
{% elsif template contains 'article' %}
{% assign entity = article %}
{% endif %}
This in a liquid page tell me about product and article pages. What are such tags for say category page or home page?
The template variable tells you the name of the template for the current page. For example, your home page is index.liquid so on that page {{ template }} will output index (the name of the template without ".liquid" extension).
Is that what you're looking for?

Building a widget manager on top of Symfony 2 (multiple controllers in one page)

Use case
I am developing a CMF on top of Symfony2. One of the features will be the support of "widgets": an possibility for end users to add small 'blocks' or 'modules' to a page. Examples:
A small login form
A list of products
Some photo's from a gallery
A shopping cart
The idea is that most of those widgets will link to to normal, full page Routes/Controllers.
For example: a user want a list of popular products in a sidebar on a content page. The items will link to the normal /product/{name} route of the ProductController. But the list in this case would be a widget. The end user can define where it must be placed, and for example, how much items must be shown.
The behavior of the 'widgets' is the same as regular Symfony2 controllers, it has routes, actions, it renders a view, etcetera. There is a WidgetManager with a catch-all route to load the widgets, configure them and render them in the right place.
I have not that much experience with Symfony2, but I am playing wit it now for more then 3 months. I definitely want to stay with Symfony2, but will need to add some magic to realize some of my ideas.
What is the best way to support rendering multiple controllers (widgets) in one request?
Symfony's TwigExtension "ActionExtension" contains a "render" method, which contains the basic idea:
<div id="sidebar">
{% render "AcmeArticleBundle:Article:recentArticles" with {'max': 3} %}
(Documentation: http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/templating.html#embedding-controllers)
But it is quite limited. Some problems with this approach:
I cannot configure the 'widgets' before rendering them (for example: $myWidget->set('show_toolbar', false)), I don't want to pass all options as controller action parameters.
It is not possible to use template inheritance. I need this for example for 'injecting' the asset references (javascript/css) in de base <HEAD> block.
What I want
I want the following code to work (this is a simplified example):
// Serius\PageBundle\Controller\PageController.php
// executed by a catch-all route
public function indexAction($url) {
// load CMS page, etc
$widgets = $this->loadWidgets($page); // widgets configuration is stored in database
// at this point, $widgets is an array of Controller *instances*
// meaning, they are already constructed and configured
return $this->render("SeriusPageBundle:Page:content.html.twig", array(
'widgets' => $widgets
{% extends 'SeriusPageBundle::layout.html.twig' %}
{% block content %}
{% for widget in widgets %}
{% render widget %}
<!-- Of course, this doesn't work, I would have to create my own Twig extension -->
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
An example of a widget template:
{% extends '::base.html.twig' %}
{% block stylesheets %}
My stylesheets
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
This is a shoppingcart widget!
{% endblock %}
How can I achieve this? Do someone have experience with anything like this? I already looked at the Symfony CMF project, but it has no support for this (as far as I could find out).
I have something similar going around and I think that this code will help you. In chosen template you get the variables with the names of blocks.
public function render()
$modules = $this->moduleService->getModules();
foreach($modules as $m){
$templateName = $m->getTemplateName();
$template = $this->twig->loadTemplate($templateName);
$blockNames = $template->getBlockNames();
foreach($blockNames as $b){
if(isset($this->blocks[$b]) == false)
$this->blocks[$b] = '';
$this->blocks[$b] .= $template->renderBlock($b, array('a' => 'aaa', 'b' => 'bbb'));
$content = $this->twig->render('Admin/index.html.twig',$this->blocks);
return new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response($content);
I know this is old, but if anyone is looking for something like this the SonataBlockBundle might be your solution.
