How to run Scheduler add-on at Heroku once per month? - ruby

In the selection of how often I want to run my action the only options are "Daily", "Hourly" and "Every 10 minutes".
Thanks! I want to run the Scheduler for my Rails 3.1 app.

Not an elegant solution, but you could schedule it to run daily and check the date is the first of the month at the start of your job before actually doing the work.


How to start the camel quartz job using cron expression at service start up

My route is scheduled to run once a month at 1:00 AM and there will be a problem if my app is down during that time so I wanted to run the job at application startup.
It worked with time period ( job runs if the service is restarted) but not with cron Expression.
I have tried using the following but no luck.
from("quartz2://scheduler?cron=0 45 15 1 1/1 ?&trigger.misfireInstruction=1&recoverableJob=true&&stateful=true")
Can someone please let me know if I am missing something.
I could not comment. This is not answer but
So, change cron with +:
Since Camel 3.13.0 new feature camel-quartz: allow missfire execution for cron triggers available:
// daily trigger started a day ago
from("quartz://daily?triggerStartDelay=" + TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(-1L) + "&cron=0+0+0+*+*+?")

Add monthly clustered task in PowerShell

I have a big problem with creating: clustered monthly task on windows server via PowerShell.
All info which I found about my problem was monthly, but locally. I need tasks on cluster.
Anyone can help me with some code to create that task ?
Best regards.
I decided to create daily tasks. On startup parameters I will sent a day number and month. Then check on which date number and month I want to run that task, if it's match then execute.

Heroku scheduler not running hourly

I used heroku scheduler to automate tasks but it seems it's not working as it described
see this
although the frequency is set to hourly
the interval between last run and next due is 5 hours
what's going on here?
Any help is appreciated!
In my case, i just had to create another task, hourly from the beginning, and it worked. The old schedule was removed as the new one started to work.

How can I schedule my tests in JMeter?

I started with tests in general and with JMeter in particular. I would like to schedule the launch of my scenarios every five minutes.
There is a startup configuration tab in my group of units, in which I can set the date and time.
However, whenever I try to set the date and time, those settings always get overridden with another date. Any guidance would be appreciated.
To Schedule JMeter Scripts you can use crontab for linux and for windows you can use at.exe.

Heroku - how to run Schedluer addon 4x per day?

I have an app hosted on Heroku and this app need to run some task several times per day, lets say 4 times (and in the best way - I would like to set up, which hour will be the task run - eg. 1. task at 1AM, 2. at 5AM, 3. at 11AM and 4. at 8PM).
Heroku offers the addon called Scheduler. Is there any way to run tasks by the time scheme above?
You can run the scheduler hourly but you'd need to check what hour it currently is via;
in the task that you want to run to have it run at 1am, 5am, 11am and 8pm as per your question.
