SEO for Dynamically Loaded Images - image

I have a developed PHP code to dynamically load files contained in a directory into a gallery / slideshow. I have many (40 - 50) of these gallery web pages which display images grouped by content. With hundreds of images, the dynamic gallery code allows me to add images to a directory without having to write code to each web page each time.
However I've realized that these files will be invisible to search engines since there isn't any HTML code to index on (e.g. the 'alt' tag). Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get these images indexed? Two ideas I've had:
1) Write a program to automatically generate a single web page for every jpeg file which will display the image when found with the search engine and contain a link to the gallery page where the user can see more content. The benefit to this method is not having to modify my live web pages. The downside is hundreds of additional files only to be found by a search engine.
2) Write a program to generate hidden links that can be pasted into my gallery html page - using the alt tag. The benefit to this method is that users would find my main gallery page with a search. The downside is having to cut and paste code to my live gallery web pages - defeating somewhat the purpose of a dynamic gallery.
I'm new at this, so any suggestions would be appreciated.

If I understand you correctly:
I would have one page that just lists thumbnails of pages, and then one page for each of the images, that shows a bigger version of each image, and all the meta-data you have. The best would be if you added a short unique snippet of text to each image, describing what in it.


How to process image width/height in TYPO3?

I built a website in plain html/css with my own design. Now I need to put this website in TYPO3 CMS 9.5.4. Unfortunately it's my first time working with TYPO3 and I don't really know what I'm doing.
What I got so far:
Most of the website is already working fine. I included fluid_styled_content and my setup basically looks like this:
page = PAGE
page.1 {
file = fileadmin/sitedesign/Resources/Private/Templates/Page.html
variables {
content < styles.content.get
The Page.html file is basically my whole html template and I put
where I want my content.
All content I create in the backend is displayed as I want except of images.
My question:
I can display images by creating a "Text & Images" content element and adding the images in the "Images" tab. In the "Media Adjustments" section I can now set the width and height of each element and below I can choose the number of columns.
However these do not change anything in the source code of my website i.e. in the content variable, so all images are displayed in full size.
What can I do to make the width/height appear in the source code (ideally as width/height attribute of that element)?
Hey Erik and welcome to TYPO3. Usually TYPO3 will take care of the correct images sizes when using the default Content Elements (e.g. Text & Images). But TYPO3 requires ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick installed on the server to modify the pictures.
You can check out if your system matches all requirements using the "Environment" module in the TYPO3 backend (modules on the left side of the backend). Then you will see a function called "Image processing" which will test the required image functions of your server.

What is best for SEO, CSS resizing or thumbnails generation?

I have 4 sizes for a single image in a page of my eCommerce website.
600x600px , 350x350px , 220x220px , 110x110px
There are 3 solutions:
1- Loading the big image (600x600px) from server and cache it, then generating thumbnails using the cached one by a client-side plugin.
2- Loading the big image and thumbnails all from server. (in this case, thumbnails are generated in server)
3- Loading the big image and create thumbnails by resizing the big one using CSS. (or for example we can load 600x600px and 350x350px ones and create thumbnails by css from 350x350px one)
Which solution is the best for SEO ?
Or if there is any other way, I appreciate.
My consideration regarding your solutions, assuming you are building a "classical, Client-server paradigm" eCommerce website (not a SPA application).
I believe this solution involve some JavaScript for the
re-sizing, so image won't be visible to a Search Engine Crawlers (or
will be more difficult their indexation).
This seems the best approach. Thumbnails are generated at server side and rendered in the HTML at user/client request. Page
will be crawled by Search Engines together with your HTML for their
indexes. There is also less overhead at client side (performance) as
not dynamic image scaling is required.
The big image could potentially slow down downloading of your
page (depends of many factors), and could make your web page score
less in Search Engine algorithm. Also consider some user which can
access your page from mobile devices, speed of downloading it is
very important.
For SEO, please also consider the folowing:
Include a meaningful subject in image alt text.
Image captions are important because they are one of the most well-read pieces of content.
Use File Name using relevant keywords.
More from a reputable website:

ASP.Net MVC. Making Dynamic Images SEO Friendly

I have a website made to provide free web-based tools for making indie games. Currently, it only supports artists contributing to games. The features for helping artists consist of a set of artist community tools that allow artists to upload images based on a description, then we post that image in a gallery page. Other artists can upload their images and each image can have several revisions.
The way I chose to implement the image upload and display feature is by serializing uploaded images to a byte array and storing it in the database. When I need to display the image in the UI I just call a controller action I named "GetScaledGalleryImage" and pass in the image ID. That controller action takes the binary from the database and converts it back into an image, returning the requested image back.
This works very well functionally, but the problem I realized later is that the google crawler thinks all of my images are named "GetScaledGalleryImage" so if someone searches for "sylph" on google images, nothing comes up from my site, but if someone searches for getscaledgalleryimage, all of my images come up.
Here is an example of the URL that is being output in my HTML
In the past, pre-MVC I would handle 404 errors and return content based on what was requested even if the page didn't actually exist. This would of course allow me to have the images pulled back by the image name (or description).
Is that the best way to do this? Or is there a better option? Something simpler would be better like if I could just do, but based on how google indexes images, would that give me what I need? Or do I need to provide image file extensions for maximum indexability?
Thanks all
It is important when doing Search Engine Optimization to always use alt="this is a crazy robot" for your images. This will help the crawler identify them. Note: always use alt, don't always name your images this is a crazy robot.

Progressive Rendering and SEO

The website I'm working on has a typical e-commerce product page, with the top part of the page containing the title, images and pricing, while the bottom part of the page has the tabs section, with tabs for Features, Specs, Accessories, Reviews and so on.
Naturally, this HTML Document is heavy. I think about splitting the page in two:
The HTML Document will contain only the top part of the page
Then JavaScript will call asynchronously another page, which contains a JSON object with the content of all the tabs; when successful - JavaScript will populate each tab with his content
The question is:
Will the Search Engines crawl the content that is loaded by JavaScript?
if not - then Progressive Rendering = Loss of SEO?
if yes - must I somehow ensure that all the tabs are populated prior to the Load event, or this doesn't matter?
I think that this question could be asked differently:
With SEO in mind, do the Search Engines crawl the HTML Document only, or they crawl the content of the page at time when the Load event takes place?
Any known best practices for this? any useful links?
Please advise.
Crawlers dont use js. Turn off JS in your browser to see what the crawler does. If you have links to these content pages it will crawl to them. If the SEO is important, make sure its in the page.
The search engines crawl the HTML document only as you describe it - don't use the JS solution you propose - diverse but appropriate content of your bottom tabs is important for SEO.

create a simple pdf report from html

I'm looking for a way to generate pdf files from html
In order to make simple tabular reports I would need the following features
table rendering
variable page size
repeating headers / footers on every page
calculated page number / total page
css support would be nice
I know there have been many similar questions in stackoverflow, but I don't know if there's a product that supports the aforementioned features...
Ideally, the source would be a plain and simple well built html with css, (I'm building the html files, so I can adapt to the products needs, that is, it won't have to render every piece of html crap you can throw at a browser) and with some custom tags to configure headings, footer, page size, etc...
then I would run a command line to convert it from html to pdf.
I think does something like that
Take a look at TCPDF
Check out the examples.
