Use CMS capabilities of joomla for a custom database table - joomla

I would want to have the CMS capabilities (or at least the basic functionalities like CRUD) for my custom db table. Is there a way to do this. Migration is not an option for me since there are other applications that use this table.
Any help would be appreciated. :)

Two choices spring to mind for quickly build 'basic' components such as you describe here.
JFooBar component - is a component you install into Joomla 1.7 that facilitates building components that you then package up:
Alternatively there is an online tool that does a similar job:
I've only played with these tools - but have a couple of projects that need something simple knocking together and will be trying them out on 'real world' projects shortly.


Differences Between PyroCMS and CodeIgniter

I am trying to learn how to make a site with PyroCMS. I know it is similar to CodeIgniter, but I have not worked on either in the past. I was wondering if anyone could tell me the differences, as most sites talking about PyroCMS will inevitably mention CodeIgniter as an explanation for anything potentially confusing about PyroCMS, but as they are tutorials about Pyro, they will not explain how to program in CodeIgniter. What is frustrating about this is they will not go into many core differences between the two, either, so it's not as easy as looking up a CodeIgniter tutorial and changing a few things.
I was wondering if anyone could tell me the main differences to watch out for that would be relevant for these tutorials. For example, the folder structure seems to be similar, but CodeIgniter has an Applications folder, while Pyro probably has another folder that does the same thing, but the Pyro tutorials don't say what that similar folder is.
PyroCMS is a CMS build on CodeIgniter. PyroCMS is used by individuals, small & medium-sized businesses, and large organizations worldwide to easily create & build a variety of websites & web-enabled applications.
CodeIgniter is an Application Development Framework - a toolkit - for people who build web sites using PHP. Its goal is to enable you to develop projects much faster than you could if you were writing code from scratch, by providing a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and logical structure to access these libraries. CodeIgniter lets you creatively focus on your project by minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task.
One good overview for PyroCMS you can read here
PyroCMS is built using modular MVC, which means (in short) that each part of the system is its own micro-instance of MVC. This allows the system to be more flexible and cleanly organized than other CMS platforms. PyroCMS describes itself as a simple, flexible, community driven content management system.” And because PyroCMS is powered by CodeIgniter (at least for a bit longer, while the team migrates over to a Laravel backend), it is easy to learn, understand, and own.
CodeIgniter (CI) is one of popular php framework,it is very help full whenever we need to build large websites using php.It has so many libraries,helpers and plugins.But, CodeIgniter is not everything. We will not find 'engine generator' that can build page self. Several frameworks have features like that. For example, they can create web page (that to do basic Create, Read, Update, and Delete operation) automatically. CodeIgniter doesn't do this.
But codeigniter is very useful to decrease our code maximally without loosing functionalists.

Joomla Discussion - When to create a plugin, when to create a component?

I have been learning to develop my own plugins and components for joomla! 2.5.
After a couple of months of developing features for my site, I am starting to realise that some of the components I have created could have probably been just as effective if I'd developed them as a plugin for com_content or com_user.
My question is what's the best way to decided if a full component is needed and when is it ok to use one or multiple plugins to give the same functionality.
My feeling at the moment is that plugins are a much nicer way to go due to them being self contained. Maybe I've answered my own question, and components are needed when interaction between elements is more complicated, where as plugins can be used for very modular functions.
Anyone else have a view?
Components and Plugins are completely different types of extensions.
Components are applications/systems that will appear in the content area such as VirtueMart and where the articles are shown. Consider them as software for you computer.
Plugins are there to manipulate Joomla and/or there extensions it's using. They contains functions that are associated with trigger events. So in a nutshell, they are there to extend the functionality of an existing extension.
So so answer your question, have a think about what you are creating and if will be an aplication or something to extend functionality.
Hope this helps

Content Management System - PHP - Asp.Net

I am new to open source Content Management System tools. I got a website using Joomla for content management. Now, I am just thinking to Umbraco or Dotnetnuke (any based) frameworks to use. Will it be a complex to do this migration. Can you suggest pros and cons for this idea.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks !
For Umbraco ...
Most of your client-side code like HTML, CSS and JavaScript can just be copied straight over, but as expected it may require some fiddling.
As for the data, it might be worth looking into the CMSImport module for Umbraco. As long as you can convert the source data into one of the formats recognised by the module, you should be able to upload your content with ease. I've had no personal experience with this module, but should be worth a shot.
It really depends on the size of the site and the functionality requirements. For smaller sites, it may be as easy as implementing the skin based on the original design (or, if a custom design isn't needed, selecting a free or 3rd party skin) and then manually migrating the content. For really large sites, you should be able to write scripts to migrate the content. I'm not aware of any products that do this. You'll also probably need to select some modules to use for things like forms.

Convert ASP .NET MVC 3 project to use CMS

I currently have a simple website that I want to convert to a CMS without losing any of the appearance or existing functionality. Also I would like to re-use my existing code for the site where possible and also make use of our in-house libraries and databases.
Orchard seems like a good bet because it also uses MVC 3 however it seems a bit bloated. There is a small project at atomicCMS which looks interesting. Has anyone used this?
Any hints or tips would be appreciated.
There should be a tag for this post called atomiccms but my account cannot create one.
There was a similar question, which you can find helpful.
Moving an ASP.NET MVC 3-based web application to Orchard is a fairly simple task. You just have to wrap it up in an Orchard module.
I have used both Orchard and N2 CMS. Both work on mvc.
I like the way Orchard is designed, but it is a rather steep learning curve. Also you will need to develop modules if you want to add your own custom functionallity.
After hearing a .netocks podcast on N2.CMS I decided to try it out for a recent project. It has a different approach/philosophy, you can think of it as a 'plugabble' CMS component. You basically keep your existing web app and can use CMS functionallity where it is required.
However, Orchard does have many more modules and skins available. I would definetly give N2.CMS a closer look, especially if you have an existing application.
In Orchard you must run as an orchard module (Mvc Area) and have no direct access to the root web.config. Depending on what you do in your existing app (wcf, etc...) this might be a limitation. With N2 cms you are not restricted in this manner.

How To Build a Template Framework for Joomla?

If you are a Joomla developer, I am sure you have heard of or used the T3, Gantry, Zen Grid, YJSimpleGrid, or the new Gavern template frameworks built by various sites.
I want to make one for my own company, we have some specific sites we build where pieces are always the same etc. But I am trying to figure out just how to start building one? Have you built one? How would you build one?
Actually you need to create a joomla component for it, the component core objectives should be setting up the template. To eliminate the work redundancy you can create component settings as well. Let me know If you wish to have more info.
