How to compare all the lines in a sorted file (file size > 1GB) in a very efficient manner - performance

Lets say the input file is:
Hi my name NONE
Hi my name is ABC
Hi my name is ABC
Hi my name is DEF
Hi my name is DEF
Hi my name is XYZ
I have to create the following output:
Hi my name NONE 1
Hi my name is ABC 2
Hi my name is DEF 2
Hi my name is XYZ 1
The number of words in a single line can vary from 2 to 10. File size will be more than 1GB.
How can I get the required output in the minimum possible time. My current implementation uses a C++ program to read a line from the file and then compare it with next line. The running time of this implementation will always be O(n) where n is the number of characters in the file.
To improve the running time, the next option is to use the mmap. But before implementing it, I just wanted to confirm is there a faster way to do it? Using any other language/scripting?

uniq -c filename | perl -lane 'print "#F[1..$#F] $F[0]"'
The perl step is only to take the output of uniq (which looks like "2 Hi my name is ABC") and re-order it into "Hi my name is ABC 2". You can use a different language for it, or else leave it off entirely.
As for your question about runtime, big-O seems misplaced here; surely there isn't any chance of scanning the whole file in less than O(n). mmap and strchr seem like possibilities for constant-factor speedups, but a stdio-based approach is probably good enough unless your stdio sucks.
The code for BSD uniq could be illustrative here. It does a very simple job with fgets, strcmp, and a very few variables.

In most cases this operation will be completely I/O bound. (Especially using well-designed C++)
Given that, its likely the only bottleneck you need to care about is the disk.
I think you will find this to be relevant:
mmap() vs. reading blocks
Ben Collins has a very good answer comparing mmap to standard read/write.

Well there is two time scales you are comparing which aren't related to each other really. The first is algorithmic complexity which you are expressing in O notation. This has, however, nothing to do with the complexity of reading from a file.
Say in the ideal case you have all your data in memory and you have to find the duplicates with an algorithm - depending on how your data is organized (e.g. a simple list, a hash map etc) you can find duplicates you could go with O(n^2), O(n) or even O(1) if you have a perfect hash (just for detecting the item).
Reading from a file or mapping to memory has no relation to the "big-Oh" notation at all so you don't consider that for complexity calculations at all. You will just pick the one that takes less measured time - nothing more.


Fastest way to delete duplicates in large wordlist? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
`uniq` without sorting an immense text file?
(6 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
A similar question was made here but they didn't address why there is a speed difference between sort and awk.
I made this question first on Unix Stackexchange but since they told me this would be a good question for Stackoverflow I'll post it here.
I need to deduplicate a large wordlist. I tried several commands and did some research here and here where they explained that the fastest way to deduplicate a wordlist seems to be using awk because awk doesn't sort the list. It uses hash lookups to keep track of the items and delete duplicates. Since AWK uses hash lookup they argued that that big O is like this
awk --> O(n) ?
sort --> O(n log n) ?
However I found that this isn't true. Here are my testing results. I generated two random wordlists using this python script.
List1 = 7 Mb
List2 = 690 Mb
Test commands
sort -u input.txt -o output.txt
awk '!x[$0]++' input.txt > output.txt
Results AWK:
real 0m1.643s
user 0m1.565s
sys 0m0.062s
real 2m6.918s
user 2m4.499s
sys 0m1.345s
Results SORT:
real 0m0.724s
user 0m0.666s
sys 0m0.048s
real 1m27.254s
user 1m25.013s
sys 0m1.251s
I made these tests over and over again and found consistent results. Namely, that SORT is a lot faster. Could someone explain why and if there is an even faster way to do it?
************ Update ***********
Things that could have flawed my outcomes are
caching: I've excluded this possibility by changing the order of
execution on the tests
constant factors of the big O notation. I think they should've become irrelevant at this point due to the size of the wordlists. (600Mb)
Bad implementation of algorithms: This remains a possibility I haven't checked out the source code of awk and sort
Your sample input has a lot of duplicate values; you only have 1,000,000 distinct values in a sample size of 100,000,000, so you would expect only 1% of the values to be unique. I don't know exactly how sort -u works, but imagine it is a merge sort which filters unique values during each merge. The effective input size would then be much smaller than 100,000,000. Rerunning your commands with only 1,000,000 values, but chosen from 500,000 distinct values (so that 50%, not 1%, are expected to be unique) produces the following results:
% time awk '!x[$0]++' randomwordlist.txt > /dev/null
awk ... 1.32s user 0.02s system 99% cpu 1.338 total
% time sort -u randomwordlist.txt -o /dev/null
sort ... 14.25s user 0.04s system 99% cpu 14.304 total
The big-O notation only tells you that there is some N for which O(N) will be faster than O(N*log N). The actual number of operations include constant factors and added terms so that in reality the numbers areO(N) ~ k1 * N + c1 andO(N * log N) ~ k2 * N * log(N) + c2 Which one is faster for a chosen N depends on the values of the k and c.
Some input/algorithm combinations lead to very small k and c.
Either program may not use the optimum algorithm.
Caching efffects? If you always run test 1 before test 2, the second test may use already cached data, while the first always has to load from scratch. Proper elimination/determination of cache effects is an art.
Something else I haven't thought of and others will be quick to point out :-)

How long can I expect grep to take on a 10 TB file?

I have a 10 TB file with words from multiple books, and I'm trying to grep for some uncommon strings (no regex). For example:
grep "cappucino" filename
I'm trying to estimate how long this will take. I'm not really looking for whether it's the right approach or not. I'd like to learn more about what really happens under the hood when I call grep.
Please correct me if I'm wrong:
I use mechanical harddrive with roughly 200 MB/s read speed, so it will take roughly 10 million / 200 = 50000 seconds = 14 hours to finish. Is this an accurate estimate?
The short answer is: no.
The longer answer is: it depends.
The even longer answer is: grep's performance depends on a lot of things:
are you running a fixed string search (-F, fgrep) or not - grep uses Boyer-Moore algorithm which by itself isn't capable of finding regular expressions so what grep does (or at least used to do) is it first finds a fixed string in your regexp, tries to find it using BM in the text and do a regexp match (not sure about the current implementation whether it uses an NFA or a DFA implementation, probably a hybrid)
how long is your pattern - BM works faster for longer patterns
how many matches will you have - the less the matches the faster it will be
what is your CPU and memory - hard drive will help you only during reading not during computation time
what other options are you using with your grep
14 hours might not even be your lower bound because Boyer-Moore is smart enough to compute an offset at which next possible match might occur so it doesn't need to read-in the whole file. This does depend on the implementation though and is just my speculation. After re-running the below test with a much longer pattern I was able to go down to 0.23sec and I don't think my disk is that fast. But there might be some caching involved instead.
For instance I'm running on a 500MB/s SSD (at least that's what the manufacturer says) and grepping a 200MB file with a very short pattern (few chars) gives me:
With 808320 hits
real 0m1.734s
user 0m1.334s
sys 0m0.120s
With 0 hits:
real 0m0.059s
user 0m0.046s
sys 0m0.016s
#Edit: in short read about Boyer-Moore :-)
#Edit2: well to check how grep works you should instead check the source code, I described a very general workflow above.

Writing a program that writes a program

Its well known in theoretical computer science that the "Hello world tester" program is an undecidable problem.(Here is a link what i mean by hello world tester
My question is since given a program as input we can't say what the program will do,can we solve the reverse problem:
Given set of input and output,is there an algorithm for writing a program that writes a program to achieve a one to one mapping between the given input and output.
I know about metaprogramming but my question is more of theoretical interest. Something which can apply for a generic case.
With these kind of musings one has to be very careful. A lot of confusion arises from not clearly distinguishing about a program x for which proposition P(x) holds or any program x for which proposition P(x) hold. As long as the set of programs for which P(x) holds is finite there always is a proof, of their correctness (although this proof may not be known).
At this point you also have to distinguish between programs, which are and can be known and programs which can only be shown to exist by full enumeration of all posibilities. Let's make an example:
Take 10 Programs, which take no input and may or may not terminate and produce "hello World". Then there is a program which decides exactly which of these programs are correct, and which aren't. Lets call these programs (x_1,...,x_10). Then take the programs (X_0,...,X_{2^10}) where X_i output true for program x_j if the j-th bit in the binary representation of i is set. One of these programs has to be the one which decides correctly for all ten x_i, there just might not be any way to ever figure out which one of these 100 X_js is the correct one (a meta-problem at this point).
This goes to show that considering finite sets of programs and input/output pairs one can always resolve to full enumeration and all halting-problem type of paradoxies instantly disappear. In your case the set of generated programs for each input is of size one and the set of input/output pairs is of finite size (because you have to supply it to the meta-program). Hence full enumeration solves your problem very simple and you can also easily proof both the correctness of the corrected program as well as the correctness of the meta-program.
Note: Since the set of generated programs is infinite, this is one of the few cases where you can proof P(x) for a infinite set of programs (actually you can proof P(x,input,output) for this set). This shows that the set being infinite is only a necessary, not a sufficient condition for this type of paradoxes to appear.
Your question is ambiguously phrased.
How would you specify "what a program should do"?
Any precise, complete, and machine-readable specification of a program's functionality is already a program.
Thus, the answer to your question is, a compiler.
Now, you're asking how to find a function based on a sample of its input and output.
That is a question about statistical analysis that I cannot answer.
Sounds like you want to generate a state machine that learns by being given an input sequence and then updates itself to produce the appropriate output sequence. Assuming your output sequences are always the same for the same input sequence it should be simple enough to write. If your output is not deterministic, such as changing the output depending on the time of day, then you cannot automatically generate a state machine.
Depends on what you mean by "one to one mapping". (And also, I suppose, "input" and "output".)
My guess is that you're asking whether, given an example of inputs and outputs for a given arbitrary program, can one devise an algorithm to write an equivalent program? If so, the answer is no. Eg, you could have a program with the inputs/outputs of 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, and yet, if the next input value was 5, the output would be 3782. There's no way to know, from a given set of results, what the next result might be.
The question is underspecified since you did not say how the input and output are presented. For finite lists, the answer is "yes", as in this Python code:
def f(input,output):
print "def g():"
print " x = {" + ",".join(repr(x) + ":" + repr(y) for x,y in zip(input,output)) + "}"
print " print x[raw_input()]"
>>> f(['2','3','4'],['a','b','x'])
def g():
x = {'2':'a','3':'b','4':'x'}
print x[raw_input()]
>>> def g():
... x = {'2':'a','3':'b','4':'x'}
... print x[raw_input()]
>>> g()
for infinite sets how are you going to present them? If you show only a small sample of input this does not specify the whole algorithm. Guessing the best fit is undecidable. If you have a "magic blackbox" then there are continuum many mappings but only a countable number of programs, so it's impossible.
I think I agree with SLaks, but taking things from a different angle, what does a compiler do?
(EDIT: I see SLaks edited his original answer, which was essentially 'you're describing the identity function').
It takes a program in one source language that describes the intended behaviour of a program, and "writes" another program in a target language that exhibits that behaviour.
We could also think of this in terms of things like process refinement --- given an abstract specification, we can construct a refinement mapping to some "more concrete" (read: less non-deterministic, usually) implementation.
But based on your question, it's really very difficult to tell which of these you meant, if any.

Print 1 followed by googolplex number of zeros

Assuming we are not concerned about running time of the program (which is practically infinite for human mortals) and using limited amount of memory (2^64 bytes), we want to print out in base 10, the exact value of 10^(googolplex), one digit at a time on screen (mostly zeros).
Describe an algorithm (which can be coded on current day computers), or write a program to do this.
Since we cannot practically check the output, so we will rely on collective opinion on the correctness of the program.
NOTE : I do not know the solution, or whether a solution exists or not. The problem is my own invention. To those readers who are quick to mark this offtopic... kindly reconsider. This is difficult and bit theoretical but definitely CS.
This is impossible. There are more states (10^(10^100)) in the program than there are electrons in the universe (~10^80). Therefore, in our universe, there can be no such realization of a machine capable of executing the task.
First of all, we note that 10^(10^100) is equivalent to ((((10^10)^10)^...)^10), 100 times.
Or 10↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑10.
This gives rise to the following solution:
print 1
for i in A(10, 100)
print 0
in bash:
printf 1
while true; do
printf 0
... close enough.
Here's an algorithm that solves this:
print 1
for 1 to 10^(10^100)
print 0
One can trivially prove correctness using Hoare logic:
There are no pre-conditions
The post condition is that a one followed by 10^(10^100) zeros are printed
The cycle's invariant is that the number of zeros printed so far is equal to i
EDIT: A machine to solve the problem needs the ability to distinguish between one googolplex of distinct states: each state is the result of printing one more zero than the previous. The amount of memory needed to do this is the same needed to store the number one googolplex. If there isn't that much memory available, this problem cannot be solved.
This does not mean it isn't a computable problem: it can be solved by a Turing machine because a Turing machine has a limitless amount of memory.
There definitely is a solution to this problem in theory, assuming of course you have a machine that is capable of producing that sort of output. I'm pretty sure that a googolplex is larger than the number of atoms in the universe, at least according to what the physicists tell us, so I don't think that any physically realizable model of computation could print it out. However, mathematically speaking, you could define a Turing machine capable of printing out the value by just giving it a googolplex-ish number of states and having each write a zero and then move to the next lower state.
Consider the following:
The console window to which you are printing the output will have a maximum buffer size.
When this buffer size is exceeded, anything printed earlier is discarded, and the user will not be able to scroll back to see it.
The maximum buffer size will be minuscule compared to a googolplex.
Therefore, if you want to mimic the user experience of your program running to completion, find the maximum buffer size of the console you will print to and print that many zeroes.
Hurray laziness!

Looking for algorithm that reverses the sprintf() function output

I am working on a project that requires the parsing of log files. I am looking for a fast algorithm that would take groups messages like this:
The temperature at P1 is 35F.
The temperature at P1 is 40F.
The temperature at P3 is 35F.
Logger stopped.
Logger started.
The temperature at P1 is 40F.
and puts out something in the form of a printf():
"The temperature at P%d is %dF.", Int1, Int2"
{(1,35), (1, 40), (3, 35), (1,40)}
The algorithm needs to be generic enough to recognize almost any data load in message groups.
I tried searching for this kind of technology, but I don't even know the correct terms to search for.
I think you might be overlooking and missed fscanf() and sscanf(). Which are the opposite of fprintf() and sprintf().
A naïve!! algorithm keeps track of the frequency of words in a per-column manner, where one can assume that each line can be separated into columns with a delimiter.
Example input:
The dog jumped over the moon
The cat jumped over the moon
The moon jumped over the moon
The car jumped over the moon
Column 1: {The: 4}
Column 2: {car: 1, cat: 1, dog: 1, moon: 1}
Column 3: {jumped: 4}
Column 4: {over: 4}
Column 5: {the: 4}
Column 6: {moon: 4}
We could partition these frequency lists further by grouping based on the total number of fields, but in this simple and convenient example, we are only working with a fixed number of fields (6).
The next step is to iterate through lines which generated these frequency lists, so let's take the first example.
The: meets some hand-wavy criteria and the algorithm decides it must be static.
dog: doesn't appear to be static based on the rest of the frequency list, and thus it must be dynamic as opposed to static text. We loop through a few pre-defined regular expressions and come up with /[a-z]+/i.
over: same deal as #1; it's static, so leave as is.
the: same deal as #1; it's static, so leave as is.
moon: same deal as #1; it's static, so leave as is.
Thus, just from going over the first line we can put together the following regular expression:
/The ([a-z]+?) jumps over the moon/
Obviously one can choose to scan part or the whole document for the first pass, as long as one is confident the frequency lists will be a sufficient sampling of the entire data.
False positives may creep into the results, and it will be up to the filtering algorithm (hand-waving) to provide the best threshold between static and dynamic fields, or some human post-processing.
The overall idea is probably a good one, but the actual implementation will definitely weigh in on the speed and efficiency of this algorithm.
Thanks for all the great suggestions.
Chris, is right. I am looking for a generic solution for normalizing any kind of text. The solution of the problem boils down to dynmamically finding patterns in two or more similar strings.
Almost like predicting the next element in a set, based on the previous two:
1: Everest is 30000 feet high
2: K2 is 28000 feet high
=> What is the pattern?
=> Answer:
[name] is [number] feet high
Now the text file can have millions of lines and thousands of patterns. I would like to parse the files very, very fast, find the patterns and collect the data sets that are associated with each pattern.
I thought about creating some high level semantic hashes to represent the patterns in the message strings.
I would use a tokenizer and give each of the tokens types a specific "weight".
Then I would group the hashes and rate their similarity. Once the grouping is done I would collect the data sets.
I was hoping, that I didn't have to reinvent the wheel and could reuse something that is already out there.
It depends on what you are trying to do, if your goal is to quickly generate sprintf() input, this works. If you are trying to parse data, maybe regular expressions would do too..
You're not going to find a tool that can simply take arbitrary input, guess what data you want from it, and produce the output you want. That sounds like strong AI to me.
Producing something like this, even just to recognize numbers, gets really hairy. For example is "123.456" one number or two? How about this "123,456"? Is "35F" a decimal number and an 'F' or is it the hex value 0x35F? You're going to have to build something that will parse in the way you need. You can do this with regular expressions, or you can do it with sscanf, or you can do it some other way, but you're going to have to write something custom.
However, with basic regular expressions, you can do this yourself. It won't be magic, but it's not that much work. Something like this will parse the lines you're interested in and consolidate them (Perl):
my #vals = ();
while (defined(my $line = <>))
if ($line =~ /The temperature at P(\d*) is (\d*)F./)
push(#vals, "($1,$2)");
print "The temperature at P%d is %dF. {";
for (my $i = 0; $i < #vals; $i++)
print $vals[$i];
if ($i < #vals - 1)
print ",";
print "}\n";
The output from this isL
The temperature at P%d is %dF. {(1,35),(1,40),(3,35),(1,40)}
You could do something similar for each type of line you need to parse. You could even read these regular expressions from a file, instead of custom coding each one.
I don't know of any specific tool to do that. What I did when I had a similar problem to solve was trying to guess regular expressions to match lines.
I then processed the files and displayed only the unmatched lines. If a line is unmatched, it means that the pattern is wrong and should be tweaked or another pattern should be added.
After around an hour of work, I succeeded in finding the ~20 patterns to match 10000+ lines.
In your case, you can first "guess" that one pattern is "The temperature at P[1-3] is [0-9]{2}F.". If you reprocess the file removing any matched line, it leaves "only":
Logger stopped.
Logger started.
Which you can then match with "Logger (.+).".
You can then refine the patterns and find new ones to match your whole log.
#John: I think that the question relates to an algorithm that actually recognises patterns in log files and automatically "guesses" appropriate format strings and data for it. The *scanf family can't do that on its own, it can only be of help once the patterns have been recognised in the first place.
#Derek Park: Well, even a strong AI couldn't be sure it had the right answer.
Perhaps some compression-like mechanism could be used:
Find large, frequent substrings
Find large, frequent substring patterns. (i.e. [pattern:1] [junk] [pattern:2])
Another item to consider might be to group lines by edit-distance. Grouping similar lines should split the problem into one-pattern-per-group chunks.
Actually, if you manage to write this, let the whole world know, I think a lot of us would like this tool!
Well, even a strong AI couldn't be sure it had the right answer.
I was thinking that sufficiently strong AI could usually figure out the right answer from the context. e.g. Strong AI could recognize that "35F" in this context is a temperature and not a hex number. There are definitely cases where even strong AI would be unable to answer. Those are the same cases where a human would be unable to answer, though (assuming very strong AI).
Of course, it doesn't really matter, since we don't have strong AI. :) forwards to an IIS forum which seems fairly active. This is the official site for Gabriele Giuseppini's "Log Parser Toolkit". While I have never actually used this tool, I did pick up a cheap copy of the book from Amazon Marketplace - today a copy is as low as $16. Nothing beats a dead-tree-interface for just flipping through pages.
Glancing at this forum, I had not previously heard about the "New GUI tool for MS Log Parser, Log Parser Lizard" at
The key issue of course is the complexity of your GRAMMAR. To use any kind of log-parser as the term is commonly used, you need to know exactly what you're scanning for, you can write a BNF for it. Many years ago I took a course based on Aho-and-Ullman's "Dragon Book", and the thoroughly understood LALR technology can give you optimal speed, provided of course that you have that CFG.
On the other hand it does seem you're possibly reaching for something AI-like, which is a different order of complexity entirely.
