Cannot see "Add code generation item" option - visual-studio

I've got a project in Visual Studio. I added an edmx EF 4.2 model using a Database Project as the source. I now want to create the DbContext generator.
However, when I right-click the design surface of the .edmx model, I do not see an "Add code generation item" option. What am I missing?
Here's the tutorial I'm using:
I'm using the Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview, and Entity Framework 4.2 (via NuGet).


Entity Framework not appearing in Add New Item list in Visual Studio 2017

I created a new MVC project in Visual Studio 2017. I wanted to add an EDMX file (I will be doing database-first) so right clicked on the project and selected Add|New Item.
However, I cannot find the Entity Framework components that were available in the previous versions of Visual Studio. Does anyone know where they went?
I had a similar issue today after i updated my VS to the latest 2017 version. I tried to open an .edmx file in VS2017 and it didn't show the designer view. So i realised i forgot to select Entity Framework tools during the installation:
Everything is back to normal :)
In .NET Framework-based projects, the Entity Framework 6 templates are still there. However, for .NET Core-based projects, I believe you're expected to use the dotnet ef commands. This includes a means of scaffolding a code-first DbContext from an existing database. See ASP.NET Core - Existing Database.
To verify this, I setup a demo project with the following structure:
The New Item/Data dialog for the .NET Framework project:
Note that there is also an EF POCO Generator template available in the Online templates section that may be of interest to you:
I know this is late, but I ran into the same exact issue. After reading some of the other answers, I realized I had created a .Net project with Standard library instead of the Framework library.
I faced this issue, while creating an MVC application on my latest installation of VS2017.
Tried installing Entity Framework using Nuget package manager[Install-Package EntityFramework], but failed to show Ado.NET Entity data model
1. open programs under control panel and select Visual Studio 2017
2. select Change the installation
3. Select Modify installation
4. Select Individual components
5. If SQL server data tools already installed, deselect/uninstall this component and reinstall the same again.
6. uninstall and reinstall SQL Server Data tools
Note: with one component change, other components may also be deleted. You have to recheck while reinstalling

How can I re-create EF 4.1 EDMX models for EF 6 in VS 2010?

I am testing to migrate to EntityFramework 6 from 4.1.
I have some .EDMX models created by designer in VS 2010.
Question is: How can I re-create those EDMX models for EF 6? as I read that VS 2010 designer is not supporting EF .
Any advise?emphasized text
It shouldn't be necessary to re-create the EDMX models. You should be able to right click in the EDMX designer, then hit 'Add Code Generation Item'. In the 'Add New Item' box, click 'Online Templates' and search for 'EF 5.x DbContext Generator'. That'll add a tt file which can generate your POCO objects. I couldn't find an EF 6 generator for VS2010 but we've had success using the EF5 generator with the EF6 framework. After all, they're just POCOs.

Where is the EDM tool in Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Trial?

I just installed VS 2013 Ultimate Trial and I noticed there is no EDM option as shown in the following figure.
According to ADO.NET Blog, the tool should be available out of the box.
From Visual Studio 2013 onwards we will no longer include the extension that enables configuring an "EDM" data source in this way, e.g. if you add an .MDF file to a project you will no longer see the option to create an EF model, and the option of creating an "EDM" data source based on an existing EDMX model as well as the ability to drag and drop to create data-bound controls automatically in WPF application based on those "EDM" data sources are no longer included.
The recommended ways to create an EF model are either creating the classes,manually (Code First) or adding a new "ADO.NET Entity Data Model" using Add New Item.
The recommended way to do data binding against EF models in WPF applications is through use regular object data sources as explained in this walkthrough.

How to find dbcontext template in Visual Studio 11

I'm using database first approach to create a model with entity framework. In VS2010 after the model was generated I always choose a different code generation template (right click on diagram "Add new code generation item") then, in the dialog box, choose "DbContext Generator". This will instruct VS to generate POCO classes instead of the, very complex, standard class. When I tried to do the same in the Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview I can't find the template "DbContext Generator" in the dialog.
How can I add the dbcontext template to the Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview?
I saw I can use nuget but I'm unable find it when I do a search.
Can you add the Entity Framework Power Tools via the Extension Manager? Then in a class library, you can right-click and "Reverse Engineer Code First". That will pull your database in and create everything you need (no need for EDMX and TT files). You will need to have EF 4.1 installed or have added the EntityFramework NuGet package to your project before running reverse engineer.
I don't have VS 11 installed here, so can't check if the tools will install (I'm also not sure whether these features are being rolled into 11) but anyway will work great in 2010 as I frequently use it.
In February Microsoft release a dbContext Generator that works on Visual Studio 11 Beta.
The link to download this generator is:
Hope it helps.

I cannot find template ADO.NET Entity Data Model in VS2010

In VS2010, I cannot find the template ADO.NET Entity Data Model from the Data section.
I was doing:
create a silverlight(version 4th) project with a WebSite
right click the web project, Add -> New Item -> Data Section(actually, I tried every one)
But I cannot find it!! It's weird!
I tried to reset my VS template, it didn't work
Tried to re-install VS2010, and I got the "Successful" message. also I am sure that the ADO.NET Entity Framework has been installed appropriately.
So, is there anything else I can do? can I just install this template to VS?
i believe you can add a ADO.NET Entity Data Model in a windows class library
and reference that library where it is required. but you cannot add the data model in a silverlight library.
in that case, i presuming the website is atleast targeting version 3.5 of the framework
for vs2010, you can check that the required template is available at the locations below
'%programfiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Data\1033\'
'%programfiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\VisualBasic\Data\1033\'
'%programfiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\Web\CSharp\1033\'
'%programfiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\Web\VisualBasic\1033\'
(in a x64 environment use 'Program Files (x86)' for %programfiles%)
hope that helps.
