Issue regarding Pie Chart in CRM 2011 - dynamics-crm

I have a Pie chart which is based on out-of-box 'Activity' entity. The issue is regarding the following line:-
<attribute groupby="true" alias="groupby_column" name="scheduledend" dategrouping="week" />
Since, I am doing grouping on the 'Weekly' basis, due to which 'Horizontal (category) axis labels' are coming as Week 51 of 2011, Week 52 of 2011, etc. What I want is to modify this axis labels as Week 1, Week 2...? But, I am unable to find the solution for it. Any idea, any workaround is highly appreciated.
Btw, following is the XML which I am using :-
<name>My Team's Aging Activities</name>
<fetch mapping="logical" aggregate="true">
<entity name="activitypointer">
<attribute alias="aggregate_column" name="activityid" aggregate="count" />
<attribute groupby="true" alias="groupby_column" name="scheduledend" dategrouping="week" />
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="scheduledend" operator="next-x-weeks" value="4" />
<condition attribute="scheduledend" operator="not-null" />
<measure alias="aggregate_column" />
<Chart Palette="None" PaletteCustomColors="97,142,206; 209,98,96; 168,203,104; 142,116,178; 93,186,215; 255,155,83; 148,172,215; 217,148,147; 189,213,151; 173,158,196; 145,201,221; 255,180,138">
<Series ShadowOffset="0" IsValueShownAsLabel="true" Font="{0}, 9.5px" LabelForeColor="59, 59, 59" CustomProperties="PieLabelStyle=Inside, PieDrawingStyle=Default" ChartType="pie">
<SmartLabelStyle Enabled="True" />
<Area3DStyle Enable3D="true" />
<Legend Alignment="Center" LegendStyle="Table" Docking="right" IsEquallySpacedItems="True" Font="{0}, 11px" ShadowColor="0, 0, 0, 0" ForeColor="59, 59, 59" />
<Title Alignment="TopLeft" DockingOffset="-3" Font="{0}, 13px" ForeColor="0, 0, 0"></Title>

The field you are referring to is called LegendText, and according to CRM Chart Guy the legend text on a pie chart cannot be changed (See "Stuff we unfortunately cannot do.." at the end of the article).


How to recover the deleted the “Quick Find View”. in MS Dynamics CRM

IF you delete the Quick Find View of an Entity,
How to recover it please follow the below instructions
First create a view and get his GUID, save in notepad, and delete the
Create a solution, Import the selected entity from which you
deleted the “Quick Find View” and Export it. Open Customization.xml and add the XML to the following path.
XML Path : ImportExportXml/Entities/Entity/SavedQueries
<savedqueryid>View Guid</savedqueryid>
<grid name="resultset" object=" Entitytypecode " jump="FieldName" select="1" icon="1" preview="1">
<row name="result" id="Entity Primary Key ">
<cell name="name" width="300" />
<cell name="createdon" width="125" />
<fetch version="1.0" mapping="logical">
<entity name="Entity Name">
<attribute name="Entity Primary Key" />
<attribute name="name" />
<attribute name="createdon" />
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="0" />
<filter type="or" isquickfindfields="1">
<condition attribute="name" operator="like" value="{0}" />
<LocalizedName description="Quick Find Active" languagecode="1033" />
Save the file.
Upload the Solution and Publish it.

Dynamics - How to get all appointments that for a specific user attends by Web Api

In Dynamics CRM, I'm trying to get all the appointments where a specific user is an attendee, using Web API. I know that I have to deal with Appointment entity and ActivityParty with activitypartytypemask equals 9 but really cannot figure out how to make it. How can identify the attendee ?
You can use FetchXml for your purpose. Check following Fetch:
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="true">
<entity name="appointment">
<attribute name="subject" />
<attribute name="statecode" />
<attribute name="scheduledstart" />
<attribute name="scheduledend" />
<attribute name="regardingobjectid" />
<attribute name="activityid" />
<link-entity name="activityparty" from="activityid" to="activityid" alias="aa">
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="participationtypemask" operator="in">
<condition attribute="partyid" operator="eq" value="{9CE2BF21-408B-E611-80F3-C4346BAC7ABC}" />
Using provided FetchXml and WebApi you should get the result you wanted. Url should look like following:
[Server Base Url]/api/data/v8.2/appointments?fetchXml=%3Cfetch%20version%3D%221.0%22%20output-format%3D%22xml-platform%22%20mapping%3D%22logical%22%20distinct%3D%22true%22%3E%3Centity%20name%3D%22appointment%22%3E%3Cattribute%20name%3D%22subject%22%20%2F%3E%3Cattribute%20name%3D%22statecode%22%20%2F%3E%3Cattribute%20name%3D%22scheduledstart%22%20%2F%3E%3Cattribute%20name%3D%22scheduledend%22%20%2F%3E%3Cattribute%20name%3D%22regardingobjectid%22%20%2F%3E%3Cattribute%20name%3D%22activityid%22%20%2F%3E%3Clink-entity%20name%3D%22activityparty%22%20from%3D%22activityid%22%20to%3D%22activityid%22%20alias%3D%22aa%22%3E%3Cfilter%20type%3D%22and%22%3E%3Ccondition%20attribute%3D%22participationtypemask%22%20operator%3D%22in%22%3E%3Cvalue%3E6%3C%2Fvalue%3E%3Cvalue%3E5%3C%2Fvalue%3E%3C%2Fcondition%3E%3Ccondition%20attribute%3D%22partyid%22%20operator%3D%22eq%22%20value%3D%22%7B9CE2BF21-408B-E611-80F3-C4346BAC7ABC%7D%22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Ffilter%3E%3C%2Flink-entity%3E%3C%2Fentity%3E%3C%2Ffetch%3E
This article contains additional details.

FetchXml query generates a 'Generic SQL Error' but works if I switch the linked entities around?

I'm attempting to query the product catalog of a "vanilla" CRM 2015, my final aim is to retrieve the active products by price list and substring of name, at the moment I'm hard-coding my data as follows:
PriceLevel: hardcoded GUID
Name: hardcoded "a"
The resulting XML is this:
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="true" count="50">
<entity name="productpricelevel" >
<attribute name="uomid" />
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="pricelevelid" operator="eq" uitype="pricelevel" value="{7080964d-85df-e411-80ba-00155d0b0c38}" />
<link-entity name="product" from="productid" to="productid" alias="ac" >
<attribute name="name" />
<attribute name="productnumber" />
<order attribute="productnumber" descending="false" />
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="name" operator="like" value="a" />
<condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="0" />
When I attempted to execute the query, I got Generic SQL Error. I then looked at the trace logs, and found this:
Exception when executing query: select DISTINCT "productpricelevel0".UoMId as "uomid", "productpricelevel0".UoMIdName as "uomidname",
coalesce("LL0".Label,"ac".Name ) as "", "ac".ProductNumber as "ac.productnumber"
from ProductPriceLevel as "productpricelevel0" join Product as "ac"
on ("productpricelevel0".ProductId = "ac".ProductId and ( coalesce("LL0".Label,"ac".Name) like 'a' and "ac".StateCode = 0))
left outer join BusinessDataLocalizedLabel as "LL0" on ("LL0".ObjectId = "ac".ProductId and "LL0".LanguageId = 1033 and "LL0".ObjectColumnNumber = 6 )
where ("productpricelevel0".PriceLevelId = '7080964d-85df-e411-80ba-00155d0b0c38') order by
"ac".ProductNumber asc
Exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The multi-part identifier "LL0.Label" could not be bound
In an attempt to identify a pattern, I switched the JOIN around, ending up with this XML:
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="true" count="50" >
<entity name="product" >
<attribute name="name" />
<attribute name="productnumber" />
<order attribute="productnumber" descending="false" />
<filter type="and" >
<condition attribute="name" operator="like" value="a" />
<condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="0" />
<link-entity name="productpricelevel" from="productid" to="productid" alias="ac" >
<attribute name="uomid" />
<filter type="and" >
<condition attribute="pricelevelid" operator="eq" uitype="pricelevel" value="{7080964d-85df-e411-80ba-00155d0b0c38}" />
This time, I got my results as expected, no errors.
The organization is new and only contains Sitemap/HTML/JS customizations (the entities I'm querying are not customized yet), 1033 is the base language, there is another language installed and enabled but it isn't used by any of the 2 users of the system.
What's going on in the first case ?
UPDATE: The first query works against a 2013 organization. This is starting to feel like a bug.
This definitely is a bug. I guess Microsoft changed the engine that converts QueryBase queries into T-SQL.
This week we had an issue with linked entities. It was about the following condition:
.AddCondition("statuscode", ConditionOperator.In, new object[] { 1, 2, 3 });
When applied on the primary entity of a QueryExpression, the condition is processed as expected. When applied on a linked entity it fails. In previous versions of Dynamics CRM it works in both scenarios.

View Showing Accounts that don't have contact

I want to create two views.
- One view showing all accounts having contacts. It is easy. I don't have any issue with this.
- Second View Showing All Accounts don't have any contact.
As we can't specify such condition for second view in advance find. Is there any way we can achieve this using Views?
I don't want to create SSRS report or any custom Development.
Please let me know if this is achievable.
You can achieve this only by modifying the Account entity customization xml.
Create a new (system) view for Account and name it "Active Accounts without Contacts".
Create a (unmanaged) solution for export and add the Account entity without any dependencies.
Export the solution and unpack the zip archive.
Open the customization.xml with the editor of your choice.
Modify the views FetchXml as follows:
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical">
<entity name="account">
<attribute name="accountid" />
<order attribute="name" descending="false" />
<LocalizedName description="Active Accounts without Contacts" languagecode="1033" />
<Description description="Active Accounts without Contacts" languagecode="1033" />
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="true">
<entity name="account">
<attribute name="accountid" />
<order attribute="name" descending="false" />
<link-entity name="contact" from="parentcustomerid" to="accountid" link-type="outer"/>
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="parentcustomerid" operator="null" />
<LocalizedName description="Active Accounts without Contacts" languagecode="1033" />
<Description description="Active Accounts without Contacts" languagecode="1033" />
Finally, re-package the solution, import and publish.
I could not get this to work, and after quite a bit of "tinkering" altered the fetchxml as follows and it works! I basically moved the filter to before the link-entity detail. This is on CRM2013 with Rollup 1.
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="true" >
<entity name="account" >
<attribute name="address1_city" />
<filter type="and" >
<condition entityname="contact" attribute="parentcustomerid" operator="null" />
<link-entity name="contact" from="parentcustomerid" to="accountid" link-type="outer" />
<attribute name="primarycontactid" />
<order attribute="name" descending="false" />
<attribute name="telephone1" />
<attribute name="accountid" />

Can you write a single FetchXML query to get 1:many relationship?

Is it possible to write a single FetchXML query that gets a root entity and multiple children? All I've been able to do is 1:1.
James Wood is correct. Fetch XML is recursive so by using the link entity you can get the information you want.
For example, the following is valid:
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="true">
<entity name="account">
<attribute name="name" />
<attribute name="primarycontactid" />
<attribute name="telephone1" />
<attribute name="accountid" />
<order attribute="name" descending="false" />
<link-entity name="contact" from="parentcustomerid" to="accountid" alias="aj">
<attribute name="firstname" />
<attribute name="lastname" />
<attribute name="telephone1" />
<link-entity name="businessunit" from="businessunitid" to="owningbusinessunit" alias="ak">
<attribute name="name" />
<attribute name="address1_line1" />
<attribute name="address1_line2" />
<attribute name="address1_line3" />
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="name" operator="not-null" />
If your question really is "Is it possible to write a single FetchXML query that gets a SINGLE root entity and multiple children" then the answer is unfortunately no. However if you are able to handle duplicates of root data (For example using the Grouping functionality of an SSRS report) then what you require is entirely possible
Unless I've misunderstood the question this is very possible.
So for example you want to find all the contacts related to a given account. This is represented in Crm by the Parent Customer Lookup on the contact to the account.
<fetch mapping="logical" count="100" version="1.0">
<entity name="account">
<attribute name="name" />
<link-entity name="contact" from="parentcustomerid" to="accountid">
<attribute name="fullname" />
Which gives you a result set that looks like this:
<resultset morerecords="0" paging-cookie="<cookie page="1"><accountid last="{E704FAD6-2D4B-E111-9FED-00155D828444}" first="{AD912122-6B3C-E111-9B37-00155D828444}" /></cookie>">
<name>RGD Mining Inc</name>
<accountid.fullname>Bill Miner</accountid.fullname>
<name>RGD Mining Inc</name>
No, it is not possible.
I'm happy to report that it is possible. I have a solution that worked well for me.
The only caveat is that if you have multiple child accounts you will get multiple results for the parent. For example:
parent 1: child 1
parent 2: child 1
parent 2: child 2
This means that you would then have to run the results through a sorting function, to get either all the children under parents in a multi dimensional array, or get all the accounts as unique entries in a flat array.
Also, this only goes down one level. If your hierarchy is multi-level, this code would need to be modified.
<fetch distinct="false" mapping="logical">
<entity name="account">
<attribute name="name" />
<link-entity name="account" alias="childaccount" to="accountid" from="parentaccountid" link-type="outer">
<attribute name="name" alias="childname" />
