Jenkins not playing nice with a private GitHub repository (Windows) - windows

I cannot for the life of me seem to get my Jenkins CI to work with Github.
I had failure on the clone command, but that was due to keys, so I logged in as service account (the user Jenkins runs under as a Windows Service) and ran the clone command. All good in the hood.
However, when I want to run the fetch to get latest, it won't finish. It just sits there. I have tried via the Git plugin for Jenkins, and also via a Windows commandline script. Neither work. However, if I open a command prompt and type the command in, it works!
So how do I get it to work via Jenkins?
I run this script:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe" fetch -t ssh:// +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
exit 0
and it sticks on the fetch command, never exiting.
Does someone have any suggestion?

It looks like msysGit stuck trying to find one of its components, used during fetch operation.
The Git itself not a single executable actually. It's a set of small tools doing their job great only being put together. Running Git on Windows from bash prompt makes it happen, but when you're running via Windows command prompt or in batch-files, the Force may not be with you.
I think you should check wherever you installed msysGit with option "Run Git from Windows Command Prompt". In this case all needed parts of Git will be added to the system PATH variable and git.exe will be able to access it from batch files, thus it should fix your fetch statement.


Jenkins, git 'advanced' commands (fetch, diff etc) and ssh-agent (Windows Server)

We have x86 Jenkins running on Windows Server 2016. No issues with pull of repo over ssh, both for projects and with git plugin in the pipeline.
Now I would like to be able to execute a 'git diff' command after a fetch from origin. I installed the Jenkins plugin "sshagent" and am attempting to execute the git commands from that context. From that plugins page it appears I no longer need to use Tomcat Native Libraries (quote: As of 1.14 unnecessary if ssh-agent is installed)
My direct issue is the error "Check if ssh-agent is installed and in PATH". I would prefer not to use Tomcat version if possible. I suppose I am trying to understand why every search I do implies ssh-agent.exe should be part of git, but it is not in my 'bin' folder.
Open to other ways to accomplish the stated goal (execute git diff), including foregoing ssh connection to the git server, but that also looks to be not straightforward.
This ended up being fairly straightforward, ssh-agent.exe was in git/usr/bin not git/bin. adding it to path per Druta suggestion resolved

Does VSCode come with git itself?

The documentation says plain as day that VSCode does not come with git, that it leverages your machine's git installation and you must install it.
HOWEVER, it worked just fine for me. I only had github desktop and I am absolutely positively sure that I did not have git for windows installed and github desktop did not place itself in my PATH. (Technically I did have git on Bash on WSL but I know vscode isn't/can't access that). And yet it worked just fine for the longest time.
So, my question is, did vscode come with its own git executable? I ask because ever since I set up 2 factor auth on my github account I've been having to manually log in each time I push, it doesn't use my SSH keys stored in username/.ssh like git shell does.
Github Desktop installs git for you, typically located "C:\Program Files\Git", which is what VSCode, in your case, is most likely using.
If you refer to the answer from this post:
VSCode Terminal + Git Bash "command not found" for any command
it shows the settings (settings.json) that you need to add to allow for git bash and login to be used.
Hopefully this helps!

Automated GIT clone

I would like to create either a script that can be executed or an application that will clone several GIT repositories for offsite data backup purposes.
I need this to be able to run on a Windows 7 machine (I'm sure this will add to the complexity of this problem).
I tried using GIT bash (MINGW shell) and using C# to create the shell and invoke commands to it. My tester was working fine until it attempted to supply the password. It appeared that the password prompt was coming from yet another terminal instance as stdin and stdout were not longer to read and write to the console.
Ideally I would like maintain a simple bash script that could be launched and clone the repositories but I was not able to find anything like that for Windows.
Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
The ssh keys should be created with no password. Ensure authorized keys file is updated on the machines you're connecting to.
Install msysgit and add the proper keys. I'm doing this without any issues. Make sure to set msysgit to not alter the line endings during it's install. You can change that later with git config if you forget. Use ssh and not putty.
Msysgit will give you bash on windows.
Hope this helps.

msysgit error with hooks: "git error: cannot spawn .git/hooks/post-commit: No such file or directory"

I'm having trouble getting post-recieve and post-commit hooks to work correctly with msysgit (Windows 7 Pro/32 and Ultimate/64). For post-commit hook I get the above error if I commit from either git-bash or the console, but it works fine if I commit through git-gui. For a post-recieve hook, all three give the same error.
I'm thinking this is some sort of permission or path error, but don't really have any clue where to start here.
Add the SHEBANG to the first line of hook, like so:
echo "executing post-commit"
exit 0
This had me stumped for a while as well and I saw that adding the shebang fixed it. In SVN world, while in *nix we have a "pre-commit" script and in Windows we had "pre-commit.bat" and SVN automatically picked up the bat file in Windows. Git doesn't seem to pick up a pre-commit.bat ( or any hook ) and adding the shebang to the hook file worked.
I'm using SourceTree and git LFS and had a similar issue: cannot spawn .git/hooks/pre-push.
The fix was to delete the pre-push file (opening it revealed it was badly corrupted) and restart SourceTree at which point it regenerates the pre-push file and everything is back to normal.
If you have the SHEBANG and it still fails, make sure you have <path_to_git>\bin set in your path environment variable.
You'll probably also have <path_to_git>\cmd if you installed it to work from the command-line.
This is an old question, but I've been fighting with this exact problem and this SO question popped up, so I thought it worth the effort to record what worked for me.
In short: I needed to run Apache as a regular user instead of Local System. This was on a legacy test VM I was playing with, so it was only running Windows XP, but it appears that at least on that platform (and possibly others), msysgit just doesn't work properly when running under the Local System account (presumably the root filesystem isn't mapped properly). As a result, no shebang line will work as git-http-backend simply can't execute any msysgit binaries (even with absolute Windows paths).
Switching Apache to run as a regular user account fixed this problem completely. Obviously you need to ensure that the user Apache is running as has permissions to read/write the git repositories, but beyond that, just make sure your shebang line is #!/bin/sh and everything should be copacetic.
Lastly, yeah, this is a big hammer. Ideally you'd be able to use something like suexec on Windows, but a quick googling doesn't indicate an obvious path forward, there. Of course, if anyone has any ideas, I'd be interested.
For now, this works for me, but it doesn't seem ideal.
Got this in a repo using LFS, got rid of it with git lfs update --force
If someone, like me run into a similar problem with accessing git repositories through apache, you should set the PATH in Apache config, like:
SetEnv PATH "c:/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin;"
Using tortoisegit and LFS, for me just had to remove the files inside of the .git/hooks folder.
If you are using Android studio, you can remove this error by un-check the checkbox "Run Git hooks":
For me, removing a comment line on front of the shebang line fixed the error. Oddly, the script ran fine from the shell, just errored out when run as a hook.

Hudson git commands are *incredibly* slow

I have installed msysgit, and I am attempting to use it inside of Hudson. Whenever I run a command in an interactive shell, whether it be git-bash or a command prompt, the commands are instant. When I run them in Hudson, they lag for a very long time.
Running /bin/git help took 63 seconds when I just invoked it. I've never waited long enough to see a clone begin outputting (>10 minutes).
The Hudson mailing list is down, so I figured I would try here...
I've run into this problem as well, and figured out a workaround. When Hudson runs as a service, something is missing that your normal desktop environment has, which causes something to do with the network to have to re-load for each process. msys-1.0.dll attempts to load something in netapi32.dll which causes it to take so long. So I just downloaded plink.exe from PuTTY, and set my GIT_SSH env to use that instead. Problem averted.
Have you tried using the Git plugin for Hudson?
