Ruby not showing output of internal process - ruby

I'm trying this in ruby.
I have a shell script to which I can pass a command which will be executed by the shell after some initial environment variables have been set. So in ruby code I'm doing this..
# ruby code
my_results = `some_script -allow username -cmd "perform_action"`
The issue is that since the script "some_script" runs "perform_action" in it's own environment, I'm not seeing the result when i output the variable "my_results". So a ruby puts of "my_results" just gives me some initial comments before the script processes the command "perform_action".
Any clues how I can get the output of perform_action into "my_results"?

The backticks will only capture stdout. If you are redirecting stdout, or writing to any other handle (like stderr), it will not show up in its output; otherwise, it should. Whether something goes into stdout or not is not dependent on an environment, only on redirection or direct writing to a different handle.
Try to see whether your script actually prints to stdout from shell:
$ some_script -allow username -cmd "perform_action" > just_stdout.log
$ cat just_stdout.log
In any case, this is not a Ruby question. (Or at least it isn't if I understood you correctly.) You would get the same answer for any language.


With Ruby: how can I test to see if a linux command is available without returning the output of the command I'm testing for?

I'm using Ruby on Linux.
I'd like to test for the existence of a command on the Linux system.
I'd like to not get back the output of the command that I'm testing for.
I'd also like to not get back any output that results from the shell being unable to find the command.
I want to avoid using shell redirection from within the command that I send to the shell. So something like system("foo > /dev/null") would be unsuitable.
I'm ok with using redirection if there is a way to do it from Ruby.
The simplest thing would be just to use system. Let's say you're looking for ls.
irb(main):005:0> system("which ls")
=> true
If that's off the table, you could peek into the directories in ENV["PATH"] for the executable you're looking for. ENV["PATH"].split(":") would give you an array of directory names to check for the desired command. If you find a file with the right name, you may want to ensure it's an executable.
I want to avoid using shell redirection from within the command that I
send to the shell. So something like system("foo > /dev/null") would
be unsuitable. I'm ok with using redirection if there is a way to do it from Ruby.
system("exec which cmd", out: "/dev/null")
puts "Command is available." if ($?).success?
The exec is to explicitly avoid unnecessary forking in the shell.
As a sidenote type -P can be used instead of which, but it relies on Bash and may have surprising effects if script is ported to an environment with a different default shell.

How do I pipe output from one python script as input to another python script?

For example:
A gets an infix expression from the user and converts it to a postfix expression and returns it or prints it to stdout gets a postfix expression from stdin and evaluates it and outputs the value
I wanted to do something like this:
python3 | python3
This doesn't work though, could you point me in the right direction as to how I could do this?
here are some more details as to what "doesn't work".
When I execute python3 | python3
the terminal asks me for input for the program, when it should be asking for input for the program and redirecting that as's input.
So it asks me to "Enter a postfix expression: ", when it should be asking "Enter an infix expression: " and redirect that to the postfix script.
If I undestand your issue correctly, your two scripts each write out a prompt for input. For instance, they could both be something like this:
in_string = input("Enter something")
Where some_function is a function that has different output depending on the input string (which may be different in each script).
The issue is that the "Enter something" prompt doesn't get displayed to the user correctly when the output of one script is being piped to another script. That's because the prompt is written to standard output, so the first script's prompt is piped to the second script, while the second script's prompt is displayed. That's misleading, since it's the first script that will (directly) receive input from the user. The prompt text may also mess up the data being passed between the two scripts.
There's no perfect solution to this issue. One partial solution is to write the prompt to standard error, rather than standard output. This would let you see both prompts (though you'd only actually be able to respond to one of them). I don't think you can directly do that with input, but print can write to other file streams if you want: print("prompt", file=sys.stderr)
Another partial solution is to check if your input and output streams and skip printing the prompts if either one is not a "tty" (terminal). In Python, you can do sys.stdin.isatty(). Many command line programs have a different "interactive mode" if they're connected directly to the user, rather than to a pipe or a file.
If piping the output around is a main feature of your program, you may not want to use prompts ever! Many standard Unix command-line programs (like cat and grep) don't have any interactive behavior at all. They require the user to pass command line arguments or set environment variables to control how they run. That lets them work as expected even when they don't have access to standard input and standard output.
For example if you have nginx running and
import os
os.system("ps aux")
import os
os.system("grep nginx")
Then running:
python |
will be same as
ps aux | grep nginx
For completion's sake, and to offer an alternative to using the os module:
The fileinput module takes care of piping for you, and from running a simple test I believe it'll make it an easy implementation.
To enable your files to support piped input, simply do this:
import fileinput
with fileinput.input() as f_input: # This gets the piped data for you
for line in f_input:
# do stuff with line of piped data
all you'd have to do then is:
$ some_textfile.txt | ./
Note that fileinput also enables data input for your scripts like so:
$ ./ some_textfile.txt
$ ./ < some_textfile.txt
This works with python's print output just as easily:
> # This prints the contents of some_textfile.txt
with open('some_textfile.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
$ ./ | ./
Of course, don't forget the hashbang #!/usr/bin/env python at the top of your scripts for this way to work.
The recipe is featured in Beazley & Jones's Python Cookbook - I wholeheartedly recommend it.

Is it possible to capture output from a system command and redirect it?

What I would like to do is:
run a ruby script...
that executes a shell command
and redirects it to a named pipe accessible outside the script
from the system shell, read from that pipe
That is, have the Ruby script capture some command output and redirect it in such a way that it's connectable to from outside the script?
I want to mention that the script cannot simply start and exit, since it's a REPL. The idea is that using the REPL you would be able to run a command and redirect its output elsewhere to consume it.
Using abort and an exit message, will pass the message to STDERR (and the script will fail with exit code 1). You can pass this shell command output in this way.
This is possibly not the only (or best) way, but it has worked for me in the past.
You can also redirect the output to a file (using standard methods), and read that file outside the ruby script.
require 'open3'
stdin, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(commandline)
stdin.chomp #Here, you should ge
Incase, if someone wanted to use you can get the output via stdin.chomp

Ruby Command Prompt Commands

I am designing a ruby program that needs to run a command and store it a variable.
var = exec('some command');
This doesn't work the way I want it to, it just prints the output from the command prompt and then ends the program.
So is there a function that doesn't end the program, doesn't print the cmd output and stores the information in a variable?
Thanks in advance.
You need to use either Ruby's built in backtick syntax, or use %x
output = `some command`
output = %x(some "command")
Open3 grants you access to stdin, stdout, stderr and a thread to wait
the child process when running another program. You can specify
various attributes, redirections, current directory, etc., of the
program as Process.spawn.
See the various ways of executing a command

spawning a process in ruby, capturing stdout, stderr, getting exist status

I want to run an executable from a ruby rake script, say foo.exe
I want the STDOUT and STDERR outputs from foo.exe to be written directly to the console I'm running the rake task from.
When the process completes, I want to capture the exit code into a variable. How do I achieve this?
I've been playing with backticks, process.spawn, system but I cant get all the behaviour I want, only parts
Update: I'm on Windows, in a standard command prompt, not cygwin
system gets the STDOUT behaviour you want. It also returns true for a zero exit code which can be useful.
$? is populated with information about the last system call so you can check that for the exit status:
system 'foo.exe'
I've used a combination of these things in Runner.execute_command for an example.
backticks will get stdout captured into resulting string
foo.exe suggests you are running windows - do you have anything like cygwin installed? if you run your script within unixy shell you can do this:
result = `foo.exe 2>&1`
status = $?.exitstatus
quick googling says this should also work in native windows shell but i can't test this assupmtion
