max concurrent connection to amazon load balancer - amazon-ec2

My testing shows that amazon load balancer rest connection with its instance when it has about 10k concurrent connections into it. Is that a limit of Amazon load balancer? If not, is there a setting for it? I need to support upto 1M concurrent connections for my testing.
Sean Nguyen

The ELB should scale way beyond that, but you need to be testing from multiple test clients that appear to come from unique source IPs. This will cause multiple ELB instances to spawn multiple instances behind the scenes (this can be detected by DNS lookups). This is explained in the whitepaper that Rightscale published:
Note that it takes a little while for ELB resources to scale out, so tests need to run for 20 minutes or more.
You also need to be sure that you have enough resources behind the load balancer. EC2 instances (as shown in the white paper mentioned above) seem to hit a throughput limit of around 100k packets per second which limits the number of concurrent connections that can be served (bear in mind the overhead of TCP and HTTP). You will need a lot of instances to be able to cope with 1M concurrent connections, and I'm not sure at what point you will hit the limit of ELB; in RightScale's test they only hit 19k.
Also you need to be clear about exactly what you mean by 1M concurrent connections, do you mean total keep-alive connections (assuming keep-alive enabled), or do you mean 1M transactions per second?


Azure Redis Cache GET throughput per client connection The document mentions the Throughput numbers for GETS. But there are multiple client connections possible and there is also a limit based on the Pricing tier.
Question: Is the given number on "GET Requests per second" per client connection OR after creating a max possible connection with Redis cache and running GET operations from each client?
That's the total GETs/second regardless of the number of connections. I believe we tested with 50 connections. With lower numbers of connections, you may hit bottlenecks in the throughput of client instances or network connections before hit the limits of the server.
We always recommend benchmarking throughput with your application's actual architecture and workload to find actual cache capabilities for your use case:

AWS RDS Proxy CPU consumption when initiating new connections

I am using RDS Proxy in front of Aurora MySQL writer(db.r3.large), and I started doing some performance testing.
My test consist on making 500 requests per minute and check how the Proxy and Aurora performs.
What I observed is that Aurora instance has worked at 100% of CPU utilization for 40 mins, after that, the CPU consumption dropped until almost 10%, so I guess RDS is caching data or since the connections are already open, the CPU utilization dropped that way.
In order to reduce the CPU consumption for the first 40 mins, I have two alternatives, either I scale the instance vertically or I reduce the connection pool size in the proxy.
What is the better approach to take here?
In addition, I have a read replica that is not being used by the Proxy, but well, I think RDS Proxy does not behaves as a load balancer between the writer and the reader instances.
To minimize cache warmup delays, in your Aurora Performance Group,
innodb_fast_shutdown=OFF # recommended for production to usually avoid RECOVERY
innodb_buffer_pool_dump_pct=90 # to preserve active row pointers across instance stop/start
innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdown=ON # to prepare for next instance start
innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup=ON # to reduce loading delays at instance start
innodb_flush_neighbors=2 # sweep all rows for same extent in one sweep cycle
The very best to you.

Max connection pool size and autoscaling group

In Sequelize.js you should configure the max connection pool size (default 5). I don't know how to deal with this configuration as I work on an autoscaling platform in AWS.
The Aurora DB cluster on r3.2xlarge allows 2000 max connections per read replica (you can get that by running SELECT ##MAX_CONNECTIONS;).
The problem is I don't know what should be the right configuration for each server hosted on our EC2s. What should be the right max connection pool size as I don't know how many servers will be launched by the autoscaling group? Normally, the DB MAX_CONNECTIONS value should be divided by the number of connection pools (one by server), but I don't know how many server will be instantiated at the end.
Our concurrent users count is estimated to be between 50000 and 75000 concurrent users at our release date.
Did someone get previous experience with this kind of situation?
It has been 6 weeks since you asked, but since I got involved in this recently I thought I would share my experience.
The answer various based on how the application works and performs. Plus the characteristics of the application under load for the instance type.
1) You want your pool size to be > than the expected simultaneous queries running on your host.
2) You never want your a situation where number of clients * pool size approaches your max connection limit.
Remember though that simultaneous queries is generally less than simultaneous web requests since most code uses a connection to do a query and then releases it.
So you would need to model your application to understand the actual queries (and amount) that would happen for your 75K users. This is likely a lot LESS than 75K/second db queries a second.
You then can construct a script - we used jmeter - and run a test to simulate performance. One of the items we did during our test was to increase the pool higher and see the difference in performance. We actually used a large number (100) after doing a baseline and found the number made a difference. We then dropped it down until it start making a difference. In our case it was 15 and so I set it to 20.
This was against t2.micro as our app server. If I change the servers to something bigger, this value likely will go up.
Please note that you pay a cost on application startup when you set a higher number...and you also incur some overhead on your server to keep those idle connections so making larger than you need isn't good.
Hope this helps.

Spread waiting time among connection requests and performance issues

I developed a server for a custom protocol based on tcp/ip-stack with Netty. Writing this was a pleasure.
Right now I am testing performance. I wrote a test-application on netty that simply connects lots (20.000+) of "clients" to the server (for-loop with Thread.wait(1) after each bootstrap-connect). As soon as a client-channel is connected it sends a login-request to the server, that checks the account and sends a login-response.
The overall performance seems to be quite OK. All clients are logged in below 60s. But what's not so good is the spread waiting time per connections. I have extremely fast logins and extremely slow logins. Variing from 9ms to 40.000ms spread over the whole test-time. Is it somehow possible to share waiting time among the requesting channels (Fifo)?
I measured a lot of significant timestamps and found a strange phenomenon. I have a lot of connections where the server's timestamp of "channel-connected" is way after the client's timestamp (up to 19 seconds). I also do have the "normal" case, where they match and just the time between client-sending and server-reception is several seconds. And there are cases of everything in between those two cases. How can it be, that client and server "channel-connected" are so much time away from each other?
What is for sure is, that the client immediatly receives the server's login-response after it has been send.
I think I read most of the performance-articles around here. I am using the OrderMemoryAwareThreadPool with 200 Threads on a 4CPU-Hyper-Threading-i7 for the incoming connections and also do start the server-application with the known aggressive-options. I also completely tweaked my Win7-TCP-Stack.
The server runs very smooth on my machine. CPU-usage and memory consumption is ca. at 50% from what could be used.
Too much information:
I also started 2 of my test-apps from 2 seperate machines "attacking" the server in parallel with 15.000 connections each. There I had about 800 connections that got a timeout from the server. Any comments here?
Best regards and cheers to Netty,
Netty has a dedicated boss thread that accepts an incoming connection. If the boss thread accepts a new connection, it forwards the connection to a worker thread. The latency between the acceptance and the actual socket read might be larger than expected under load because of this. Although we are looking into different ways to improve the situation, meanwhile, you might want to increase the number of worker threads so that a worker thread handles less number of connections.
If you think it's performing way worse than non-Netty application, please feel free to file an issue with reproducing test case. We will try to reproduce and fix the problem.

Load balancing: DNS round robin in front of hardware load balancers. How to share stickiness?

DNS Round Robin (DRR) permits to do cheap load balancing (distribution is a better term). It has the pro of permitting infinite horizontal scaling. The con is that if one of the web servers goes down, some clients continue to use the broken IP for minutes (min TTL 300s) or more, even if the DNS implements fail-over.
An Hardware Load Balancer (HLB) handles such web server failures transparently but it cannot scale its bandwidth indefinitely. An hot spare is also needed.
A good solution seems to use DRR in front to a group of HLB pairs. Each HLB pair never goes down and therefore DRR never keeps clients down. Plus, when bandwidth isn't enough you can add a new HLB pair to the group.
Problem: DRR moves clients randomly between the HLB pairs and therefore (AFAIK) session stickiness cannot work.
I could just avoid to use session stickiness but it makes better use of caches therefore is something that I want to preserve.
Question: is it possible/exist an HLB implementation where an instance can share its (sessionid,webserver) mapping with other instances?
If this is possible then a client would be routed to the same web server independently by the HLB that routed the request.
Thanks in advance.
Modern load balancers have very high throughput capabilities (gigabit). So unless you're running a huuuuuuuuuuge site (e.g. google), adding bandwidth is not why you'll need a new pair of load balancers, especially since most large sites offload much of their bandwidth to CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) like Akamai. If you're pumping a gigabit of un-CDN-able data through your site and don't already have a global load-balancing strategy, you've got bigger problems than cache affinity. :-)
Instead of bandwidth limits, sites tend to add additional LB pairs for geo-distribution of servers at separate data centers to ensure users spread across the world can talk to a server closest to them.
For that latter scenario, load balancer companies offer geo-location solutions, which (at least until a few years ago which was when I was following this stuff) were based on custom DNS implementations which looked at client IPs and resolved to the load balancer pairs Virtual IP address which is "closest" (in network topology or performance) to the client. These days, CDNs like Akamai also offer global load balancing services (e.g. Amazon's EC2 hosting also supports this kind of feature for sites hosted there (see
Since users tend not to move across continents in the course of a single session, you automatically get affinity (aka "stickiness") with geographic load balancing, assuming your pairs are located in separate data centers.
Keep in mind that geo-location is really hard since you also have to geo-locate your data to ensure your back-end cross-data-center network doesn't get swamped.
I suspect that F5 and other vendors also offer single-datacenter solutions which achieve the same ends, if you're really concerned about the single point of failure of network infrastructure (routers, etc.) inside your datacenter. But router and switch vendors have high-availability solutions which may be more appropriate to address that issue.
Net-net, if I were you I wouldn't worry about multiple pairs of load balancers. Get one pair and, unless you have a lot of money and engineering time to burn, partner with a hoster who's good at keeping their data center network up and running.
That said, if cache affinity is such a big deal for your app that you're thinking about shelling out big $$$ for multiple pairs of load balancers, it may be worth considering some app architecture changes (like using an external caching cluster). Solutions like memcached (for linux) are designed for this scenario. Microsoft also has one coming called "Velocity".
Anyway, hope this is useful info-- it's admittedly been a while since I've been deeply involved in this space (I was part of the team which designed an application load balancing product for a large software vendor) so you might want to double-check my assumptions above with facts you can pull off the web from F5 and other LB vendors.
Ok, this is an ancient question, which I just found through a Google search. But for any future visitors, here is some additional clarifications:
Problem: [DNS Round Robin] moves clients randomly between the HLB pairs and therefore (AFAIK) session stickiness cannot work.
This premise is as best I can tell not accurate. It seems nobody really knows what old browsers might do, but presumably each browser window will stay on the same IP address as long as it's open. Newer operation systems probably obey the "match longest prefix" rule. Thus there shouldn't be much 'flapping', randomly switching from one load balancer IP to another.
However, if you're still worried about users getting randomly reassigned to a new load balancer pair, then a small modification of the classic L3/4 & L7 load balancing setup can help:
Publish DNS Round Robin records that go to Virtual high-availability IPs that are handled by L4 load balancers.
Have the L4 load balancers forward to pairs of L7 load balancers based on the origin IP address, i.e. use consistent hashing based on the end users IP to always route end users to the same L7 load balancer.
Have your L7 load balancers use "sticky sessions" as you want them to.
Essentially this is just a small modification to what Willy Tarreau (the creator of HAProxy) wrote years ago.
thanks for having put things in the right perspective.
I agree with you.
I did some reading and found:
4 billion queries per day --> about 50000 queries/s
100 million video views/day --> about 1200 video views/second
600 pages/second
200 Mbps used
CDN used
300 tweets/second
600 req/s
A very top end LB like this can scale up :
200,000 SSL handshakes per second
1 million TCP connections per second
3.2 million HTTP requests per second
36 Gbps of TCP or HTTP throughput
Therefore, you are right a LB could hardly become a bottleneck.
Anyway I found this (old) article
where it is explained that geo-aware DNS could create availability issues.
Could someone comment on that article?
So why not keep it simple and have the DNS server give out a certain IP address (or addresses) based on the origin IP address (i.e. use consistent hashing based on the end users IP to always give end users the same IP address(es)) ?
I'm aware that this only provides a simple and cheap load distribution mechanism.
I have been looking for this, but haven't found a DNS server which implements this (although Bind has some possibilities with views).
