JSON data From phpFox ajax call? - ajax

How to return JSON data in phpFox, ajaxCall?
In phpFox i am using $.ajaxCall('samplemodule.function' 'data=test');
How to return JSON data? and how to process on that data inside any js function.

In the file /module/samplemodule/component/ajax/ajax.class.php, create a function named function (per your example).
Inside that function, use this to return data back to the JS you're making your ajax call in:
$this->call('var myJSONObject=' . json_encode('Your Data Here'));
Or send something more interesting, instead of data=test, lets do userId= (their user ID) like this:
$iUserId = Phpfox::getLib('request')->getInt('userId');
$aUser = $aUser = Phpfox::getService('user')->getUser($iUserId);
$this->call('var aUser =' . json_encode($aUser));
Now you have aUser set up as a JSON object with the user's info loaded in to it.

I think the problem is that you are confused as to how an ajax call works. In an ajax call your JS code will send a request to the server and continue executing the remaining javascript code, regardless of what happens in the server. So what you do is to return code from the ajax call:
JS Code -> Ajax Call -> Process in server -> JS Code
In that logic aboce, the last JS Code would call a javascript function with info taken from the "Process in server" stage, you can call a function and pass params to that functions, these params may be JSON objects if you wish.
I made a sample of how to do this in phpfox (ajax call + call JS function with JSON param) here, hope it helps


Reload page with new context in express

I have a page that lists events, in which admins are can delete individual items with an AJAX call. I want to reload the page when an event is deleted, but I am having trouble implementing it with my current understanding of express' usual req, res, and next.
Here is my current implementation (simplified):
Simple jQuery code:
in my routes file:
function eventCtrl(req,res){
var context = {
function deleteCtrl(req,res,next){
// delete my event from google calendar
return next();
When I make a post request with AJAX all the req handlers are called, the events are deleted successfully, but nothing reloads. Am I misunderstanding what res.render() does?
I have also tried using a success handler in my jQuery code when I make the post request, with a res.redirect() from deleteCtrl, but my context is undefined in that case.
on the client side, you are using
this code does not instruct the browser to do anything when the response from the post is received. So nothing visible happens in the browser.
You problem is not located server side ; the server answers with the context object. You are simply not doing anything with this answer.
Try simply adding a successHandler.
Generally speaking this would not be a best practice. What you want to do is reconcile the data. If the delete is successful, then just splice the object out of the array it exists in client-side. One alternative would be to actually send back a refreshed data set:
res.json( /* get the refreshed data set */ );
Then client-side, in the callback, you'd actually just set the data source(s) back up based on the result:
... myCallback(res) {
// refresh the data source(s) from the result

Making an Ajax request using data from previous ajax request

I am attempting to write an Angular page to communicate with my Nodejs server, but I have ran into a snag.
I need to use multiple Ajax requests that rely on the data from previous ajax requests to work.
So Ajax request #1 provides data that is used by all other Ajax requests, and Ajax request #2 uses data from ajax request #1 to get the data that Ajax request #3 needs.
Since Angular is asynchronous, how can I make my script wait for the data from the first one before making the next ajax call.
id = ajax()
Wait for data
token = ajax(id)
wait for data
gametoken = ajax(id, token)
wait for data
Chandermani is correct, just remember to make sure to make the variables you need available in the scope that you need it.
var id,token,gametoken;
return $http.get('http://host.com/second/'+id);
token = result
return $http.get('http://host.com/third'+id+'/'+token);
gametoken = result;
//Do other code here that requires id,token and gametoken
You don't have to chain the promises. If you want to make a call at a later date and you want to make sure the promises have resolved you can use $q.all();
var id,token,gametoken;
var p1 = $http.get('http://host.com/first')
// Later on to make your new second call
//Make second call knowing that the first has finished.
$q.all() takes an array so you can put in multiple promises if you want and it will wait until they have all resolved.

Debugging Ajax requests in a Symfony environment

Not sure if SFDebug is any help in this situation. I am making an ajax post using jQuery. Which retrieves JSON data in my action URL and then makes a call to the Model method that executes the action. The part until my action URL, and the jQuery call to it work fine. With the data transmitted from the client to the server well received and no errors being made.
It is the part where it calls the method on the Model that is failing. My jQuery method looks like this:
$.post(url, jsonData, function(servermsg) { console.log(servermsg); }) ;
My server action is like this
public function executeMyAjaxRequest(sfWebRequest $request)
// process whatever
$servermsg = Doctrine_Core::getTable('table')->addDataToTable($dataArray);
return $this->renderText($servermsg);
return false;
The method of concern in the Table.class.php file looks like this:
public function addDataToTable($dataArray)
// process $dataArray and retrieve the necessary data
$data = new Data();
$data->field = $dataArray['field'];
return $data->id ;
The method fails up here in the model, when renderText in the action is returned and logged into the console, it returns the HTMl for SFDEBUG. Which indicates that it failed.
If this was not an Ajax call, I could debug it by seeing what the model method spat out, but this is a little tedious with Ajax in the mix.
Not looking for exact answers here, but more on how I can approach debugging ajax requests in a symfony environment, so if there are suggestions on how I can debug this, that would be great.
You must send cookie with session ide key via ajax
(Assuming you have XDEBUG configured on the server)
In order to trigger a debug session by an AJAX request you have to somehow make that request to send additional URL parameter XDEBUG_SESSION_START=1. For your example:
$.post(url + '?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=1', jsonData, function(servermsg) { console.log(servermsg); }) ;
You can also trigger it via cookie, but appending URL parameter usually easier.

dojo.io.script.get vs dojo.xhrGet

I have spent days working on this and really feel dumb. I have been working on demos and samples that never work when I try it locally with my own url. I have a web service that returns results back in json and am just basically trying to call it using dojo and for now just view the results. I took the search google example and just substituted the url and parameters. Now perhaps I still do not understand the basics so:
- io.script.get vs xhrGet
if using cross domain urls it is better to use io.script.get? correct?
now what is the callbackparam? is this the function that is being called in the webservice?
My webservice url is as follows:
when I use the following code I get nothing displayed.
function searchGoogle() {
// Look up the node we'll stick the text under.
var targetNode = dojo.byId("rules");
// The parameters to pass to xhrGet, the url, how to handle it, and the callbacks.
var jsonpArgs = {
url: "http://xxx.xxx.x.xxx/WcfServices/WcfInstance/Service1.svc/RetrieveData?",
callbackParamName: "callback",
content: {
load: function (data) {
// Set the data from the search into the viewbox in nicely formatted JSON
targetNode.innerHTML = "<pre>" + dojo.toJson(data, true) + "</pre>";
error: function (error) {
targetNode.innerHTML = "An unexpected error occurred: " + error;
Here is what the webservice results look like:
{\"value\":\"Cidade de Goa beach\"},{\"value\":\"Euro 2012\"},
{\"value\":\"Holiday Inn Resort\"},
{\"value\":\"Holiday Inn Resort goa\"},
{\"value\":\"Hotel Goa\"},{\"value\":\"Hyatt Goa\"},{\"value\":\"I buy car\"},...
If I get this part correct then at least I know I have data which I can then bind to a datagrid or chart.
dojo.io.script.get is for all cross domain requests.
xhrGet is for same domain requests.
dojo.io.script.get uses a hack which expects jsonp or json padding as a result. This wraps the response of the web service call inside a self executing function. The function name is the callback name. This has to be wired before the call so it knows what already defined function to call when a response comes back.
All of the arguments are well documented http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.7/dojo/io/script.html
My guess as to why your service isn't working is because you wrote the web service and it does not handle jsonp. It is not wrapping its response inside the callbackparamname.
your results should look something like
where callback is whatever you set up in callbackParamName
you can also remove the ? from your url, that should be handled for you.

setCallbackHandler function with multiple inputs

I am sure there is a simple answer to this one, I'm just too new to Ajax to see it.
I am using CF 9 and i am trying to setup the callbackfuntion to take multiple inputs, however, I don't know the default name of the results from the ajax call.
here is what works:
var mySSN = document.getElementById("SSN");
var cfc = new myajax();
And here is what i am trying to do:
var mySSN = document.getElementById("SSN");
var cfc = new myajax();
cfc.setCallbackHandler(UpdateValidationNotes(MyField, AjaxResults);
However, i don't know how to reference the ajax results since the callback handler is doing it automagically. Can anyone help out the lose newbie?
Give a try like this,
var mySSN = document.getElementById("SSN");
var cfc = new myajax();
cfc.setCallbackHandler(function(AjaxResults) {UpdateValidationNotes(MyField, AjaxResults);});
The callback handler function can only take one argument, which will be passed to your handler function automagically. This will be the return value from the CFC that the proxy has deserialized from JSON to a JavaScript representation.(see CFAjaxProxy docmentation)
When you call setCallbackHandler, you just pass the function with no arguments.
It looks like you are trying to determine which field you just validated to possibly display a notice if it doesn't validate. In such cases, what I do is submit the field name to the server and have the server return it back in the response.
