magento var folder - magento

A while back I was deleting Magento's cache in the var folder. I may be wrong but I think I made a mistake and instead of deleting everything in var/cache deleted everything in var accidentally. Magento seems to be running fine though. Have I got problems that I cant see, can anyone tell me?
Magento 1.6.

It should be fine, the files in there are supposed to be temporary. Just make sure that you recreate the .htaccess file that was in there as it blocks the public from being able to see your log files if you have logging enabled. The .htaccess file just contains these lines:
Order deny,allow
Deny from all

As long as the permissions are properly set on var/ , Magento will recreate the needed subfolders. You may need to create the import and export folders, watch for any other folders that may have been created by third party module installs, they should be recreated if the module programmer did their homework.
I've had situations where I actually had to delete all the folders in var/ so the web server could recreate them with the proper ownership (running as nobody).

In the future in case you're interested in emptying your cache:
Simply delete everything from the /var/cache directory and then reload your website in your browser.
To clear all sessions, you can also delete everything from the /var/session folder within your Magento installation directory.


Magento not rebuilding product image cache, certain pages loading with url extension ?_SID=U

After clearing Magento's image cache, the site seems unable to rebuild image caches and certain pages are loading with a url extension ?___SID=U. All product images are coming up blank and look to be halting further loading of the site (no footer or sidebar loading on those pages).
It seems to be a permissions issue? Relevant folder (media) is currently recursively set to 777. But I'm still having issues.
I've read everything I could and found no solutions. Changed memory allowance in php.ini.sample to 512M. .htaccess does also have two areas that define this, set to 64M and 256M - would this change anything?
Any advice?
possibly this? -
I renamed folders (not files) manually, as I am a SQL newbie. No change.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Alright, so my host returned the site to a backup from the day before I cleared the cache and at first that seemed to do something, but it has only returned certain images. It looks like Magento is still unable to rebuild the cache, only now it has some stuff in the cache instead of being dead empty. Should I try again all of those methods that previously had not worked? Deleting the cache folder, etc etc?
I had this exact problem and realized i forgot to install/enable gd library on my local server, it is a library responsible for image/thumbs cache recreation so check if gd2 is enabled in apache mudules
media folder permission 777
deleted htaccess file under the media folder
clear the cache
cache folder is writeable
rebuilt all indexes
In my case I resolve renaming .htaccess in .htaccessOLD
Check how much disk space is left.
I've experienced exact same symptoms before and it was because there was no disk space left to store new cache items.

Joomla blank after changing server, admin panel good

I did a cPanel move of a Joomla 1.5 website and a PHPBB3 forum from one server to another, and when the DNS changes kicked in all I see is a blank page. The administrator panel works without any problems whatsoever. cPanel works. Website and forum (which is separate from the website) are both blank.
I have then manually downloaded and then uploaded all files (didn't move the databases manually), and some files wouldn't upload because of 555 file permissions. I changed the permissions to 777 temporarily to overwrite the file with the manually uploaded one. So all files are now the same as they were on the old server.
Even when I turn the Site Debugging on, the screen is blank.
There is no hidden index.html or default.html file which could be causing the problem.
The entire account was moved with cPanel so it's the same on the old server and the new server. The hosting provider reports no problems. The DNS changes kicked in two days ago.
PHP is working, as this link works:
In configuration.php, there is nothing specifically pointing to the old site.
var $dbtype = 'WeboMySql';
var $host = 'localhost';
All roads in these cases generally lead to configuration.php Check spelling and punctuation for mistakes. Also, enable one of the default Joomla Templates to be sure that whatever template you're using isn't also using old values.
Problem is solved.
The configuration.php file was to blame, as everyone suggested, but there was no possible way to change it manually and get it right, I had to make the system determine its own configuration.
I installed a fresh version of Joomla in a separate folder, and a fresh version of PHPBB3 in a separate folder.
Then I took the configuration.php and config.php files for those two things and put them in the existing folders of the website which didn't work.
Changed the minor details such as database prefixes (as I couldn't have entered the existing ones while installing), and that's it. Now it works.
So this might be a good workaround for anyone facing the same problem. Install a dummy version of Joomla and use the generated configuration.php file for the old, non-functioning website.
Before starting to debug the server, turn debug-mode on (in the admin CP)
First thing I would try is to delete the cache by running: rm –rf /var/www/html/<your website directory>/var/cache/*
The next thing I would try is to switch to another template - make sure that the template is not the issue.
Also, make sure to check the apache access log - just in case. also, you can check .htaccess for stuff like 301 redirect rules or any other problematic configuration (same applies for httpd.conf and configuration.php)
Good luck!

ASP.NET and PNG from root not working

I am baffled but why wouldnt work, even though it's in the root? I keep getting a 404 error. I update the extension to .JPG and it works. This happens on IIS and my local VS server. I'm not doing anything special with routes.
Have anything in your web.config that is preventing any particular content from being served from the root? Also try to manually delete your bin and obj folders, rebuilding and checking again.

Copy joomla folder - data is shared?

I installed joomla! 1.5 in a subfolder of my website root. Months later I decided to put the joomla site in the root folder, so I copied everything from the subfolder to the root folder. This worked, but I noticed something strange - the webite data is somehow shared between the two copies. For example, the visitors counter. When I click a few articles in my root joomla copy, I can see that the visitors counter has incremented. When I then enter my subfolder original installation of joomla, I see the counter showing the same value of the root folder copy of joomla. My questions are:
1. How is this happening, can I disable this connection between the two folders?
2. Suppose I choose to continue using the copy of joomla in the root folder without disconnecting the connection with the subfolder installation, am I going to encounter problems, or is it safe to just use the root folder copy?
Thank you very much!
Both copies are using the same database. You'll start running in to issues once you have added any extensions that make changes to the database. There is no need for the old files, just delete them.

Magento Connect is not working after migration

I have a problem with Magento after move it from local to live server: Magento connect is not working properly. I will explain it:
I have access to Magento connect, but the extensions are not working.
I have tried to delete the pear.ini file but didn't work. I have tried to delete the app/etc/local.xml file, copying the following files from a clean installation: clear, pear, peardev and pecl, and then running the installation process again, but nothing happened.
Is there a way to get my downloaded extensions working wihtout do a clean install?
Greets to all and I aplogize for my English.
Moving a Magento installation can be difficult. Here is the procedure that I have used many times with great success.
Make sure that your /download folder and the /pear folder are owner and group writeable and that the apache or other http user have write access via the group permissions.
Check the file permissions match the webserver's user and delete downloader/pearlib/pear.ini. When you hit the page, it will regenerate the file with the correct paths.
In order to get the extensions working I needed to copy all files manually. I don't know why, but I have tried everything and it was the only solution that worked for me.
