On screen keyboard in windows phone 7.1 emulator not showing - windows-phone-7

I am working on an application in Windows Phone 7.1. I have a page with textbox and button to take input from user. Today suddenly my on-screen keyboard (shown when clicked on textbox) is not working. Button click is also not hitting the method in codebehind. It was working when last time I worked on app. I created another app and tested that on screen keyboard and button clicks are working there. Has someone else faced this issue and is anybody having any idea what's going wrong?

Maybe you just closed emulator keyboard by using "Page Down"/"Page Up" keys? There are few keyboard shortcuts for WP7 emulator.


xamarin forms UWP tablet app windows 10 clicking on 2nd textbox closes keyboard

We are doing User acceptance testing on a Xamarin Forms UWP app targeting windows 10 tablet. We are finding that when the user clicks on a textbox to enter data the soft keyboard appears as expected. However, when the user then clicks into the next textbox to enter a second required piece of data, the soft keyboard hides/closes. This results in the user having to double hit the second textbox (and any more than might need to be filled). The first click hides the keyboard, the second then causes the keyboard to reappear. To say the least this is not a good user experience. I'm guessing maybe the focus of the second is firing before the lost focus of the first? Has anyone else observed this behavior and is there any easy fix? As may want to target both Android and Windows I'm hoping for a simple solution but maybe UWP just does has some problems?

Xamarin MasterDetailPage menu on UWP

I implemented MasterDetailPage into my app, but on Windows 10 the behavior seems a bit weird.
When the app starts, the menu is showing as expected. But when I click an item, it disappears with no way to go back or show the menu again.
It's simple to reproduce.. Download the sample: https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-forms-samples/tree/master/Navigation/MasterDetailPage
Run the UWP app on Windows 10 and click any menu item. Now you're stuck on that page, with no way to navigate further.
Yes, it's weird.
To somewhat fix this issue, you can use the MasterDetailsPage MasterBehavior property, and change the behavior to one that doesn't seem odd.
You could also use some code to change it only when running on Windows, since the menu works correctly on Android and iOS.

How to program a toolbar on top of windows phone keyboard?

I'd like to add a "hide button" each time the keyboard shows up so that user can see all the screen when he needs to.
In iPhone this toolbar exists, is it possible to do the same for windows phone anyhow ?
You cannot change the default keyboard. Still here is a tutorial to create a custom keyboard on Windows Phone 7.

When does the touch keyboard popup?

I'm working on a non-touch device (regular PC...) with a keyboard. I've written a Windows 8 App, which includes TextBox.
I want to launch the Touch Keyboard, when the user uses a device without a keyboard (=Tablet/Phone). How can I test it?
I.e. when I use the Visual Studio simulator for Windows 8 and choose "taps" as the gesture, the virtual touch keyboard still won't popup. Is there any specific moment where Windows is using the keyboard automatically? I'd actually like to test the Touch Keyboard to check the InputScope (i.e. InputScope="Number") and the 'look of the app', when the keyboard pops up.
If needed, my TextBox looks like this:
<TextBox InputScope="Number"/>
Edit: The keyboard pops up now (I don't know why...). I've started the simulator and used "taps" as gesture and the keyboard didn't pop up. After restarting the simulator ~5 times, it pops up now, but the InputScope is not Number...
Visual Studio 2012 comes with a Simulator that you can run your Windows 8 app in. On the right of that, you may notice buttons near the top, one that's a pointer and another that's a finger. If you use the finger, then all input will be touch input, as if there were no keyboard.

Open application in windows phone by hold special button

I have an application and I want to open it by hold some special button on the phone (ex : camera button, power button...). Do you have some ideas or example code to solve it?
Unfortunately it isn't possible. On Windows Phone 7, the only physical buttons you can subscribe to are the back button and the camera button, and it's only when your application is running. So you can't launch an application that way.
