Joomla deleted articles visible - joomla

I have deleted some articles in Joomla (1.7). They are invisible in article manager, but are visible on the site. How can I delete them completely? As I see, the "Super User" account even hasn't permissions to edit them (no edit icon).

You are probably logged in as super admin on the frontend. That way you can still see articles which are in the trash (not fully deleted). If you want do delete them for good, switch to the trash view and delete them.


Remove reCAPTCHA site on Admin Console

Pretty simple. I feel like there's a setting or button somewhere that I'm not seeing. I have a list of sites I've registered with reCAPTCHA. I want to delete one on the admin console. How do I do it?
When I go into the settings on one of the sites there doesn't seem to be a way to delete.
I was right, there's a delete button I didn't see! Click the cog at the top to enter the settings of the page you want to delete. Then there's a delete button in the header of that page. Hopefully this will save someone some time. Check it out:

How can I manually remove a joomla 2.5 extension?

I accidentally installed a more recent component of J2XML designed for Joomla 3 into my J2.5 site... and now I have no idea how to remove it. The only Admin page that works is the main Admin page... all the other admin pages are blank... I'm assuming it's logging the error somewhere, but I have no idea where that would be.
Can I manually remove the extension/module? What database tables should i remove?
I have already removed the folder of files, but I'm not familiar enough with the Joomla db structure to know what damage has been caused.
And in this case, backups have failed me.
you should able to look at _components table and remove J2XML entry so it doesn't show in administrator panel

joomla 3.3.6 404 article not found

A client has made a minor change to his joomla site, and now the whole site is displaying 404 article not found.
He said that he created an article, deleted it, and created a new article with the same name. That's it.
How can I resolve this problem without knowing which article is causing the problem?
What I would suggest you do is firstly delete the article properly. In the Article Manager, set the status to trashed which will display all deleted articles. Select the article your client removed and delete it properly.
Then, go to your Menu Manager, open the menu item that was associated with this article, and select it again, then save the menu item.
Should now work.
When you delete an article, it removes the association from the menu item, so even if you create another article with the same name, you still need to assign it to the menu item.
Hope this helps
It turns out that somehow the "uncategorized" category was deleted, while there were still articles published in that category. This caused the whole site to break.
I don't think it had anything to do with the actual article that my client had edited. That's just the only thing he remembered doing.
Lesson learned: do not delete categories with articles still in them. (Why can't joomla just not let you do that?)

Pencil icon next to title doesn't appear in Joomla site

Hi i have a problem in a Joomla site that i am editor.
I cannot see the little pencil that allows me to change a Joomla site content when i log in.
I have the rights to change the content but it seems i cannot.
And another question....
How can i see my account settings on that site so i can change the editor? It did showed me the account settings but i cannot seem to see then anymore.
Ps. I do not have access to the administrator page of joomla they just made me editor on the site.
Thank you.
They'll have to give you access to the front end editor - ask your administrator. They may have it turned off.
If they gave you permission to see your profile page you may be able to set the editor...again that's an administrator question.

Get preview link to article before publishing

In Joomla 1.5, I created an article. Before publishing it, I want to send a preview URL to my colleagues (they are not registered to Joomla).
I'm looking for something like adding task=preview to the URL and it would show the article.
It would be enough if the article would be normally published but would not be displayed on the main page in the latest news. I tried to set "Front Page" to "No" but without success.
How can I solve the problem?
Joomla! 1.5 doesn't have a feature like this and from the way it's built I'm not sure it's possible without modifying the core com_content files. You could try a search of the Joomla! Extension Directory to see if someone has implemented what you're after.
In the meantime if the article is turning up on the websites front page even when you've set it not to - then the front page must be using a Section/Category Blog page style rather than a Joomla Frontpage page. In this case you could find out which category is set to show on the menu item being used for the front page and then temporarily change your article to another that doesn't appear there.
Once you've got it in another Category you should be able to get a link to the article by doing a search from the front end (assuming you don't want to create a menu link).
try creating a new category called Preview and since that wouldn't have been assigned to any pages yet, it should not appear. If you have trouble finding the article then, you could temporarily publish it either on the home page or somewhere in the menu. Then when you have found and copied the url, you can remove the article from the home page or menu or wherever you temporarily have it appear.
If you should ever want several 'preview' articles appearing on one page, create a new menu item, assign it to the Preview category you made, and in System Parameters, click on Show Title: 'No' so it doesn't appear in the menu. I don't know about what shows up in Google for example so if it's sensitive data I can't say it won't show in search engines, it probably will.
It probably appears on the Front Page because as you say it's part of the 'latest news' module. You could also try removing it from the module feed, but a new category is what I'd do.
I just selected Section: "Uncategorised" and the article went out from the latest news. Hope it's not accessible any other way in the current setup (there is no search function hopefully). It's not a cleanest solution, but it seems to work.
