How can I select one out of several Graphics3D objects and change its coordinates in Mathematica? - wolfram-mathematica

In the accepted answer of question " Mathematica and MouseListener - developing interactive graphics with Mma " Sjoerd C de Vries demonstrates that it is possible to select an object in a 3D graphic and change its color.
I would like to know if it is possible (in a similar fashion as above) in a Graphics3D with two or more objects (e.g. two cuboids) to select one and change its coordinates (by moving or otherwise)?

I'm partly reusing Sjoerd's code here, but maybe something like this
DynamicModule[{pos10, pos11 = {0, 0, 0},
pos12 = {0, 0, 0}, pos20, pos21 = {0, 0, 0}, pos22 = {0, 0, 0}},
Dynamic[{Translate[Cuboid[], pos11]}, ImageSize -> Tiny],
{"MouseDown" :> (pos10 = Mean#MousePosition["Graphics3DBoxIntercepts"]),
"MouseDragged" :> (pos11 =
pos12 + Mean#MousePosition["Graphics3DBoxIntercepts"] - pos10),
"MouseUp" :> (pos12 = pos11)}],
Dynamic[{Translate[Cuboid[{1, 1, 1}], pos21]}, ImageSize -> Tiny],
{"MouseDown" :> (pos20 = Mean#MousePosition["Graphics3DBoxIntercepts"]),
"MouseDragged" :> (pos21 =
pos22 + Mean#MousePosition["Graphics3DBoxIntercepts"] - pos20),
"MouseUp" :> (pos22 = pos21)}]},
PlotRange -> {{-3, 3}, {-3, 3}, {-3, 3}}]]
Note that this just moves the cuboids in a plane so you would have to rotate the bounding box to move them perpendicular to that plane, but it shouldn't be too hard to introduce a third dimensions by adding modifier keys.
Thanks for the comments. Here's an updated version of the code above. In this version the cubes jump back to within the bounding box if they happen to move outside so that should solve the problem of the disappearing cubes.
DynamicModule[{init, cube, bb, restrict, generate},
init = {{0, 0, 0}, {2, 1, 0}};
bb = {{-3, 3}, {-3, 3}, {-3, 3}};
cube[pt_, scale_] :=
Translate[Scale[Cuboid[{-1/2, -1/2, -1/2}, {1/2, 1/2, 1/2}], scale], pt];
restrict[pt_] := MapThread[Min[Max[#1[[1]], #2], #1[[2]]] &, {bb, pt}];
generate[pos_, scale_] := Module[{mp, pos0, pos1, pos2},
mp := MousePosition["Graphics3DBoxIntercepts"];
pos1 = pos;
Dynamic[{cube[pos1, scale]}, ImageSize -> Tiny],
{"MouseDown" :> (pos0 = LeastSquares[Transpose[mp], pos1].mp),
"MouseDragged" :>
((pos1 = #[[2]] + Projection[pos0 - #[[2]], #[[1]] - #[[2]]]) &#mp),
"MouseUp" :> (pos1 = restrict[pos1])}]];
Graphics3D[generate[#, 1] & /# init, PlotRange -> bb, PlotRangePadding -> .5]


Combining Plots in Mathematica is not giving the expected result

I'm trying to combine 3 functions graphed on a Plot[] and 1 function graphed on a ParametricPlot[]. My equations are as follows:
plota = Plot[{-2 x, -2 Sqrt[x], -2 x^(3/5)}, {x, 0, 1}, PlotLegend -> {"-2 x", "-2 \!\(\*SqrtBox[\(x\)]\)", "-2 \!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(x\), \(3/5\)]\)"}]
plotb = ParametricPlot[{2.4056 (u - Sin[u]), 2.4056 (Cos[u] - 1)}, {u,0, 1.40138}, PlotLegend -> {"Problem 3"}]
Show[plota, plotb]
This is the image it gives:
As yoda said, PlotLegends is terrible. However, if you don't mind setting the plot styles manually and repeating them lateron, ShowLegend can help.
plota = Plot[{-2 x, -2 Sqrt[x], -2 x^(3/5)}, {x, 0, 1},
PlotStyle -> {{Red}, {Blue}, {Orange}}];
plotb = ParametricPlot[{2.4056 (u - Sin[u]), 2.4056 (Cos[u] - 1)}, {u, 0, 1.40138},
PlotStyle -> {{Black}}];
And now
ShowLegend[Show[plota, plotb],
{{{Graphics[{Red, Line[{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}]}], Label1},
{Graphics[{Blue, Line[{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}]}], Label2},
{Graphics[{Orange, Line[{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}]}], Label3},
{Graphics[{Black, Line[{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}]}], Label4}},
LegendSize -> {0.5, 0.5}, LegendPosition -> {0.5, -0.2}}]
which will give you this:
You can also write some simple functions to make this a little less cumbersome, if you deal with this problem often.
Well, the root cause of the error is the PlotLegends package, which is a terrible, buggy package. Removing that, Show combines them correctly:
plota = Plot[{-2 x, -2 Sqrt[x], -2 x^(3/5)}, {x, 0, 1}]
plotb = ParametricPlot[{2.4056 (u - Sin[u]), 2.4056 (Cos[u] - 1)}, {u,
0, 1.40138}]
Show[plota, plotb]
You can see Simon's solution here for ideas to label your different curves without using PlotLegends. This answer by James also demonstrates why PlotLegends has the reputation it has...
You can still salvage something with the PlotLegends package. Here's an example using ShowLegends that you can modify to your tastes
colors = {Red, Green, Blue, Pink};
legends = {-2 x, -2 Sqrt[x], -2 x^(3/5), "Problem 3"};
plota = Plot[{-2 x, -2 Sqrt[x], -2 x^(3/5)}, {x, 0, 1},
PlotStyle -> colors[[1 ;; 3]]];
plotb = ParametricPlot[{2.4056 (u - Sin[u]), 2.4056 (Cos[u] - 1)}, {u,
0, 1.40138}, PlotStyle -> colors[[4]]];
plotb], {Table[{Graphics[{colors[[i]], Thick,
Line[{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}]}], legends[[i]]}, {i, 4}],
LegendPosition -> {0.4, -0.15}, LegendSpacing -> 0,
LegendShadow -> None, LegendSize -> 0.6}]
As the other answers pointed out, the culprit is PlotLegend. So, sometimes is useful to be able to roll your own plot legends:
plotStyle = {Red, Green, Blue};
labls = {"a", "b", "Let's go"};
f[i_, s_] := {Graphics[{plotStyle[[i]], Line[{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}]},
ImageSize -> {15, 10}], Style[labls[[i]], s]};
Plot[{Sin[x], Sin[2 x], Sin[3 x]}, {x, 0, 2 Pi},
PlotStyle -> plotStyle,
Epilog ->
Inset[Framed[Style#Column[{Grid[Table[f[i, 15], {i, 1, 3}]]}]],
Offset[{-2, -2}, Scaled[{1, 1}]], {Right, Top}],
PlotRangePadding -> 1

Labeling vertices of a polygon in Mathematica

Given a set of points in the plane T={a1,a2,...,an} then Graphics[Polygon[T]] will plot the polygon generated by the points. How can I add labels to the polygon's vertices? Have merely the index as a label would be better then nothing. Any ideas?
pts = {{1, 0}, {0, Sqrt[3]}, {-1, 0}};
{{LightGray, Polygon[pts]},
{pts /. {x_, y_} :> Text[Style[{x, y}, Red], {x, y}]}}
To add point also
pts = {{1, 0}, {0, Sqrt[3]}, {-1, 0}};
{{LightGray, Polygon[pts]},
{pts /. {x_, y_} :> Text[Style[{x, y}, Red], {x, y}, {0, -1}]},
{pts /. {x_, y_} :> {Blue, PointSize[0.02], Point[{x, y}]}}
Use the index:
pts = {{1, 0}, {0, Sqrt[3]}, {-1, 0}};
{{LightGray, Polygon[pts]},
{pts /. {x_, y_} :>
Text[Style[Position[pts, {x, y}], Red], {x, y}, {0, -1}]}
Nasser's version (update) uses pattern matching. This one uses functional programming. MapIndexed gives you both the coordinates and their index without the need for Position to find it.
pts = {{1, 0}, {0, Sqrt[3]}, {-1, 0}};
{LightGray, Polygon[pts]},
MapIndexed[Text[Style[#2[[1]], Red], #1, {0, -1}] &, pts]
or, if you don't like MapIndexed, here's a version with Apply (at level 1, infix notation ###).
pts = {{1, 0}, {0, Sqrt[3]}, {-1, 0}};
idx = Range[Length[pts]];
{LightGray, Polygon[pts]},
Text[Style[#2, Red], #1, {0, -1}] & ### ({pts, idx}\[Transpose])
This can be expanded to arbitrary labels as follows:
pts = {{1, 0}, {0, Sqrt[3]}, {-1, 0}};
idx = {"One", "Two", "Three"};
{LightGray, Polygon[pts]},
Text[Style[#2, Red], #1, {0, -1}] & ### ({pts, idx}\[Transpose])
You can leverage the options of GraphPlot for this. Example:
c = RandomReal[1, {3, 2}]
g = GraphPlot[c, VertexLabeling -> True, VertexCoordinateRules -> c];
Graphics[{Polygon#c, g[[1]]}]
This way you can also make use of VertexLabeling -> Tooltip, or VertexRenderingFunction if you want to. If you do not want the edges overlaid, you may add EdgeRenderingFunction -> None to the GraphPlot function. Example:
c = RandomReal[1, {3, 2}]
g = GraphPlot[c, VertexLabeling -> All, VertexCoordinateRules -> c,
EdgeRenderingFunction -> None,
VertexRenderingFunction -> ({White, EdgeForm[Black], Disk[#, .02],
Black, Text[#2, #1]} &)];
Graphics[{Brown, Polygon#c, g[[1]]}]

Arrows for the axes

How to get arrows for the axes when using the command Plot in Mathematica?
Thanks for any helpful answers.
For 2D plots such as generated by Plot the following works great:
Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 10}, AxesStyle -> Arrowheads[0.07]]
or with custom arrow heads:
h = Graphics[Line[{{-1, 1/2}, {0, 0}, {-1, -1/2}}]];
Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 10},
AxesStyle -> Arrowheads[{{Automatic, Automatic, h}}]]
Building on Sjoerd's answer,
a plot such as
may be obtained as follows (for example):
Plot[Sin[x], {x, -2\[Pi], 2 \[Pi]},
AxesStyle-> {
There are nice examples of arrowheads given in Drawings Tools and Graphics Inspector. There are probably much better ways of getting the info but I annotate a plot with an arrow that I like and then abstract (using a suggestion from Simon):
Cases["Paste-Graphic_Here", Arrowheads[___], Infinity]
To give another example:
The code is as follows
Plot[Sin[x], {x, -2\[Pi],2 \[Pi]},
AxesStyle-> { Directive[{Red,
{Graphics[{arrowhead}]/.arrowhead-> arrowhead2,0.98`}},
{Graphics[{arrowhead}],0.98`}}}]/.arrowhead-> arrowhead4}],
{Graphics[{arrowhead}]/.arrowhead-> arrowhead3,0.98`}},{0.03,.8(*Yup*),
{Graphics[{arrowhead}]/.arrowhead-> arrowhead1,0.98`}}}]}
A list of arrowheads 1 to 5:
Here you have a solution posted in
As the solution in the reference is for Plot3D, here I modified (but not improved) it for Plot[ ]:
axes[x_, y_, f_, a_] :=
Arrow[{{0, 0}, #}] & /# {{x, 0}, {0, y}},
{Text[Style["x", FontSize -> Scaled[f]], {0.9*x, 0.1*y}],
Text[Style["y", FontSize -> Scaled[f]], {0.1 x, 0.95*y}]
Show[Plot[Exp[-x^2], {x, -2, 2},
Axes -> None,
PlotRange -> {{-2.1, 2.1}, {-.1, 1.1}}],
axes[2, 1, 0.05, 0.02]

How to create 2D (3D) animation in Wolfram Mathematica with the camera following the object?

I have a graphical object which is moving along a trajectory. How can I make the camera follow the object?
Let's draw a planet and its satellite, with the camera following the moon from a view directed toward the Earth. For example:
a = {-3.5, 3.5};
Sphere[3 {Cos#t, Sin#t, 0}, .5],
ViewPoint -> 3.5 {Cos#t, Sin#t, 0},
SphericalRegion -> True,
PlotRange -> {a, a, a}, Axes -> False, Boxed -> False],
{t, 0, 2 Pi}]
Where myEarth is another 3D Graphics (for reference).
Static vertical view:
a = {-3.5, 3.5};
Sphere[3 {Cos#t, Sin#t, 0}, .5],
ViewPoint -> 3.5 {0,0,1},
SphericalRegion -> True,
PlotRange -> {a, a, a}, Axes -> False, Boxed -> False],
{t, 0, 2 Pi}]
The trick is SphericalRegion -> True, without it the image perspective "moves" from frame to frame.
With two static objects:
Since the question asks about 2D, here's how you can emulate a camera in 2D Graphics.
First, let's get the stackoverflow favicon.ico:
so = First#Import[""]
Well put this on top of some overlapping circles and make the "camera" follow the icon around by adjusting the PlotRange
Table[Circle[{j, 0}, i], {i, 0, 1, .1}, {j, {-.5, .5}}],
Inset[so, pos, {0, 0}, .2]},
PlotRange -> {{-.5, .5}, {-.5, .5}} + pos],
{{pos, {0, 0}, ""}, {-1.4, -1}, {1.4, 1}, ControlPlacement -> Left}]
To show how it works (with out putting the above into Mathematica), we need to animate it.
Originally I chose a variable step random walk drunk = Accumulate[RandomReal[{-.1, .1}, {200, 2}]] but it was a unpredictable! So instead, we'll make the icon follow the ABC logo
drunk = Table[{1.5 Sin[t], Cos[3 t]}, {t, 0, 2 Pi, .1}];
Table[Circle[{j, 0}, i], {i, 0, 1, .1}, {j, {-.5, .5}}],
Inset[so, drunk[[pos]], {0, 0}, .2]},
PlotRange -> {{-.5, .5}, {-.5, .5}} + drunk[[pos]]],
{pos, 1, Length[drunk], 1}]

Plotting arrows at the edges of a curve

Inspired by this question at ask.sagemath, what is the best way of adding arrows to the end of curves produced by Plot, ContourPlot, etc...? These are the types of plots seen in high school, indicating the curve continues off the end of the page.
After some searching, I could not find a built-in way or up-to-date package to do this. (There is ArrowExtended, but it's quite old).
The solution given in the ask.sagemath question relies on the knowledge of the function and its endpoints and (maybe) the ability to take derivatives. Its translation into Mathematica is
f[x_] := Cos[12 x^2]; xmin = -1; xmax = 1; small = .01;
Plot[f[x],{x,xmin,xmax}, PlotLabel -> y==f[x], AxesLabel->{x,y},
An alternative method is to simply replace the Line[] objects generate by Plot[] with Arrow[]. For example
Plot[{x^2, Sin[10 x], UnitStep[x]}, {x, -1, 1},
PlotStyle -> {Red, Green, {Thick, Blue}},
(*AxesStyle -> Arrowheads[.03],*) PlotRange -> All] /.
Line[x__] :> Sequence[Arrowheads[{-.04, .04}], Arrow[x]]
But this has the problem that any discontinuities in the lines generate arrow heads where you don't want them (this can often be fixed by the option Exclusions -> None). More importantly, this approach is hopeless with CountourPlots. Eg try
ContourPlot[x^2 + y^3 == 1, {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 1}] /.
Line[x__] :> Sequence[Arrowheads[{-.04, .04}], Arrow[x]]
(the problems in the above case can be fixed by the rule, e.g., {a___, l1_Line, l2_Line, b___} :> {a, Line[Join[l2[[1]], l1[[1]]]], b} or by using appropriate single headed arrows.).
As you can see, neither of the above (quick hacks) are particularly robust or flexible. Does anyone know an approach that is?
The following seems to work, by sorting the segments first:
f[x_] := {E^-x^2, Sin[10 x], Sign[x], Tan[x], UnitBox[x],
IntegerPart[x], Gamma[x],
Piecewise[{{x^2, x < 0}, {x, x > 0}}], {x, x^2}};
arrowPlot[f_] :=
Plot[{#}, {x, -2, 2}, Axes -> False, Frame -> True, PlotRangePadding -> .2] /.
{Hue[qq__], a___, x___Line} :> {Hue[qq], a, SortBy[{x}, #[[1, 1, 1]] &]} /.
{a___,{Line[x___], d___, Line[z__]}} :>
List[Arrowheads[{-.06, 0}], a, Arrow[x], {d},
Arrowheads[{0, .06}], Arrow[z]] /.
{a___,{Line[x__]}}:> List[Arrowheads[{-.06, 0.06}], a, Arrow[x]] & /# f[x];
Inspired by both Alexey's comment and belisarius's answers, here's my attempt.
makeArrowPlot[g_Graphics, ah_: 0.06, dx_: 1*^-6, dy_: 1*^-6] :=
Module[{pr = PlotRange /. Options[g, PlotRange], gg, lhs, rhs},
gg = g /. GraphicsComplex -> (Normal[GraphicsComplex[##]] &);
lhs := Or##Flatten[{Thread[Abs[#[[1, 1, 1]] - pr[[1]]] < dx],
Thread[Abs[#[[1, 1, 2]] - pr[[2]]] < dy]}]&;
rhs := Or##Flatten[{Thread[Abs[#[[1, -1, 1]] - pr[[1]]] < dx],
Thread[Abs[#[[1, -1, 2]] - pr[[2]]] < dy]}]&;
gg = gg /. x_Line?(lhs[#]&&rhs[#]&) :> {Arrowheads[{-ah, ah}], Arrow##x};
gg = gg /. x_Line?lhs :> {Arrowheads[{-ah, 0}], Arrow##x};
gg = gg /. x_Line?rhs :> {Arrowheads[{0, ah}], Arrow##x};
We can test this on some functions
Plot[{x^2, IntegerPart[x], Tan[x]}, {x, -3, 3}, PlotStyle -> Thick]//makeArrowPlot
And on some contour plots
ContourPlot[{x^2 + y^2 == 1, x^2 + y^2 == 6, x^3 + y^3 == {1, -1}},
{x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}] // makeArrowPlot
One place where this fails is where you have horizontal or vertical lines on the edge of the plot;
This can be fixed by options such as PlotRange->{-2.1,2.1} or Exclusions->None.
Finally, it would be nice to add an option so that each "curve" can arrow heads only on their boundaries. This would give plots like those in Belisarius's answer (it would also avoid the problem mentioned above). But this is a matter of taste.
The following construct has the advantage of not messing with the internal structure of the Graphics structure, and is more general than the one suggested in ask.sagemath, as it manage PlotRange and infinities better.
f[x_] = Gamma[x]
{plot, evals} =
Reap[Plot[f[x], {x, -2, 2}, Axes -> False, Frame -> True,
PlotRangePadding -> .2, EvaluationMonitor :> Sow[{x, f[x]}]]];
{{minX, maxX}, {minY, maxY}} = Options[plot, PlotRange] /. {_ -> y_} -> y;
ev = Select[evals[[1]], minX <= #[[1]] <= maxX && minY <= #[[2]] <= maxY &];
seq = SortBy[ev, #[[1]] &];
arr = {Arrow[{seq[[2]], seq[[1]]}], Arrow[{seq[[-2]], seq[[-1]]}]};
Show[plot, Graphics[{Red, arr}]]
As a function:
arrowPlot[f_, interval_] := Module[{plot, evals, within, seq, arr},
within[p_, r_] :=
r[[1, 1]] <= p[[1]] <= r[[1, 2]] &&
r[[2, 1]] <= p[[2]] <= r[[2, 2]];
{plot, evals} = Reap[
Plot[f[x], Evaluate#{x, interval /. List -> Sequence},
Axes -> False,
Frame -> True,
PlotRangePadding -> .2,
EvaluationMonitor :> Sow[{x, f[x]}]]];
seq = SortBy[Select[evals[[1]],
Options[plot, PlotRange] /. {_ -> y_} -> y] &], #[[1]] &];
arr = {Arrow[{seq[[2]], seq[[1]]}], Arrow[{seq[[-2]], seq[[-1]]}]};
Show[plot, Graphics[{Red, arr}]]
arrowPlot[Gamma, {-3, 4}]
Still thinking what is better for ListPlot & al.
