Maven: How do I enforce property inclusion for a life cycle phase? - maven

I'm using Maven 3.0.3. If someone runs a Maven task that is inclusive of the "verify" phase, I want to ensure that a property, "tomcat.manager.url" is defined, and throw an error if it isn't. However, if someone hasn't run a command that includes verify (e.g. mvn test), I don't want to throw any error.
How do I do this?
Thanks, - Dave

You could set the enforcer plugin (docs) to execute during the "verify" phase with a rule that requires that plugin to be set, the configuration would look something like this:
<message>You must set a tomcat manager url</message>
Since the plugin will only execute during the verify phase, the check won't happen unless you are running a build that reaches that phase.


Why does exec-maven-plugin run all phases twice?

When I run a build with maven using the exec-maven-plugin, it runs everything twice for some reason. Is there a way to fix this so it only runs once? I've tried setting my phase in the pom.xml to compile and package and either way, it runs twice. My pom looks like
It turned out that adding the phase tag caused the command to get executed twice. Leaving that out, it is now getting run once as expected. I guess it doesn't matter what phase I give it now, it'll always run the goal, which works for me.
If you need to run this early in the build, excluding the phase isn't an option.
You can do something like this instead in the plugin config:
<phase>none</phase> <!-- disable the default execution in validate phase -->
<phase>generate-sources</phase><!-- now it will run once but in an earlier phase -->
I saw this happening due to the inclusion of:
This seems to be that the maven-source-plugin causes a re-execution of the generate-sources phase. See
Invokes the execution of the lifecycle phase generate-sources prior to executing itself.
If I removed this plugin, the exec goal only executed once.

Redirecting the nexus-staging-maven-plugin to an internal repository

I have a webjars project that I'd like to build snapshots and have them deployed locally (within our infrastructure) but have the releases be managed by
The problem I'm facing is that they need the nexus-staging-maven-plugin defined as part of their release process. So I'd like to keep the POM tailored for them as much as possible, and just make our own deviations via command line (or worst case, profile) if possible.
Typically, if doing this from scratch, you'd probably introduce the staging plugin in a profile, but I don't think I have that option. (I might have to make the modification though and discuss it with them.)
I've never used the staging plugin before, so this is my first exposure and it isn't a pleasant one given what I'm trying to do. I feel like I'm fighting the system.
I thought I had something by specifying:
and that pushes the artifact at the correct location, but then I can't figure out how to supply credentials. (401 unauthorized) I thought specifying the serverId might work, but no.
I then tried creating a profile, where I'd do something like this:
<configuration combine.self="override">
but that doesn't help. The effective-pom shows this:
<configuration combine.self="override">
<configuration combine.self="override">
and I can't unbind the deploy phase.
I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas on what to do in this type of scenario?
You can use the Nexus Staging Plugin's property skipNexusStagingDeployMojo to achieve this:
mvn clean package deploy:deploy -DskipNexusStagingDeployMojo=true
It is important to explicitly invoke package and then deploy:deploy, as otherwise (when only invoking mvn deploy) the default execution of the maven-deploy-plugin is suppressed by the Nexus Staging Plugin (even with the skip set to true).

Running a plugin goal before the default one

TL;DR: Using maven, I want to run a plugin goal at the beginning of the test phase, before tests actually run. What would be a clean way to do it?
I want to print a message just before the tests actually run. Hence I want to use the echo goal of the echo plugin at the beginning of the test phase (to tell the user that if every tests fail, he'd better have a look at the README since there's a test environment he should set up first)
Attempt n°1
A simple approach could be to run this plugin in the previous phase, process-test-classes.
It works, but it doesn't seem semantically correct to bind this task to this phase...
Attempt n°2
According to Maven documentation, When multiple executions are given that match a particular phase, they are executed in the order specified in the POM, with inherited executions running first., so I tried to set explicitly the surefire plugin:
<echo>*** If most tests fail, make sure you've installed the fake wiki. See README for more info ***</echo>
But tests run before my message is printed.
So, to put it in a nutshell: is there a way to reach my goal, or should I stick to the "process-test-classes solution" even though it seems a bit "hacky"?
As #khmarbaise said, your solution is still hacky, because whole test looks like Integration Test and should be processed by Failsafe Plugin. Failsafe has nice phase pre-integration-test for testing fake wiki etc :)
Based on Guide to Configuring Default Mojo Executions this works for me:
<echo>*** If most tests fail, make sure you've installed the fake wiki. See README for more info ***</echo>
This is very odd for me ;)
I have two plugins with executions bound to generate-sources, one listed first in the list of about 6 plugins and the other listed last. However, the one listed last (which depends on the one listed first) always executes first.
How can I execute several maven plugins within a single phase and set their respective execution order?

Can I modify the Maven deploy phase to replace the maven-deploy-plugin with my own plugin?

I'm pretty new to Maven...
What I'm trying to do is skip the maven-deploy-plugin during the deploy phase, while replacing it with my own plugin (i.e. I'm deploying to a non-repository location).
I realize I could do this in multiple other ways, but the boss wants to be able to run:
mvn deploy
To get the results of my current workaround, which is disabling the maven-deploy-plugin (which seems to be disabling the entire deploy phase), and manually specifying the custom upload goal from the command line.
I'm currently failing to succeed in my mission with:
in the build/plugins/plugin section containing my plugin specification, since the deploy phase is skipped by:
disabling the maven-deploy-plugin (which seems to be disabling the entire deploy phase)
This is not correct. Disabling maven-deploy-plugin doesn't disable the entire deploy phase. This is how it should be done (looks like you're doing it already):
Try this (untested) alternative for disabling the standard deploy plugin:
I want to build on #yegor256's answer a bit... 8 years, 4 months later!
I found myself here getting into the weeds on some legacy Maven configurations that were full of cruft. Coming from a Maven mindset, albeit some years between now and active hacking, I was re-familiarizing myself with the Maven lifecycle.
TLDR... mvn help:effective-pom is your friend. Use your IDE's tools for viewing the effective POM often (NetBeans makes it easy. I added a keyboard shortcut in IntelliJ.)
In the configuration I was reviewing, the previous developers had created two (2) deploy-file executions, one war, one jar.
... omitted ...
... omitted ...
I was aware that these executions would be appended to the default-deploy bound to the deploy phase and observed this behavior in the logs. The default-deploy would run, uploading an empty war file, then the deploy-war would run, uploading, and overwriting, the first war file.
Several options exist.
skip and combine.self="override" (my preference)
As presented, using <skip> as a <configuration> option is viable. It is safe and more portable than setting setting the <phase> to none.
However, it will be inherited by the other executions (certainly as presented). To prevent this, you must explicitly tell your additional <execution> configurations to not inherit.
<configuration combine.self="override">
... omitted ...
Override default-deploy
Another option, possibly more verbose and lest esoteric than combine.self="override" is to override the execution of the default-deploy <id> of the plugin.
This will not be inherited by the additional <executions>.
Another option
As #yegor256 notes, but in the additional configurations explicitly state <skip>false</skip> to "reset" the inherited <skip> from the plugin.

How do you get the soapUI maven plugin to fail safe?

AFAIK, the maven failsafe plugin fails safe because it has separate goals for running the tests and failing the build based on the tests. These are designed to be bound to the integration-test and verify goals respectively. This allows post-integration-test bound goals to run (shutting down the build) before the build fails.
My question is, how do I do this with the maven-soapui-plugin? I thought I could simply specify <testFailIgnore>true</testFailIgnore> in my soapui plugin config and then call the failsafe plugin verify goal, but that isn't working. I don't think I'm not sure if I'm getting a summary file out of the soapui plugin or not. I keep getting Expected root element 'failsafe-summary' but found 'testsuite' Here is a snippet of the POM:
Is there something wrong with my POM or is this a bad approach? Are there any better approaches?
There is an open source extension of the soapui plugin which has a separate test-verify goal for exactly this purpose.
The following example shows the required configuration:
AFAIK maven-failsafe-plugin can only verify success status of tests run by maven-failsafe-plugin and not by maven-soapui-plugin. It does that by reading test summary report file (failsafe-summary.xml) which has specific format.
maven-soapui-plugin could be adjusted to separate running tests from verifying test success status, to support running post-integration-test tasks (stop server, undeploy artifacts, etc.) before verification. Create a support ticket for this to soapUI guys.
Maybe even maven-failsafe-plugin, it's verify mojo, could be extended to allow specifying different test report format (JUnit style reports are supported by soapUI) or even an xpath expression which would be used by maven-failsafe-plugin to determine if there were failed tests or not. Create a support ticket for this on maven-failsafe-plugin issue tracker.
Until those extensions are supported, and you need to do tasks on post-integration-test phase you can use soapUI JUnit integration and have maven-failsafe-plugin run those soapUI JUnit tests.
I am trying this solution, and it doesn't work.
But I have found one.
To obtain de tests report of SOAPUI tests in Jenkins, I using the failsafe plugin with this configuration in the pom.xml of my Soap tests folder :
The tests cases status are up to Jenkins.
