Can I scroll splitted screens in Visual Studio in the same time? - visual-studio

Is it possible to scroll at the same time splitted screens in Visual Studio (Vertically or Horizontally, dont really care)?

It is not currently possible.
Here is the link to the Microsoft connect suggestion (requires login). It suggests that it may be possible to achieve the effect with a macro or an add-in.
(Here is a duplicate question regarding VS 2008.)


Visual Studio 2012 Workflow Pane Width

I am currently using the Workflow designer in Visual Studio 2012 to create an automated build workflow. The XAML document that I am using was not created by me and I am new to Workflow. Some of the titles of the panes are too long to display fully and I am unable to read the text of the title. This is a problem because I am following a document, created by another developer at my workplace, that references the titles.
I thought that increasing the 'zoom' would help, but the text also zooms and remains obscured. I have tried searching Google and SO for a way to widen the panes, but have not found a solution. Does anyone know of a way to accomplish this task? I would also appreciate other suggestions.

Is it possible to customize the tool window's toolbars in Visual Studio 2010

Visual Studio 2010 has UI for editing the buttons in the toolbars of the main window. Is it possible to do the same thing for the tool window toolbars?
Even if there is no UI, I am willing to alter files manually to get the expected result. Basically, the problem I am trying to solve is that some tool windows hide the buttons that I want to use and show buttons that I don't use. I would like to reorder them.
Hmm that answer was not long enough.
It is not possible.

Dock Code Windows in Visual Studio 2010

In Visual Studio, you are able to dock code windows in horizontal and vertical tab groups (something you can also do with tool windows).
However, when doing so you may end up with a lot of redundant screen space. What would be ideal would be if you could mix docking orientations for code windows. This is possible with tool windows in Visual Studio 2010. Here is an image showing the feature used for tool windows:
My question is: is it possible to get this same functionality with the code windows - i.e. being able to mix horizontal and vertical docking, like with the tool windows shown? I've heard rumours that its possible, but I've been unable to find any truth in that.
I too wish this was a naitive feature in visual studio, but there is one workaround by using the 'floating tab group' feature of visual studio
Move the visual studio main window out of the way (maybe to another monitor, or to smallest area of the monitor needed to see the tooling windows)
"Tear out" or Right Click > Float on the desired tab
Position the tab to your desire (I suggest using WinSplitRevolution, via codinghorror)
Repeat, note that you can move a tab to an existing 'floating' tab group
And voila!
There are some setbacks, some commands will pop up over the main tooling window instead of your current tab group etc. but its still pretty nice. I'm not sure if there's any changes coming in VS2012, but I haven't heard about anything related.

Possible to resize activity blocks in Visual Studio 2010 Workflow designer?

I'm trying to edit my TFS 2010 build templates using the Visual Studio 2010 Workflow designer. I have this nice widescreen display, and the designer insists on displaying the activity blocks in itty bitty areas. How can I resize them so I can at least read the entire display descriptions?
EDIT: If this annoys you too, vote for this suggestion
The designer doesn't support resizing activities. You can collapse/expand them or zoom into the entire workflow but that is it.
Would be a nice future feature so I suggest adding it to connect as a feature request and if you post the link I will vote for it.

How do you minimize a window in the Visual Studio 2010 RC editor?

I am using the Visual Studio 2010 RC. Sometimes when I am working on a code file, I would like to minimize it.
In Visual Studio 2008 I just switched to MDI mode. Then I could minimize. In 2010, I can undock the window by dragging the tab, and that gets me half way to MDI, but I see no way to minimize the window.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Update - Closely-related question: For those of you that used MDI, how are you getting by? I like to have 4 documents open at once, in a 2x2 matrix. For example I like to look at one controller/view pair while working on another, for the sake of comparison. Then, maybe I edit my repository file, and I want to get back to my 4 windows. This is where I would minimize. Anyone have a workaround? How have you adapted?
Update 2 - Vote up my suggestion if you want this feature:
I think its disabled. I pressed Alt-Space in the undocked window and minimise was disabled.
