is it possible to get an alert when application went down? - websphere

I am using WebSphere 6.2 and my requirement is I admin have to get an alert when the application on the server stopped or server down .. How to achieve this ? In higher versions this feature is there ? please help me
Thanks in Advance ,

I'm assuming you mean WebSphere application server processes (rather than the physical server on which WebSphere is running) and individual applications running on those processes. I'm also assuming you mean when those elements have stopped unexpectedly rather than when somebody has deliberately stopped them.
If so, you're going to have to use external monitoring software to detect most of those conditions. We use a combination of scripts that scan for processes and specific error messages in logs and external site-monitoring software that checks for application responsiveness. Such scripts can be standalone, handwritten scripts, or run under generic monitoring tools from IBM (Tivoli) or 3rd-parties.
Alternatively, I think you should also be able to write something that uses JMX to read specific things about WebSphere state, and there is at least one sophisticated monitoring tool you could purchase, IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager (ITCAM) for Application Diagnostics, which can monitor WebSphere internals.


Spring Boot application not responding after pushing a large number of requests

I have a problem with a server that called server A:
Server A: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.2 (Maipo)
Server B: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.7 (Maipo)
jdk-8u231 installed on all of servers.
I have an Spring Boot application running on 2 servers.
Whenever i use Jmeter to send 100 concurrency request to application running on each servers, the application running on Server B have no problem.
But in Server A, the application will be not responding, that mean the Process (PID) still running but I can't visit actuator endpoint, cannot visit Swagger page, cannot send new request ... log file show nothing since that time.
Thread dump and heap dump have no significant difference.
Could anyone show me how to analysis that problem?
I still have no idea why the problem occur.
Well, I can only speculate here, but here some ideas that can help:
There are two possible sources of issue here Java Application and Linux (+its network policies, firewalls and so forth).
Since You don't know for sure, what happens, try working by "elimination".
Create a script that will run 100 concurrent requests. Place the script at the Server A (the problematic one) and run The script will run against "localhost" (obviously). If you see that it works, then the issue is not in Java at all. Probably some network policies or linux setup, who knows.
Place a log message in the controller of the java application and examine the log. The log should print the request number among other things, so that you'll be able to understand whether you get stuck after a well defined number of requests or its always a different number.
Check the configurations of Spring Boot application. Maybe there is a difference in the number of threads allocated to serve the request by the embedded web server that runs inside the spring boot application (assuming you're not using a reactive stack) and this number differs. In this case you won't be able to call rest endpoints, actuator, etc.
If JMX connection is available to the setup, connect via the JMX and check the MBean of Tomcat (again, assuming there is a tomcat under the hood) to check pretty much the same information as in 4.
You've mentioned thread dumps. Try to take more than one thread dump but one before you're running JMeter test, one during the running (when everything still works), one when everything is stuck.
In the thread dumps check the actual stacktraces, maybe all the threads are stuck working with Database or something and can't serve requests like I've explained in "4"
Examine GC logs, maybe GC works so hard that you can't really interact with the application.

JMS Activation spec on Liberty: "WAS_EndpointInitialState" full profile equivalent property?

We are migrating some apps from WAS full profile to WAS Liberty profile.
Some apps have MDBs and need JMS Activation Specs definitions connected to MQ.
In order to enforce strict FIFO ordering of messages in a cluster, we set the "WAS_EndpointInitialState" property to "INACTIVE" on those Activation Specs to tell WAS full profile to not start the Activation Spec on startup. When the cluster starts, we start (ie "resume") the activation on one server only.
Q: How to achieve this with Liberty (v16.0.x) ?
I don't see an equivalent parameter within the "properties.wmqJms" stanza.
Liberty doesn't have an equivalent parameter/capability for activation specs.
You can open a request for enhancement here:
In case it helps during the meantime, a crude way of simulating the capability is to start the server with the jmsActivationSpec elements commented out, and make configuration updates to uncomment as you want them activated.
Unfortunately as-is (with v16.0.0.3 and the current beta version), it is not possible to deploy an application with MDBs in production due to a serious lack on functionalities in Liberty profile (JMS Activations).
When using the jmsActivationSpec+ properties.wmqJms stanzas, it is impossible:
to configure the activation to stop after x failed tentatives to consume the message. Liberty tries to consume the message forever without any notification!!
to start the activation in an inactive state on startup., so it is impossible to enforce the FIFO paradigm on a Q when deployed in a cluster (or collective or other form of cluster)
Those are already captured in the following RFE:
For us it's a clear no-go to move to WebSphere Liberty profile for those reasons
This is way too late for the OP, but in case someone comes here looking for a current answer.
Liberty / Open Liberty now offer (as of such a function, which you can enable via the autoStart attribute, e.g.:
<jmsActivationSpec autoStart="false" id="myJMSActSpec"/>
See here for a quick example of how you would use the EndpointControl MBean and/or the server resume CLI command to start message delivery into the server.

Log file writing extremely delayed in WebSphere App Server

I am experiencing an issue with delayed writes to the application logs for a Java EE web application running in IBM WebSphere v. 7.x. Logging statements taking up to an hour to appear in the application logs.
The problem doesn't appear related to heavy loads; WAS is responding to page requests almost instantly, and I am testing against a box that isn't used for performance testing, and on a holiday no less -- there is very little activitiy on the server.
My guess would be that the thread associated with logging has been configured with very low priority, but I cant figure out where that would be configured via the admin console or the configuration files.
Has anyone else experienced this sort of issue with WebSphere?
it's possible you don't even enough available threads in the thread pool. Its consistant with the page requests being fast, as they are controlled by the WebContainer threads.
Try increasing it:
Servers > Application Servers > Thread pools > ...
Not sure exactly which one to increase its max value. In worst case, increase'em all. Increase it heavily, so to be sure.
Other options:
make sure you enough disk space / try to connect with jConsole to inquire.

Is there a way to find out how long it takes for websphere process a request

I have an issue where I need to monitor how long it takes for Websphere to process a request. Specifically I need to know how much time is spent in the "application world", that is time spent processing code in the ear file.
I can't just compute request_time - reponse_time because that contains time spent in the container or what I call "websphere world". I need to know the time spent only in the ear file.
Is there some performance setting I can toggle in websphere so this information gets logged to the server system log file? The application does not have log4j.
I am using Websphere 6.1
Take a look at the PMI interface under the WAS admin console. It provides some performance metrics -- not the prettiest or easiest interface, but it might provide what you're looking for.
A monitoring plugin is often used to do this. My company uses Introscope via a WAS JBM plugin, and it provides a better interface than PMI for viewing the performance data. Of course, it isn't free, but there may be free or cheap alternatives that are better than PMI.
WebSphere has something called "request metrics"
It gives you the possibility to log braked down request execution times on different levels. As you may expect with such monitoring it's easy to collect to much data so there is a possibility to filter events based on additional criteria like java package namespace, EJB name, URI etc.

How can make my database records automatic

is there any way i can make my records in the database to be automatic. e.g i want a message to be sent to helpdesk if a requested service is not attended within 24 hours, without clicking anything.
technically it depends on the database you are using. if the database supports it, you could set up a scheduled job to scan the records and identify late services and email the helpdesk.
if the database doesn't support scheduled tasks then you could set up a client job on a timer to do the same thing.
This is what application software is for.
When the application saves to the database, the application also sends an email.
The traditional approach to this is to schedule a job (there are too many ways[1] to do that for me to go into details without knowing your server operating system, DBMS, and how much control you have to install or schedule programs on the server).
Your scheduled job would regularly check the database for records that have not been attended, and then take the appropriate action such as emailing the support team.
[1] Just so that this is not left completely unanswered; some DBMS (ex. SQL Server) have built in job scheduling facilities. You could run a Windows service on the server to do this. If not, you might consider running a Windows Service on one of your own servers to access the website (a great way to waste bandwidth).
Use a scheduler like this one, found on rufus site. You could program it to run, for instance, every hour, and make it do the job without human interaction.
I am a Java shop myself and I've been using quartz. It is quite good and usable if you can adjust to jruby.
I've never liked database or operating system based solutions, since you might not control them and often get asked to run on different environments.
Here's a very simple background job handler for Ruby:
Easy to install and use. Fairly lightweight. It uses a SQL backend for managing concurrency. Runs on multiple machines simultaneously if you need it to.
