Finding arbitrary length subsets of elements of a list - algorithm

disclaimer: I'm pretty sure I've managed to muck up something really simple, possibly because I've been poking at this in between
"real work" while waiting for some slow C++ builds, so my head's not
in the right place.
In looking at
What's the most efficient way of generating all possible combinations of skyrim (PC Game) potions? I had the naïve notion that it would be a really, really simple recursive filter in Lisp to generate all combinations of size "n." The answer given there, in R, is elegant and shows off the language well, but that combn(list,n) method caught my attention. ( )
(defun combn (list n)
(cond ((= n 0) nil)
((null list) nil)
((= n 1) (mapcar #'list list))
(t (mapcar #'(lambda (subset) (cons (car list) subset))
(combn (cdr list) (1- n))))))
(combn '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) 3)
((1 2 3) (1 2 4) (1 2 5) (1 2 6) (1 2 7) (1 2 8) (1 2 9))
Except, this just returns the first set of combinations … I can't wrap my head around what's wrong, precisely. It seems that the (= n 1) case works right, but the t case should be doing something differently, such as stripping (1 2) off the list and repeating?
So, my attempt to fix it, got nastier:
(defun combn (list n)
(cond ((= n 0) nil) ((= n 1) (mapcar #'list list))
((null list) nil)
(t (cons (mapcar #'(lambda (subset) (cons (car list) subset))
(combn (cdr list) (1- n)))
(combn (cdr list) n)))))
which is wrong at the point of (t cons(… I think. But, if cons is the wrong answer, I'm not sure what is right…? (Reduced to using 2 to demonstrate output…)
(combn '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) 2)
(((1 2) (1 3) (1 4) (1 5) (1 6) (1 7) (1 8) (1 9))
((2 3) (2 4) (2 5) (2 6) (2 7) (2 8) (2 9))
((3 4) (3 5) (3 6) (3 7) (3 8) (3 9))
((4 5) (4 6) (4 7) (4 8) (4 9))
((5 6) (5 7) (5 8) (5 9))
((6 7) (6 8) (6 9))
((7 8) (7 9))
((8 9))
… which appears to be right, except for the extraneous nesting and the bonus NIL at the end. (I had anticipated that ((null list) nil) would have filtered that out?)
What did I do wrong? :-(
(And, also, is there a standard routine for doing this more efficiently?)

Yes, the cons is not the right thing, you need an append. And that's also what gets you the NIL at the end. I can't write Lisp, so I'll give you Haskell:
comb :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
comb 0 _ = [[]]
comb k (x:xs) = [x:ys | ys <- comb (k-1) xs] ++ comb k xs
comb _ _ = []
That's short and sweet, but inefficient (and doesn't check for negative k). It will often try to choose more elements than the list has for a long time. To prevent that, one would keep track of how many elements are still available.
comb :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
comb 0 _ = [[]]
comb k xs
| k < 0 = []
| k > len = []
| k == len = [xs]
| otherwise = go len k xs
len = length xs
go l j ys
| j == 1 = map (:[]) ys
| l == j = [ys]
| otherwise = case ys of
(z:zs) -> [z:ws | ws <- go (l-1) (j-1) zs] ++ go (l-1) j zs
Ugly, but efficient.

A solution using Common Lisp.
Note that this version intentionally uses assert to give you a continuable error if the list passed in isn't evenly divisible by the specified number but it'd be easy enough to have it just place any "leftover" items in a shorter list at the end, or use error to just make it bail completely without possibility of interactive fixing.
Based on scheme's srfi-1, tweaked to CL by me, and improved greatly by Rainer Joswig
(defun split-by (list n &aux length)
"splits a list into multiple lists of length n.
* list - the list to be split
* n - the size of the lists it should be broken into.
A list of smaller lists of the specified length (or signals an error).
(split-by '(1 2 3 4) 2) ; => ((1 2) (3 4))
(split-by '(1 2 3) 2) ; => not evenly divisible"
(assert (zerop (mod (setf length (length list)) n))
"list is not evenly divisible by ~A: ~A" n list)
(if (plusp length)
(cons (subseq list 0 n)
(split-by (subseq list n) n))


How can I use dynamic programming in Scheme to solve the Coin Change problem?

I'm trying to learn a Lisp language and have settled on Guile and am trying to solve this problem:
You are given an integer array coins representing coins of different denominations and an integer amount representing a total amount of money.
Return the fewest number of coins that you need to make up that amount. If that amount of money cannot be made up by any combination of the coins, return -1.
You may assume that you have an infinite number of each kind of coin.
Fundamentally, I understand the basic of dynamic programming where you can use recursion and memoization in order to save calculating at lower depths, but as Lisp I would expect it to be perfect for this type of problem. The problem I am having is returning separate lists for each combination of coins.
For an example case, consider target of 6 with coins [2, 3]. The simple tree would look like this:
The correct answer would be (3 3) with the other "complete" solution being (2 2 2).
However, if I try and construct these, the form I would want to use (without memoization) would look something like this.
(define get-coins (lambda (coins target)
((= target 0) '())
; not quite sure how to "terminate" a list here
; An idea is to return (list -1) and then filter
; lists that contain -1
((< target 0) ?????)
; for each coin, recurse
(map (lambda (v)
(cons v (get-coins coins (- target v))))))
However, this doesn't return more lists as it goes through. Rather, it creates nested lists. And this is my problem. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
I wanted to avoid nested lists, so I used a variable results:
(define (get-coins coins target)
(let ((results '()))
Then I defined the function get-coins-helper, similar to your get-coins. And whenever I found some possible result, I used set! to update results:
(letrec ((get-coins-helper
(lambda (coins target result)
(cond ((= target 0) (set! results (cons result results)))
((< target 0) '())
(else (map (lambda (value)
(get-coins-helper coins
(- target value)
(cons value result)))
Then I called (get-coins-helper coins target '()) to find all possible results and at the end, I checked the value of results and returned -1 (if results are empty) or the shortest element of results:
(if (null? results)
(car (sort results (lambda (x y) (< (length x)
(length y))))))
Full code:
(define (get-coins coins target)
(let ((results '()))
(letrec ((get-coins-helper
(lambda (coins target result)
(cond ((= target 0) (set! results (cons result results)))
((< target 0) '())
(else (map (lambda (value)
(get-coins-helper coins
(- target value)
(cons value result)))
(get-coins-helper coins target '())
(if (null? results)
(car (sort results (lambda (x y) (< (length x)
(length y)))))))))
Some tests:
> (get-coins '(2 3) 6)
'(3 3)
> (get-coins '(2 3) 1)
Using fold to choose best solutions. The result is a list whose car is the number of coins and cdr is the list of chosen coins. In the event that no solutions are feasible, (+inf.0) is returned.
(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
(define (get-coins coins target)
(fold (lambda (coin best)
(let [(target (- target coin))]
(cond [(zero? target)
(list 1 coin)]
[(positive? target)
(let* [(res (get-coins coins target))
(score' (1+ (car res)))]
(if (< score' (car best))
(cons score' (cons coin (cdr res)))
[(negative? target)
(list +inf.0)
(get-coins (list 2) 6)
$8 = (3 2 2 2)
(get-coins (list 2 3) 6)
$9 = (2 3 3)
(get-coins (list 9) 6)
$10 = (+inf.0)
If you read the question carefully, all you need to keep track of is the number of coins needed to reach the target amount. You don't have generate every possible combination of coins to reach the target, just the one that minimizes the number of coins. And you don't even have to remember what that particular combination is, just its length. This simplifies things a bit since there's no need to build any lists.
For each denomination of coin that can possibly be used to reach the goal (So no coins bigger than the difference between the goal and the current sum), get the counts for using one of them and for using none of them, and return the minimum (Or -1 if no options present themselves).
(define (get-coins coins target)
(calculate-coins coins 0 0 target))
;; Do all the work in a helper function
(define (calculate-coins coins coin-count amount target)
((= amount target) coin-count) ; Success
((null? coins) -1) ; Failure
((> (car coins) (- target amount)) ; Current coin denomination is too big; skip it
(calculate-coins (cdr coins) coin-count amount target))
;; Cases to consider:
;; Adding one of the current coin to the total and leaving open using more
;; Not using any of the current coins
(let ((with-first
(calculate-coins coins (+ coin-count 1) (+ amount (car coins)) target))
(calculate-coins (cdr coins) coin-count amount target)))
((= with-first -1) without-first)
((= without-first -1) with-first)
(else (min with-first without-first)))))))
If you do want to get every possible combination of coin, one way is to, for each list of combinations that use a given coin, use append to combine it with a list of previous ways:
(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
(define (get-coins2 coins target)
(define (helper target) ; This time define a nested helper function
(lambda (coin ways)
((= coin target) (cons (list coin) ways))
((< coin target)
(map (lambda (c) (cons coin c))
(helper (- target coin)))
(else ways)))
(let* ((ways (helper target))
(table (make-hash-table (length ways))))
;; Store each combination as a key in a hash table to remove duplicates
(for-each (lambda (way) (hash-set! table (sort-list way <) #t)) ways)
(hash-map->list (lambda (k v) k) table)))
scheme#(guile-user)> (load "coins.scm")
scheme#(guile-user)> (get-coins '(2) 6)
$1 = 3
scheme#(guile-user)> (get-coins2 '(2) 6)
$2 = ((2 2 2))
scheme#(guile-user)> (get-coins '(2 3) 6)
$3 = 2
scheme#(guile-user)> (get-coins2 '(2 3) 6)
$4 = ((2 2 2) (3 3))
scheme#(guile-user)> (get-coins '(9) 6)
$5 = -1
scheme#(guile-user)> (get-coins2 '(9) 6)
$6 = ()
scheme#(guile-user)> (get-coins2 '(2 3) 12)
$7 = ((3 3 3 3) (2 2 2 3 3) (2 2 2 2 2 2))
scheme#(guile-user)> (get-coins '(5 2 3 4) 21)
$8 = 5
scheme#(guile-user)> (get-coins2 '(5 2 3 4) 21)
$9 = ((2 2 2 5 5 5) (2 3 3 4 4 5) (2 4 5 5 5) (3 3 3 4 4 4) (2 2 3 4 5 5) (4 4 4 4 5) (2 2 4 4 4 5) (2 2 3 3 3 4 4) (2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4) (2 2 2 2 4 4 5) (3 3 3 3 4 5) (2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4) (2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4) (2 2 2 2 2 2 4 5) (3 3 3 3 3 3 3) (2 2 3 3 3 3 5) (2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3) (2 2 2 2 2 3 3 5) (3 3 5 5 5) (2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3) (2 2 2 2 3 5 5) (2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5) (2 3 4 4 4 4) (2 2 2 3 4 4 4) (2 3 3 3 3 3 4) (2 2 2 3 3 4 5) (2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3) (2 3 3 3 5 5) (3 4 4 5 5))
scheme#(guile-user)> (filter (lambda (way) (= (length way) 5)) (get-coins2 '(5 2 3 4) 21))
$10 = ((2 4 5 5 5) (4 4 4 4 5) (3 3 5 5 5) (3 4 4 5 5))
There are many ways to do it, here is a brute-force solution. It is not elegant but it is simple.
(define mk/pairs
(lambda (sum coin/list)
((lambda (s) (s s
(map (lambda (x) (iota (+ 1 (quotient sum x)))) coin/list)
(lambda (s) s) ))
(lambda (s l* ret)
(if (null? l*)
(ret '(()))
(s s (cdr l*)
(lambda (r)
(ret (apply
(map (lambda (x) (map (lambda (y) (cons y x)) (car l*)))
(define cost
(lambda (s pair coin/list)
(let ((sum (apply + (map * pair coin/list))))
(and (= s sum) pair))))
(define solve
(lambda (sum coin/list)
(let ((pairs (mk/pairs sum coin/list)))
(let ((solutions
(sort (filter (lambda (x) x)
(map (lambda (p) (cost sum p coin/list)) pairs))
(lambda (p1 p2)
(< (apply + p1)
(apply + p2))))))
(if (null? solutions)
(car solutions))))))
A test looks like so:
% mit-scheme < coins.scm
MIT/GNU Scheme running under GNU/Linux
1 ]=> (solve 8 '(2 3 1))
;Value: (1 2 0)
1 ]=> (solve 6 '(2 3))
;Value: (0 2)
meaning that you have 1 coin of 2 and 2 coins of 3 in the first example and 2 coins of 3 in the second example.
I have used standard R6RS, so you should be able to convert it directly from mit/scheme to guile.

Matrix Manipulation in Racket

I need to write a function that produces the nth column of a matrix in Racket without using recursion. For example (list (list 1 2 3) (list 2 3 4) (list 6 7 9)) if I wanted the 2nd column I would receive (list 2 3 7).
I tried (append (map (lambda (n) (list-ref (list-ref M) n) n)) M)), but it keeps showing me an error.
The attempted solution uses list-ref twice, which is not needed, and one of those calls does not have enough arguments: (list-ref M) has the function taking only one argument, but it requires two arguments -- a list and an integer.
The list-ref function will return an indexed element from an input list, so (list-ref '(1 2 3) 1) will return 2. Consider what map will do here: the matrix is represented as a list of lists (a list of rows), i.e., as ((1 2 3) (2 3 4) (6 7 9)). The map function will act on the members of the input list, which are the lists (1 2 3), (2 3 4), and (6 7 9). By mapping the list-ref function over that input, you can take whichever element you want from the sublists. So, (map (lambda (row) (list-ref row 1)) '((1 2 3) (2 3 4) (6 7 9))) would evaluate to (2 3 7), as desired.
Here is a function that lets you take any column from a matrix:
(define (nth-column M n)
(map (lambda (row) (list-ref row n)) M))
Sample interactions:
scratch.rkt> (define M '((1 2 3)
(2 3 4)
(6 7 9)))
scratch.rkt> (nth-column M 1)
'(2 3 7)
scratch.rkt> (nth-column M 0)
'(1 2 6)
scratch.rkt> (nth-column M 2)
'(3 4 9)

How to use foldr in scheme?

When you use foldr, the procedure you use has 2 arguments, the current value of the list and the accumulator. Let's say the list you iterate over is a list of list of numbers, all the same length. Then as you iterate through them, you want to multiply the numbers of the same index and store it as the accumulator.
If you use lambda (x acc) (map * x acc) inside the foldr, this fails because acc I believe is an empty list in the beginning. How can you handle the base case like this?
This can be solved using foldr all right, the trick is to correctly initialize the accumulated value at the beginning. No need to do fancy stuff (like macros) here!
(define lst '((1 2 3) (2 3 5) (3 5 7)))
(foldr (lambda (x acc) (map * x acc))
(car lst)
(cdr lst))
=> '(6 30 105)
Of course, if the list is empty (car lst) will fail. So you might want to handle the empty list as a separate case before invoking foldr.
Say you have a list of lists as follows:
((1 2 3) (2 3 5) (3 5 7))
You want to reduce it to:
(6 30 105)
I would simple do:
(define-syntax mul
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (lists ...)) (map * 'lists ...))))
The you can use it as follows:
(mul ((1 2 3) (2 3 5) (3 5 7))) ; => (6 30 105)
The above code simply expands to:
(map * '(1 2 3) '(2 3 5) '(3 5 7))
Then you can fold the resulting list. For example:
(foldr + 0 (mul ((1 2 3) (2 3 5) (3 5 7)))) ; => 141

List length comparison

I wanted to write the code for comparing the size of two lists. I made use of the length and wrote this down.
(define (same-size-matrix? mtrx1 mtrx2)
(equal? (length mtrx1) (length mtrx2))).
I thought this was going to work for me, but I found out it only checks the overall length, not the sublist. For example it returns true when it compares for. '((1 2 3 4) (4 5 6 6) (6 7 8 9)) and '(( 5 4) (3 2) (7 1)), but it's supposed to return false, because the first has 4 values within the list and the second has only two even though they both overally have same length. How do I go about this. Any help would be appreciated.
Try this instead:
(define (same-size-matrix? mtrx1 mtrx2)
(equal? (map length mtrx1) (map length mtrx2)))
Notice that in your solution you're comparing the total length of each list (the number of rows in the matrix), but ignoring the length of each sublist (the number of columns for each row in the matrix). In my soultion, first we calculate the length of each sublist and after that we check if all the lengths are equal. For example, take this input:
(define mtrx1 '((1 2 3 4) (4 5 6 6) (6 7 8 9)))
(define mtrx2 '((5 4) (3 2) (7 1)))
(same-size-matrix? mtrx1 mtrx2)
First the same-size-matrix? evaluates this expression, which finds the length of each sublist in mtrx1. It's necessary to check all the lengths, not just the first one, in case we're dealing with a jagged array:
(map length mtrx1)
; evaluates to '(4 4 4)
And then we have this expression, which performs the same operation for mtrx2:
(map length mtrx2)
; evaluates to '(2 2 2)
Finally, we compare the two lists of lengths (in fact: the number of columns per row), returning the expected result:
(equal? '(4 4 4) '(2 2 2))
> #f
Notice that the last comparison will also detect if the lists are of different size, in case the matrices have a different number of rows.
is it scheme?
(define m1 `((1 2 3 4) (4 5 6 6 ) (6 7 8 9)))
(define m2 `((5 4) (3 2) (7 1)))
(define (same-size-matrix? m1 m2) (equal? (map length m1) (map length m2)))
(same-size-matrix? m1 m2) ; => #f
(same-size-matrix? m1 m1) ; => #t
Here is a simple definition of same-size?.
#lang racket
; A MATRIX is a list of ROWs.
; A ROW is a list of numbers.
; In a matrix all rows are of the same length.
(define (row-size list-of-rows)
(length list-of-rows))
(define (column-size matrix)
(define first-row (first matrix))
(length first-row))
(define (same-size? matrix1 matrix2)
(and (= (row-size matrix1) (row-size matrix2))
(= (column-size matrix1) (column-size matrix2))))
As a bonus here is a predicate that test whether an object
is a matrix or not. Compare it to the data definitions.
(define (row? object)
(and (list? object)
(andmap number? object)))
(define (matrix? object)
(and (list? object)
(andmap row? object)
(apply = (map row-size object))))
You need to clarify if you want to check 1) the exact shape of the matrix or 2) the overall 'flattened' length.
what should be the result for (same-size-matrix? '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6)) '((1 2 3) (4 5 6)))?
1) => #f
2) => #t
Óscar López's answer is for 1.
If your requirement is 2, based on Óscar's answer:
(define (same-size-matrix? mtrx1 mtrx2)
(equal? (apply + (map length mtrx1)) (apply + (map length mtrx2))))

Writing a simple matrix class in common lisp for practice

Common lisp newbie. Writing lisp code is quite different from writing c++/java, as I wrote them before.
I am trying to write a simple matrix class in common lisp for practice. Some codes like that:
(defun make-matrix (row col)
(make-list row :initial-element (make-list col :initial-element nil)))
(defun init-matrix (matrix init-value)
(labels ((set-element-value (lst)
(if (and lst
(listp lst))
(mapcar #'set-element-value lst)
(setf lst init-value))))
(set-element-value matrix)))
(defun matrix+ (&rest matrices)
(apply #'mapcar (lambda (&rest rows)
(apply #'mapcar #'+ rows)) matrices))
My question is can I write a matrix+ accepting different number of arguments without 'apply', or in a better way ? In a way that lisp should be?
And how about the matrix*, can somebody show me some awesome code accepting arbitrary number of arguments in matrix* ? Thanks.
Common Lisp has n-dimensional arrays. I would use those for matrix operations.
Typically I would also then write a binary (taking two arguments) matrix operation. Use then REDUCE to operate over a list of matrices.
CL-USER > (make-array '(3 5) :initial-element 0)
#2A((0 0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0 0))
Above creates a 2-dimensional array of size 3x5 with 0 as initial content.
Matrix multiplication. I can't promise this is the best example possible, but it is really straight-forward. This is given you use arrays rather than lists. Also, of course, you can optimize for square matrices, or special cases, like identity matrices etc. But this is meant only to be simple, not efficient etc.
(defun matrix* (&rest matrices)
(assert (cdr matrices) nil
"You will achieve nothing by multiplying a single matrix.")
#'(lambda (a b)
(assert (= (array-dimension a 0) (array-dimension b 1)) nil
"The number of rows in the first matrix should be the number ~
of columns in the second matrix")
(let ((result
(list (array-dimension a 1) (array-dimension b 0))
:initial-element 0)))
(dotimes (i (array-dimension a 1) result)
(dotimes (j (array-dimension b 0))
(dotimes (k (array-dimension a 0))
(incf (aref result i j) (* (aref a k i) (aref b j k))))))))
(format t "result: ~s~&" (matrix* #2A((1 2) (3 4)) #2A((5 6) (7 8))))
;; #2A((23 31) (34 46)) =
;; (1 * 5 + 3 * 6 = 23) (1 * 7 + 3 * 8 = 31)
;; (2 * 5 + 4 * 6 = 34) (2 * 7 + 4 * 8 = 46)
