How can I help TextMate recognize which bundle to load? - textmate

I have a problem with four bundles I'm using, specifically Ruby, Ruby on Rails, RSpec and Sinatra.
Most of the time TextMate manages to get the bundle type right, but for these, I find myself constantly switching form Sinatra to Ruby on Rails, as some model files get recognized as Sinatra.
It also happens a lot with RSpec, where the Sinatra bundle sometimes takes precedence.
Is there any way to manage the way in which bundles are recognized? It would be great if I could somehow hint TextMate what bundles to completely ignore in a specific project, or based on a directory structure.

I think you can modify your Sinatra bundle to trigger as soon as it detects require 'sinatra'


How do I create a file and a Rakefile?

I know you create a Gemfile from the command line by typing "bundle init." But how do you create file and a Rakefile?
Kristine, the real question is not how, but rather why would you want to create them.
Those three files serve three different purposes, and none are required for a Ruby application to get started:
Gemfile (and its companion Gemfile.lock that gets generated by the first bundle install and should be kept as safely as the other one) – this is one you meet most often.
It belongs and is used by a tool called Bundler. It's a dependency management tool. When your application needs some other library called "gem", you can list it in your Gemfile, do bundle install and later on when you run your application like bundle exec ruby yourapp.rb Bundler will take care of the environment in such a way, that your application always gets the same versions of gems that you have designed it to get (those versions are actually stored in Gemfile.lock file, you can peek there).
You can easily do without Bundler, but it usually makes sense to stick to certain gem versions. That's why people usually use it. I would highly suggest you taking a look at the tool's site. – this is very common for web applications. It's a Rack configuration file. There's a widely spread in Ruby world web server API called Rack. It enables decoupling web applications (like your Rails app, or Sinatra app) from the underlying web application server (like Thin, Unicorn or WEBrick).
Though you can certainly create this on your own, you most certainly don't need to. It's been a long way in my Ruby/Rails experience before I had to actually do this. Usually this file gets bootstrapped when you create a new Rails app by calling rails new.
And vanilla command line Ruby apps just don't need it.
Rakefile – this is, again, a pretty wide-spread beast. What Makefile is for make, Rakefile is for rake. Rake is a Ruby tool to describe and invoke certain tasks from a command line. For example, when you do bundle exec rake db:migrate, you actually start a task described by a Rakefile.
You can easily design your own tasks, but as you start using Rails you usually don't need to. rails new drops a Rakefile for you that's just enough to start with, and unless you're doing some really custom (that should, exempli gratia, involve calling your Rails app code from the command line), there's no necessity in fiddling with it.
Needless to say, if you're doing some simple Ruby console app that just asks your name and greets you, you don't need this file either.
Hope this helps you getting your head around this and smooths your ride into the Rails world!

Ruby beginner - using /modifying existing gems in single project

As the title states, I'm a beginner in Ruby.
My project uses 2 existing gems - which I want to modify.
I've forked the gems on GitHub and put them as modules in my repo and they show up as a subdirectory.
I've tried researching this, but I keep on getting lost - I'm thinking I'm missing some basic concepts/knowledge here.
My questions:
Am I going about this right/wrong?
Is it even possible to include the code of those (forked) gems in my actual project, or should I update them separately and just use them as actual gems with require (this seems very cumbersome)
If these gems are part of my project, how do I use them properly, I assume I don't need the require piece? If not, how do I access/use them?
BTW, using Ruby 1.9.2-p194 on Ubuntu with RubyMine as the IDE.
Probably wrong. Ruby is a very flexible language, and has what are called open classes. This means that you can open up and change classes at run-time. Doing this on an external library is called monkey patching. So instead of having to replicate all of the code you want to stay consistent, you can just modify the classes and override any methods you want.
A simple example:
class Fixnum
def is_multiple_of_three?
self % 3 == 0
However, if the changes you want are really significant, it could make sense to fork the gem.
I recommend the bundler gem. This will let you make a Gemfile which lists all of your dependencies. You can list a github repository as a source for the gem, like so:
gem 'gem_name_here', :git => 'git://'
and then run bundle install to install your dependencies.
If you install the gems with bundler, it acts just like any other gem you have installed.

Problems creating a railtie for a rails ORM gem I'm developing

I am developing a Ruby gem, Ampere, that acts as an ORM for the Redis database. I am trying to shore up its Rails integration, and was able to tie in an initializer and console hook, but my generators do not work yet. I have a generator, ampere:config that installs a default configuration YAML file, and a replacement for the model generator as well.
When I install my gem into a testing Rails app, the ampere:config generator shows up in the list when I run rails generate on the command line, but when I type rails g ampere:config, I get:
Could not find generator ampere:config.
and nothing else. My generator lives in "lib/rails/generators/config/" within the gem, and clearly Rails knows about it since it showed up in the rails g list, but something's not right. If anyone can help or knows of some better documentation for this than the Rails Guides, which are sparse to say the least, it'd be much appreciated.
Ok so I finally got this. For the generators to work, they have to call source_root with the relative path of their templates, and they have to live in lib/rails/generators/your_gem_name/, then the directory structure in your_gem_name/ is what you'd expect from reading the documentation (or running rails g generator in a Rails project).
The documentation is not very clear about this, so it was a bit confusing, but after looking at a few examples I tried this and it worked.

How do I change the default gemfile created with 'rails new' command?

I have recently experienced an issue where I must add the following to my gemfile:
gem 'execjs'
gem 'therubyracer'
I must do this to avoid a javascript runtime error that occurs when starting the rails server. I would like to have this modification added to all new gemfiles created with the rails new command.
You're looking for application templates.
Rails documentation on Application Templates
If you want the option to customize each app individually instead of having a rigid template, a really good option is Rails Composer. It prompts you about common gems during setup, and it nails a lot of the more common gems.
Finally, if you like Rails Composer, but want to be able to re-use application templates, check out Rails Apps Composer. I haven't looked into this too much, but it seems to give you a lot of flexibility while doing most of the heavy lifting for you.

Has somebody built a navigation/menu helper for Sinatra?

I see there is one for staticmatic,
and plenty in the Ruby toolbox for rails menu builders,
but I can't seem to track one down specifically for Sinatra.
As far as I know, no, there is no menu helper for sinatra.
You can look at all the libraries and extensions for sinatra at Sinatra in the Wild (scroll about halfway down the page). There is also the Padrino Framework, which builds on Sinatra by adding more functionality. That is probably where something you are looking for is most likely to appear.
The popular simple-menu gem works with Sinatra as well as Rails.
