Ruby: Is variable is object in ruby? - ruby

I heard that everything in ruby is object. I replied in an interview that a variable is an object, and the interviewer said NO. Anybody know the truth?

"In ruby, everything is an object" is basically true.
But more accurately, I would say that any value that can be assigned to a variable or returned from a method is an object. Is a variable an object? Not really. A variable is simply a name of an object (also known as a "pointer") that allows you locate it in memory and do stuff with it.
shajin =
In this snippet, we have a variable shajin, which points to an object (an instance of the person class). The variable is simply the identifier for an object, but is not the object itself.
I think it was a trick question. Ultimately object orientation is feature for humans to understand complex programs, but computers are not object oriented themselves. Drill down enough layers and objects cease to exist in any language.
So perhaps it's more fair to say: "In ruby, everything important is an object".

Why not go directly to the source? The Ruby Language Specification couldn't be more clear and obvious (emphasis added by me):
6.2 Variables
6.2.1 General description
A variable is denoted by a name, and refers to an object, which is called the value of the variable.
A variable itself is not an object.
"A variable in Ruby is just a label for a container.
A variable could contain almost anything - a string, an array, a hash.
A variable name may only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores.
A variable name should ideally make sense in the context of your program."

"We'll begin with the fact that Ruby is a completelyobject-orientated language. Every value is an object (...)."(The Ruby Programming Language, Flanagan & Matsumoto, page 2).
Note this book, co-authored by the language creator, does not state "everything is an object".
a = 1
1 is an object, 'a' is a reference to the 1 object. If 'a' was an object on it's own, it would have an object_id of it's own. But:
1.object_id #=> 3
a.object_id #=> 3
Also, methods are not really objects (but you can turn them into objects if needed).

#Alex Wayne and #Jörg W Mittag answears are correct, but I would like to add that "not everything" important is an object. Like method and block are not objects, but can be converted to objects, with method method and proc respectively.


Why can't I overwrite self in the Integer class?

I want to be able to write number.incr, like so:
num = 1; num.incr; num
#=> 2
The error I'm seeing states:
Can't change the value of self
If that's true, how do bang! methods work?
You cannot change the value of self
An object is a class pointer and a set of instance methods (note that this link is an old version of Ruby, because its dramatically simpler, and thus better for explanatory purposes).
"Pointing" at an object means you have a variable which stores the object's location in memory. Then to do anything with the object, you first go to the location in memory (we might say "follow the pointer") to get the object, and then do the thing (e.g. invoke a method, set an ivar).
All Ruby code everywhere is executing in the context of some object. This is where your instance variables get saved, it's where Ruby looks for methods that don't have a receiver (e.g. $stdout is the receiver in $stdout.puts "hi", and the current object is the receiver in puts "hi"). Sometimes you need to do something with the current object. The way to work with objects is through variables, but what variable points at the current object? There isn't one. To fill this need, the keyword self is provided.
self acts like a variable in that it points at the location of the current object. But it is not like a variable, because you can't assign it new value. If you could, the code after that point would suddenly be operating on a different object, which is confusing and has no benefits over just using a variable.
Also remember that the object is tracked by variables which store memory addresses. What is self = 2 supposed to mean? Does it only mean that the current code operates as if it were invoked 2? Or does it mean that all variables pointing at the old object now have their values updated to point at the new one? It isn't really clear, but the former unnecessarily introduces an identity crisis, and the latter is prohibitively expensive and introduce situations where it's unclear what is correct (I'll go into that a bit more below).
You cannot mutate Fixnums
Some objects are special at the C level in Ruby (false, true, nil, fixnums, and symbols).
Variables pointing at them don't actually store a memory location. Instead, the address itself stores the type and identity of the object. Wherever it matters, Ruby checks to see if it's a special object (e.g. when looking up an instance variable), and then extracts the value from it.
So there isn't a spot in memory where the object 123 is stored. Which means self contains the idea of Fixnum 123 rather than a memory address like usual. As with variables, it will get checked for and handled specially when necessary.
Because of this, you cannot mutate the object itself (though it appears they keep a special global variable to allow you to set instance variables on things like Symbols).
Why are they doing all of this? To improve performance, I assume. A number stored in a register is just a series of bits (typically 32 or 64), which means there are hardware instructions for things like addition and multiplication. That is to say the ALU, is wired to perform these operations in a single clock cycle, rather than writing the algorithms with software, which would take many orders of magnitude longer. By storing them like this, they avoid the cost of storing and looking the object in memory, and they gain the advantage that they can directly add the two pointers using hardware. Note, however, that there are still some additional costs in Ruby, that you don't have in C (e.g. checking for overflow and converting result to Bignum).
Bang methods
You can put a bang at the end of any method. It doesn't require the object to change, it's just that people usually try to warn you when you're doing something that could have unexpected side-effects.
class C
def initialize(val)
#val = val # => 12
end # => :initialize
def bang_method!
"My val is: #{#val}" # => "My val is: 12"
end # => :bang_method!
end # => :bang_method!
c = 12 # => #<C:0x007fdac48a7428 #val=12>
c.bang_method! # => "My val is: 12"
c # => #<C:0x007fdac48a7428 #val=12>
Also, there are no bang methods on integers, It wouldn't fit with the paradigm
Fixnum.instance_methods.grep(/!$/) # => [:!]
# Okay, there's one, but it's actually a boolean negation
1.! # => false
# And it's not a Fixnum method, it's an inherited boolean operator
1.method(:!).owner # => BasicObject
# In really, you call it this way, the interpreter translates it
!1 # => false
Make a wrapper object: I'm not going to advocate this one, but it's the closest to what you're trying to do. Basically create your own class, which is mutable, and then make it look like an integer. There's a great blog post walking through this at it will get you 95% of the way there
Don't depend directly on the value of a Fixnum: I can't give better advice than this without knowing what you're trying to do / why you feel this is a need.
Also, you should show your code when you ask questions like this. I misunderstood how you were approaching it for a long time.
It's simply impossible to change self to another object. self is the receiver of the message send. There can be only one.
If that's true, how do bang! methods work?
The bang (!) is simply part of the method name. It has absolutely no special meaning whatsoever. It is a convention among Ruby programmers to name surprising variants of less surprising methods with a bang, but that's just that: a convention.

Determining type of an object in ruby

I'll use python as an example of what I'm looking for (you can think of it as pseudocode if you don't know Python):
>>> a = 1
>>> type(a)
<type 'int'>
I know in ruby I can do :
1.9.3p194 :002 > 1.class
=> Fixnum
But is this the proper way to determine the type of the object?
The proper way to determine the "type" of an object, which is a wobbly term in the Ruby world, is to call object.class.
Since classes can inherit from other classes, if you want to determine if an object is "of a particular type" you might call object.is_a?(ClassName) to see if object is of type ClassName or derived from it.
Normally type checking is not done in Ruby, but instead objects are assessed based on their ability to respond to particular methods, commonly called "Duck typing". In other words, if it responds to the methods you want, there's no reason to be particular about the type.
For example, object.is_a?(String) is too rigid since another class might implement methods that convert it into a string, or make it behave identically to how String behaves. object.respond_to?(:to_s) would be a better way to test that the object in question does what you want.
you could also try: instance_of?
p 1.instance_of? Fixnum #=> True
p "1".instance_of? String #=> True
p [1,2].instance_of? Array #=> True
Oftentimes in Ruby, you don't actually care what the object's class is, per se, you just care that it responds to a certain method. This is known as Duck Typing and you'll see it in all sorts of Ruby codebases.
So in many (if not most) cases, its best to use Duck Typing using #respond_to?(method):
I would say "yes".
Matz had said something like this in one of his talks,
"Ruby objects have no types."
Not all of it but the part that he is trying to get across to us.
Why would anyone have said
"Everything is an Object" then?
To add he said "Data has Types not objects".
RubyConf 2016 - Opening Keynote by Yukihiro 'Matz' Matsumoto
But Ruby doesn't care as much about the type of object as the class.
We use classes, not types. All data, then, has a class.
'my string'.class
Classes may also have ancestors
They also have meta classes but I'll save you the details on that.
Once you know the class then you'll be able to lookup what methods you may use for it. That's where the "data type" is needed.
If you really want to get into details the look up...
"The Ruby Object Model"
This is the term used for how Ruby handles objects. It's all internal so you don't really see much of this but it's nice to know. But that's another topic.
Yes! The class is the data type. Objects have classes and data has types. So if you know about data bases then you know there are only a finite set of types.
text blocks
Here variable name is "a"
every variable have a prop with name class. if you print it, it will tell you what type it is. so do like this:
puts a.class

Ruby and :symbols

I have just started using Ruby and I am reading "Programming Ruby 1.9 - The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide". I came across something called symbols, but as a PHP developer I don't understand what they do and what they are good for.
Can anyone help me out with this?
It's useful to think of symbols in terms of "the thing called." In other words, :banana is referring to "the thing called banana." They're used extensively in Ruby, mostly as Hash (associative array) keys.
They really are similar to strings, but behind the scenes, very different. One key difference is that only one of a particular symbol exists in memory. So if you refer to :banana 10 times in your code, only one instance of :banana is created and they all refer to that one. This also implies they're immutable.
Symbols are similar to string literals in the sense that share the same memory space, but it is important to remark they are not string equivalents.
In Ruby, when you type "this" and "this" you're using two different memory locations; by using symbols you'll use only one name during the program execution. So if you type :this in several places in your program, you'll be using only one.
From Symbol doc:
Symbol objects represent names and some strings inside the Ruby interpreter. They are generated using the :name and :"string" literals syntax, and by the various to_sym methods. The same Symbol object will be created for a given name or string for the duration of a program‘s execution, regardless of the context or meaning of that name. Thus if Fred is a constant in one context, a method in another, and a class in a third, the Symbol :Fred will be the same object in all three contexts.
So, you basically use it where you want to treat a string as a constant.
For instance, it is very common to use it with the attr_accessor method, to define getter/setter for an attribute.
class Person
attr_accessor :name
p = "Oscar"
But this would do the same:
class DontDoThis
attr_accessor( "name" )
ddt = "Dont do it"
Think of a Symbol as a either:
A method name that you plan to use later
A constant / enumeration that you want to store and compare against
For example:
s = "FooBar"
length = s.send(:length)
>>> 6
#AboutRuby has a good answer, using the terms "the thing called".
:banana is referring to "the thing
called banana."
He notes that you can refer to :banana many times in the code and its the same object-- even in different scopes or off in some weird library. :banana is the thing called banana, whatever that might mean when you use it.
They are used as
keys to arrays, so you look up :banana you only have one entry. In most languages if these are Strings you run the risk of having multiple Strings in memory with the text "banana" and not having the code detect they are the same
method/proc names. Most people are familiar with how C distinguishes a method from its call with parentheses: my_method vs. my_method(). In Ruby, since parentheses are optional, these both indicate a call to that method. The symbol, however, is convenient to use as a standin for methods (even though there really is no relationship between a symbol and a method).
enums (and other constants). Since they don't change they exhibit many of the properties of these features from other languages.

Constant Assignment Bug in Ruby?

We caught some code in Ruby that seems odd, and I was wondering if someone could explain it:
$ irb
irb(main):001:0> APPLE = 'aaa'
=> "aaa"
irb(main):002:0> banana = APPLE
=> "aaa"
irb(main):003:0> banana << 'bbb'
=> "aaabbb"
irb(main):004:0> banana
=> "aaabbb"
irb(main):005:0> APPLE
=> "aaabbb"
Catch that? The constant was appended to at the same time the local variable was.
Known behavior? Expected?
Known behaviour. Constants don't mean that you can't modify the object it refers to, merely that it'll give you a warning (and only a warning) if you assign it to a different object.
In short, ruby constants aren't.
Note: This behaviour is listed in an answer to "What are the Ruby Gotchas a newbie should be warned about?" It's a worthwhile read.
Catch that? The constant was appended to at the same time the local variable was.
No, it wasn't appended to, and neither was the local variable.
The single object that both the constant and the local variable are referring to was appended to, but neither the constant nor the local variable was changed. You cannot modify or change a variable or constant in Ruby (at least not in the way that your question implies), the only thing you can change is objects.
The only two things you can do with variables or constants is dereferencing them and assigning to them.
The constant is a red herring here, it is completely irrelevant to the example given. The only thing that is relevant is that there is only one single object in the entire example. That single object is accessible under two different names. If the object changes, then the object changes. Period. It does not mysteriously split itself in two. Which name you use to look at the changed object doesn't matter. There is only one object anyway.
This works exactly the same as in any other programming language: if you have multiple references to a mutable object in, say, Python, Java, C#, C++, C, Lisp, Smalltalk, JavaScript, PHP, Perl or whatever, then any change to that object will be visible no matter what reference is used, even if some of those references are final or const or whatever that particular language calls it.
This is simply how shared mutable state works and is just one of the many reasons why shared mutable state is bad.
In Ruby, you can generally call the freeze method on any object to make it immutable. However, again, you are modifying the object here, so anybody else who has a reference to that object will all the sudden find that the object has become immutable. Therefore, just to be safe, you need to copy the object first, by calling dup. But of course, that's not enough either, if you think of an array, for example: if you dup the array, you get a different array, but the objects inside the array are the still the same ones in the original array. And if you freeze the array, then you can no longer modify the array, but the objects in the array may very well still be mutable:
ORIG = ['Hello']
CLONE = ORIG.dup.freeze
CLONE[0] << ', World!'
CLONE # => ['Hello, World!']
That's shared mutable state for you. The only way to escape this madness is either to give up shared state (e.g. Actor Programming: if nobody else can see it, then it doesn't matter how often or when it changes) or mutable state (i.e. Functional Programming: if it never changes, then it doesn't matter how many others see it).
The fact that one of the two variables in the original example is actually a constant is completely irrelevant to the problem. There two main differences between a variable and a constant in Ruby: they have different lookup rules, and constants generate a warning if they are assigned to more than once. But in this example, the lookup rules are irrelevant and the constant is assigned to only once, so there really is no difference between a variable and a constant in this case.
You can freeze constants if you want them to be unchangable:
>> APPLE = 'aaa'
=> "aaa"
>> banana = APPLE
=> "aaa"
>> APPLE.freeze
=> "aaa"
>> banana.frozen?
=> true
>> banana << 'bbb'
TypeError: can't modify frozen string
from (irb):5:in `<<'
from (irb):5
Constants in Ruby aren't "constants". You might as well use any other name; putting them in all caps doesn't change anything, interpreter-wise, about the object, unless you try to change the pointer's address.
If you look at it that way, the behavior is obvious and necessary; Apple is a pointer to a string object, and so is banana. You then edit the object that banana is pointing to. Apple is pointing to that same object, so the change is reflected there too.

How does Integer === 3 work?

So as I understand it, the === operator tests to see if the RHS object is a member of the LHS object. That makes sense. But how does this work in Ruby? I'm looking at the Ruby docs and I only see === defined in Object, I don't see it in Integer itself. Is it just not documented?
Integer is a class, which (at least in Ruby) means that it is just a boring old normal object like any other object, which just happens to be an instance of the Class class (instead of, say, Object or String or MyWhateverFoo).
Class in turn is a subclass of Module (although arguably it shouldn't be, because it violates the Liskov Substition Principle, but that is a discussion for another forum, and is also a dead horse that has already been beaten many many times). And in Module#=== you will find the definition you are looking for, which Class inherits from Module and instances of Class (like Integer) understand.
Module#=== is basically defined symmetric to Object#kind_of?, it returns true if its argument is an instance of itself. So, 3 is an instance of Integer, therefore Integer === 3 returns true, just as 3.kind_of?(Integer) would.
So as I understand it, the === operator tests to see if the RHS object is a member of the LHS object.
Not necessarily. === is a method, just like any other method. It does whatever I want it to do. And in some cases the "is member of" analogy breaks down. In this case it is already pretty hard to swallow. If you are a hardcore type theory freak, then viewing a type as a set and instances of that type as members of a set is totally natural. And of course for Array and Hash the definition of "member" is also obvious.
But what about Regexp? Again, if you are formal languages buff and know your Chomsky backwards, then interpreting a Regexp as an infinite set of words and Strings as members of that set feels completely natural, but if not, then it sounds kind of weird.
So far, I have failed to come up with a concise description of precisely what === means. In fact, I haven't even come up with a good name for it. It is usually called the triple equals operator, threequals operator or case equality operator, but I strongly dislike those names, because it has absolutely nothing to do with equality.
So, what does it do? The best I have come up with is: imagine you are making a table, and one of the column headers is Integer. Would it make sense to write 3 in that column? If one of the column headers is /ab*a/, would it make sense to write 'abbbba' in that column?
Based on that definition, it could be called the subsumption operator, but that's even worse than the other examples ...
It's defined on Module, which Class is a subclass of, which Integer is an instance of.
In other words, when you run Integer === 3, you're calling '===' (with the parameter 3) on the object referred to to by the constant Integer, which is an instance of the class named Class. Since Class is a subclass of Module and doesn't define its own ===, you get the implementation of === defined on Module.
See the API docs for Module for more information.
Umm, Integer is a subclass of Object.
