Silence error in Xcode - xcode

I have recently converted my project to use ARC (Automatic Reference Counting).
It doesn't really do a very good job of knowing when to actually release an object, and often because I have lots of allocations being performed, my application has excessively high memory usage because the existing objects aren't being deallocated when they're closed from view.
All I need to be able to do is disable ARC for that file, and everything should be OK. I did that, added the release statement, and it worked perfectly. Except of an error.
Whenever the project isn't being built (ie. the error disappears and the build succeeds while building it) it shows an error stating that ARC prohibits the sending of the release message to an object, even though I explicitly added an exception for that file in the Project Settings.
All I really need to do is silence the error, as there is no error (as it builds successfully).
Any help appreciated.

Well, after several builds and cleans, the error has miraculously disappeared.
These problems have been frequent in Xcode 4, I got an unused variable warning from something that was clearly being used.


Why does the Swift compiler mark errors pessimistically?

I find that Swift is quick to mark down changes i make as compiler errors in the side panel, and then when i compile, it decides i am right after all. Is Swift just pessimistic about my code?
Can I get the compiler to wait for me to finish the line before declaring it wrong?
There is nothing pessimistic. Xcode uses the same tool - the compiler - to get the errors. However, it usually compiles only one file, using cached compiled objects for the other files. It also doesn't invoke the compiler after every change in your code, so errors that are already fixed can stay there in the side panel.
Building the project fully forces Xcode to refresh the cache and get the current list of errors from the compiler. I do agree that Xcode has many imperfections and this is one of them. When you can't find an error, just rebuild the project.
Note that IDEs for other languages often rebuild the project automatically to solve such problems. This is currently not an option in Swift because it would take too much time.

The Following Module was built either with optimizations enabled or without debug information after frame work is changed to 4.0 from 3.5

I am using VS2010.I was changed my project and its dependent projects .Net Framework to 4.0 from 3.5.Now I could not attach the process,due to this I am not able to debug the code.
I have cleaned all the bin folders and rebuild the projects ,but still I am having following error.
Please help me to resolve this..
I'm not sure what the question is here. The error message clearly tells you that you need to
Turn off (disable) optimizations
Turn on (enable) debug info
Rebuild your project so those changes take effect.
Apparently you only did step #3.
Also see vs2010 debugging module was built without debugging information?, which may provide more information.
I also received this error, and did all the right things as described above - those have been my settings all along anyway. I even went so far as deleting the assembly from the long C:\Users... path in the error message - it still didn't cause that message to go away.
Then I tried putting a breakpoint in the source, which should not be allowed if the module really WAS built without debug information. And then ran the program and it stopped at the break point and I could do all the usual debugging.
So right now I'm just ignoring the message. I could do as suggested and disable the 'Warn if no user code on launch' option as suggested in the message, but I'm not doing that until I can spend some time working out why the message comes up at all.
Uncheck this option in Visual Studio 2012.This would solve this issue

Importing file in .pch gives "receiver for class is a forward declaration"

I created a custom class that I want available everywhere, so I imported it in my app-Prefix.pch file under #ifdef __OBJC__
However, whenever I open any class, I get an error receiver for class is a forward declaration, but the project still builds just fine. The errors go away after building, but once I start editing the code again, all the errors come back.
The errors never actually stop my program from building and don't cause any actual errors, they are just extremely annoying and uncomfortable. Xcode knows damn well that the files are available, it's just trying to mess with me.
I'm using Xcode 4.5.1 and ARC.

Runtime error in Release mode in OpenCV 2.4.2 under VS2010?

Compilation of my code in both modes debug and release is successful. Debug mode execute and works fine, but when i execute release mode, it says "the application was unable to start correctly 0x80000003".
What is this error and why debug mode works fine but not release.
DLLs for debug and release are present in the same directory name "bin". "lib" for both modes also placed in the same directory.
I tried to solve it many ways but not succeeded ? Guide me how to solve this issue? Thanks.
why debug mode works fine but not release
Thre can be many reasons why one build works while another doesn't. The shape and size of data structures can be different because of #ifdef or because the compiler emits different code, the code being executed can be different - again because of constructs like #ifdef or because of the code the compiler is emitting.
That can matter when you've got code with a bug in it. Let's say you've got a bug that miscalculates the length of an array (or the size of a structure or whatever). You do some pointer arithmetic and write some data into memory using that pointer - only you're writing to the wrong place. Whether that mistake breaks your program may depend on what was in the memory you overwrote.
If you're lucky your program crashes almost immediately because what you overwrote was important to some code executed immediately after your bug. If you're only a little bit lucky your program crashes some time later in a completely different part of your program because what you overwrote was important to code far away from your bug. If you're really unlucky your program doesn't crash at all until several years later when a completely unrelated change moves things around in memory so now what you are overwriting suddenly is important.
There are lots of other possible causes of what are sometimes called Heisenbugs
What is this error
One place to look for errors like 0x80000003 is the file WinError.h which you'll find in the SDK you are using (either the one that came with Visual Studio 2010 or one you installed later). Look in WinError.h and you'll find that that E_INVALIDARG is defined to be _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x80000003L).
That doesn't necessarily help though because we we don't know enough about what is returning that error or why it is returning that error or even that your 0x80000003 is in fact an E_INVALIDARG - it could be some other error with the same value, or some piece of code mis-using E_INVALIDARG or something else.
Another possibility is that 0x80000003 is a hard-coded breakpoint exception being thrown - most likely because your program has got to one of those "this should never happen" places where the only thing that makes sense is to throw an exception and crash. If you look in NtStatus.h (in the same place as you found WinError.h) you'll find that STATUS_BREAKPOINT is defined to be ((NTSTATUS)0x80000003L)
how to solve this issue
The trick is to figure what is causing the 0x800000003 (and where in your code it is happening) so you can narrow down why it is happening. Most likely it's an exception but why jump to conclusions?
You can run a release build inside the debugger just as you would run a debug build - that is, build the code using the Release target and then press F5 or Debug | Start Debugging. Look in the Output Window and you may see some information that will help you interpret the error.
You can also use the Debug | Exceptions menu to add a new Win32 Exception with the value 80000003 and set that up to break when thrown rather than to break when unhandled. That way you should stop in the debugger when that exception is thrown (if it is in fact thrown).
Of course it could be that even running your program within a debugger is enough to change things so your problem doesn't occur.

Lots of type errors in Visual Studio Error List -- until I build and then they are gone

I recently added a new project to my Visual Studio 2008 solution. Now, as I make edits in the new project, I receive a ton (~50) of type checking errors - indicating that an assembly reference may be missing. However, when I actually build the solution, the errors go away. As best I can tell, my dependencies are set and the build order is correct. What could be wrong?
It doesn't prevent me from building and deploying, but it's a major nuisance. It makes it hard to tell when I actually have introduced new errors (until I do compile). Thus, it erodes the usefulness of having the error window do static analysis.
Example, one of the 50 errors is this:
"The type of namespace name 'PersonManager' does not exist in the namespace 'Gideon' (are you missing an assembly reference?"
In reference to this line of code:
Gideon.PersonManager pm = new Gideon.PersonManager()
PersonManager is underlined in both places, and when I right click the type and selected 'find all references' I get an alert box that says "Cannot navigate to PersonManager"
However, the references are definitely there, because when I build, it works.
One other detail is that there is a mixture of C# and code, though I don't think that should make a difference.
Well, yes, the IntelliSense parser is not an exact replica of the C# compiler. It has a very different job to do, it needs to do something meaningful while the code is utterly broken since you are editing it. Tough assignment, they did a tremendous job with it. But as a side-effect, it can fail to parse things that are actually legal. It's quite rare but not unheard of, seen it myself a few times.
This won't go anywhere concrete until you at least give us some idea of what kind of errors you are seeing, along with a snippet of the code that generates them. You didn't do so, I can only recommend that you select another window so you don't have to look at them.
I had the same problem. I had a project in my solution that was causing the problem - I removed the project from the solution, then added a reference to that project in the main solution and the errors went away. Strange that it only happened on 1 machine. Opening the solution on another machine was fine...
