Linking Magento Admin Accounts with a Customer Account - magento

Does anyone know of an extension that will link a Magento admin account with a specific customer account?
Here's the scenario I'm trying to figure out:
Store owner has 5 Sales Reps.
Wants Sales Reps to be able to log into the admin panel as admin users.
But also wants Sales Reps to have their own customer account so they can buy products from the store.
I've searched through Magento connect and cannot find anything that does this. Anyone know of a way to do this?

First of all, its possible to create orders through the backend. Go to Sales > Ordere and click "Create Order" in the top left.
Second of all, if you create customer usernames and passwords that are the same as on the Admin section, you could try to call Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->login($username, $password); when an admin logs in. Haven't tried it though, but thats what happens in the loginPostAction of Mage_Customer_AccountController link.


Is it possible to make a customer group allow to login in Magento backend

is it possible to make a customer group allow to login in Magento admin panel. like we have a customer group architect . and we want them to log in to admin panel and create their portfolio.
I want to create a customer group name architect. than i want him to have attributes of customer and some of custom attributes that i will add. now i want him to login at backend and access my custom menu that I have created for him only .
Yes, it's possible to create a new user group for the admin panel. And then you can assign access/permission to that group.
You can find that option under System->Permissions->Users into Magento admin.
Here is link which shows complete steps to do that -
Hope this helps.

Sales Representative

I have a question is about magento. i am making a webstore and getting 1 difficulty. i have created an attribute called SalesRep. for example if i register from the frontend. i will be in customer section at backend. their at backend admin will be able to select me as a sales rep or customer.
if admin select me as salesRep i will become sales rep. Now i want to shop from frontend on behalf of any customer. i should have facility for search customer name from the frontend. at frontend i should be able to shop using customer details. so i logged in and can select any customer who want to shop. and i will shop for this customer.
I hope i explain in full details if you looking for more information please let me know.
Is there any help. Thanks in Advance
Magento doesn't provide such functionality. Try this free plugin. With it installed you will be able to find a customer in backend, click a "login as a customer" button on customer view page and directly login as a customer in your frontend. Then you can do whatever you need on behalf of the customer, including shopping. However this plugin won't allow customers to pre-select admins who may login on their behalf, i.e. any admin would be able to login as any cusomer.
P.S.: I am not connected to the plugin developer in any other way than I am a happy user of this plugin :)

Allow admin user to give permission to customer registration in Magento shop

I want to set a rule to allow administrator to give permission to customers when they register an account in the Magento Shop. Currently, Customers can register an account without asking Administrator's permission.
Anyone here knows about how to do it or any extensions I can use for this purpose?
Sounds like this is what you're asking for. I've used this with great success on a website where products were only available to certified professionals, so their account needed to be approved before they could login.

Magento Multi Store Customer Combined Login Credentials

I have just added another website to my Magento eCommerce site and I would like my existing customer bass to be able to login to the new website with the same username and password that they have registered with for the original site. I also need any customer who signs up in the future to be assigned to both websites.
When I go to edit a user there is a drop-down box to say which website they are associated with, but the field is disabled and doesn't look like a multi select drop-down. Which would suggest to me that Magento isn't set up to share details between websites.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
In the admin, under System > Configuration > Customers > Customer Configuration > Account Sharing Options, you'll be able to choose between sharing accounts per website or globally.

Add role to the customer and give certain permissions in Magento

I am working on the website where by using magento I need to create an account when the user is registered, then I need to give that user permission to add products to my predefined categories. I don't know how this could be done. And I really need help with this.
I think you're looking for a dropshipping extension.
This one is said to be one of the best:
There are few of these types of extensions, so a quick google search will show you all of them.
are you referring to a customer on the front-end or an admin user on the back-end?
For an admin user you can limit a admin users permissions by assigning them to a role that can only interact with the catalog module.
